184,566 research outputs found

    GRAPE-5: A Special-Purpose Computer for N-body Simulation

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    We have developed a special-purpose computer for gravitational many-body simulations, GRAPE-5. GRAPE-5 is the successor of GRAPE-3. Both consist of eight custom pipeline chips (G5 chip and GRAPE chip). The difference between GRAPE-5 and GRAPE-3 are: (1) The G5 chip contains two pipelines operating at 80 MHz, while the GRAPE chip had one at 20 MHz. Thus, the calculation speed of the G5 chip and that of GRAPE-5 board are 8 times faster than that of GRAPE chip and GRAPE-3 board. (2) The GRAPE-5 board adopted PCI bus as the interface to the host computer instead of VME of GRAPE-3, resulting in the communication speed one order of magnitude faster. (3) In addition to the pure 1/r potential, the G5 chip can calculate forces with arbitrary cutoff functions, so that it can be applied to Ewald or P^3M methods. (4) The pairwise force calculated on GRAPE-5 is about 10 times more accurate than that on GRAPE-3. On one GRAPE-5 board, one timestep of 128k-body simulation with direct summation algorithm takes 14 seconds. With Barnes-Hut tree algorithm (theta = 0.75), one timestep of 10^6-body simulation can be done in 16 seconds.Comment: 19 pages, 24 Postscript figures, 3 tables, Latex, submitted to Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japa

    GRAPE-6: The massively-parallel special-purpose computer for astrophysical particle simulation

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    In this paper, we describe the architecture and performance of the GRAPE-6 system, a massively-parallel special-purpose computer for astrophysical NN-body simulations. GRAPE-6 is the successor of GRAPE-4, which was completed in 1995 and achieved the theoretical peak speed of 1.08 Tflops. As was the case with GRAPE-4, the primary application of GRAPE-6 is simulation of collisional systems, though it can be used for collisionless systems. The main differences between GRAPE-4 and GRAPE-6 are (a) The processor chip of GRAPE-6 integrates 6 force-calculation pipelines, compared to one pipeline of GRAPE-4 (which needed 3 clock cycles to calculate one interaction), (b) the clock speed is increased from 32 to 90 MHz, and (c) the total number of processor chips is increased from 1728 to 2048. These improvements resulted in the peak speed of 64 Tflops. We also discuss the design of the successor of GRAPE-6.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASJ, scheduled to appear in Vol. 55, No.

    The application of pesticides to grape bunches

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    The application of pesticides to grape bunches is complicated by the different shapes and forms of the grape bunch during growth. Initially the grape bunch has a very porous structure, while in later stages the grapes are closely packed. We consider estimates of the flow velocity through the grape bunch, droplet density within the spray, probability of droplet impaction on a bunch or individual grape and the maximum size of drop that can adhere to a grape surface

    Direct Simulation of Dense Stellar Systems with GRAPE-6

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    In this paper we describe the current status of the GRAPE-6 project to develop a special-purpose computer with a peak speed exceeding 100 Tflops for the simulation of astrophysical N-body problems. One of the main targets of the GRAPE-6 project is the simulation of dense stellar systems. In this paper, therefore, we overview the basic algorithms we use for the simulation of dense stellar systems and their characteristics. We then describe how we designed GRAPE hardwares to meet the requirements of these algorithms. GRAPE-6 will be completed by the year 2001. As an example of what science can be done on GRAPE-6, we describe our work on the galactic center with massive black holes performed on GRAPE-4, the predecessor of GRAPE-6.Comment: 12 pages, to appear in Dynamics of Star Clusters and the Milky Way, eds. R. Spurzem et al. (ASP Conference Series

    Pseudoparticle Multipole Method: A Simple Method to Implement High-Accuracy Treecode

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    In this letter we describe the pseudoparticle multipole method (P2M2), a new method to express multipole expansion by a distribution of pseudoparticles. We can use this distribution of particles to calculate high order terms in both the Barnes-Hut treecode and FMM. The primary advantage of P2M2 is that it works on GRAPE. GRAPE is a special-purpose hardware for the calculation of gravitational force between particles. Although the treecode has been implemented on GRAPE, we could handle terms only up to dipole, since GRAPE can calculate forces from point-mass particles only. Thus the calculation cost grows quickly when high accuracy is required. With P2M2, the multipole expansion is expressed by particles, and thus GRAPE can calculate high order terms. Using P2M2, we implemented an arbitrary-order treecode on GRAPE-4. Timing result shows GRAPE-4 accelerates the calculation by a factor between 10 (for low accuracy) to 150 (for high accuracy). Even on general-purpose programmable computers, our method offers the advantage that the mathematical formulae and therefore the actual program is much simpler than that of the direct implementation of multipole expansion.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, latex, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Lewiston Journal Article, Meat Inspection

