2,271 research outputs found

    Architecting specifications for test case generation

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    The Specification and Description Language (SDL) together with its associated tool sets can be used for the generation of Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN) test cases. Surprisingly, little documentation exists on the optimal way to specify systems so that they can best be used for the generation of tests. This paper, elaborates on the different tool supported approaches that can be taken for test case generation and highlights their advantages and disadvantages. A rule based SDL specification style is then presented that facilitates the automatic generation of tests

    Going Beyond Obscurity: Organizational Approaches to Data Anonymization

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    A Literature Survey of the Development Processes for Secure Software

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    Turvalise tarkvara arendusprotsessidel on tähtis roll turvalise tarkvara kavandamisel, aga erinevate arendusprotsessidel vahel on rakse valikut teha ilma nendevahelie võrdluseta. Veel enam peale arendusprotsessi rakendamist tuleb valida meetodid, mida kasutada selle arendusprotsessi rakendamisel. Meetodite valikul tekib aga probleem, sest arendusprotsessides ei ole öeldud, milliseid meetodeid tuleks kasutada, et täita vajalikud tegevused turvalise tarkvara arendamiseks. Selle töö raames me võrdleme kolme erinevat turvalise tarkvara arendusprotsessi: Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle, OWASP CLASP ja Cigital’s Security Touchpoints. Järgmisena me keskendume valitud arendusprotsesside faasile, mis käsitleb turvariskide haldust ja viime läbi uuringu, et teada saada, mis on tänapäevased turvariski meetodid. Me anname nendest meetoditest lühikokkuvõtte ja võrdleme neid omavahel, mis loodetavasti lihtustab nende vahel valimist. Me koostame veel leitud meetoditest ühise vaate, mis aitab kaasa kõigi arendusprotsesside poolt pakutud tegevuste täitmisele selle faasis. See on vajalik, sest riskihaldus mängib suurt rolli turvalise tarkvara arendamisel ja erinevate riskihaldus meetodite kombineerimist saab kasutada, et avastada rohkem riske loodavast tarkvarast ja hiljem neid riske korrektselt leevendada.Secure software development processes are critical part of designing secure software. However, it is hard for the various stakeholders to make the decision about which software development process to choose without a comparison between them. Even further, after choosing the process, stakeholders have to decide which methods and techniques to use to fulfil activities required to develop secure software development processes. This is a problem, because there are a number of methods a stakeholder could use to fulfil these activities, but no explicit links between a method and development process. In this thesis firstly we perform comparison of three secure system development approaches namely Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle, OWASP CLASP and Cigital’s Security Touchpoints. In the next step we focus on step within these approaches, namely the security risk management and carry out an analytical survey to find out current methods for security risk management. We give a short overview and comparison between found methods, which potentially will help stakeholders to select their approach for designing secure software with the focus on security risk analysis. We also provide them with opportunity to perform all activities required in risk analysis phase of the development by giving them an aggregate view of risk management methods. This is essential, because risk analysis is a major part of developing secure software and combining different techniques can be used to discover and mitigate more risks in software under development

    Software security requirements management as an emerging cloud computing service

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Emerging cloud applications are growing rapidly and the need for identifying and managing service requirements is also highly important and critical at present. Software Engineering and Information Systems has established techniques, methods and technology over two decades to help achieve cloud service requirements, design, development, and testing. However, due to the lack of understanding of software security vulnerabilities that should have been identified and managed during the requirements engineering phase, we have not been so successful in applying software engineering, information management, and requirements management principles that have been established for the past at least 25 years, when developing secure software systems. Therefore, software security cannot just be added after a system has been built and delivered to customers as seen in today's software applications. This paper provides concise methods, techniques, and best practice requirements engineering and management as an emerging cloud service (SSREMaaES) and also provides guidelines on software security as a service. This paper also discusses an Integrated-Secure SDLC model (IS-SDLC), which will benefit practitioners, researchers, learners, and educators. This paper illustrates our approach for a large cloud system Amazon EC2 service
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