1,071 research outputs found

    HIV drug resistance prediction with weighted categorical kernel functions

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    Background: Antiretroviral drugs are a very effective therapy against HIV infection. However, the high mutation rate of HIV permits the emergence of variants that can be resistant to the drug treatment. Predicting drug resistance to previously unobserved variants is therefore very important for an optimum medical treatment. In this paper, we propose the use of weighted categorical kernel functions to predict drug resistance from virus sequence data. These kernel functions are very simple to implement and are able to take into account HIV data particularities, such as allele mixtures, and to weigh the different importance of each protein residue, as it is known that not all positions contribute equally to the resistance. Results: We analyzed 21 drugs of four classes: protease inhibitors (PI), integrase inhibitors (INI), nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI). We compared two categorical kernel functions, Overlap and Jaccard, against two well-known noncategorical kernel functions (Linear and RBF) and Random Forest (RF). Weighted versions of these kernels were also considered, where the weights were obtained from the RF decrease in node impurity. The Jaccard kernel was the best method, either in its weighted or unweighted form, for 20 out of the 21 drugs. Conclusions: Results show that kernels that take into account both the categorical nature of the data and the presence of mixtures consistently result in the best prediction model. The advantage of including weights depended on the protein targeted by the drug. In the case of reverse transcriptase, weights based in the relative importance of each position clearly increased the prediction performance, while the improvement in the protease was much smaller. This seems to be related to the distribution of weights, as measured by the Gini index. All methods described, together with documentation and examples, are freely available at https://bitbucket.org/elies_ramon/catkern.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Computational approaches for improving treatment and prevention of viral infections

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    The treatment of infections with HIV or HCV is challenging. Thus, novel drugs and new computational approaches that support the selection of therapies are required. This work presents methods that support therapy selection as well as methods that advance novel antiviral treatments. geno2pheno[ngs-freq] identifies drug resistance from HIV-1 or HCV samples that were subjected to next-generation sequencing by interpreting their sequences either via support vector machines or a rules-based approach. geno2pheno[coreceptor-hiv2] determines the coreceptor that is used for viral cell entry by analyzing a segment of the HIV-2 surface protein with a support vector machine. openPrimeR is capable of finding optimal combinations of primers for multiplex polymerase chain reaction by solving a set cover problem and accessing a new logistic regression model for determining amplification events arising from polymerase chain reaction. geno2pheno[ngs-freq] and geno2pheno[coreceptor-hiv2] enable the personalization of antiviral treatments and support clinical decision making. The application of openPrimeR on human immunoglobulin sequences has resulted in novel primer sets that improve the isolation of broadly neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1. The methods that were developed in this work thus constitute important contributions towards improving the prevention and treatment of viral infectious diseases.Die Behandlung von HIV- oder HCV-Infektionen ist herausfordernd. Daher werden neue Wirkstoffe, sowie neue computerbasierte Verfahren benötigt, welche die Therapie verbessern. In dieser Arbeit wurden Methoden zur Unterstützung der Therapieauswahl entwickelt, aber auch solche, welche neuartige Therapien vorantreiben. geno2pheno[ngs-freq] bestimmt, ob Resistenzen gegen Medikamente vorliegen, indem es Hochdurchsatzsequenzierungsdaten von HIV-1 oder HCV Proben mittels Support Vector Machines oder einem regelbasierten Ansatz interpretiert. geno2pheno[coreceptor-hiv2] bestimmt den HIV-2 Korezeptorgebrauch dadurch, dass es einen Abschnitt des viralen Oberflächenproteins mit einer Support Vector Machine analysiert. openPrimeR kann optimale Kombinationen von Primern für die Multiplex-Polymerasekettenreaktion finden, indem es ein Mengenüberdeckungsproblem löst und auf ein neues logistisches Regressionsmodell für die Vorhersage von Amplifizierungsereignissen zurückgreift. geno2pheno[ngs-freq] und geno2pheno[coreceptor-hiv2] ermöglichen die Personalisierung antiviraler Therapien und unterstützen die klinische Entscheidungsfindung. Durch den Einsatz von openPrimeR auf humanen Immunoglobulinsequenzen konnten Primersätze generiert werden, welche die Isolierung von breit neutralisierenden Antikörpern gegen HIV-1 verbessern. Die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Methoden leisten somit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Prävention und Therapie viraler Infektionskrankheiten

    Structural Descriptors of gp120 V3 Loop for the Prediction of HIV-1 Coreceptor Usage

