594 research outputs found

    A prototype knowledge-based system for pavement analysis

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    Highway engineers have addressed the problem of pavement maintenance by developing remaining life assessment methods based on structural analysis of computer simulations of pavements tested in the field by non-destructive testing devices such as the Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD). However the methodologies followed have been shown to be unable to provide accurate solutions without undue reliance on the knowledge of the expert engineer who conducts the analysis. A knowledge-based system (KBS) is proposed to "inject" engineering knowledge into the conventional techniques. It has been established on a systematic basis and seeks to cover the variety of the issues which may be encountered in such systems. In its prototype form the system consists of three parts: 1. The finite element analytical program ROSTRA-1. 2. A deductive database. 3. A back-analysis subsystem. The analytical program carries out the analysis of the pavements tested in the field. The deductive database holds the properties of a variety of paving materials and establishes the analytical model. The back-analysis subsystem seeks to perform the tasks required for the analysis of the FWD deflection bowl. To build this system, the POPLOG-Prolog computer language operated under VAX/VMS was selected to work in connection with the analytical program. An evaluation procedure was carried out to investigate the performance characteristics of the prototype system. The results indicated that the POPLOG-Prolog development environment is not the ideal tool for such an application. In addition, it appears unlikely that there is any other development tool available which is markedly more effective than that used. However it is felt that similar functions to those required by the POPLOG-Prolog environment, may be implemented using conventional programming. To permit this, a logical design of a KBS to conduct this task is presented

    Data Enrichment for Data Mining Applied to Bioinformatics and Cheminformatics Domains

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    Problemas cada vez mais complexos estão a ser tratados na àrea das ciências da vida. A aquisição de todos os dados que possam estar relacionados com o problema em questão é primordial. Igualmente importante é saber como os dados estão relacionados uns com os outros e com o próprio problema. Por outro lado, existem grandes quantidades de dados e informações disponíveis na Web. Os investigadores já estão a utilizar Data Mining e Machine Learning como ferramentas valiosas nas suas investigações, embora o procedimento habitual seja procurar a informação baseada nos modelos indutivos. Até agora, apesar dos grandes sucessos já alcançados com a utilização de Data Mining e Machine Learning, não é fácil integrar esta vasta quantidade de informação disponível no processo indutivo, com algoritmos proposicionais. A nossa principal motivação é abordar o problema da integração de informação de domínio no processo indutivo de técnicas proposicionais de Data Mining e Machine Learning, enriquecendo os dados de treino a serem utilizados em sistemas de programação de lógica indutiva. Os algoritmos proposicionais de Machine Learning são muito dependentes dos atributos dos dados. Ainda é difícil identificar quais os atributos mais adequados para uma determinada tarefa na investigação. É também difícil extrair informação relevante da enorme quantidade de dados disponíveis. Vamos concentrar os dados disponíveis, derivar características que os algoritmos de ILP podem utilizar para induzir descrições, resolvendo os problemas. Estamos a criar uma plataforma web para obter informação relevante para problemas de Bioinformática (particularmente Genómica) e Quimioinformática. Esta vai buscar os dados a repositórios públicos de dados genómicos, proteicos e químicos. Após o enriquecimento dos dados, sistemas Prolog utilizam programação lógica indutiva para induzir regras e resolver casos específicos de Bioinformática e Cheminformática. Para avaliar o impacto do enriquecimento dos dados com ILP, comparamos com os resultados obtidos na resolução dos mesmos casos utilizando algoritmos proposicionais.Increasingly more complex problems are being addressed in life sciences. Acquiring all the data that may be related to the problem in question is paramount. Equally important is to know how the data is related to each other and to the problem itself. On the other hand, there are large amounts of data and information available on the Web. Researchers are already using Data Mining and Machine Learning as a valuable tool in their researches, albeit the usual procedure is to look for the information based on induction models. So far, despite the great successes already achieved using Data Mining and Machine Learning, it is not easy to integrate this vast amount of available information in the inductive process with propositional algorithms. Our main motivation is to address the problem of integrating domain information into the inductive process of propositional Data Mining and Machine Learning techniques by enriching the training data to be used in inductive logic programming systems. The algorithms of propositional machine learning are very dependent on data attributes. It still is hard to identify which attributes are more suitable for a particular task in the research. It is also hard to extract relevant information from the enormous quantity of data available. We will concentrate the available data, derive features that ILP algorithms can use to induce descriptions, solving the problems. We are creating a web platform to obtain relevant bioinformatics (particularly Genomics) and Cheminformatics problems. It fetches the data from public repositories with genomics, protein and chemical data. After the data enrichment, Prolog systems use inductive logic programming to induce rules and solve specific Bioinformatics and Cheminformatics case studies. To assess the impact of the data enrichment with ILP, we compare with the results obtained solving the same cases using propositional algorithms

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 20. Number 3.

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    Prolog and ASP Inference Under One Roof

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    Answer set programming (ASP) is a declarative programming paradigm stemming from logic programming that has been successfully applied in various domains. Despite amazing advancements in ASP solving, many applications still pose a challenge that is commonly referred to as grounding bottleneck. Devising, implementing, and evaluating a method that alleviates this problem for certain application domains is the focus of this paper. The proposed method is based on combining backtracking-based search algorithms employed in answer set solvers with SLDNF resolution from PROLOG. Using PROLOG inference on non-ground portions of a given program, both grounding time and the size of the ground program can be substantially reduced

    Extending the Finite Domain Solver of GNU Prolog

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    International audienceThis paper describes three significant extensions for the Finite Domain solver of GNU Prolog. First, the solver now supports negative integers. Second, the solver detects and prevents integer overflows from occurring. Third, the internal representation of sparse domains has been redesigned to overcome its current limitations. The preliminary performance evaluation shows a limited slowdown factor with respect to the initial solver. This factor is widely counterbalanced by the new possibilities and the robustness of the solver. Furthermore these results are preliminary and we propose some directions to limit this overhead