31,390 research outputs found

    Abstract Meaning Representation for Multi-Document Summarization

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    Generating an abstract from a collection of documents is a desirable capability for many real-world applications. However, abstractive approaches to multi-document summarization have not been thoroughly investigated. This paper studies the feasibility of using Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR), a semantic representation of natural language grounded in linguistic theory, as a form of content representation. Our approach condenses source documents to a set of summary graphs following the AMR formalism. The summary graphs are then transformed to a set of summary sentences in a surface realization step. The framework is fully data-driven and flexible. Each component can be optimized independently using small-scale, in-domain training data. We perform experiments on benchmark summarization datasets and report promising results. We also describe opportunities and challenges for advancing this line of research.Comment: 13 page

    Predicting epidemic evolution on contact networks from partial observations

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    The massive employment of computational models in network epidemiology calls for the development of improved inference methods for epidemic forecast. For simple compartment models, such as the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered model, Belief Propagation was proved to be a reliable and efficient method to identify the origin of an observed epidemics. Here we show that the same method can be applied to predict the future evolution of an epidemic outbreak from partial observations at the early stage of the dynamics. The results obtained using Belief Propagation are compared with Monte Carlo direct sampling in the case of SIR model on random (regular and power-law) graphs for different observation methods and on an example of real-world contact network. Belief Propagation gives in general a better prediction that direct sampling, although the quality of the prediction depends on the quantity under study (e.g. marginals of individual states, epidemic size, extinction-time distribution) and on the actual number of observed nodes that are infected before the observation time

    Generating High-Quality Surface Realizations Using Data Augmentation and Factored Sequence Models

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    This work presents a new state of the art in reconstruction of surface realizations from obfuscated text. We identify the lack of sufficient training data as the major obstacle to training high-performing models, and solve this issue by generating large amounts of synthetic training data. We also propose preprocessing techniques which make the structure contained in the input features more accessible to sequence models. Our models were ranked first on all evaluation metrics in the English portion of the 2018 Surface Realization shared task

    Toxic comment classification using convolutional and recurrent neural networks

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    This thesis aims to provide a reasonable solution for categorizing automatically sentences into types of toxicity using different types of neural networks. There are six types of categories: Toxic, severe toxic, obscene, threat, insult and identity hate. Three different implementations have been studied to accomplish the objective: LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) and convolutional neural networks. The thesis is not thought to aim on improving the performance of every individual model but on the comparison between them in terms of natural language processing adequacy. In addition, one differential aspect about this project is the research of LSTM neurons activations and thus the relationship of the words with the final sentence classificatory decision. In conclusion, the three models performed almost equally and the extraction of LSTM activations provided a very accurate and visual understanding of the decisions taken by the network.Esta tesis tiene como objetivo aportar una buena solución para la categorización automática de comentarios abusivos haciendo uso de distintos tipos de redes neuronales. Hay seis categorías: Tóxico, muy tóxico, obsceno, insulto, amenaza y racismo. Se ha hecho una investigación de tres implementaciones para llevar a cabo el objetivo: LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) y redes convolucionales. El objetivo de este trabajo no es intentar mejorar al máximo el resultado de la clasificación sino hacer una comparación de los 3 modelos para los mismos parámetros e intentar saber cuál funciona mejor para este caso de procesado de lenguaje. Además, un aspecto diferencial de este proyecto es la investigación sobre las activaciones de las neuronas en el modelo LSTM y su relación con la importancia de las palabras respecto a la clasificación final de la frase. En conclusión, los tres modelos han funcionado de forma casi idéntica y la extracción de las activaciones han proporcionado un conocimiento muy preciso y visual de las decisiones tomadas por la red.Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu aportar una bona solució per categoritzar automàticament comentaris abusius usant diferents tipus de xarxes neuronals. Hi ha sis tipus de categories: Tòxic, molt tòxic, obscè, insult, amenaça i racisme. S'ha fet una recerca de tres implementacions per dur a terme l'objectiu: LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) i xarxes convolucionals. L'objectiu d'aquest treball no és intentar millorar al màxim els resultats de classificació sinó fer una comparació dels 3 models pels mateixos paràmetres per tal d'esbrinar quin funciona millor en aquest cas de processat de llenguatge. A més, un aspecte diferencial d'aquest projecte és la recerca sobre les activacions de les neurones al model LSTM i la seva relació amb la importància de les paraules respecte la classificació final de la frase. En conclusió, els tres models han funcionat gairebé idènticament i l'extracció de les activacions van proporcionar un enteniment molt acurat i visual de les decisions preses per la xarxa