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    HIV-1 cell entry commonly uses, in addition to CD4, one of the chemokine receptors CCR5 or CXCR4 as coreceptor. Knowledge of coreceptor usage is critical for monitoring disease progression as well as for supporting therapy with the novel drug class of coreceptor antagonists. Predictive methods for inferring coreceptor usage based on the third hypervariable (V3) loop region of the viral gene coding for the envelope protein gp120 can provide us with these monitoring facilities while avoiding expensive phenotypic tests. All simple heuristics (such as the 11/25 rule) as well as statistical learning methods proposed to date predict coreceptor usage based on sequence features of the V3 loop exclusively. Here, we show, based on a recently resolved structure of gp120 with an untruncated V3 loop, that using structural information on the V3 loop in combination with sequence features of V3 variants improves prediction of coreceptor usage. In particular, we propose a distance-based descriptor of the spatial arrangement of physicochemical properties that increases discriminative performance. For a fixed specificity of 0.95, a sensitivity of 0.77 was achieved, improving further to 0.80 when combined with a sequence-based representation using amino acid indicators. This compares favorably with the sensitivities of 0.62 for the traditional 11/25 rule and 0.73 for a prediction based on sequence information as input to a support vector machine and constitutes a statistically significant improvement. A detailed analysis and interpretation of structural features important for classification shows the relevance of several specific hydrogen-bond donor sites and aliphatic side chains to coreceptor specificity towards CCR5 or CXCR4. Furthermore, an analysis of side chain orientation of the specificity-determining residues suggests a major role of one side of the V3 loop in the selection of the coreceptor. The proposed method constitutes the first approach to an improved prediction of coreceptor usage based on an original integration of structural bioinformatics methods with statistical learning

    A Robust Random Forest Prediction Model for Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission Based on Individual Medical History

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    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) continues to be a leading cause of mortality and reduces manpower throughout the world. HIV transmission from mother to child is still a global challenge in health research. According to UNAIDS, in every 7 girls, 6 are found to be newly infected among adolescents whereby 15-24 years are likely to be living with HIV which is the maternal age and likely to transfer to the child. Machine learning methods have been used to predict HIV/AIDS transmission from mother to child but left behind some important considerations including the use of patient-level information and techniques in balancing the dataset which may impact models’ performance. A robust prediction model for mother-to-child HIV/AIDS transmission is vital to alleviate HIV/AIDS detrimental effects. The Random Forest Machine Learning method was employed based on features from the individual medical history of HIV-positive mothers. A total of 680 balanced data tuples were used for model development using the ratio of 75:25 for training and testing the dataset. The Random Forest model outperformed the most commonly used learning algorithms achieving the performance of 99% accuracy, recall and F1-score of 0.99 and an error of 0.01, thus improving the prediction rate

    Machine learning and applications in microbiology

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    To understand the intricacies of microorganisms at the molecular level requires making sense of copious volumes of data such that it may now be humanly impossible to detect insightful data patterns without an artificial intelligence application called machine learning. Applying machine learning to address biological problems is expected to grow at an unprecedented rate, yet it is perceived by the uninitiated as a mysterious and daunting entity entrusted to the domain of mathematicians and computer scientists. The aim of this review is to identify key points required to start the journey of becoming an effective machine learning practitioner. These key points are further reinforced with an evaluation of how machine learning has been applied so far in a broad scope of real-life microbiology examples. This includes predicting drug targets or vaccine candidates, diagnosing microorganisms causing infectious diseases, classifying drug resistance against antimicrobial medicines, predicting disease outbreaks and exploring microbial interactions. Our hope is to inspire microbiologists and other related researchers to join the emerging machine learning revolution

    Predicting and analyzing HIV-1 adaptation to broadly neutralizing antibodies and the host immune system using machine learning

