126 research outputs found

    Machine learning applications in cardiac computed tomography: a composite systematic review

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    Artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) models are rapidly being applied to the analysis of cardiac computed tomography (CT). We sought to provide an overview of the contemporary advances brought about by the combination of ML and cardiac CT. Six searches were performed in Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Library up to November 2021 for (i) CT-fractional flow reserve (CT-FFR), (ii) atrial fibrillation (AF), (iii) aortic stenosis, (iv) plaque characterization, (v) fat quantification, and (vi) coronary artery calcium score. We included 57 studies pertaining to the aforementioned topics. Non-invasive CT-FFR can accurately be estimated using ML algorithms and has the potential to reduce the requirement for invasive angiography. Coronary artery calcification and non-calcified coronary lesions can now be automatically and accurately calculated. Epicardial adipose tissue can also be automatically, accurately, and rapidly quantified. Effective ML algorithms have been developed to streamline and optimize the safety of aortic annular measurements to facilitate pre-transcatheter aortic valve replacement valve selection. Within electrophysiology, the left atrium (LA) can be segmented and resultant LA volumes have contributed to accurate predictions of post-ablation recurrence of AF. In this review, we discuss the latest studies and evolving techniques of ML and cardiac CT

    Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque Characterization

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    Coronary artery disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Its underlying histopathology is the atherosclerotic plaque, which comprises lipid, fibrous and—when chronic—calcium components. Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and intravascular optical coherence tomography (IVOCT) performed during invasive coronary angiography are reference standards for characterizing the atherosclerotic plaque. Fine image spatial resolution attainable with contemporary coronary computed tomographic angiography (CCTA) has enabled noninvasive plaque assessment, including identifying features associated with vulnerable plaques known to presage acute coronary events. Manual interpretation of IVUS, IVOCT and CCTA images demands scarce physician expertise and high time cost. This has motivated recent research into and development of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted methods for image processing, feature extraction, plaque identification and characterization. We performed parallel searches of the medical and technical literature from 1995 to 2021 focusing respectively on human plaque characterization using various imaging modalities and the use of AI-assisted computer aided diagnosis (CAD) to detect and classify atherosclerotic plaques, including their composition and the presence of high-risk features denoting vulnerable plaques. A total of 122 publications were selected for evaluation and the analysis was summarized in terms of data sources, methods—machine versus deep learning—and performance metrics. Trends in AI-assisted plaque characterization are detailed and prospective research challenges discussed. Future directions for the development of accurate and efficient CAD systems to characterize plaque noninvasively using CCTA are proposed.</jats:p

    Contribuciones de las técnicas machine learning a la cardiología. Predicción de reestenosis tras implante de stent coronario

