56 research outputs found

    Método para la evaluación de usabilidad de sitios web transaccionales basado en el proceso de inspección heurística

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    La usabilidad es considerada uno de los factores más importantes en el desarrollo de productos de software. Este atributo de calidad está referido al grado en que, usuarios específicos de un determinado aplicativo, pueden fácilmente hacer uso del software para lograr su propósito. Dada la importancia de este aspecto en el éxito de las aplicaciones informáticas, múltiples métodos de evaluación han surgido como instrumentos de medición que permiten determinar si la propuesta de diseño de la interfaz de un sistema de software es entendible, fácil de usar, atractiva y agradable al usuario. El método de evaluación heurística es uno de los métodos más utilizados en el área de Interacción Humano-Computador (HCI) para este propósito debido al bajo costo de su ejecución en comparación otras técnicas existentes. Sin embargo, a pesar de su amplio uso extensivo durante los últimos años, no existe un procedimiento formal para llevar a cabo este proceso de evaluación. Jakob Nielsen, el autor de esta técnica de inspección, ofrece únicamente lineamientos generales que, según la investigación realizada, tienden a ser interpretados de diferentes maneras por los especialistas. Por tal motivo, se ha desarrollado el presente proyecto de investigación que tiene como objetivo establecer un proceso sistemático, estructurado, organizado y formal para llevar a cabo evaluaciones heurísticas a productos de software. En base a un análisis exhaustivo realizado a aquellos estudios que reportan en la literatura el uso del método de evaluación heurística como parte del proceso de desarrollo de software, se ha formulado un nuevo método de evaluación basado en cinco fases: (1) planificación, (2) entrenamiento, (3) evaluación, (4) discusión y (5) reporte. Cada una de las fases propuestas que componen el protocolo de inspección contiene un conjunto de actividades bien definidas a ser realizadas por el equipo de evaluación como parte del proceso de inspección. Asimismo, se han establecido ciertos roles que deberán desempeñar los integrantes del equipo de inspectores para asegurar la calidad de los resultados y un apropiado desarrollo de la evaluación heurística. La nueva propuesta ha sido validada en dos escenarios académicos distintos (en Colombia, en una universidad pública, y en Perú, en dos universidades tanto en una pública como en una privada) demostrando en todos casos que es posible identificar más problemas de usabilidad altamente severos y críticos cuando un proceso estructurado de inspección es adoptado por los evaluadores. Otro aspecto favorable que muestran los resultados es que los evaluadores tienden a cometer menos errores de asociación (entre heurística que es incumplida y problemas de usabilidad identificados) y que la propuesta es percibida como fácil de usar y útil. Al validarse la nueva propuesta desarrollada por el autor de este estudio se consolida un nuevo conocimiento que aporta al bagaje cultural de la ciencia.Tesi

    Data-based melody generation through multi-objective evolutionary computation

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    Genetic-based composition algorithms are able to explore an immense space of possibilities, but the main difficulty has always been the implementation of the selection process. In this work, sets of melodies are utilized for training a machine learning approach to compute fitness, based on different metrics. The fitness of a candidate is provided by combining the metrics, but their values can range through different orders of magnitude and evolve in different ways, which makes it hard to combine these criteria. In order to solve this problem, a multi-objective fitness approach is proposed, in which the best individuals are those in the Pareto front of the multi-dimensional fitness space. Melodic trees are also proposed as a data structure for chromosomic representation of melodies and genetic operators are adapted to them. Some experiments have been carried out using a graphical interface prototype that allows one to explore the creative capabilities of the proposed system. An Online Supplement is provided and can be accessed at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17459737.2016.1188171, where the reader can find some technical details, information about the data used, generated melodies, and additional information about the developed prototype and its performance.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte [FPU fellowship AP2012-0939]; and the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad project TIMuL supported by UE FEDER funds [No. TIN2013–48152–C2–1–R]

    Interacting with chatbots later in life: A technology acceptance perspective in COVID-19 pandemic situation

