29 research outputs found

    The HOM problem is EXPTIME-complete

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    We define a new class of tree automata with constraints and prove decidability of the emptiness problem for this class in exponential time. As a consequence, we obtain several EXPTIME-completeness results for problems on images of regular tree languages under tree homomorphisms, like set inclusion, regularity (HOM problem), and finiteness of set difference. Our result also has implications in term rewriting, since the set of reducible terms of a term rewrite system can be described as the image of a tree homomorphism. In particular, we prove that inclusion of sets of normal forms of term rewrite systems can be decided in exponential time. Analogous consequences arise in the context of XML typechecking, since types are defined by tree automata and some type transformations are homomorphic.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Tree Automata, (Dis-)Equality Constraints and Term Rewriting: What\u27s New?

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    Connections between Tree Automata and Term Rewriting are now well known. Whereas tree automata can be viewed as a subclass of ground rewrite systems, tree automata are successfully used as decision tools in rewriting theory. Furthermore, applications, including rewriting theory, have influenced the definition of new classes of tree automata. In this talk, we will first present a short and not exhaustive reminder of some fruitful applications of tree automata in rewriting theory. Then, we will focus on extensions of tree automata, specially tree automata with local or/and global (dis-)equality constraints: we will emphasize new results, compare different extensions, and sketch some applications

    Ground Reducibility is EXPTIME-complete

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    International audienceWe prove that ground reducibility is EXPTIME-complete in the general case. EXPTIME-hardness is proved by encoding the emptiness problem for the intersection of recognizable tree languages. It is more difficult to show that ground reducibility belongs to DEXPTIME. We associate first an automaton with disequality constraints A(R,t) to a rewrite system R and a term t. This automaton is deterministic and accepts at least one term iff t is not ground reducible by R. The number of states of A(R,t) is O(2^|R|x|t|) and the size of its constraints is polynomial in the size of R, t. Then we prove some new pumping lemmas, using a total ordering on the computations of the automaton. Thanks to these lemmas, we can show that emptiness for an automaton with disequality constraints can be decided in a time which is polynomial in the number of states and exponential in the size of the constraints. Altogether, we get a simply exponential time deterministic algorithm for ground reducibility decision

    The HOM problem is decidable

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    We close affirmatively a question which has been open for 35 years: decidability of the HOM problem. The HOM problem consists in deciding, given a tree homomorphism HH and a regular tree languagle LL represented by a tree automaton, whether H(L)H(L) is regular. For deciding the HOM problem, we develop new constructions and techniques which are interesting by themselves, and provide several significant intermediate results. For example, we prove that the universality problem is decidable for languages represented by tree automata with equality constraints, and that the equivalence and inclusion problems are decidable for images of regular languages through tree homomorphisms. Our contributions are based on the following new results. We describe a simple transformation for converting a tree automaton with equality constraints into a tree automaton with disequality constraints recognizing the complementary language. We also define a new class of automaton with arbitrary disequality constraints and a particular kind of equality constraints. This new class essentially recognizes the intersection of a tree automaton with disequality constraints and the image of a regular language through a tree homomorphism. We prove decidability of emptiness and finiteness for this class by a pumping mechanism. The above constructions are combined adequately to provide an algorithm deciding the HOM problem.Postprint (published version

