2,232 research outputs found

    An Overview of Personalized Recommendation System to Improve Web Navigation

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    We present a new personalized recommendation system, which means the searches of each user is done according to their interest which is based on ranking or preference method. It also maintains the logs which records the sessions of each user and brings out the exact data required by the user. This is done by fetching the data that is already stored in the database. Web server logs maintains history of page results and consists of a log file which automatically creates and maintains the list of activities performed by the users. For extracting the data according to the user’s previous searches, we are using Stemming Algorithm. The Stemming Algorithm is a process where the exact, meaningful words are extracted from the URL. Because of this process the user’s search time will be reduced. It also improves the quality of web navigation and overcomes the limitation of existing system. In the proposed system we extract user’s behaviour from web server logs in the actual process whereas, in the anticipated system, the user’s behaviour is done with the help of cognitive user model and we perform the comparison between the two usage processes. The data produced from this comparison can help the users to discover usability issues and take actions to improve usability. In the anticipated usage the cognitive user model is done that can be used to simulate or predict human behaviour or by performance and task. Finally, the system is executed by using the top-k ranking algorithm. The advantage of this system are accuracy and better processing speed. The user’s convenience deals with the ease of navigation which helps the users to interact with their interface

    Semi-Automation in Video Editing

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    Semi-automasjon i video redigering Hvordan kan vi bruke kunstig intelligens (KI) og maskin læring til å gjøre videoredigering like enkelt som å redigere tekst? I denne avhandlingen vil jeg adressere problemet med å bruke KI i videoredigering fra et Menneskelig-KI interaksjons perspektiv, med fokus på å bruke KI til å støtte brukerne. Video er et audiovisuelt medium. Redigere videoer krever synkronisering av både det visuelle og det auditive med presise operasjoner helt ned på millisekund nivå. Å gjøre dette like enkelt som å redigere tekst er kanskje ikke mulig i dag. Men hvordan skal vi da støtte brukerne med KI og hva er utfordringene med å gjøre det? Det er fem hovedspørsmål som har drevet forskningen i denne avhandlingen. Hva er dagens "state-of-the-art" i KI støttet videoredigering? Hva er behovene og forventningene av fagfolkene om KI? Hva er påvirkningen KI har på effektiviteten og nøyaktigheten når det blir brukt på teksting? Hva er endringene i brukeropplevelsen når det blir brukt KI støttet teksting? Hvordan kan flere KI metoder bli brukt for å støtte beskjærings- og panoreringsoppgaver? Den første artikkelen av denne avhandlingen ga en syntese og kritisk gjennomgang av eksisterende arbeid med KI-baserte verktøy for videoredigering. Artikkelen ga også noen svar på hvordan og hva KI kan bli brukt til for å støtte brukere ved en undersøkelse utført av 14 fagfolk. Den andre studien presenterte en prototype av KI-støttet videoredigerings verktøy bygget på et eksisterende videoproduksjons program. I tillegg kom det en evaluasjon av både ytelse og brukeropplevelse på en KI-støttet teksting fra 24 nybegynnere. Den tredje studien beskrev et idiom-basert verktøy for å konvertere bredskjermsvideoer lagd for TV til smalere størrelsesforhold for mobil og sosiale medieplattformer. Den tredje studien utforsker også nye metoder for å utøve beskjæring og panorering ved å bruke fem forskjellige KI-modeller. Det ble også presentert en evaluering fra fem brukere. I denne avhandlingen brukte vi en brukeropplevelse og oppgave basert framgangsmåte, for å adressere det semi-automatiske i videoredigering.How can we use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to make video editing as easy as "editing text''? In this thesis, this problem of using AI to support video editing is explored from the human--AI interaction perspective, with the emphasis on using AI to support users. Video is a dual-track medium with audio and visual tracks. Editing videos requires synchronization of these two tracks and precise operations at milliseconds. Making it as easy as editing text might not be currently possible. Then how should we support the users with AI, and what are the current challenges in doing so? There are five key questions that drove the research in this thesis. What is the start of the art in using AI to support video editing? What are the needs and expectations of video professionals from AI? What are the impacts on efficiency and accuracy of subtitles when AI is used to support subtitling? What are the changes in user experience brought on by AI-assisted subtitling? How can multiple AI methods be used to support cropping and panning task? In this thesis, we employed a user experience focused and task-based approach to address the semi-automation in video editing. The first paper of this thesis provided a synthesis and critical review of the existing work on AI-based tools for videos editing and provided some answers to how should and what more AI can be used in supporting users by a survey of 14 video professional. The second paper presented a prototype of AI-assisted subtitling built on a production grade video editing software. It is the first comparative evaluation of both performance and user experience of AI-assisted subtitling with 24 novice users. The third work described an idiom-based tool for converting wide screen videos made for television to narrower aspect ratios for mobile social media platforms. It explores a new method to perform cropping and panning using five AI models, and an evaluation with 5 users and a review with a professional video editor were presented.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    XAIR: A Framework of Explainable AI in Augmented Reality

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    Explainable AI (XAI) has established itself as an important component of AI-driven interactive systems. With Augmented Reality (AR) becoming more integrated in daily lives, the role of XAI also becomes essential in AR because end-users will frequently interact with intelligent services. However, it is unclear how to design effective XAI experiences for AR. We propose XAIR, a design framework that addresses "when", "what", and "how" to provide explanations of AI output in AR. The framework was based on a multi-disciplinary literature review of XAI and HCI research, a large-scale survey probing 500+ end-users' preferences for AR-based explanations, and three workshops with 12 experts collecting their insights about XAI design in AR. XAIR's utility and effectiveness was verified via a study with 10 designers and another study with 12 end-users. XAIR can provide guidelines for designers, inspiring them to identify new design opportunities and achieve effective XAI designs in AR.Comment: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System
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