771 research outputs found

    Sine Cosine Algorithm for Optimization

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    This open access book serves as a compact source of information on sine cosine algorithm (SCA) and a foundation for developing and advancing SCA and its applications. SCA is an easy, user-friendly, and strong candidate in the field of metaheuristics algorithms. Despite being a relatively new metaheuristic algorithm, it has achieved widespread acceptance among researchers due to its easy implementation and robust optimization capabilities. Its effectiveness and advantages have been demonstrated in various applications ranging from machine learning, engineering design, and wireless sensor network to environmental modeling. The book provides a comprehensive account of the SCA, including details of the underlying ideas, the modified versions, various applications, and a working MATLAB code for the basic SCA

    Applied Metaheuristic Computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC

    Survey of quantitative investment strategies in the Russian stock market : Special interest in tactical asset allocation

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    Russia’s financial markets have been an uncharted area when it comes to exploring the performance of investment strategies based on modern portfolio theory. In this thesis, we focus on the country’s stock market and study whether profitable investments can be made while at the same time taking uncertainties, risks, and dependencies into account. We also pay particular interest in tactical asset allocation. The benefit of this approach is that we can utilize time series forecasting methods to produce trading signals in addition to optimization methods. We use two datasets in our empirical applications. The first one consists of nine sectoral indices covering the period from 2008 to 2017, and the other includes altogether 42 stocks listed on the Moscow Exchange covering the years 2011 – 2017. The strategies considered have been divided into five sections. In the first part, we study classical and robust mean-risk portfolios and the modeling of transaction costs. We find that the expected return should be maximized per unit expected shortfall while simultaneously requiring that each asset contributes equally to the portfolio’s tail risk. Secondly, we show that using robust covariance estimators can improve the risk-adjusted returns of minimum variance portfolios. Thirdly, we note that robust optimization techniques are best suited for conservative investors due to the low volatility allocations they produce. In the second part, we employ statistical factor models to estimate higher-order comoments and demonstrate the benefit of the proposed method in constructing risk-optimal and expected utility-maximizing portfolios. In the third part, we utilize the Almgren–Chriss framework and sort the expected returns according to the assumed momentum anomaly. We discover that this method produces stable allocations performing exceptionally well in the market upturn. In the fourth part, we show that forecasts produced by VECM and GARCH models can be used profitably in optimizations based on the Black–Litterman, copula opinion pooling, and entropy pooling models. In the final part, we develop a wealth protection strategy capable of timing market changes thanks to the return predictions based on an ARIMA model. Therefore, it can be stated that it has been possible to make safe and profitable investments in the Russian stock market even when reasonable transaction costs have been taken into account. We also argue that market inefficiencies could have been exploited by structuring statistical arbitrage and other tactical asset allocation-related strategies.Venäjän rahoitusmarkkinat ovat olleet kartoittamatonta aluetta tutkittaessa moderniin portfolioteoriaan pohjautuvien sijoitusstrategioiden käyttäytymistä. Tässä tutkielmassa keskitymme maan osakemarkkinoihin ja tarkastelemme, voidaanko taloudellisesti kannattavia sijoituksia tehdä otettaessa samalla huomioon epävarmuudet, riskit ja riippuvuudet. Kiinnitämme erityistä huomiota myös taktiseen varojen kohdentamiseen. Tämän lähestymistavan etuna on, että optimointimenetelmien lisäksi voimme hyödyntää aikasarjaennustamisen menetelmiä kaupankäyntisignaalien tuottamiseksi. Empiirisissä sovelluksissa käytämme kahta data-aineistoa. Ensimmäinen koostuu yhdeksästä teollisuusindeksistä kattaen ajanjakson 2008–2017, ja toinen sisältää 42 Moskovan pörssiin listattua osaketta kattaen vuodet 2011–2017. Tarkasteltavat strategiat on puolestaan jaoteltu viiteen osioon. Ensimmäisessä osassa tarkastelemme klassisia ja robusteja riski-tuotto -portfolioita sekä kaupankäyntikustannusten mallintamista. Havaitsemme, että odotettua tuottoa on syytä maksimoida suhteessa odotettuun vajeeseen edellyttäen samalla, että jokainen osake lisää sijoitussalkun häntäriskiä yhtä suurella osuudella. Toiseksi osoitamme, että minimivarianssiportfolioiden riskikorjattuja tuottoja voidaan parantaa robusteilla kovarianssiestimaattoreilla. Kolmanneksi toteamme robustien optimointitekniikoiden soveltuvan parhaiten konservatiivisille sijoittajille niiden tuottamien matalan volatiliteetin allokaatioiden ansiosta. Toisessa osassa hyödynnämme tilastollisia faktorimalleja korkeampien yhteismomenttien estimoinnissa ja havainnollistamme ehdotetun metodin hyödyllisyyttä riskioptimaalisten sekä odotettua hyötyä maksimoivien salkkujen rakentamisessa. Kolmannessa osassa käytämme Almgren–Chrissin viitekehystä ja asetamme odotetut tuotot suuruusjärjestykseen oletetun momentum-anomalian mukaisesti. Havaitsemme, että menetelmä tuottaa vakaita allokaatioita menestyen erityisen hyvin noususuhdanteessa. Neljännessä osassa osoitamme, että VECM- että GARCH-mallien tuottamia ennusteita voidaan hyödyntää kannattavasti niin Black–Littermanin malliin kuin kopulanäkemysten ja entropian poolaukseenkin perustuvissa optimoinneissa. Viimeisessä osassa laadimme varallisuuden suojausstrategian, joka kykenee ajoittamaan markkinoiden muutoksia ARIMA-malliin perustuvien tuottoennusteiden ansiosta. Voidaan siis todeta, että Venäjän osakemarkkinoilla on ollut mahdollista tehdä turvallisia ja tuottavia sijoituksia myös silloin kun kohtuulliset kaupankäyntikustannukset on huomioitu. Toiseksi väitämme, että markkinoiden tehottomuutta on voitu hyödyntää suunnittelemalla tilastolliseen arbitraasiin ja muihin taktiseen varojen allokointiin pohjautuvia strategioita

