9,073 research outputs found

    Stochastic rounding and reduced-precision fixed-point arithmetic for solving neural ordinary differential equations

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    Although double-precision floating-point arithmetic currently dominates high-performance computing, there is increasing interest in smaller and simpler arithmetic types. The main reasons are potential improvements in energy efficiency and memory footprint and bandwidth. However, simply switching to lower-precision types typically results in increased numerical errors. We investigate approaches to improving the accuracy of reduced-precision fixed-point arithmetic types, using examples in an important domain for numerical computation in neuroscience: the solution of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). The Izhikevich neuron model is used to demonstrate that rounding has an important role in producing accurate spike timings from explicit ODE solution algorithms. In particular, fixed-point arithmetic with stochastic rounding consistently results in smaller errors compared to single precision floating-point and fixed-point arithmetic with round-to-nearest across a range of neuron behaviours and ODE solvers. A computationally much cheaper alternative is also investigated, inspired by the concept of dither that is a widely understood mechanism for providing resolution below the least significant bit (LSB) in digital signal processing. These results will have implications for the solution of ODEs in other subject areas, and should also be directly relevant to the huge range of practical problems that are represented by Partial Differential Equations (PDEs).Comment: Submitted to Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society

    A Survey of Satisfiability Modulo Theory

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    Satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) consists in testing the satisfiability of first-order formulas over linear integer or real arithmetic, or other theories. In this survey, we explain the combination of propositional satisfiability and decision procedures for conjunctions known as DPLL(T), and the alternative "natural domain" approaches. We also cover quantifiers, Craig interpolants, polynomial arithmetic, and how SMT solvers are used in automated software analysis.Comment: Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Sep 2016, Bucharest, Romania. 201

    The complexity of class polynomial computation via floating point approximations

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    We analyse the complexity of computing class polynomials, that are an important ingredient for CM constructions of elliptic curves, via complex floating point approximations of their roots. The heart of the algorithm is the evaluation of modular functions in several arguments. The fastest one of the presented approaches uses a technique devised by Dupont to evaluate modular functions by Newton iterations on an expression involving the arithmetic-geometric mean. It runs in time O(Dlog5DloglogD)=O(D1+ϵ)=O(h2+ϵ)O (|D| \log^5 |D| \log \log |D|) = O (|D|^{1 + \epsilon}) = O (h^{2 + \epsilon}) for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, where DD is the CM discriminant and hh is the degree of the class polynomial. Another fast algorithm uses multipoint evaluation techniques known from symbolic computation; its asymptotic complexity is worse by a factor of logD\log |D|. Up to logarithmic factors, this running time matches the size of the constructed polynomials. The estimate also relies on a new result concerning the complexity of enumerating the class group of an imaginary-quadratic order and on a rigorously proven upper bound for the height of class polynomials

    Computer Architectures to Close the Loop in Real-time Optimization

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    © 2015 IEEE.Many modern control, automation, signal processing and machine learning applications rely on solving a sequence of optimization problems, which are updated with measurements of a real system that evolves in time. The solutions of each of these optimization problems are then used to make decisions, which may be followed by changing some parameters of the physical system, thereby resulting in a feedback loop between the computing and the physical system. Real-time optimization is not the same as fast optimization, due to the fact that the computation is affected by an uncertain system that evolves in time. The suitability of a design should therefore not be judged from the optimality of a single optimization problem, but based on the evolution of the entire cyber-physical system. The algorithms and hardware used for solving a single optimization problem in the office might therefore be far from ideal when solving a sequence of real-time optimization problems. Instead of there being a single, optimal design, one has to trade-off a number of objectives, including performance, robustness, energy usage, size and cost. We therefore provide here a tutorial introduction to some of the questions and implementation issues that arise in real-time optimization applications. We will concentrate on some of the decisions that have to be made when designing the computing architecture and algorithm and argue that the choice of one informs the other

    SMT-Based Bounded Model Checking of Fixed-Point Digital Controllers

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    Digital controllers have several advantages with respect to their flexibility and design's simplicity. However, they are subject to problems that are not faced by analog controllers. In particular, these problems are related to the finite word-length implementation that might lead to overflows, limit cycles, and time constraints in fixed-point processors. This paper proposes a new method to detect design's errors in digital controllers using a state-of-the art bounded model checker based on satisfiability modulo theories. The experiments with digital controllers for a ball and beam plant demonstrate that the proposed method can be very effective in finding errors in digital controllers than other existing approaches based on traditional simulations tools