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    Thanks to its extraordinarily high mutation and replication rate, the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is able to rapidly adapt to the selection pressure imposed by the host immune system or antiretroviral drug exposure. With neither a cure nor a vaccine at hand, viral control is a major pillar in the combat of the HIV-1 pandemic. Without drug exposure, interindividual differences in viral control are partly influenced by host genetic factors like the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system, and viral genetic factors like the predominant coreceptor usage of the virus. Thus, a close monitoring of the viral population within the patients and adjustments in the treatment regimens, as well as a continuous development of new drug components are indispensable measures to counteract the emergence of viral escape variants. To this end, a fast and accurate determination of the viral adaptation is essential for a successful treatment. This thesis is based upon four studies that aim to develop and apply statistical learning methods to (i) predict adaptation of the virus to broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs), a promising new treatment option, (ii) advance antibody-mediated immunotherapy for clinical usage, and (iii) predict viral adaptation to the HLA system to further understand the switch in HIV-1 coreceptor usage. In total, this thesis comprises several statistical learning approaches to predict HIV-1 adaptation, thereby, enabling a better control of HIV-1 infections.Dank seiner außergewöhnlich hohen Mutations- und Replikationsrate ist das humane Immundefizienzvirus Typ 1 (HIV-1) in der Lage sich schnell an den vom Immunsystem des Wirtes oder durch die antiretrovirale Arzneimittelexposition ausgeübten Selektionsdruck anzupassen. Da weder ein Heilmittel noch ein Impfstoff verfügbar sind, ist die Viruskontrolle eine wichtige Säule im Kampf gegen die HIV-1-Pandemie. Ohne Arzneimittelexposition werden interindividuelle Unterschiede in der Viruskontrolle teilweise durch genetische Faktoren des Wirts wie das humane Leukozytenantigensystem (HLA) und virale genetische Faktoren wie die vorherrschende Korezeptornutzung des Virus beeinflusst. Eine genaue Überwachung der Viruspopulation innerhalb des Patienten, gegebenfalls Anpassungen der Behandlungsschemata sowie eine kontinuierliche Entwicklung neuer Wirkstoffkomponenten sind daher unerlässliche Maßnahmen, um dem Auftreten viraler Fluchtvarianten entgegenzuwirken. Für eine erfolgreiche Behandlung ist eine schnelle und genaue Bestimmung der Anpassung einer Variante essentiell. Die Thesis basiert auf vier Studien, deren Ziel es ist statistische Lernverfahren zu entwickeln und anzuwenden, um (1) die Anpassung von HIV-1 an breit neutralisierende Antikörper, eine neuartige vielversprechende Therapieoption, vorherzusagen, (2) den Einsatz von Antikörper-basierte Immuntherapien für den klinischen Einsatz voranzutreiben, und (3) die virale Anpassung von HIV-1 an das HLA-System vorherzusagen, um den Wechsel der HIV-1 Korezeptornutzung besser zu verstehen. Zusammenfassend umfasst diese Thesis mehrere statistische Lernverfahrenansätze, um HIV Anpassung vorherzusagen, wodurch eine bessere Kontrolle von HIV-1 Infektionen ermöglicht wird

    Characterizing protein-ligand binding using atomistic simulation and machine learning: Application to drug resistance in HIV-1 protease

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    Over the past several decades, atomistic simulations of biomolecules, whether carried out using molecular dynamics or Monte Carlo techniques, have provided detailed insights into their function. Comparing the results of such simulations for a few closely related systems has guided our understanding of the mechanisms by which changes like ligand binding or mutation can alter function. The general problem of detecting and interpreting such mechanisms from simulations of many related systems, however, remains a challenge. This problem is addressed here by applying supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques to a variety of thermodynamic observables extracted from molecular dynamics simulations of different systems. As an important test case, these methods are applied to understanding the evasion by HIV-1 protease of darunavir, a potent inhibitor to which resistance can develop via the simultaneous mutation of multiple amino acids. Complex mutational patterns have been observed among resistant strains, presenting a challenge to developing a mechanistic picture of resistance in the protease. In order to dissect these patterns and gain mechanistic insight on the role of specific mutations, molecular dynamics simulations were carried out on a collection of HIV-1 protease variants, chosen to include highly resistant strains and susceptible controls, in complex with darunavir. Using a machine learning approach that takes advantage of the hierarchical nature in the relationships among sequence, structure and function, an integrative analysis of these trajectories reveals key details of the resistance mechanism, including changes in protein structure, hydrogen bonding and protein-ligand contacts

    A primer on molecular biology

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    Modern molecular biology provides a rich source of challenging machine learning problems. This tutorial chapter aims to provide the necessary biological background knowledge required to communicate with biologists and to understand and properly formalize a number of most interesting problems in this application domain. The largest part of the chapter (its first section) is devoted to the cell as the basic unit of life. Four aspects of cells are reviewed in sequence: (1) the molecules that cells make use of (above all, proteins, RNA, and DNA); (2) the spatial organization of cells (``compartmentalization''); (3) the way cells produce proteins (``protein expression''); and (4) cellular communication and evolution (of cells and organisms). In the second section, an overview is provided of the most frequent measurement technologies, data types, and data sources. Finally, important open problems in the analysis of these data (bioinformatics challenges) are briefly outlined