    Book reports

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    A hybrid grey wolf optimizer for process planning optimization with precedence constraints

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    Process planning optimization is a well-known NP-hard combinatorial problem extensively studied in the scientific community. Its main components include operation sequencing, selection of manufacturing resources and determination of appropriate setup plans. These problems require metaheuristic-based approaches in order to be effectively and efficiently solved. Therefore, to optimize the complex process planning problem, a novel hybrid grey wolf optimizer (HGWO) is proposed. The traditional grey wolf optimizer (GWO) is improved by employing genetic strategies such as selection, crossover and mutation which enhance global search abilities and convergence of the traditional GWO. Precedence relationships among machining operations are taken into account and precedence constraints are modeled using operation precedence graphs and adjacency matrices. Constraint handling heuristic procedure is adopted to move infeasible solutions to a feasible domain. Minimization of the total weighted machining cost of a process plan is adopted as the objective and three experimental studies that consider three different prismatic parts are conducted. Comparative analysis of the obtained cost values, as well as the convergence analysis, are performed and the HGWO approach demonstrated effectiveness and flexibility in finding optimal and near-optimal process plans. On the other side, comparative analysis of computational times and execution times of certain MATLAB functions showed that the HGWO have good time efficiency but limited since it requires more time compared to considered hybrid and traditional algorithms. Potential directions to improving efficiency and performances of the proposed approach are given in conclusions.Web of Science1423art. no. 736

    Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population based stochastic optimization technique influenced by the social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling.PSO shares many similarities with evolutionary computation techniques such as Genetic Algorithms (GA). The system is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. However, unlike GA, PSO has no evolution operators such as crossover and mutation. In PSO, the potential solutions, called particles, fly through the problem space by following the current optimum particles. This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field