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    Letter on the debate to regulate meat production under current state or federal inspection regulations.https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/michaud-mailhot/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Perineal hernia : retrospective study of contralateral hernia after unilateral surgery

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    Bakgrund: Det har föreslagits att perinealbrĂ„ck hos hundar möjligtvis ska betraktas som en bilateral företeelse istĂ€llet för unilateral. Det finns dock endast begrĂ€nsad mĂ€ngd data med avseende pĂ„ risk för kontralateral operation efter Ă„tgĂ€rd av unilateralt brĂ„ck. Syfte: Hypotesen var att behov av operation pĂ„ kontralateral sida var sĂ€llsynt. MĂ„let med studien var att undersöka förekomsten av kontralateral operation efter ett unilateralt ingrepp hos hund diagnostiserad med och behandlad för unilateralt perinealbrĂ„ck. Metod och Material: En retrospektiv kohortstudie genomfördes dĂ€r en sökning gjordes pĂ„ debiteringskoder för operation av perinealbrĂ„ck omfattande en period över tio Ă„r. Journaler som identifierades i sökningen analyserades. Sökningen avgrĂ€nsades till operationer genomförda under Ă„ren 2009–2018 vid universitetsdjursjukhuset i Uppsala, Sverige. Gruppering av hundarna genomfördes frĂ„n grupp ett till fem, dĂ€r grupp ett bestod av de hundar med initialt enkelsidigt brĂ„ck, grupp tvĂ„ bestod av de initialt dubbelsidiga hundarna, grupp tre bestod av de hundar med tydligt brĂ„ck pĂ„ ena sidan och med mĂ„ttligt brĂ„ck pĂ„ motsatta sidan, grupp fyra bestod av de hundar med tydligt brĂ„ck pĂ„ ena sidan och ett lindrigt brĂ„ck pĂ„ den motsatta sidan och grupp fem bestod av de hundar som hade tydligt brĂ„ck pĂ„ ena sidan men motsatta sidan hade inget utvecklat brĂ„ck utan endast kommentar om bland annat försvagad muskulatur. I en fördjupad analys kontaktades vissa av djurĂ€garna till grupp ett, alltsĂ„ de hundarna med endast initialt enkelsidigt perinealbrĂ„ck, som inte hade nĂ„gon notering om försvagning i muskelvĂ€ggen eller ett ytterligare brĂ„ck pĂ„ den kontralaterala sidan. De djurĂ€gare dĂ€r informationen saknades, om deras hund hade behövt uppsöka veterinĂ€rvĂ„rd pĂ„ grund av att ett kontralateralt brĂ„ck uppstĂ„tt eller ej, kontaktades. Metoderna som anvĂ€ndes vid kontaktande av djurĂ€garna var telefonsamtal och SMS. FrĂ„gor som stĂ€lldes var bland annat om hunden hade utvecklat problem med den kontralaterala sidan och om det i sĂ„ fall hade behövts Ă„tgĂ€rdas kirurgiskt samt Ă„lder pĂ„ hunden vid uppkomst av eventuella problem. Om hunden var avliden stĂ€lldes frĂ„gan om hunden avlidit till följd av perinealbrĂ„cket eller av annan orsak. Resultat: Studien identifierade totalt 80 hanhundar. Grupp ett, initialt enkelsidigt brĂ„ck, bestod av 30 hundar. Grupp tvĂ„, initialt dubbelsidiga brĂ„ck, konstaterades hos 24 hundar. Grupp tre bestod av tvĂ„ hundar som registrerades med tydligt brĂ„ck pĂ„ ena sidan och mĂ„ttligt brĂ„ck pĂ„ den motsatta sidan. Grupp fyra bestod av fem hundar som registrerades med tydligt brĂ„ck pĂ„ ena sidan och lindrigt brĂ„ck pĂ„ motsatta sidan. Grupp fem bestod av 19 hundar som registrerades med tydligt brĂ„ck pĂ„ ena sidan och en journalanteckning att motsatta sidans muskulatur uppfattades som slapp eller mer eftergivlig, utifrĂ„n en subjektiv bedömning vid rektalpalpation. Totala antalet registrerade operationer blev 98 varav 33 exklusive kastration och 65 inklusive kastration. 15 hundar opererades bilateralt i tvĂ„ steg varav 14 av dem var registrerade som grupp 2, initial som dubbelsidiga brĂ„ck, och en hund registrerades i grupp 5, slapp muskulatur pĂ„ den motsatta sidan. MedelĂ„ldern vid operation av perinealbrĂ„ck var 8,3 Ă„r (3,9–14,8 Ă„r) och medelvikten var 18,2 kg (3,5–49 kg). Utvecklande av kontralaterala perinealbrĂ„ck hos initialt unilaterala brĂ„ck, grupp ett, sĂ„gs hos fem av 30 hundar. TvĂ„ av de fem hundarna Ă„tgĂ€rdades kirurgiskt och en hund behandlades konservativt och tvĂ„ avlivades pĂ„ grund av det kontralaterala brĂ„cket. Av de i grupp ett, initialt enkelsidigt brĂ„ck, som ej utvecklade brĂ„ck pĂ„ kontralaterala sidan blev tvĂ„ avlivade under operation, en hund avlivades efter tvĂ„ mĂ„nader pĂ„ grund av Ă„terfall av brĂ„ck pĂ„ samma sida och en hund avlivades fem mĂ„nader efter operationen pĂ„ grund av annan orsak som inte hade med perinealbrĂ„cket att göra. Utöver dessa fyra hundar var tiden frĂ„n operation till uppföljning angĂ„ende kontralateralt brĂ„ck hos grupp ett, initialt enkelsidiga, Sammanfattning mellan 11 mĂ„nader–11,8 Ă„r och ett medelvĂ€rde pĂ„ fyra Ă„r efter operation. De fyra hundarna som avlivades i samband med operation eller kort tid efter genomförd kirurgi valdes att i denna studie exkluderas. Totalt kontaktades 19 djurĂ€gare via telefon och/eller med sms med standardiserade frĂ„gor varav 15 djurĂ€gare svarade via telefonsamtal, tvĂ„ djurĂ€gare endast via sms och tvĂ„ djurĂ€gare svarade aldrig. Genom denna intervju identifierades tvĂ„ av de fem hundarna som utvecklade kontralateralt brĂ„ck. De tvĂ„ hundar vars djurĂ€gare inte lyckades kontaktas exkluderades. Detta