25,059 research outputs found

    Teoremas análogos de grupos finitos en grupos de rango de morley finito

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    Un método usado en grupos finitos para deducir, entre otros, los teoremas de reemplazo de Thompson y Timmesfeld [4], se desarrolla en versión de grupos de rango de Morley finito obteniéndose resultados análogos, lo que permite evidenciar como el rango de Morley funciona como una dimensión en un grupo infinito.A method used in finite group theory to deduce, among others, Thomsomp's and Timmesfeld's replacement theorems [4], is now developed in the context of groups of finite Morley rank and analogues results are obtained. This procedure then, allows to have an evidence on how the Morley rank behaves as a dimension for an infinite group

    Involutive automorphisms of NN_\circ^\circ groups of finite Morley rank

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    We classify a large class of small groups of finite Morley rank: NN_\circ^\circ-groups which are the infinite analogues of Thompson's NN-groups. More precisely, we constrain the 22-structure of groups of finite Morley rank containing a definable, normal, non-soluble, NN_\circ^\circ-subgroup

    Moufang sets of finite Morley rank of odd type

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    We show that for a wide class of groups of finite Morley rank the presence of a split BNBN-pair of Tits rank 11 forces the group to be of the form PSL2\operatorname{PSL}_2 and the BNBN-pair to be standard. Our approach is via the theory of Moufang sets. Specifically, we investigate infinite and so-called hereditarily proper Moufang sets of finite Morley rank in the case where the little projective group has no infinite elementary abelian 22-subgroups and show that all such Moufang sets are standard (and thus associated to PSL2(F)\operatorname{PSL}_2(F) for FF an algebraically closed field of characteristic not 22) provided the Hua subgroups are nilpotent. Further, we prove that the same conclusion can be reached whenever the Hua subgroups are LL-groups and the root groups are not simple