1,029 research outputs found

    High-Performance Computational and Information Technologies for Numerical Models and Data Processing

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    This chapter discusses high-performance computational and information technologies for numerical models and data processing. In the first part of the chapter, the numerical model of the oil displacement problem was considered by injection of chemical reagents to increase oil recovery of reservoir. Moreover the fragmented algorithm was developed for solving this problem and the algorithm for high-performance visualization of calculated data. Analysis and comparison of parallel algorithms based on the fragmented approach and using MPI technologies are also presented. The algorithm for solving given problem on mobile platforms and analysis of computational results is given too. In the second part of the chapter, the problem of unstructured and semi-structured data processing was considered. It was decided to address the task of n-gram extraction which requires a lot of computing with large amount of textual data. In order to deal with such complexity, there was a need to adopt and implement parallelization patterns. The second part of the chapter also describes parallel implementation of the document clustering algorithm that used a heuristic genetic algorithm. Finally, a novel UPC implementation of MapReduce framework for semi-structured data processing was introduced which allows to express data parallel applications using simple sequential code

    Proceedings of the First PhD Symposium on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS PhD 2016)

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    Proceedings of the First PhD Symposium on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS PhD 2016) Timisoara, Romania. February 8-11, 2016.The PhD Symposium was a very good opportunity for the young researchers to share information and knowledge, to present their current research, and to discuss topics with other students in order to look for synergies and common research topics. The idea was very successful and the assessment made by the PhD Student was very good. It also helped to achieve one of the major goals of the NESUS Action: to establish an open European research network targeting sustainable solutions for ultrascale computing aiming at cross fertilization among HPC, large scale distributed systems, and big data management, training, contributing to glue disparate researchers working across different areas and provide a meeting ground for researchers in these separate areas to exchange ideas, to identify synergies, and to pursue common activities in research topics such as sustainable software solutions (applications and system software stack), data management, energy efficiency, and resilience.European Cooperation in Science and Technology. COS

    Concept study of modification alternatives for the High Pressure Cap Running Tool

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    Master's thesis in Industrial economicsThis thesis is a result of a request from Aker Solutions regarding a modification project of a high pressure cap running tool. This tool is used to set and retrieve the high pressure cap from the flow line mandrel when the xmas tree is not installed. Aker Solutions has identified challenges concerning the complexity, costs and time associated with the operation of the tool, and come up with four concepts that may solve these challenges. The task of this thesis is to look into the engineering challenges and the life cycle costs of each of the concepts. The goal is to provide a recommendation for which concept Aker Solutions should pursue through the research question: What is the best-suited modification solution for the Aker Solutions high pressure cap running tool? The four identified concepts that have been analysed and evaluated, seek to solve complexity, cost and time issues concerning the current method of operation, which utilises an umbilical for hydraulic power supply for the tool. The first is a pre-charged accumulator concept, which uses an internal hydraulic reservoir to supply the tool. Concept number two uses a topside hotline to provide the hydraulics. Concept number three uses a subsea hotline from an ROV. Concept number four uses a hotline from a subsea powerpack. The different concepts are analysed and evaluated against the current method on nine different scored and weighted criteria, based on 36 interviews. The criteria reflect the identified issues and are as follows: feasibility, physical parameters, maintainability, reliability, complexity in use, economic impact, development cost and time, degree of risk reduction and environmental impact. These unbiased and weighted criteria scores, reflect the impression of how each criterion’s criticality are perceived in Aker Solutions as an organisation. The analysis and evaluation utilises a Pugh matrix for pairwise comparison as a decision-making tool and delivers a best-suited concept suggestion. Based on this analysis and evaluation the Pugh matrix suggests that the pre-charged accumulator concept is the best alternative, with a significantly better result than the opposed concepts. The Pugh matrix does however not consider which of the “+” rated concepts perform best on each criterion in relation to the other concepts in the matrix. This is addressed in a qualitative evaluation where the pre-charged accumulator concept is compared to the other concepts on each criterion and the nuances are highlighted. It further shows that the pre-charged accumulator concept has a lower life cycle cost that mitigates the slightly lower performance on maintainability and development cost and time. The only innuendo is that it does not reduce risk as much as the hotline subsea concepts. This can however be accounted for with a thorough operational procedure. The conclusion is that the best-suited modification solution for Aker Solutions Subsea high pressure cap running tool is the pre-charged accumulator concept. This contributes with potential savings for Statoil of 72.7 MNOK, increased rig time efficiency of 57.9%, increased redundancy, reduced operational risk and a more eco-friendly solution.Aker Solution

    Удосконалення опор роторів двоконтурних турбореактивних двигунів, що використовуються в силових установках дальньомагістральних літаків