medförde att fem hundar av de 24 hundar med initialt enkelsidigt perinealbrĂ„ck, 20,8 %, utvecklade ett kontralateralt brĂ„ck pĂ„ den motsatta sidan. Hos de hundar som hade brĂ„ck pĂ„ ena sidan samt notering om försvagad muskulatur pĂ„ motsatta sidan, grupp fem, behövde en hund uppsöka veterinĂ€rvĂ„rd samt Ă„tgĂ€rdas kirurgiskt pĂ„ grund av att ha utvecklat perinealbrĂ„ck pĂ„ den motsatta sidan. Av de hundar som var registrerade som grupp 2–5, avlivades tvĂ„ i samband med operation pĂ„ grund av dĂ„lig prognos och en strax efter operation pĂ„ grund av komplikationer som krĂ€vde en ny operation. Dessa tre hundar valdes Ă€ven de att exkluderas dĂ„ de inte bedömdes ha chansen att kunna utveckla ett kontralateralt perinealbrĂ„ck. Ytterligare tvĂ„ hundar avlivades 2,3 Ă„r och 4 Ă„r efter operationen pĂ„ grund av problem med den genomförda brĂ„ckoperationen. Ytterligare fem hundar registrerades som avlidna pĂ„ grund av annan orsak. En hund med initialt dubbelsidigt perinealbrĂ„ck, grupp tvĂ„, rekommenderades avlivning pĂ„ grund av tumörsjukdom. 23 hundar, i grupperna 2–5, hade ingen journalanteckning varken om avlivning eller om en ny operation hade genomförts pĂ„ den icke opererade sidan. Det medförde att i grupp 2–5 behövde en hund av 32 (50 hundar minus de 15 hundar som opererades i tvĂ„ steg, minus de tre avlidna hundarna som inte hade en chans att utveckla problem pĂ„ motsatta sidan, dĂ„ de avlivades under operation eller precis efter operationen) behövde uppsöka veterinĂ€rvĂ„rd och Ă„tgĂ€rdas kirurgiskt pĂ„ grund av problem med den motsatta sidan. Det medför att av totalt 56 (24+32) enkelsidigt Ă„tgĂ€rdade hundar sĂ„gs kontralateralt brĂ„ck sammanlagt hos sex hundar, 10,7 %. Diskussion: Resultaten av denna studie gav svagt eller inget stöd för rekommendationen att perinealbrĂ„ck bör opereras bilateralt, om hunden har enkelsidigt brĂ„ck vid den kliniska undersökningen. Indikation gavs Ă€ven att hundar som opererats enkelsidigt Ă€ven fast de har lindrigt, mĂ„ttligt eller pĂ„början till perinealbrĂ„ck kontralateralt, inte behöver opereras bilateralt rutinmĂ€ssigt. I denna studie hittades fall dĂ€r operation senare utfördes pĂ„ den kontralaterala sidan, bĂ„de nĂ€r diagnosen initialt var enkelsidigt brĂ„ck eller en journalanteckning angĂ„ende tecken pĂ„ försvagad muskelvĂ€gg kontralateralt. Studiens huvudbegrĂ€nsningar: Studien var retrospektiv och begrĂ€nsad till endast patientjournaler frĂ„n universitetsdjursjukhuset i Uppsala. Olika veterinĂ€rer gjorde undersökningarna och bedömningen om muskelvĂ€ggen var intakt, eller försvagad, om förĂ€ndringen klassades som lindrigt brĂ„ck eller fullt utvecklat brĂ„ck var subjektiv. Retrospektiv klassificering och gradering av brĂ„ckets omfattning baserat pĂ„ journalanteckningar Ă€r mycket begrĂ€nsad. Viss information var inhĂ€mtad genom telefonkontakt med djurĂ€gare som kan minnas fel. Vetenskaplig eller klinisk relevans: Denna studie visade inget stöd för att kontralateral operation rutinmĂ€ssigt ska rekommenderas efter diagnostisering av ett enkelsidigt perinealbrĂ„ck.Reasons for performing the study: It has been discussed whether perineal hernia in dogs should possibly be considered a bilateral phenomenon instead of unilateral. However, evidence is limited regarding the risk of the need of contralateral surgery after unilateral hernia. Purpose: The hypothesis was that the need for surgery on the contralateral side was rare. The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence of contralateral surgery after unilateral procedure in dogs diagnosed with and treated for unilateral perineal hernia. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted where a search was made in the medical record database for dogs subjected to surgery due to perineal hernia covering a period over ten years. The identified patient records were analysed. The dogs were operated during the years 2009-2018 at the University Animal Hospital in Uppsala, Sweden. The patients were divided in groups from one to five, where group one consisted of the dogs with initially single-sided hernia, group two consisted of the initially double-sided dogs, group three consisted of those dogs with clear hernia on one side and with moderate hernia on the opposite side, group four consisted of the dogs with clear hernia on one side and a mild hernia on the opposite side and group five consisted of the dogs that had clear hernia on one side but the opposite side had no developed hernia but patient record comments about weakened muscles. In an in-depth analysis, some of the animal owners of dogs in group one was contacted, i.e. the dogs with only initial unilateral perineal hernia, who had no note of weakness in the muscle wall or a further hernia on the contralateral side. The pet owners where the information was missing, whether their dog had had to seek veterinary care due to a contralateral hernia or not, were contacted. The methods used when contacting the animal owners were telephone calls and text message. Questions that were asked included whether the dog had developed problems with the contralateral side and whether in that case surgical action had been needed as well