    Tree automata with constraints and tree homomorphisms

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    Automata are a widely used formalism in computer science as a concise representation for sets. They are interesting from a theoretical and practical point of view. This work is focused on automata that are executed on tree-like structures, and thus, define sets of trees. Moreover, we tackle automata that are enhanced with the possibility to check (dis)equality constraints, i.e., where the automata are able to test whether specific subtrees of the input tree are equal or different. Two distinct mechanisms are considered for defining which subtrees have to be compared in the evaluation of the constraints. First, in local constraints, a transition of the automaton compares subtrees pending at positions relative to the position of the input tree where the transition takes place. Second, in global constraints, the subtrees tested are selected depending on the state to which they are evaluated by the automaton during a computation. In the setting of local constraints, we introduce tree automata with height constraints between brothers. These constraints are predicates on sibling subtrees that, instead of evaluating whether the subtrees are equal or different, compare their respective heights. Such constraints allow to express natural tree sets like complete or balanced (like AVL) trees. We prove decidability of emptiness and finiteness for these automata, and also for their combination with the tree automata with (dis)equality constraints between brothers of Bogaert and Tison (1992). We also define a new class of tree automata with constraints that allows arbitrary local disequality constraints and a particular kind of local equality constraints. We prove decidability of emptiness and finiteness for this class in exponential time. As a consequence, we obtain several EXPTIME-completeness results for problems on images of regular tree sets under tree homomorphisms, like set inclusion, finiteness of set difference, and regularity (also called HOM problem). In the setting of global constraints, we study the class of tree automata with global reflexive disequality constraints. Such kind of constraints is incomparable with the original notion of global disequality constraints of Filiot et al. (2007): the latter restricts disequality tests to only compare subtrees evaluated to distinct states, whereas in our model it is possible to test that all subtrees evaluated to the same given state are pairwise different. Our tests correspond to monadic key constraints, and thus, can be used to characterize unique identifiers, a typical integrity constraint of XML schemas. We study the emptiness and finiteness problems for these automata, and obtain decision algorithms that take triple exponential time.Los autómatas son un formalismo ampliamente usado en ciencias de la computación como una representación concisa para conjuntos, siendo interesantes tanto a nivel teórico como práctico. Este trabajo se centra en autómatas que se ejecutan en estructuras arbóreas, y por tanto, definen conjuntos de árboles. En particular, tratamos autómatas que han sido extendidos con la posibilidad de comprobar restricciones de (des)igualdad, es decir, autómatas que son capaces de comprobar si ciertos subárboles del árbol de entrada son iguales o diferentes. Se consideran dos mecanismos distintos para definir qué subárboles deben ser comparados en la evaluación de las restricciones. Primero, en las restricciones locales, una transición del autómata compara subárboles que penden en posiciones relativas a la posición del árbol de entrada en que se aplica la transición. Segundo, en restricciones globales, los subárboles comparados se seleccionan dependiendo del estado al que son evaluados por el autómata durante el cómputo. En el marco de restricciones locales, introducimos los autómatas de árboles con restricciones de altura entre hermanos. Estas restricciones son predicados entre subárboles hermanos que, en lugar de evaluar si los subárboles son iguales o diferentes, comparan sus respectivas alturas. Este tipo de restricciones permiten expresar conjuntos naturales de árboles, tales como árboles completos o equilibrados (como AVL). Demostramos la decidibilidad de la vacuidad y finitud para este tipo de autómata, y también para su combinación con los autómata con restricciones de (des)igualdad entre hermanos de Bogaert y Tison (1992). También definimos una nueva clase de autómatas con restricciones que permite restricciones locales de desigualdad arbitrarias y un tipo particular de restricciones locales de igualdad. Demostramos la decidibilidad de la vacuidad y finitud para esta clase, con un algoritmo de tiempo exponencial. Como consecuencia, obtenemos varios resultados de EXPTIME-completitud para problemas en imágenes de conjuntos regulares de árboles a través de homomorfismos de árboles, tales como inclusión de conjuntos, finitud de diferencia de conjuntos, y regularidad (también conocido como el problema HOM). En el marco de restricciones globales, estudiamos la clase de autómatas de árboles con restricciones globales de desigualdad reflexiva. Este tipo de restricciones es incomparable con la noción original de restricciones globales de desigualdad de Filiot et al. (2007): éstas últimas restringen las comprobaciones de desigualdad a subárboles que se evalúen a estados distintos, mientras que en nuestro modelo es posible comprobar que todos los subárboles que se evalúen a un mismo estado dado son dos a dos distintos. Nuestras restricciones corresponden a restricciones de clave, y por tanto, pueden ser usadas para caracterizar identificadores únicos, una restricción de integridad típica de los XML Schemas. Estudiamos los problemas de vacuidad y finitud para estos autómatas, y obtenemos algoritmos de decisión con coste temporal triplemente exponencial.Postprint (published version