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    [ES]Antecedentes: Existen pocos temas de actualidad equiparables a la posibilidad de la tecnología actual para desarrollar las mismas capacidades que el ser humano, incluso en medicina. Esta capacidad de simular los procesos de inteligencia humana por parte de máquinas o sistemas informáticos es lo que conocemos hoy en día como inteligencia artificial. Uno de los campos de la inteligencia artificial con mayor aplicación a día de hoy en medicina es el de la predicción, recomendación o diagnóstico, donde se aplican las técnicas machine learning. Asimismo, existe un creciente interés en las técnicas de medicina de precisión, donde las técnicas machine learning pueden ofrecer atención médica individualizada a cada paciente. El intervencionismo coronario percutáneo (ICP) con stent se ha convertido en una práctica habitual en la revascularización de los vasos coronarios con enfermedad aterosclerótica obstructiva significativa. El ICP es asimismo patrón oro de tratamiento en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio; reduciendo las tasas de muerte e isquemia recurrente en comparación con el tratamiento médico. El éxito a largo plazo del procedimiento está limitado por la reestenosis del stent, un proceso patológico que provoca un estrechamiento arterial recurrente en el sitio de la ICP. Identificar qué pacientes harán reestenosis es un desafío clínico importante; ya que puede manifestarse como un nuevo infarto agudo de miocardio o forzar una nueva resvascularización del vaso afectado, y que en casos de reestenosis recurrente representa un reto terapéutico. Objetivos: Después de realizar una revisión de las técnicas de inteligencia artificial aplicadas a la medicina y con mayor profundidad, de las técnicas machine learning aplicadas a la cardiología, el objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral ha sido desarrollar un modelo machine learning para predecir la aparición de reestenosis en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio sometidos a ICP con implante de un stent. Asimismo, han sido objetivos secundarios comparar el modelo desarrollado con machine learning con los scores clásicos de riesgo de reestenosis utilizados hasta la fecha; y desarrollar un software que permita trasladar esta contribución a la práctica clínica diaria de forma sencilla. Para desarrollar un modelo fácilmente aplicable, realizamos nuestras predicciones sin variables adicionales a las obtenidas en la práctica rutinaria. Material: El conjunto de datos, obtenido del ensayo GRACIA-3, consistió en 263 pacientes con características demográficas, clínicas y angiográficas; 23 de ellos presentaron reestenosis a los 12 meses después de la implantación del stent. Todos los desarrollos llevados a cabo se han hecho en Python y se ha utilizado computación en la nube, en concreto AWS (Amazon Web Services). Metodología: Se ha utilizado una metodología para trabajar con conjuntos de datos pequeños y no balanceados, siendo importante el esquema de validación cruzada anidada utilizado, así como la utilización de las curvas PR (precision-recall, exhaustividad-sensibilidad), además de las curvas ROC, para la interpretación de los modelos. Se han entrenado los algoritmos más habituales en la literatura para elegir el que mejor comportamiento ha presentado. Resultados: El modelo con mejores resultados ha sido el desarrollado con un clasificador extremely randomized trees; que superó significativamente (0,77; área bajo la curva ROC a los tres scores clínicos clásicos; PRESTO-1 (0,58), PRESTO-2 (0,58) y TLR (0,62). Las curvas exhaustividad sensibilidad ofrecieron una imagen más precisa del rendimiento del modelo extremely randomized trees que muestra un algoritmo eficiente (0,96) para no reestenosis, con alta exhaustividad y alta sensibilidad. Para un umbral considerado óptimo, de 1,000 pacientes sometidos a implante de stent, nuestro modelo machine learning predeciría correctamente 181 (18%) más casos en comparación con el mejor score de riesgo clásico (TLR). Las variables más importantes clasificadas según su contribución a las predicciones fueron diabetes, enfermedad coronaria en 2 ó más vasos, flujo TIMI post-ICP, plaquetas anormales, trombo post-ICP y colesterol anormal. Finalmente, se ha desarrollado una calculadora para trasladar el modelo a la práctica clínica. La calculadora permite estimar el riesgo individual de cada paciente y situarlo en una zona de riesgo, facilitando la toma de decisión al médico en cuanto al seguimiento adecuado para el mismo. Conclusiones: Aplicado inmediatamente después de la implantación del stent, un modelo machine learning diferencia mejor a aquellos pacientes que presentarán o no reestenosis respecto a los discriminadores clásicos actuales

    A robust technique for the detection and quantification of abdominal aortic calcification using dual energy X-Ray absorptiometry

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    Arterial calcification is a manifestation of atherosclerosis, which over the last two decades has become a recognised predictor of cardiovascular disease. Abdominal Aortic Calcification (AAC) and osteoporosis have been shown to coincide in older individuals. The accepted method of diagnosing osteoporosis is through the measurement of bone mineral density by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) images obtained alongside BMD using DXA technology provide an inexpensive resource for AAC diagnosis. Although several simple methods have been proposed for manual semi-quantitative scoring of AAC in x-ray images in the past, these methods have limitations in terms of capturing small changes in atherosclerosis progression and are time-consuming. Several automatic approaches have been proposed to measure AAC on radiographs. However, these methods have not been related to any accepted medical AAC scoring systems and thus are not likely to be adopted easily by the medical community. In addition, there has been no attempt to apply the proposed methods to VFA images. The main focus of the research presented in this thesis is the automatic quantification of AAC in VFA images acquired in single energy mode. The thesis is divided into two main parts. In the first part, an automatic method for AAC detection and quantification in VFA images is proposed and evaluated on a large number of images. In the second part, the performance of both single and dual energy VFA imaging for the detection of uniformly distributed calcification is investigated. The automatic method for AAC detection consists of two stages. In the first stage an active appearance model was employed for the purpose of segmentaion. In the second stage, adaptive thresholding techniques were used to detect AAC, whilst automatic iii classification techniques were used to quantify the detected calcification. The performance of several classifiers were investigated, and the proposed method was evaluated against the manual AC-24 scoring method using several hundred images and two human readers. A thorough statistical analysis of the results showed that, overall, the SVM classifier gave the best results. Weighted accuracy, sensitivity, specificity assessed for 4 AAC categories were 89.2%, 78.5% and 92.3% respectively while the corresponding values for 3 AAC categories were 88.6%, 86%, 90.4%. In the second part, a study using a tissue-mimicking physical phantom is described. The phantom consists of an aluminium strip within Perspex to simulate calcification and abdominal soft tissue respectively. VFA images of different phantom configurations were acquired in single energy (SE) and dual energy (DE) modes. The minimum detectable aluminium thickness was assessed visually and related to contrast and contrast-to-noise ratio. Percentage coefficient of variation was used to quantify uniformity, repeatability and reproducibility with a Perspex width of 25 cm, the smallest thickness of aluminium that could be detected was 0.20- 0.25 mm. The initial results are promising, and the system proposed in this research can be used as an alternative method to the manual scoring system (AC-24) for a wide range of AAC. The principal conclusion from the phantom work is that under idealised imaging conditions, VFA images have the potential to be used for detecting small thicknesses of calcification with good linearity, repeatability and reproducibility in SE and DE modes for patients with a body width < 30 cm