    Robust Portfolio Optimisation using Risk Measures and Applications

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    Portfolio selection is a decision problem that can be formulated as a mathematical optimisation program. Ever since portfolio selection has been first modelled as a mathematical optimisation problem, a number of frameworks have emerged. These different frameworks aim to address the shortfalls and limitations of previous models. However, most of these models rely on the weak assumption, that the input parameters are known exactly. In the existence of uncertainty surrounding the input parameters, the outcome of a deterministic optimisation problem might be overoptimistic with unexpected consequences in certain scenarios. Robust optimisation deals with the uncertainty surrounding the input parameters. This framework approaches the uncertainty as deterministic and the solution provides certain guarantees, given that the realized scenario is within the considered uncertainty set. The consideration of all possible scenarios leads to more sensible decisions. Robust optimisation frameworks are quite popular in engineering, whereas an overoptimistic solution might yield a catastrophic outcome. This thesis aims to investigate the portfolio construction using robust optimisation frameworks. More specifically, we formulate existing deterministic optimisation models as robust optimisation models and show that they remain tractable under several types of uncertainty. In particular, we examine the distributionally robust Omega Ratio maximization (through solving the Omega Ratio as a convex optimisation problem) and we show that it remains tractable under mixture distribution, ellipsoidal and box uncertainty. In order to illustrate this, we first show that the Omega Ratio maximization is a convex optimisation problem. In addition, we show that the robust counterpart of the Equally-weighted Risk Contribution problem can also be formulated as a convex optimisation problem. We finally provide numerical evidence that suggest the existence of a positive premium for the portfolios constructed using robust formulations versus the deterministic models. The numerical evidence is based on real-life data that span the pre-and post- credit crisis periods

    Decision-making under uncertainty in short-term electricity markets

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    In the course of the energy transition, the share of electricity generation from renewable energy sources in Germany has increased significantly in recent years and will continue to rise. Particularly fluctuating renewables like wind and solar bring more uncertainty and volatility to the electricity system. As markets determine the unit commitment in systems with self-dispatch, many changes have been made to the design of electricity markets to meet the new challenges. Thereby, a trend towards real-time can be observed. Short-term electricity markets are becoming more important and are seen as suitable for efficient resource allocation. Therefore, it is inevitable for market participants to develop strategies for trading electricity and flexibility in these segments. The research conducted in this thesis aims to enable better decisions in short-term electricity markets. To achieve this, a multitude of quantitative methods is developed and applied: (a) forecasting methods based on econometrics and machine learning, (b) methods for stochastic modeling of time series, (c) scenario generation and reduction methods, as well as (d) stochastic programming methods. Most significantly, two- and three-stage stochastic optimization problems are formulated to derive optimal trading decisions and unit commitment in the context of short-term electricity markets. The problem formulations adequately account for the sequential structure, the characteristics and the technical requirements of the different market segments, as well as the available information regarding uncertain generation volumes and prices. The thesis contains three case studies focusing on the German electricity markets. Results confirm that, based on appropriate representations of the uncertainty of market prices and renewable generation, the optimization approaches allow to derive sound trading strategies across multiple revenue streams, with which market participants can effectively balance the inevitable trade-off between expected profit and associated risk. By considering coherent risk metrics and flexibly adaptable risk attitudes, the trading strategies allow to substantially reduce risk with only moderate expected profit losses. These results are significant, as improving trading decisions that determine the allocation of resources in the electricity system plays a key role in coping with the uncertainty from renewables and hence contributes to the ultimate success of the energy transition

    Modeling flexibility in energy systems : comparison of power sector models based on simplified test cases

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    Model-based scenario analyses of future energy systems often come to deviating results and conclusions when different models are used. This may be caused by heterogeneous input data and by inherent differences in model formulations. The representation of technologies for the conversion, storage, use, and transport of energy is usually stylized in comprehensive system models in order to limit the size of the mathematical problem, and may substantially differ between models. This paper presents a systematic comparison of nine power sector models with sector coupling. We analyze the impact of differences in the representation of technologies, optimization approaches, and further model features on model outcomes. The comparison uses fully harmonized input data and highly simplified system configurations to isolate and quantify model-specific effects. We identify structural differences in terms of the optimization approach between the models. Furthermore, we find substantial differences in technology modeling primarily for battery electric vehicles, reservoir hydro power, power transmission, and demand response. These depend largely on the specific focus of the models. In model analyses where these technologies are a relevant factor, it is therefore important to be aware of potential effects of the chosen modeling approach. For the detailed analysis of the effect of individual differences in technology modeling and model features, the chosen approach of highly simplified test cases is suitable, as it allows to isolate the effects of model-specific differences on results. However, it strongly limits the model's degrees of freedom, which reduces its suitability for the evaluation of fundamentally different modeling approaches