30 research outputs found

    Hand-Eye Calibration of a Robot -UltraSound Probe System without any 3D Localizers

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    International audience3D UltraSound (US) probes are used in clinical applications for their ease of use and ability to obtain intra-operative volumes. In surgical navigation applications a calibration step is needed to localize the probe in a general coordinate system. This paper presents a new hand-eye calibration method using directly the kinematic model of a robot and US volume registration data that does not require any 3D localizers. First results show a targeting error of 2.34 mm on an experimental setup using manual segmentation of five beads in ten US volumes

    Computer- and robot-assisted Medical Intervention

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    Medical robotics includes assistive devices used by the physician in order to make his/her diagnostic or therapeutic practices easier and more efficient. This chapter focuses on such systems. It introduces the general field of Computer-Assisted Medical Interventions, its aims, its different components and describes the place of robots in that context. The evolutions in terms of general design and control paradigms in the development of medical robots are presented and issues specific to that application domain are discussed. A view of existing systems, on-going developments and future trends is given. A case-study is detailed. Other types of robotic help in the medical environment (such as for assisting a handicapped person, for rehabilitation of a patient or for replacement of some damaged/suppressed limbs or organs) are out of the scope of this chapter.Comment: Handbook of Automation, Shimon Nof (Ed.) (2009) 000-00

    A computationally efficient method for hand–eye calibration

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    Purpose: Surgical robots with cooperative control and semiautonomous features have shown increasing clinical potential, particularly for repetitive tasks under imaging and vision guidance. Effective performance of an autonomous task requires accurate hand–eye calibration so that the transformation between the robot coordinate frame and the camera coordinates is well defined. In practice, due to changes in surgical instruments, online hand–eye calibration must be performed regularly. In order to ensure seamless execution of the surgical procedure without affecting the normal surgical workflow, it is important to derive fast and efficient hand–eye calibration methods. Methods: We present a computationally efficient iterative method for hand–eye calibration. In this method, dual quaternion is introduced to represent the rigid transformation, and a two-step iterative method is proposed to recover the real and dual parts of the dual quaternion simultaneously, and thus the estimation of rotation and translation of the transformation. Results: The proposed method was applied to determine the rigid transformation between the stereo laparoscope and the robot manipulator. Promising experimental and simulation results have shown significant convergence speed improvement to 3 iterations from larger than 30 with regard to standard optimization method, which illustrates the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method

    Navigation with Local Sensors in Surgical Robotics

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    Image guided robotic assistance for the diagnosis and treatment of tumor