    Combinatorial optimisation for arterial image segmentation.

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    Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of the mortality in the western world. Many imaging modalities have been used to diagnose cardiovascular diseases. However, each has different forms of noise and artifacts that make the medical image analysis field important and challenging. This thesis is concerned with developing fully automatic segmentation methods for cross-sectional coronary arterial imaging in particular, intra-vascular ultrasound and optical coherence tomography, by incorporating prior and tracking information without any user intervention, to effectively overcome various image artifacts and occlusions. Combinatorial optimisation methods are proposed to solve the segmentation problem in polynomial time. A node-weighted directed graph is constructed so that the vessel border delineation is considered as computing a minimum closed set. A set of complementary edge and texture features is extracted. Single and double interface segmentation methods are introduced. Novel optimisation of the boundary energy function is proposed based on a supervised classification method. Shape prior model is incorporated into the segmentation framework based on global and local information through the energy function design and graph construction. A combination of cross-sectional segmentation and longitudinal tracking is proposed using the Kalman filter and the hidden Markov model. The border is parameterised using the radial basis functions. The Kalman filter is used to adapt the inter-frame constraints between every two consecutive frames to obtain coherent temporal segmentation. An HMM-based border tracking method is also proposed in which the emission probability is derived from both the classification-based cost function and the shape prior model. The optimal sequence of the hidden states is computed using the Viterbi algorithm. Both qualitative and quantitative results on thousands of images show superior performance of the proposed methods compared to a number of state-of-the-art segmentation methods

    A Powerful Paradigm for Cardiovascular Risk Stratification Using Multiclass, Multi-Label, and Ensemble-Based Machine Learning Paradigms: A Narrative Review

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    Background and Motivation: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) causes the highest mortality globally. With escalating healthcare costs, early non-invasive CVD risk assessment is vital. Conventional methods have shown poor performance compared to more recent and fast-evolving Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods. The proposed study reviews the three most recent paradigms for CVD risk assessment, namely multiclass, multi-label, and ensemble-based methods in (i) office-based and (ii) stress-test laboratories. Methods: A total of 265 CVD-based studies were selected using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) model. Due to its popularity and recent development, the study analyzed the above three paradigms using machine learning (ML) frameworks. We review comprehensively these three methods using attributes, such as architecture, applications, pro-and-cons, scientific validation, clinical evaluation, and AI risk-of-bias (RoB) in the CVD framework. These ML techniques were then extended under mobile and cloud-based infrastructure. Findings: Most popular biomarkers used were office-based, laboratory-based, image-based phenotypes, and medication usage. Surrogate carotid scanning for coronary artery risk prediction had shown promising results. Ground truth (GT) selection for AI-based training along with scientific and clinical validation is very important for CVD stratification to avoid RoB. It was observed that the most popular classification paradigm is multiclass followed by the ensemble, and multi-label. The use of deep learning techniques in CVD risk stratification is in a very early stage of development. Mobile and cloud-based AI technologies are more likely to be the future. Conclusions: AI-based methods for CVD risk assessment are most promising and successful. Choice of GT is most vital in AI-based models to prevent the RoB. The amalgamation of image-based strategies with conventional risk factors provides the highest stability when using the three CVD paradigms in non-cloud and cloud-based frameworks

    Non-communicable Diseases, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

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    This reprint includes 15 articles in the field of non-communicable Diseases, big data, and artificial intelligence, overviewing the most recent advances in the field of AI and their application potential in 3P medicine
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