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу Ректора НАУ від 27.05.2021 р. №311/од «Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт здобувачів вищої освіти в репозиторії університету» . Керівник проекту: доцент, к. т. н. Хімко Андрій Миколайович.Projected engine is based on the engine GEnx prototype,The General Electric GEnx ("General Electric Next-generation") is an advanced dual rotor, axial flow, highbypass turbofan jet engine in production by GE Aviation for the Boeing 787 and 747- 8.The double -circuit turbojet engine (TRDD) has a design that allows to move additional masses of air that passes through the outer circuit of the engine. This design provides the higher efficiency than the usual TRD. The first concept of TRDD in aircraft engineering was proposed by the Ukrainian designer of the aircraft engines Архип Люлька . On the basis of the experiments conducted since 1937, Архип Люлька applied for the invention of two -circuit TRD . But critical assessment of the situation reveals that The main advantage of this engine is their high efficiency. Disadvantages -Large weight and size. Especially the large diameter of the fan, which leads to a significant air resistance in the flight. The scope of such engines is a mid -length commercial airliner and military transportation aviation. So engine necessitates changes in order to improve previously mentioned qualities such as: thrust, efficiency, fuel consumption, durability, weight, and size.Проектований двигун базується на прототипі двигуна GEnx, General Electric GEnx ("Дженерал Електрик наступного покоління") - це передовий подвійний ротор, осьовий потік, високий байпас турбовентиляторний реактивний двигун у виробництві GE Aviation для Boeing 787 і 747- 8. Двоконтурний турбореактивний двигун (ТРДД) має конструкцію, яка дозволяє йому рухатися додаткові маси повітря, які проходять через зовнішній контур двигуна. Цей дизайн забезпечує більш високу ефективність, ніж звичайний ТРД. Перша концепція TRDD в авіаційну техніку запропонував український конструктор авіаційних двигунів Архип Люлька. На основі проведених з 1937 р. дослідів архіп Люлька претендувала на винахід двоконтурного ТРД. Але критична оцінка ситуації виявляє, що головна перевага цього двигуна полягає в їх високому ККД. Недоліки - велика вага і розміри. Особливо великий діаметр вентилятора, що призводить до значного опору повітря в польоті. The Сфера застосування таких двигунів - комерційні авіалайнери середньої довжини і військово-транспортні авіації. Отже, двигун потребує змін, щоб покращити вищезгадане такі якості, як: тяга, ефективність, споживання палива, довговічність, вага та розмір

    Earth Observation Open Science and Innovation

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    geospatial analytics; social observatory; big earth data; open data; citizen science; open innovation; earth system science; crowdsourced geospatial data; citizen science; science in society; data scienc

    Trans-disciplinary Collaboration to Enhance Coastal Resilience: Envisioning a National Community Modeling Initiative

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    This section presents a synthesis of the major outcomes from the coastal resilience workshops. This paper is based on the presentations and discussions that have been guided by the Chair and numerous stakeholders such as university researchers, Non Governmental Organizations, and federal, state, and local governments. SURA’s workshop series promotes collaboration and fully-integrated processes, and it should be noted that the actual workshop is only a first step; the follow-up work is likely to continue for years. The major results from this workshop relate to the development of trans-disciplinary approaches that help a community to bounce back after hazardous events such as hurricanes, coastal storms, and flooding – rather than simply rebuilding in the aftermath. The workshops have included participants from academia, industry, and government. They provide opportunity to share coastal resilience research and projects focused on helping the community to rebound quickly from climate and extreme weather related events, including sea level rise. The purpose of the paper is to showcase how social and natural scientists can collaborate to reduce the negative human health, environmental, and economic effects of coastal hazards

    Trans-disciplinary Collaboration to Enhance Coastal Resilience: Envisioning a National Community Modeling Initiative

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    This section presents a synthesis of the major outcomes from the coastal resilience workshops. This paper is based on the presentations and discussions that have been guided by the Chair and numerous stakeholders such as university researchers, Non Governmental Organizations, and federal, state, and local governments. SURA’s workshop series promotes collaboration and fully-integrated processes, and it should be noted that the actual workshop is only a first step; the follow-up work is likely to continue for years. The major results from this workshop relate to the development of trans-disciplinary approaches that help a community to bounce back after hazardous events such as hurricanes, coastal storms, and flooding – rather than simply rebuilding in the aftermath. The workshops have included participants from academia, industry, and government. They provide opportunity to share coastal resilience research and projects focused on helping the community to rebound quickly from climate and extreme weather related events, including sea level rise. The purpose of the paper is to showcase how social and natural scientists can collaborate to reduce the negative human health, environmental, and economic effects of coastal hazards

    Security in Urban Critical Infrastructures: Contribution of Standards for a Holistic Approach of Protection and Resilience

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    With the prediction by the United Nations that 60% of the world’s population will live in cities by the year 2030, it is apparent that the immediate global future is one of urbanisation. Central to the environmental and energy security as well as risk assessment in critical Infrastructures must therefore be the increasing domination of the cities. This population growth, needed economic growth, and social pressures for improved infrastructure coupled to the need for human health and ecological protection and environmental as well as energy security make systematic and transparent decision making a complex and often difficult task because of the several interdependencies of critical infrastructures. Evaluating complex technical data and developing risk management options requires implementation of standardization and embedded systems of information and communication technologies. In accordance to literature review, experience has demonstrated that direct transposition of risk assessment and risk management frameworks (e.g. those developed in the United States and European Union) may not work in regions whose social, legal, historical, political and economic situations are not suitable or prepared for acceptance of these methodologies. This paper reviews basic concepts defined in the field of urban security in Critical Infrastructures and extends its perception under the cross-sectoral aspect of standardization and harmonization in the involved technological areas. What are the defining characteristics that would ensure a city can not only survive in a manner acceptable to its current and future inhabitants, but also in a way that will not undermine the standardized and harmonized technologies and policies in national, European and international level. The existence of several EU seventh framework projects, specifically those relating to urban resilience and security could be used to feed into this direction.JRC.G.5-Security technology assessmen