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    The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate the feasibility and the potentiality of introduction of robotics and image guidance in the overall oncologic workflow, from the diagnosis to the treatment phase. The popularity of robotics in the operating room has grown in recent years. Currently the most popular systems is the da Vinci telemanipulator (Intuitive Surgical), it is based on a master-slave control, for minimally invasive surgery and it is used in several surgical fields such us urology, general, gynecology, cardiothoracic. An accurate study of this system, from a technological field of view, has been conducted addressing all drawbacks and advantages of this system. The da Vinci System creates an immersive operating environment for the surgeon by providing both high quality stereo visualization and a human-machine interface that directly connects the surgeon’s hands to the motion of the surgical tool tips inside the patient’s body. It has undoubted advantages for the surgeon work and for the patient health, at least for some interventions, while its very high costs leaves many doubts on its price benefit ratio. In the robotic surgery field many researchers are working on the optimization and miniaturization robots mechanic, while others are trying to obtain smart functionalities to realize robotic systems, that, “knowing” the patient anatomy from radiological images, can assists the surgeon in an active way. Regarding the second point, image guided systems can be useful to plan and to control medical robots motion and to provide the surgeon pre-operative and intra-operative images with augmented reality visualization to enhance his/her perceptual capacities and, as a consequence, to improve the quality of treatments. To demonstrate this thesis some prototypes has been designed, implemented and tested. The development of image guided medical devices, comprehensive of augmented reality, virtual navigation and robotic surgical features, requires to address several problems. The first ones are the choosing of the robotic platform and of the image source to employ. An industrial anthropomorphic arm has been used as testing platform. The idea of integrating industrial robot components in the clinical workflow has been supported by the da Vinci technical analysis. The algorithms and methods developed, regarding in particular robot calibration, based on literature theories and on an easily integration in the clinical scenario, can be adapted to each anthropomorphic arm. In this way this work can be integrated with light-weight robots, for industrial or clinical use, able to work in close contact to humans, which will become numerous in the early future. Regarding the medical image source, it has been decided to work with ultrasound imaging. Two-dimensional ultrasound imaging is widely used in clinical practice because is not dangerous for the patient, inexpensive, compact and it is a highly flexible imaging that allows users to study many anatomic structures. It is routinely used for diagnosis and as guidance in percutaneous treatments. However the use of 2D ultrasound imaging presents some disadvantages that require great ability of the user: it requires that the clinician mentally integrates many images to reconstruct a complete idea of the anatomy in 3D. Furthermore the freehand control of the probe make it difficult to individuate anatomic positions and orientations and probe repositioning to reach a particular location. To overcome these problems it has been developed an image guided system that fuse 2D US real time images with routinely CT or MRI 3D images, previously acquired from the patient, to enhance clinician orientation and probe guidance. The implemented algorithms for robot calibration and US image guidance has been used to realize two applications responding to specific clinical needs. The first one to speed up the execution of routinely and very recurrently procedures like percutaneous biopsy or ablation. The second one to improve a new completely non invasive type of treatment for solid tumors, the HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound). An ultrasound guided robotic system has been developed to assist the clinician to execute complicated biopsies, or percutaneous ablations, in particular for deep abdominal organs. It was developed an integrated system that provides the clinician two types of assistance: a mixed reality visualization allows accurate and easy planning of needle trajectory and target reaching verification; the robot arm equipped with a six-degree-of-freedom force sensor allows the precise positioning of the needle holder and allows the clinician to adjust, by means of a cooperative control, the planned trajectory to overcome needle deflection and target motion. The second application consists in an augmented reality navigation system for HIFU treatment. HIFU represents a completely non invasive method for treatment of solid tumors, hemostasis and other vascular features in human tissues. The technology for HIFU treatments is still evolving and the systems available on the market have some limitations and drawbacks. A disadvantage resulting from our experience with the machinery available in our hospital (JC200 therapeutic system Haifu (HIFU) by Tech Co., Ltd, Chongqing), which is similar to other analogous machines, is the long time required to perform the procedure due to the difficulty to find the target, using the remote motion of an ultrasound probe under the patient. This problem has been addressed developing an augmented reality navigation system to enhance US guidance during HIFU treatments allowing an easy target localization. The system was implemented using an additional free hand ultrasound probe coupled with a localizer and CT fused imaging. It offers a simple and an economic solution to an easy HIFU target localization. This thesis demonstrates the utility and usability of robots for diagnosis and treatment of the tumor, in particular the combination of automatic positioning and cooperative control allows the surgeon and the robot to work in synergy. Further the work demonstrates the feasibility and the potentiality of the use of a mixed reality navigation system to facilitate the target localization and consequently to reduce the times of sittings, to increase the number of possible diagnosis/treatments and to decrease the risk of potential errors. The proposed solutions for the integration of robotics and image guidance in the overall oncologic workflow, take into account current available technologies, traditional clinical procedures and cost minimization


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    This thesis proposes methods and procedures to proficiently introduce patient 3D models in the daily clinical practice for diagnosis and treatment of abdominal diseases. The objective of the work consists in providing and visualizing quantitative geometrical and topological information on the anatomy of interest, and to develop systems that allow to improve radiology and surgery. The 3D visualization drastically simplifies the interpretation process of medical images and provides benefits both in diagnosing and in surgical planning phases. Further advantages can be introduced registering virtual pre-operative information (3D models) with real intra-operative information (patient and surgical instruments). The surgeon can use mixed-reality systems that allow him/her to see covered structures before reaching them, surgical navigators for see the scene (anatomy and instruments) from different point of view and smart mechatronics devices, which, knowing the anatomy, assist him/her in an active way. All these aspects are useful in terms of safety, efficiency and financial resources for the physicians, for the patient and for the sanitary system too. The entire process, from volumetric radiological images acquisition up to the use of 3D anatomical models inside the surgical room, has been studied and specific applications have been developed. A segmentation procedure has been designed taking into account acquisition protocols commonly used in radiological departments, and a software tool, that allows to obtain efficient 3D models, have been implemented and tested. The alignment problem has been investigated examining the various sources of errors during the image acquisition, in the radiological department, and during to the execution of the intervention. A rigid body registration procedure compatible with the surgical environment has been defined and implemented. The procedure has been integrated in a surgical navigation system and is useful as starting initial registration for more accurate alignment methods based on deformable approaches. Monoscopic and stereoscopic 3D localization machine vision routines, using the laparoscopic and/or generic cameras images, have been implemented to obtain intra-operative information that can be used to model abdominal deformations. Further, the use of this information for fusion and registration purposes allows to enhance the potentialities of computer assisted surgery. In particular a precise alignment between virtual and real anatomies for mixed-reality purposes, and the development of tracker-free navigation systems, has been obtained elaborating video images and providing an analytical adaptation of the virtual camera to the real camera. Clinical tests, demonstrating the usability of the proposed solutions, are reported. Test results and appreciation of radiologists and surgeons, to the proposed prototypes, encourage their integration in the daily clinical practice and future developments

    A Magnetic Localization Technique Designed for use with Magnetic Levitation Systems.

