3,187 research outputs found

    A Logic Programming Approach to Reaction Systems

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    Reaction systems (RS) are a computational framework inspired by the functioning of living cells, suitable to model the main mechanisms of biochemical reactions. RS have shown to be useful also for computer science applications, e.g. to model circuits or transition systems. Since their introduction about 10 years ago, RS matured into a fruitful and dynamically evolving research area. They have become a popular novel model of interactive computation. RS can be seen as a rewriting system interacting with the environment represented by the context. RS pose some problems of implementation, as it is a relatively recent computation model, and several extensions of the basic model have been designed. In this paper we present some preliminary work on how to implement this formalism in a logic programming language (Prolog). To the best of our knowledge this is the first approach to RS in logic programming. Our prototypical implementation does not aim to be highly performing, but has the advantage of being high level and easily modifiable. So it is suitable as a rapid prototyping tool for implementing several extensions of reaction systems in the literature as well as new ones. We also make a preliminary implementation of a kind of memoization mechanism for stopping potentially infinite and repetitive computations. Then we show how to implement in our interpreter an extension of RS for modeling a nondeterministic context and interaction between components of a (biological) system. We then present an extension of the interpreter for implementing the recently introduced networks of RS

    Surf Biomechanics and Bioenergetics.

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    O surf moderno vem sendo descrito como uma atividade física intermitente, que varia em duração e intensidade, seguida de períodos de recuperação consideráveis. Atualmente, a análise e avaliação das sessões de surf são baseadas em conhecimento empírico, experiência e observação. Em outras palavras, procedimentos que envolvem grandes erros de medição. No entanto, é extremamente difícil obter informações analíticas sobre os parâmetros de desempenho. As primeiras investigações científicas no mundo do surf enfrentam uma dificuldade clássica do mundo da ciência, que é medir sem interferir. Além disso, o ambiente marítimo, particularmente devido à água salgada, é extremamente hostil aos componentes eletrônicos, que atualmente são a nossa maior fonte de informações quantitativas.O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar a fase horizontal do surf, especificamente a remada de potência, a remada de longa duração e a técnica de transição para ficar de pé na prancha de surf. Todo este pacote sob a perspetiva da biomecânica, associado a alguns parâmetros bioenergéticos. A abordagem geral foi apoiada por um processo de desconstrução dos movimentos e técnicas em partes didáticas, a fim de reconstruir um conhecimento global e uma melhor compreensão do surf. Olhando para o futuro, agregámos a este projeto o desenvolvimento de recursos tecnológicos que possibilitam explorar o surf diretamente no oceano. Tudo isso ganha ainda muito mais peso, desde que o Surf foi selecionado como novo desporto olímpico para os Jogos de Tóquio, em 2020. Os Jogos Olímpicos passam a ser uma excelente oportunidade, onde o surf se tornará mais profissionalizado e organizado. Neste contexto, as métricas para avaliação de desempenho são importantes para ajudar a validação de metodologias de ensino-aprendizagem, treinamento e julgamentos competitivos.Palavras-chave: biomecânica do surf, surfing, remadas do surf, ficar de pé, medições.Modern surfing has been described as an intermittent physical activity, which varies in duration and intensity, followed by considerable recovery periods. Currently, the analysis and judgment of surf sessions are based on empirical knowledge, experience, and observation. In other words, procedures that involve great measurement errors. However, it is extremely difficult to obtain analytical information on performance parameters. The first scientific investigations in the surf world faced a classic difficulty of the world of science, which is to measure without interfering. In addition, the maritime environment, particularly due to salt water, is extremely hostile to electronic components, which are currently our largest source of quantitative information.This research aimed to investigate the horizontal phase of surfing, specifically the sprint paddling, endurance paddling and the transition pop-up - standing technique. The whole pack under a biomechanics perspective, associated with bioenergetic parameters. The general approach was supported by process of deconstruction of movements and techniques in didactic parts, in order to reconstruct a global knowledge, and a better understanding of surfing. Looking to the future, we aggregate to this project the development of technological resources that make it possible to explore surf directly in the ocean. All this gained even more relevance since Surf has been selected as the new Olympic sport for the next Games of Tokyo 2020. The Olympic Games are an excellent opportunity where surfing will become more professional and organised. In this context, the metrics for performance evaluation are important to help validating teaching-learning methodologies, support training and competitive judgments

    Comparison Study of Various Type Artificial Reef Performance in Reducing Wave Height

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    Most fishermen used inappropriate methods to sustain their livelihoods, severely destroying fishery resources. Furthermore, a lack of environmental protection and pollution prevention lead the best coastal and estuarial nurseries to become unhabitable. Several studies have pointed out that fish stocks in coastal waters could be no longer sufficient for the increasing fishing activity and consumption requests. Based on the 1950–2006 global statistics conducted by Food and  Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2012).Artificial reefs are most often constructed to increase the efficiency of fishery resource harvest (Seaman and Sprague, 1991). In engineering practice, the stability of artificial reefs is an important issue in preventing the failure of reef units due to wave and current actions. Some of the artificial reefs have also been designed to serve as low-crested coastal protection structures (e.g. Dalrymple et al., 1991a; Ranasinghe et al., 2006). One particular advantage of these artificial reefs over the conventional submerged breakwaters is the fact that they are multi-purpose units and can be achieved with more cost-effective materials and environmentally friendly construction processes (Harris, 1995; Buccino et al., 2013). Artificial reef model keep looking for modification to get compatibility and efiiciency as submerged breakwater because  the feasibility of artificial reefs for coastal protection is typically evaluated based on the percentage of surface wave height reductionWave transformation analysis in artificial reef do with consideration from some non dimensional variables. Wave transmission process defined with ratio betwwen transmission wave height and incoming wave heightThis research compares 5 types of Artificial reef in numeric model. There are hexareef, bottle reef, star reef, seadome and cube reef. They are tested with Indonesian wave steepness which has value between 0,0013 and 0,012

