353 research outputs found

    Technological innovation applied to walmart and tesco’s supply chain

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    This paper aims to analyze technological innovation applied to retailing supply chain. The research consisted of a brief overview of the state of current technologies and their development throughout time, as well as recent trials and perspectives of advancements for the future. Further, an analysis of two specific retailers – Walmart and Tesco – was performed to identify and address where such innovations are being applied in real scenarios, ultimately revealing opportunities for a streamlined supply chain and which other benefits they offer. Finally, market and companies’ financial context were analyzed, to justify either the limitation or extent of technological development

    Optimizing Regulation for an Optimizing Economy

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    Much economic activity in the United States today emanates from technological advances that optimize through contextualization. Innovations as varied as Airbnb and Uber, fintech firms, and precision medicine are transforming major sectors in the economy by customizing goods and services as well as refining matches between available resources and interested buyers. The technological advances that make up the optimizing economy create new challenges for government oversight of the economy. Traditionally, government has overseen economic activity through general regulations that aim to treat all individuals equally; however, in the optimizing economy, business is moving in the direction of greater individualization, not generalization. An ever more optimizing economy therefore demands an increasingly smart, optimizing system of regulatory oversight. To ensure that government can properly balance policy goals in the new economy, steps need to be taken now to enhance the technological and analytical sophistication of the regulatory workforce, improve government’s information technology infrastructure, build stronger and more complete collections of data, and draw on policy lessons from other periods of technological innovations. In the optimizing economy, government regulators will continue to play a crucial role in protecting the public from market failures, but, to fulfill that role, government will need to follow the private sector’s lead and build up its own capacity for optimization

    Zastosowanie robotyki w magazynach

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    Robotyka i automatyzacja to technologie coraz szerzej wykorzystywane w operacjach realizowanych w łańcuchach dostaw. Obszarem, w którym wdrożenia w tym zakresie obserwuje się najczęściej to zarządzanie magazynem i prace manipulacyjne, jak również transport wewnętrzny. W niniejszym artykule, zdecydowano się na przedstawienie rozwoju robotyki i pokazanie jej roli w nowoczesnych magazynach współczesnych przedsiębiorstw. Artykuł przybliża funkcje robotów w poszczególnych rodzajach magazynów, wskazując również najnowsze dane liczbowe dotyczące wdrożeń tej technologii w skali globalnej. Wyliczone zostają również korzyści z zastosowani robotyki w magazynach i uwarunkowania jej wdrażania

    The dark side of artificial intelligence in retail services innovation

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    Many academic scholars argue that the goal of using artificial intelligence (hereafter, AI) in business has been to serve humans in performing their jobs. Yet, some scholars refute such arguments and warn against potential threats of AI to humankind in the future. AI or machine intelligence comprises three main aspects, i.e., learning, reasoning, and self-correction which aggregate to conjure up the artificial mind. In retailing, the employment of AI is progressively becoming a major theme of innovation and retailers are rapidly increasing the use of machine intelligence to efficiently simulate human intelligence and become more competitive through cutting costs and improving customer journeys. However, such benefits can be catastrophic in the long run. Hereby, this chapter represents an attempt to produce a synthesis of current research on the use of AI in retailing and identify the possible benefits or ramifications on the human pillars of the retail process (i.e., the employers, employees, and customers). Finally, this chapter aims to reflect on relevant literature to conclude future research and industrial implications

    Mobile Robotics

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    The book is a collection of ten scholarly articles and reports of experiences and perceptions concerning pedagogical practices with mobile robotics.“This work is funded by CIEd – Research Centre on Education, project UID/CED/01661/2019, Institute of Education, University of Minho, through national funds of FCT/MCTES-PT.

    Chapter 5 The future of inclusive innovation

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    "Innovation offers potential: to cure diseases, to better connect people, and to make the way we live and work more efficient and enjoyable. At the same time, innovation can fuel inequality, decimate livelihoods, and harm mental health. This book contends that inclusive innovation – innovation motivated by environmental and social aims – is able to uplift the benefits of innovation while reducing its harms. The book provides accessible engagement with inclusive innovation happening at the grassroots level through to policy arenas, with a focus on the South-East Asian region. Focusing on fundamental questions underpinning innovation, in terms of how, what and where, it argues that inclusive innovation has social processes and low-tech solutions as essential means of driving innovation, and that environmental concerns must be considered alongside societal aims. The book's understanding of inclusive innovation posits that marginalized or underrepresented innovators are empowered to include themselves by solving a problem that they are experiencing. The first in-depth exploration of efforts underway to assuage inequality from policy, private sector, and grassroots perspectives, this book will interest researchers in the areas of innovation studies, political economy, and development studies.

    An intelligent logistics service system for enhancing dispatching operations in an IoT environment

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    This paper proposed an IoT-based intelligent logistics dispatching system, which enables dynamic coordination between customers, order-picking robots and cloud technology. This system includes three layouts: the framework structure of intelligent dispatching platform based on an IoT environment; the multi-objective optimization model to achieve the efficient dynamic coordination between customers, order-picking robots and the cloud technology; the core two-level algorithm, which comprises of Dijkstra’s algorithm and ant colony algorithm that supports the intelligent dispatching operations. This research shows its ability to efficiently coordinate the dispatching operations through IoT technology to enhance customer satisfaction, and outperforms the traditional dispatching methodologies