as the age of the dog when any problems arose. If the dog had died, the question was asked whether the dog had died as a result of perineal hernia or for some other reason. Results: The study identified a total of 80 male dogs. Group one, initially unilateral hernia consisted of 30 dogs. Group two, initially bilateral hernia was found in 24 dogs. Group three consisted of two dogs. Group four consisted of five dogs registered with clear hernia on one side and mild hernia on the opposite side. Group five consisted of 19 dogs that were registered with a clear hernia on one side and a note that the opposite muscle wall was perceives as flaccid, based on subjective assessment at rectal palpation. The total number of registered operations was 98, of which were 33 excluding castration and 65 including castration. 15 dogs were bilaterally operated on in two stages, of which 14 were initially registered as group two, initial as bilateral hernias, and one dog was registered in group five, loose muscle on the opposite side. The mean age at perineal hernia surgery was 8.3 years (3.9–14.8 years) and the average weight was 18.2 kg (3.5–49 kg). Development of contralateral perineal hernia in initially unilateral hernia, group one, was seen in five of 30 dogs. Two of the five dogs were treated surgically, and one dog was treated conservatively and two were euthanized due to the contralateral hernia. Of those in group one, initially unilateral hernia, who did not develop hernia on the contralateral side, two were euthanized during surgery, one dog was euthanized after two months due to recurrence of hernia on the same side and one dog was euthanized five months after surgery for another cause not related to the perineal hernia. In addition to these four dogs, the time from surgery to follow-up regarding contralateral hernia in group one, initially unilateral, was between 11 months – 11.8 years and an average of four years after surgery. The four dogs that were euthanized in connection with surgery or shortly after surgery were excluded in this Abstract study. A total of 19 pet owners were contacted by telephone and/or by text message with standardized questions, of which 15 pet owners answered via telephone calls, two pet owners only via text message and two pet owners never answered. Through this interview, two of five dogs that developed contralateral hernia were identified. The two dogs whose pet owners failed to be contacted were chosen to be excluded as well. This resulted in five dogs out of the 24 dogs with initially unilateral perineal hernia, 20.8 %, developed a contralateral hernia on the opposite side. In those dogs that had hernias on one side and a comment regarding weakened muscles on the opposite side, group five, only one dog needed to seek veterinary care and was treated surgically due to having developed perineal hernias on the opposite side. Of the dogs that were registered as groups 2-5, two were euthanized in connection with surgery due to a poor prognosis and one shortly after surgery due to complications that required a new operation. These three dogs were also chosen to be excluded as they were not judged to have the chance of developing a contralateral perineal hernia. Another two dogs were killed 2.3 years and four years after the operation due to problems with the hernia operation. Another five dogs were registered as dead due to another cause. A dog with initial bilateral perineal hernia, group two, was recommended for euthanasia due to tumour disease. 23 dogs, in group 2-5, had no medical record either about if the dogs had been euthanized or if a new operation had been performed on the non-operated side. This meant that in group 2-5, one dog of 32 (50 dogs minus the 15 dogs that were operated in two steps, minus the three deceased dogs that did not have a chance to develop problems on the opposite side, when they were euthanized during surgery or shortly after surgery) needed to seek veterinary care and be treated surgically due to problems with the opposite side. In summary, out of a total of 56 (24+32) unilaterally treated dogs, a total of contralateral hernia was seen in six dogs, 10.7 %. Discussion: Based on the result of this study there is little or no support to give a recommendation that dogs with a unilateral perineal hernia should be subjected to a bilateral surgery. Based on the results of this study, the recommendation is not to surgically treat a mild perineal hernia on the contralateral side beyond the side where the main hernia is located. This study indicates that these hernias usually do not need any form of surgical treatment. Main study Limitations: The study was retrospective and limited to the patient records from the University Animal Hospital in Uppsala, Sweden. Some information was obtained through telephone contact with pet owners who could remember incorrectly. Due to the retrospective nature of the study, the level of evidence regarding grading or scoring of hernia was considered low. Scientific or Clinical relevance: This study showed no support for contralateral surgery on a routine basis after diagnosis of unilateral perineal hernia