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    M.S. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017

    Optimization and validation of a new 3D-US imaging robot to detect, localize and quantify lower limb arterial stenoses

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    L’athĂ©rosclĂ©rose est une maladie qui cause, par l’accumulation de plaques lipidiques, le durcissement de la paroi des artĂšres et le rĂ©trĂ©cissement de la lumiĂšre. Ces lĂ©sions sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement localisĂ©es sur les segments artĂ©riels coronariens, carotidiens, aortiques, rĂ©naux, digestifs et pĂ©riphĂ©riques. En ce qui concerne l’atteinte pĂ©riphĂ©rique, celle des membres infĂ©rieurs est particuliĂšrement frĂ©quente. En effet, la sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© de ces lĂ©sions artĂ©rielles est souvent Ă©valuĂ©e par le degrĂ© d’une stĂ©nose (rĂ©duction >50 % du diamĂštre de la lumiĂšre) en angiographie, imagerie par rĂ©sonnance magnĂ©tique (IRM), tomodensitomĂ©trie ou Ă©chographie. Cependant, pour planifier une intervention chirurgicale, une reprĂ©sentation gĂ©omĂ©trique artĂ©rielle 3D est notamment prĂ©fĂ©rable. Les mĂ©thodes d’imagerie par coupe (IRM et tomodensitomĂ©trie) sont trĂšs performantes pour gĂ©nĂ©rer une imagerie tridimensionnelle de bonne qualitĂ© mais leurs utilisations sont dispendieuses et invasives pour les patients. L’échographie 3D peut constituer une avenue trĂšs prometteuse en imagerie pour la localisation et la quantification des stĂ©noses. Cette modalitĂ© d’imagerie offre des avantages distincts tels la commoditĂ©, des coĂ»ts peu Ă©levĂ©s pour un diagnostic non invasif (sans irradiation ni agent de contraste nĂ©phrotoxique) et aussi l’option d’analyse en Doppler pour quantifier le flux sanguin. Étant donnĂ© que les robots mĂ©dicaux ont dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s avec succĂšs en chirurgie et en orthopĂ©die, notre Ă©quipe a conçu un nouveau systĂšme robotique d’échographie 3D pour dĂ©tecter et quantifier les stĂ©noses des membres infĂ©rieurs. Avec cette nouvelle technologie, un radiologue fait l’apprentissage manuel au robot d’un balayage Ă©chographique du vaisseau concernĂ©. Par la suite, le robot rĂ©pĂšte Ă  trĂšs haute prĂ©cision la trajectoire apprise, contrĂŽle simultanĂ©ment le processus d’acquisition d’images Ă©chographiques Ă  un pas d’échantillonnage constant et conserve de façon sĂ©curitaire la force appliquĂ©e par la sonde sur la peau du patient. Par consĂ©quent, la reconstruction d’une gĂ©omĂ©trie artĂ©rielle 3D des membres infĂ©rieurs Ă  partir de ce systĂšme pourrait permettre une localisation et une quantification des stĂ©noses Ă  trĂšs grande fiabilitĂ©. L’objectif de ce projet de recherche consistait donc Ă  valider et optimiser ce systĂšme robotisĂ© d’imagerie Ă©chographique 3D. La fiabilitĂ© d’une gĂ©omĂ©trie reconstruite en 3D Ă  partir d’un systĂšme rĂ©fĂ©rentiel robotique dĂ©pend beaucoup de la prĂ©cision du positionnement et de la procĂ©dure de calibration. De ce fait, la prĂ©cision pour le positionnement du bras robotique fut Ă©valuĂ©e Ă  travers son espace de travail avec un fantĂŽme spĂ©cialement conçu pour simuler la configuration des artĂšres des membres infĂ©rieurs (article 1 - chapitre 3). De plus, un fantĂŽme de fils croisĂ©s en forme de Z a Ă©tĂ© conçu pour assurer une calibration prĂ©cise du systĂšme robotique (article 2 - chapitre 4). Ces mĂ©thodes optimales ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour valider le systĂšme pour l’application clinique et trouver la transformation qui convertit les coordonnĂ©es de l’image Ă©chographique 2D dans le rĂ©fĂ©rentiel cartĂ©sien du bras robotisĂ©. À partir de ces rĂ©sultats, tout objet balayĂ© par le systĂšme robotique peut ĂȘtre caractĂ©risĂ© pour une reconstruction 3D adĂ©quate. Des fantĂŽmes vasculaires compatibles avec plusieurs modalitĂ©s d’imagerie ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s pour simuler diffĂ©rentes reprĂ©sentations artĂ©rielles des membres infĂ©rieurs (article 2 - chapitre 4, article 3 - chapitre 5). La validation des gĂ©omĂ©tries reconstruites a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e Ă  l`aide d`analyses comparatives. La prĂ©cision pour localiser et quantifier les stĂ©noses avec ce systĂšme robotisĂ© d’imagerie Ă©chographique 3D a aussi Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©e. Ces Ă©valuations ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es in vivo pour percevoir le potentiel de l’utilisation d’un tel systĂšme en clinique (article 3- chapitre 5).Atherosclerosis is a disease caused by the accumulation of lipid deposits inducing the remodeling and hardening of the vessel wall, which leads to a progressive narrowing of arteries. These lesions are generally located on the coronary, carotid, aortic, renal, digestive and peripheral arteries. With regards to peripheral vessels, lower limb arteries are frequently affected. The severity of arterial lesions are evaluated by the stenosis degree (reduction > 50.0 % of the lumen diameter) using angiography, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound (US). However, to plan a surgical therapeutic intervention, a 3D arterial geometric representation is notably preferable. Imaging methods such as MRA and CT are very efficient to generate a three-dimensional imaging of good quality even though their use is expensive and invasive for patients. 3D-ultrasound can be perceived as a promising avenue in imaging for the location and the quantification of stenoses. This non invasive, non allergic (i.e, nephrotoxic contrast agent) and non-radioactive imaging modality offers distinct advantages in convenience, low cost and also multiple diagnostic options to quantify blood flow in Doppler. Since medical robots already have been used with success in surgery and orthopedics, our team has conceived a new medical 3D-US robotic imaging system to localize and quantify arterial stenoses in lower limb vessels. With this new technology, a clinician manually teaches the robotic arm the scanning path. Then, the robotic arm repeats with high precision the taught trajectory and controls simultaneously the ultrasound image acquisition process at even sampling and preserves safely the force applied by the US probe. Consequently, the reconstruction of a lower limb arterial geometry in 3D with this system could allow the location and quantification of stenoses with high accuracy. The objective of this research project consisted in validating and optimizing this 3D-ultrasound imaging robotic system. The reliability of a 3D reconstructed geometry obtained with 2D-US images captured with a robotic system depends considerably on the positioning accuracy and the calibration procedure. Thus, the positioning accuracy of the robotic arm was evaluated in the workspace with a lower limb-mimicking phantom design (article 1 - chapter 3). In addition, a Z-phantom was designed to assure a precise calibration of the robotic system. These optimal methods were used to validate the system for the clinical application and to find the transformation which converts image coordinates of a 2D-ultrasound image into the robotic arm referential. From these results, all objects scanned by the robotic system can be adequately reconstructed in 3D. Multimodal imaging vascular phantoms of lower limb arteries were used to evaluate the accuracy of the 3D representations (article 2 - chapter 4, article 3 - chapter 5). The validation of the reconstructed geometry with this system was performed by comparing surface points with the manufacturing vascular phantom file surface points. The accuracy to localize and quantify stenoses with the 3D-ultrasound robotic imaging system was also determined. These same evaluations were analyzed in vivo to perceive the feasibility of the study

