142 research outputs found

    Efficient deep processing of japanese

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    We present a broad coverage Japanese grammar written in the HPSG formalism with MRS semantics. The grammar is created for use in real world applications, such that robustness and performance issues play an important role. It is connected to a POS tagging and word segmentation tool. This grammar is being developed in a multilingual context, requiring MRS structures that are easily comparable across languages

    Parallel Distributed Grammar Engineering for Practical Applications

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    Based on a detailed case study of parallel grammar development distributed across two sites, we review some of the requirements for regression testing in grammar engineering, summarize our approach to systematic competence and performance profiling, and discuss our experience with grammar development for a commercial application. If possible, the workshop presentation will be organized around a software demonstration

    JACY - a grammar for annotating syntax, semantics and pragmatics of written and spoken japanese for NLP application purposes

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    In this text, we describe the development of a broad coverage grammar for Japanese that has been built for and used in different application contexts. The grammar is based on work done in the Verbmobil project (Siegel 2000) on machine translation of spoken dialogues in the domain of travel planning. The second application for JACY was the automatic email response task. Grammar development was described in Oepen et al. (2002a). Third, it was applied to the task of understanding material on mobile phones available on the internet, while embedded in the project DeepThought (Callmeier et al. 2004, Uszkoreit et al. 2004). Currently, it is being used for treebanking and ontology extraction from dictionary definition sentences by the Japanese company NTT (Bond et al. 2004)

    Treebank-based acquisition of wide-coverage, probabilistic LFG resources: project overview, results and evaluation

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    This paper presents an overview of a project to acquire wide-coverage, probabilistic Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) resources from treebanks. Our approach is based on an automatic annotation algorithm that annotates “raw” treebank trees with LFG f-structure information approximating to basic predicate-argument/dependency structure. From the f-structure-annotated treebank we extract probabilistic unification grammar resources. We present the annotation algorithm, the extraction of lexical information and the acquisition of wide-coverage and robust PCFG-based LFG approximations including long-distance dependency resolution. We show how the methodology can be applied to multilingual, treebank-based unification grammar acquisition. Finally we show how simple (quasi-)logical forms can be derived automatically from the f-structures generated for the treebank trees

    Integrating deep and shallow natural language processing components : representations and hybrid architectures

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    We describe basic concepts and software architectures for the integration of shallow and deep (linguistics-based, semantics-oriented) natural language processing (NLP) components. The main goal of this novel, hybrid integration paradigm is improving robustness of deep processing. After an introduction to constraint-based natural language parsing, we give an overview of typical shallow processing tasks. We introduce XML standoff markup as an additional abstraction layer that eases integration of NLP components, and propose the use of XSLT as a standardized and efficient transformation language for online NLP integration. In the main part of the thesis, we describe our contributions to three hybrid architecture frameworks that make use of these fundamentals. SProUT is a shallow system that uses elements of deep constraint-based processing, namely type hierarchy and typed feature structures. WHITEBOARD is the first hybrid architecture to integrate not only part-of-speech tagging, but also named entity recognition and topological parsing, with deep parsing. Finally, we present Heart of Gold, a middleware architecture that generalizes WHITEBOARD into various dimensions such as configurability, multilinguality and flexible processing strategies. We describe various applications that have been implemented using the hybrid frameworks such as structured named entity recognition, information extraction, creative document authoring support, deep question analysis, as well as evaluations. In WHITEBOARD, e.g., it could be shown that shallow pre-processing increases both coverage and efficiency of deep parsing by a factor of more than two. Heart of Gold not only forms the basis for applications that utilize semanticsoriented natural language analysis, but also constitutes a complex research instrument for experimenting with novel processing strategies combining deep and shallow methods, and eases replication and comparability of results.Diese Arbeit beschreibt Grundlagen und Software-Architekturen für die Integration von flachen mit tiefen (linguistikbasierten und semantikorientierten) Verarbeitungskomponenten für natürliche Sprache. Das Hauptziel dieses neuartigen, hybriden Integrationparadigmas ist die Verbesserung der Robustheit der tiefen Verarbeitung. Nach einer Einführung in constraintbasierte Analyse natürlicher Sprache geben wir einen Überblick über typische Aufgaben flacher Sprachverarbeitungskomponenten. Wir führen XML Standoff-Markup als zusätzliche Abstraktionsebene ein, mit deren Hilfe sich Sprachverarbeitungskomponenten einfacher integrieren lassen. Ferner schlagen wir XSLT als standardisierte und effiziente Transformationssprache für die Online-Integration vor. Im Hauptteil der Arbeit stellen wir unsere Beiträge zu drei hybriden Architekturen vor, welche auf den beschriebenen Grundlagen aufbauen. SProUT ist ein flaches System, das Elemente tiefer Verarbeitung wie Typhierarchie und getypte Merkmalsstrukturen nutzt. WHITEBOARD ist das erste System, welches nicht nur Part-of-speech-Tagging, sondern auch Eigennamenerkennung und flaches topologisches Parsing mit tiefer Verarbeitung kombiniert. Schließlich wird Heart of Gold vorgestellt, eine Middleware-Architektur, welche WHITEBOARD hinsichtlich verschiedener Dimensionen wie Konfigurierbarkeit, Mehrsprachigkeit und Unterstützung flexibler Verarbeitungsstrategien generalisiert. Wir beschreiben verschiedene, mit Hilfe der hybriden Architekturen implementierte Anwendungen wie strukturierte Eigennamenerkennung, Informationsextraktion, Kreativitätsunterstützung bei der Dokumenterstellung, tiefe Frageanalyse, sowie Evaluationen. So konnte z.B. in WHITEBOARD gezeigt werden, dass durch flache Vorverarbeitung sowohl Abdeckung als auch Effizienz des tiefen Parsers mehr als verdoppelt werden. Heart of Gold bildet nicht nur Grundlage für semantikorientierte Sprachanwendungen, sondern stellt auch eine wissenschaftliche Experimentierplattform für weitere, neuartige Kombinationsstrategien dar, welche zudem die Replizierbarkeit und Vergleichbarkeit von Ergebnissen erleichtert