    Termination of Priority Rewriting - Extended version

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    Introducing priorities in rewriting increases the expressive power of rules and helps to limit computations. Priority rewriting is used in rule-based programming as well as in functional programming. Termination of priority rewriting is then important to guarantee that programs give a result. We describe an inductive proof method for termination of priority rewriting, relying on an explicit induction on the termination property and working by generating proof trees, which model the rewriting relation by using abstraction and narrowing

    A study on unification and disunification modulo

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2020.Estuda-se a comparação entre unificação assimétrica e desunificação módulo teorias equa- cionais em relação às suas complexidades, como desenvolvida por Ravishankar, Narendran e Gero. A unificação assimétrica é um tipo de unificação equacional em que as soluções devem fornecer o lado direito dos problemas apresentados na forma normal. E a desunifi- cação é resolver problemas com equações e “disequações” em relação à uma teoria equaci- onal dada. As soluções para os problemas de desunificação são substituições que tornam os dois termos de cada equação iguais, mas os dois termos de cada “disequação” diferen- tes. Unificação e desunificação equacional foram comparadas por os autores mencionados com relação as suas complexidades de tempo para duas teorias equacionais: a primeira associativa (A), comutativa (C), com unidade (U) e nilpotente (N), como (ACUN) e a segunda com tais propriedades, mas adicionando um homomorfismo (h), como (ACUNh), mostrando que desunificação pode ser resolvida em tempo polinomial enquanto unificação assimétrica é NP-difícil para ambas as teorias equacionais. Além disso, foi estudada a abordagem introduzidas por Zhiqiang Liu, em sua dissertação de doutorado, para converter osunificadores módulo ACUN em assimétricos, com símbolos de função não interpretados, usando as regras de inferência. Para a teoria associativa comutativa com homomorfismo (ACh), estudou-se a prova de que unificação módulo ACh é indecidível, assim como o algoritmo de semi-decisão, recentemente introduzido por Ajay Kumar Eeralla e Christopher Lynch, que apresenta um conjunto de regras de inferência para resolver o problema com limitações.Comparisons between asymmetric unification and disunification modulo AC concerning their complexities, as developed by Ravishankar, Narendran and Gero are studied. Asym- metric unification is a type of equational unification problem in which the solutions must give as right-hand sides of the input problem, normal forms regarding some rewriting sys- tem. And disunification problems require solving equations and "disequations" for a given equational theory. Solutions to the disunification problems are substitutions that make the two terms of each equation equal, but the two terms of each “disequation” different. These authors compared the complexity of the unification and disunification problems for two equational theories. The properties of the first equational theory are associativity (A), commutativity (C), the existence of unity (U), and nilpotence (N), abbreviated as ACUN. And, the second equational theory has the same properties but adds a homomorphism (h), for short, ACUNh. For such equational theories, details of the proof that disunification can be solved in polynomial time while the asymmetric unification is NP-hard have been studied. Besides, the approach for converting ACUN unifiers to asymmetric ones, with uninterpreted function symbols using the inference rules introduced by Zhiqiang Liu, in his Ph.D. dissertation, was studied. Narendran’s proof of the undecidability of the unifi- cation problem modulo the associative commutative theory with homomorphism ACh is studied. Also, the semi-decision algorithm, recently introduced by Ajay Kumar Eeralla and Christopher Lynch, is studied, which presents a set of inference rules for solving a bounded version of ACh unification

    Proceedings of Sixth International Workshop on Unification

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    Swiss National Science Foundation; Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 314); Christ Church, Oxford; Oxford University Computing Laborator

    Termination of rewriting under strategies: a generic approach

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    We propose a synthesis of three induction based algorithms, we already have given to prove termination of rewrite rule based programs, respectively for the innermost, the outermost and the local strategies. A generic inference principle is presented, based on an explicit induction on the termination property, which genetates ordering constraints, defining the induction relation. The generic inference principle is then instantiated to provide proof procedures for the three specific considered strategies