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    IntroductionWithin the technological development path, chatbots are considered an important tool for economic and social entities to become more efficient and to develop customer-centric experiences that mimic human behavior. Although artificial intelligence is increasingly used, there is a lack of empirical studies that aim to understand consumers’ experience with chatbots. Moreover, in a context characterized by constant population aging and an increased life-expectancy, the way aging adults perceive technology becomes of great interest. However, based on the digital divide (unequal access to technology, knowledge, and resources), and since young adults (aged between 18 and 34 years old) are considered to have greater affinity for technology, most of the research is dedicated to their perception. The present paper investigates the way chatbots are perceived by middle-aged and aging adults in Romania.MethodsAn online opinion survey has been conducted. The age-range of the subjects is 40–78 years old, a convenience sampling technique being used (N = 235). The timeframe of the study is May–June 2021. Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic is the core context of the research. A covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM) has been used to test the theoretical assumptions as it is a procedure used for complex conceptual models and theory testing.ResultsThe results show that while perceived ease of use is explained by the effort, the competence, and the perceive external control in interacting with chatbots, perceived usefulness is supported by the perceived ease of use and subjective norms. Furthermore, individuals are likely to further use chatbots (behavioral intention) if they consider this interaction useful and if the others’ opinion is in favor of using it. Gender and age seem to have no effect on behavioral intention. As studies on chatbots and aging adults are few and are mainly investigating reactions in the healthcare domain, this research is one of the first attempts to better understand the way chatbots in a not domain-specific context are perceived later in life. Likewise, judging from a business perspective, the results can help economic and social organizations to improve and adapt AI-based interaction for the aging customers

    Linked Data Entity Summarization

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    On the Web, the amount of structured and Linked Data about entities is constantly growing. Descriptions of single entities often include thousands of statements and it becomes difficult to comprehend the data, unless a selection of the most relevant facts is provided. This doctoral thesis addresses the problem of Linked Data entity summarization. The contributions involve two entity summarization approaches, a common API for entity summarization, and an approach for entity data fusion

    Accessibility of Health Data Representations for Older Adults: Challenges and Opportunities for Design

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    Health data of consumer off-the-shelf wearable devices is often conveyed to users through visual data representations and analyses. However, this is not always accessible to people with disabilities or older people due to low vision, cognitive impairments or literacy issues. Due to trade-offs between aesthetics predominance or information overload, real-time user feedback may not be conveyed easily from sensor devices through visual cues like graphs and texts. These difficulties may hinder critical data understanding. Additional auditory and tactile feedback can also provide immediate and accessible cues from these wearable devices, but it is necessary to understand existing data representation limitations initially. To avoid higher cognitive and visual overload, auditory and haptic cues can be designed to complement, replace or reinforce visual cues. In this paper, we outline the challenges in existing data representation and the necessary evidence to enhance the accessibility of health information from personal sensing devices used to monitor health parameters such as blood pressure, sleep, activity, heart rate and more. By creating innovative and inclusive user feedback, users will likely want to engage and interact with new devices and their own data

    New HCI techniques for better living through technology

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    In the Human Computer Interaction community, researchers work on many projects that investigate the efficacy of new technologies for better living, but unlike other research fields, these researchers must have an approach that is typically multi-disciplinary. Technology is always developing thus improving our lives in many ways like education, health and communication. This due to the fact that it is supposed to make life easier. This dissertation explores three main aspects: the first is learning with new technologies, the second is the improvement of real life by using innovative devices while the third is the usage of mobile devices in combination with image processing algorithms and computer graphics techniques. We firstly describe the progress on the state of the art and related work that have been necessary to implement such tools on commodity hardware and deploy them in both mobile and desktop settings. We propose the usage of different technologies in different settings, comparing these solutions for enhancing the interaction experience by introducing virtual/augmented reality tools for supporting this kind of activities. We also applied well-known gamification techniques coming from different mobile applications for demonstrating how users can be entertained and motivated in their working out. We describe our design and prototype of several integrated systems created to improve the educational process, to enhance the shopping experience, to provide new experiences for travellers and even to improve fitness and wellness activities. Finally, we discuss our findings and frame them in the broader context of better living thanks to technology, drawing the lessons learnt from each work while also proposing relative future work
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