    Lewiston Journal Article, Meat Petition

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    Newspaper article on meat processing as it pertains to Mailhot\u27s Sausage. (photocopy)https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/michaud-mailhot/1001/thumbnail.jp

    The Dream of Coming Home

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    In the Margaret Chase Smith Essay, Nancy Grape, retired editorial writer for the Portland Press Herald and Maine Sunday Telegram, reflects on the meaning of retirement, and how it is changing in Maine and elsewhere

    High Performance Direct Gravitational N-body Simulations on Graphics Processing Units

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    We present the results of gravitational direct NN-body simulations using the commercial graphics processing units (GPU) NVIDIA Quadro FX1400 and GeForce 8800GTX, and compare the results with GRAPE-6Af special purpose hardware. The force evaluation of the NN-body problem was implemented in Cg using the GPU directly to speed-up the calculations. The integration of the equations of motions were, running on the host computer, implemented in C using the 4th order predictor-corrector Hermite integrator with block time steps. We find that for a large number of particles (N \apgt 10^4) modern graphics processing units offer an attractive low cost alternative to GRAPE special purpose hardware. A modern GPU continues to give a relatively flat scaling with the number of particles, comparable to that of the GRAPE. Using the same time step criterion the total energy of the NN-body system was conserved better than to one in 10610^6 on the GPU, which is only about an order of magnitude worse than obtained with GRAPE. For N\apgt 10^6 the GeForce 8800GTX was about 20 times faster than the host computer. Though still about an order of magnitude slower than GRAPE, modern GPU's outperform GRAPE in their low cost, long mean time between failure and the much larger onboard memory; the GRAPE-6Af holds at most 256k particles whereas the GeForce 8800GTF can hold 9 million particles in memory.Comment: Submitted to New Astronom
