96 research outputs found

    PK-ICR: Persona-Knowledge Interactive Context Retrieval for Grounded Dialogue

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    Identifying relevant Persona or Knowledge for conversational systems is a critical component of grounded dialogue response generation. However, each grounding has been studied in isolation with more practical multi-context tasks only recently introduced. We define Persona and Knowledge Dual Context Identification as the task to identify Persona and Knowledge jointly for a given dialogue, which could be of elevated importance in complex multi-context Dialogue settings. We develop a novel grounding retrieval method that utilizes all contexts of dialogue simultaneously while also requiring limited training via zero-shot inference due to compatibility with neural Q \& A retrieval models. We further analyze the hard-negative behavior of combining Persona and Dialogue via our novel null-positive rank test

    WHAT\textit{WHAT}, WHEN\textit{WHEN}, and HOW\textit{HOW} to Ground: Designing User Persona-Aware Conversational Agents for Engaging Dialogue

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    This paper presents a method for building a personalized open-domain dialogue system to address the WWH\textit{WWH} (WHAT\textit{WHAT}, WHEN\textit{WHEN}, and HOW\textit{HOW}) problem for natural response generation in a commercial setting, where personalized dialogue responses are heavily interleaved with casual response turns. The proposed approach involves weighted dataset blending, negative persona information augmentation methods, and the design of personalized conversation datasets to address the challenges of WWH\textit{WWH} in personalized, open-domain dialogue systems. Our work effectively balances dialogue fluency and tendency to ground, while also introducing a response-type label to improve the controllability and explainability of the grounded responses. The combination of these methods leads to more fluent conversations, as evidenced by subjective human evaluations as well as objective evaluations.Comment: Accepted in ACL 2023 Industry Trac

    Context-dependent Instruction Tuning for Dialogue Response Generation

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    Recent language models have achieved impressive performance in natural language tasks by incorporating instructions with task input during fine-tuning. Since all samples in the same natural language task can be explained with the same task instructions, many instruction datasets only provide a few instructions for the entire task, without considering the input of each example in the task. However, this approach becomes ineffective in complex multi-turn dialogue generation tasks, where the input varies highly with each turn as the dialogue context changes, so that simple task instructions cannot improve the generation performance. To address this limitation, we introduce a context-based instruction fine-tuning framework for each multi-turn dialogue which generates both responses and instructions based on the previous context as input. During the evaluation, the model generates instructions based on the previous context to self-guide the response. The proposed framework produces comparable or even outstanding results compared to the baselines by aligning instructions to the input during fine-tuning with the instructions in quantitative evaluations on dialogue benchmark datasets with reduced computation budget.Comment: Work in Progres

    MIRACLE: Towards Personalized Dialogue Generation with Latent-Space Multiple Personal Attribute Control

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    Personalized dialogue systems aim to endow the chatbot agent with more anthropomorphic traits for human-like interactions. Previous approaches have explored explicitly user profile modeling using text descriptions, implicit derivation of user embeddings, or utilizing handicraft prompts for ChatGPT-like models. However, textual personas are limited in describing multi-faceted attributes (\emph{e.g.}, \emph{language style, inner character nuances}), implicit embedding suffers from personality sparsity, and handicraft prompts lack fine-grained and stable controllability. Hence, these approaches may struggle with complex personalized dialogue generation tasks that require generating controllable responses with multiple personal attributes. To this end, we propose \textbf{\textsc{Miracle}}, a novel personalized dialogue generation method through \textbf{M}ult\textbf{I}ple Pe\textbf{R}sonal \textbf{A}ttributes \textbf{C}ontrol within \textbf{L}atent-Space \textbf{E}nergy-based Models. ttributes \textbf{C}ontrol within \textbf{L}atent-Space \textbf{E}nergy-based Models. Specifically, our approach first disentangles complex personality into multi-faceted attributes. Subsequently, we employ a conditional variational auto-encoder to align with the dense personalized responses within a latent joint attribute space. We have also tailored a dedicated energy function and customized the ordinary differential equations sampling method to offer flexible attribute composition and precise attribute control. Extensive experiments demonstrate that \textsc{Miracle} outperforms several strong baselines in terms of personality controllability and response generation quality. Our dataset and code are available at \url{https://github.com/LZY-the-boys/MIRACLE}Comment: Accepted by EMNLP2023 finding

    Human Motion Generation: A Survey

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    Human motion generation aims to generate natural human pose sequences and shows immense potential for real-world applications. Substantial progress has been made recently in motion data collection technologies and generation methods, laying the foundation for increasing interest in human motion generation. Most research within this field focuses on generating human motions based on conditional signals, such as text, audio, and scene contexts. While significant advancements have been made in recent years, the task continues to pose challenges due to the intricate nature of human motion and its implicit relationship with conditional signals. In this survey, we present a comprehensive literature review of human motion generation, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first of its kind in this field. We begin by introducing the background of human motion and generative models, followed by an examination of representative methods for three mainstream sub-tasks: text-conditioned, audio-conditioned, and scene-conditioned human motion generation. Additionally, we provide an overview of common datasets and evaluation metrics. Lastly, we discuss open problems and outline potential future research directions. We hope that this survey could provide the community with a comprehensive glimpse of this rapidly evolving field and inspire novel ideas that address the outstanding challenges.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Survey of the State of the Art in Natural Language Generation: Core tasks, applications and evaluation

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    This paper surveys the current state of the art in Natural Language Generation (NLG), defined as the task of generating text or speech from non-linguistic input. A survey of NLG is timely in view of the changes that the field has undergone over the past decade or so, especially in relation to new (usually data-driven) methods, as well as new applications of NLG technology. This survey therefore aims to (a) give an up-to-date synthesis of research on the core tasks in NLG and the architectures adopted in which such tasks are organised; (b) highlight a number of relatively recent research topics that have arisen partly as a result of growing synergies between NLG and other areas of artificial intelligence; (c) draw attention to the challenges in NLG evaluation, relating them to similar challenges faced in other areas of Natural Language Processing, with an emphasis on different evaluation methods and the relationships between them.Comment: Published in Journal of AI Research (JAIR), volume 61, pp 75-170. 118 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Modelling of photonic components based on ÷(3)nonlinear photonic crystals

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    En esta tesis se llevó a cabo un estudio de diversas propiedades de los cristales fotónicos 1D y 2D no lineales de tercer orden y de cómo se pueden aplicar dichas propiedades al desarrollo de dispositivos totalmente ópticos (por ejemplo, limitadores y conmutadores, compuertas lógicas, transistores ópticos, etc.). Se propuso una aproximación numérica para calcular las características básicas de los cristales fotónicos no lineales como, por ejemplo, el diagrama de bandas o la transmisión. La aproximación numérica presentada en la tesis tiene ciertas ventajas útiles para cualquiera que diseñe dispositivos ópticos basados en cristales fotónicos no lineales. El sofware desarrollado a base de esta aproximación numérica ha permitido diseñar y simular numéricamente un conmutador totalmente óptico cuyas prestaciones son superiores a las de dispositivos optoelectrónicos convencionales.This dissertation represents a summary of a study of different properties of 1D and 2D third-order nonlinear photonic crystals. It is shown how these properties can be utilized to develop various all-optical devices (e.g. optical limiters and switches, logical gates, optical transistors, etc.) In the dissertation, a novel numerical approximation has been proposed for analyzing the basic characteristics of the nonlinear photonic crystals like dispersion characteristics or transmittance curves. This numerical approximation possesses some important advantages useful in designing all-optical devices based on nonlinear photonic crystals. The software based on its algorithm has allowed to design and simulate a high-production all-optical switching device