    Virtual and Augmented Reality Techniques for Minimally Invasive Cardiac Interventions: Concept, Design, Evaluation and Pre-clinical Implementation

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    While less invasive techniques have been employed for some procedures, most intracardiac interventions are still performed under cardiopulmonary bypass, on the drained, arrested heart. The progress toward off-pump intracardiac interventions has been hampered by the lack of adequate visualization inside the beating heart. This thesis describes the development, assessment, and pre-clinical implementation of a mixed reality environment that integrates pre-operative imaging and modeling with surgical tracking technologies and real-time ultrasound imaging. The intra-operative echo images are augmented with pre-operative representations of the cardiac anatomy and virtual models of the delivery instruments tracked in real time using magnetic tracking technologies. As a result, the otherwise context-less images can now be interpreted within the anatomical context provided by the anatomical models. The virtual models assist the user with the tool-to-target navigation, while real-time ultrasound ensures accurate positioning of the tool on target, providing the surgeon with sufficient information to ``see\u27\u27 and manipulate instruments in absence of direct vision. Several pre-clinical acute evaluation studies have been conducted in vivo on swine models to assess the feasibility of the proposed environment in a clinical context. Following direct access inside the beating heart using the UCI, the proposed mixed reality environment was used to provide the necessary visualization and navigation to position a prosthetic mitral valve on the the native annulus, or to place a repair patch on a created septal defect in vivo in porcine models. Following further development and seamless integration into the clinical workflow, we hope that the proposed mixed reality guidance environment may become a significant milestone toward enabling minimally invasive therapy on the beating heart