1,172 research outputs found

    On some intriguing problems in Hamiltonian graph theory -- A survey

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    We survey results and open problems in Hamiltonian graph theory centred around three themes: regular graphs, tt-tough graphs, and claw-free graphs

    A Survey of Best Monotone Degree Conditions for Graph Properties

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    We survey sufficient degree conditions, for a variety of graph properties, that are best possible in the same sense that Chvatal's well-known degree condition for hamiltonicity is best possible.Comment: 25 page

    Toughness and hamiltonicity in kk-trees

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    We consider toughness conditions that guarantee the existence of a hamiltonian cycle in kk-trees, a subclass of the class of chordal graphs. By a result of Chen et al.\ 18-tough chordal graphs are hamiltonian, and by a result of Bauer et al.\ there exist nontraceable chordal graphs with toughness arbitrarily close to 74\frac{7}{4}. It is believed that the best possible value of the toughness guaranteeing hamiltonicity of chordal graphs is less than 18, but the proof of Chen et al.\ indicates that proving a better result could be very complicated. We show that every 1-tough 2-tree on at least three vertices is hamiltonian, a best possible result since 1-toughness is a necessary condition for hamiltonicity. We generalize the result to kk-trees for k≥2k\ge 2: Let GG be a kk-tree. If GG has toughness at least k+13,\frac{k+1}{3}, then GG is hamiltonian. Moreover, we present infinite classes of nonhamiltonian 1-tough kk-trees for each $k\ge 3

    Long cycles, degree sums and neighborhood unions

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    AbstractFor a graph G, define the parameters α(G)=max{|S| |S is an independent set of vertices of G}, σk(G)=min{∑ki=1d(vi)|{v1,…,vk} is an independent set} and NCk(G)= min{|∪ki=1 N(vi)∥{v1,…,vk} is an independent set} (k⩾2). It is shown that every 1-tough graph G of order n⩾3 with σ3(G)⩾n+r⩾n has a cycle of length at least min{n,n+NCr+5+∈(n+r)(G)-α(G)}, where ε(i)=3(⌈13i⌉−13i). This result extends previous results in Bauer et al. (1989/90), Faßbender (1992) and Flandrin et al. (1991). It is also shown that a 1-tough graph G of order n⩾3 with σ3(G)⩾n+r⩾n has a cycle of length at least min{n,2NC⌊18(n+6r+17)⌋(G)}. Analogous results are established for 2-connected graphs
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