193 research outputs found


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    Responsibility has entered the academic discourse of logicians hardly more than few decades ago. I suggest a logical concept of responsibility which employs ideas both from a number of theories belonging to different branches of logic as well from other academic areas. As a comment to this concept, I suggest five steps narrative scenario in order to show how the logical dimension of responsibility emerges from diverse tendencies in logic and other sciences. Here are the five steps briefly stated: Step 1. Developing modal formalisms capable of evaluative analysis of situations (deontic, epistemic and etc.). Step 2. Drawing a conceptual borderline between normal and non-normal (weak) logical systems. Step 3. Using different kinds of models. Step 4. Agent- and action- friendly turn in logic. Step 5. Creating formalisms for modeling different types of agency. An idea advocated here within 5-Steps route to responsibility is that this concept is a complex causal and evaluative (axiological) relation. A logical account may be given for causal and normative aspects of this relation. Unfolding the responsibility back and forth through 5 Steps will result in different concepts. The technicalities are minimized for the sake of keeping the philosophical scope of the paper. For the same reason I also refrain from discussing legal and juridical ramifications of the issue

    Significado em movimento

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    O presente artigo delineia o lugar da semântica dinâmica dentro de um quadro mais amplo de desenvolvimentos nas teorias lingüísticas e filosóficas sobre o significado. Alguns conceitos básicos da semântica dinâmica são apresentados através de uma análise detalhada das descrições anafóricas definidas e indefinidas, que são tratadas como expressões quantificacionais dependentes do contexto. Demonstra-se aqui como a perspectiva dinâmica lança novas luzes sobre a natureza contextual da interpretação, sobre a diferença entre monólogo e diálogo, e sobre a interação entre informação direta e indireta

    GeLexi terv (lexikalista nyelvtan és diskurzusreprezentációs szemantika számítógépes implementációval) = GeLexi project (lexicalist grammar and discourse representation semantics with computational implementation)

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    A projektben elméleti és alkalmazott nyelvészeti célok fonódtak össze, elválaszthatatlanul: a felépítendő grammatikát a számítógépes implementálhatóság volt hivatva legitimálni, míg másfelől minden nyelvészeti ötlet azt a célt is szolgálta, hogy minél jobb, minél többféle célra felhasználható nyelvelemző rendszerünk legyen. Az elméleti kutatások egy része a Kamp-féle DRT diskurzusszemantikai megközelítésének a továbbfejlesztésére irányult. Sikerült kidolgozni egy ReALIS nevű elméletet (kölcsönös és élethossziglani interpretációs rendszer), amelynek előnyös vonásai mellett számos publikációban érveltünk sokféle leírási területen (hatóköri többértelműségek, koreferencia, az igazságértékelés általánosíthatósága, vonzatszerkezet-változás, aspektus). A másik elméleti pillért a totális lexikalizmus ötletének a kidolgozása jelentette; a kifejlesztett GASG (generatív / általánosított argumentumszerkezet-nyelvtan) előnyös vonásait szintén számos leírási területen bemutattuk (kompozicionális kompatibilitás a DRT-vel, magyar morfológia, szabad szórend és scrambling, "eltűnő" névelők). Ami az alkalmazási területet illeti, több számítógépes nyelvészeti feladat esetében megmutattuk, hogy elméleti ötleteink életképesek (mondatelemzés, jelentésábrázolás, gépi és géppel segített fordítás, információ-feltárás). | In this project theoretical and applied linguistics aims have been combined: on the one hand, the grammar to be worked out has been intended to be legitimized by computational implementability, and on the other hand, each linguistic idea has been devoted to serve the purpose of creating parsers and different parser-based linguistic softwares. The one pillar that our theoretical researches rely on is developing the discourse-semantic approach of Kamp?s DRT. We could work out a theory called ReALIS (REciprocal And Lifelong Interpretation System) whose advantageous features we have argued for in several areas of linguistic description (scopal ambiguities, coreference, generalizability of truth-conditional evaluation, argument-structure changes, aspect). The other theoretical pillar is the principle of ?total lexicalism?: we have worked out a grammar called GASG (Generative / Generalized Argument Structure Grammar) as its model. We have also published our results in different areas of linguistic description (compositional compatibility with DRT, Hungarian morphology, free word order and scrambling phenomena, ?disappearing? articles). As for applications, we have pointed out in the case of more computational linguistics tasks that our theoretical ideas are viable (parsing, representing meaning, machine (-aided) translation, information extraction)

    Density Matrices with Metric for Derivational Ambiguity

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    Recent work on vector-based compositional natural language semantics has proposed the use of density matrices to model lexical ambiguity and (graded) entailment (e.g. Piedeleu et al 2015, Bankova et al 2019, Sadrzadeh et al 2018). Ambiguous word meanings, in this work, are represented as mixed states, and the compositional interpretation of phrases out of their constituent parts takes the form of a strongly monoidal functor sending the derivational morphisms of a pregroup syntax to linear maps in FdHilb. Our aims in this paper are threefold. Firstly, we replace the pregroup front end by a Lambek categorial grammar with directional implications expressing a word's selectional requirements. By the Curry-Howard correspondence, the derivations of the grammar's type logic are associated with terms of the (ordered) linear lambda calculus; these terms can be read as programs for compositional meaning assembly with density matrices as the target semantic spaces. Secondly, we extend on the existing literature and introduce a symmetric, nondegenerate bilinear form called a "metric" that defines a canonical isomorphism between a vector space and its dual, allowing us to keep a distinction between left and right implication. Thirdly, we use this metric to define density matrix spaces in a directional form, modeling the ubiquitous derivational ambiguity of natural language syntax, and show how this alows an integrated treatment of lexical and derivational forms of ambiguity controlled at the level of the interpretation.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures. SemSpace 2019, to appear in J. of Applied Logic

    Negation and polarity: an introduction

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    Kendisi revisited

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    The present contribution follows up on Rudnev (2011). It is for this reason that I omit most of the arguments for the pronominal nature of kendisi and present a formalisation of its semantic properties based on Partee (1983) and Elbourne (2008)

    <i>Kendisi</i> revisited

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