    Big Data and Social Media Analytics: A Key to Understanding Human Nature

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    Big Data and Social Media have transformed knowledge and comprehension in this age of technological advancement. Corporate leaders and professionals in several industries have focused on Big Data, a large collection of data from multiple sources. Meanwhile, social media networks' fast data growth has been lauded as a way to comprehend human behaviours. This study paper examines the critical need to extract intelligent information from the large volume, wide variety, and quick pace of data to meet modern corporate needs. Using specialized tools and procedures for large-scale dataset analysis and effective data management structures are crucial in this context. Big Data and Social Media Analytics offer new insights into human behaviour. This study analyzes how these two fields may work together to create new management strategies. We show that Big Data and Social Media Analytics may provide unmatched opportunities for understanding human behaviour through practical examples and case studies. This integration helps organizations navigate a rapidly changing global market by assessing client preferences, anticipating industry trends, and understanding societal shifts. This study emphasizes the need of using modern technical driving elements to better understand human nature. Integration of several data sources provides insights that give a competitive edge and aid decision-making across sectors. This article examines Big Data and Social Media Analytics, which improves management tactics and deepens understanding of the complex network of human activities and attitudes

    The Discipline of Happiness

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    A deeply personal Journey, “The Discipline of Happiness” blends fundamental philosophy with the power of visual art. In a 42‐year quest for purpose certain theories have been tried, championed, discredited, and discarded. The distillation of these ideas into my current theory provides, more saliently than the theory itself, a venue for discussion of the creative process. My creativity often manifests itself in visual terms. Through the medium of an extended artist statement I reflect on the virtues of thinking in both a linguistic and spatial manner. Orchestrating the dual modes of inquiry, semantic and visual, into a single narrative highlights the evolution of my ideas about happiness. This journey is aided by a description of the associated artwork following each exposition. The effort clarifies my concepts for critical evaluation while establishing a framework for future innovation. By applying prose and picture to my thought pattern, discovery of the undercurrents of my creative wanderings bubble to the surface. If I understand my process, then better pedagogy may follow. Focus on one set of theories, the discipline of happiness, reduces the chaos of the possible into more quantifiable units of inspiration. Compressed in these theories the meaning of life and the apparatus for learning support, but do not dominate the discussion. Personal history provides context for the generation of creative definitions as well as the Achilles heel undermining the conclusions. Ultimately, I provide no answers; I debunk my own theory, hoping only that the discussion of the process of creativity remains compelling

    Querying industrial stream-temporal data: An ontology-based visual approach

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    An increasing number of sensors are being deployed in business-critical environments, systems, and equipment; and stream a vast amount of data. The operational efficiency and effectiveness of business processes rely on domain experts’ agility in interpreting data into actionable business information. A domain expert has extensive domain knowledge but not necessarily skills and knowledge on databases and formal query languages. Therefore, centralised approaches are often preferred. These require IT experts to translate the information needs of domain experts into extract-transform-load (ETL) processes in order to extract and integrate data and then let domain experts apply predefined analytics. Since such a workflow is too time intensive, heavy-weight and inflexible given the high volume and velocity of data, domain experts need to extract and analyse the data of interest directly. Ontologies, i.e., semantically rich conceptual domain models, present an intelligible solution by describing the domain of interest on a higher level of abstraction closer to the reality. Moreover, recent ontology-based data access (OBDA) technologies enable end users to formulate their information needs into queries using a set of terms defined in an ontology. Ontological queries could then be translated into SQL or some other database query languages, and executed over the data in its original place and format automatically. To this end, this article reports an ontology-based visual query system (VQS), namely OptiqueVQS, how it is extended for a stream-temporal query language called STARQL, a user experiment with the domain experts at Siemens AG, and STARQL’s query answering performance over a proof of concept implementation for PostgreSQL

    Differential spatial distribution of miR165/6 determines variability in plant root anatomy

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    A clear example of interspecific variation is the number of root cortical layers in plants. The genetic mechanisms underlying this variability are poorly understood, partly due to the lack of a convenient model. Here, we demonstrate that Cardamine hirsuta, unlike Arabidopsis thaliana, has two cortical layers that are patterned during late embryogenesis. We show that a miR165/6-dependent distribution of the HOMEODOMAIN LEUCINE ZIPPER III (HD-ZIPIII) transcription factor PHABULOSA (PHB) controls this pattern. Our findings reveal that interspecies variation in miRNA distribution can determine differences in anatomy in plants