41,725 research outputs found

    Effect of an interstitial fluid on the dynamics of three-dimensional granular media

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    The propagation of mechanical energy in granular materials has been intensively studied in recent years given the wide range of fields that have processes related to this phenomena, from geology to impact mitigation and protection of buildings and structures. In this paper, we experimentally explore the effect of an interstitial fluid on the dynamics of the propagation of a mechanical pulse in a granular packing under controlled confinement pressure. The experimental results reveal the occurrence of an elastohydrodynamic mechanism at the scale of the contacts between wet particles. We describe our results in terms of an effective medium theory, including the presence of the viscous fluid. Finally, we study the nonlinear weakening of the granular packing as a function of the amplitude of the pulses. Our observations demonstrate that the softening of the material can be impeded by adjusting the viscosity of the interstitial fluid above a threshold at which the elastohydrodynamic interaction overcomes the elastic repulsion due to the confinement.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    A spatially resolved fluid-solid interaction model for dense granular packs/Soft-Sand.

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    Fluid flow through dense granular packs or soft sands can be described as a Darcy’ s flow for low injection rates, as the friction between grain-grain and grain-walls dominate the solid system behaviour. For high injection rates, fluid forces can generate grain displacement forming flow channels or “fractures”, which in turn modify local properties within the system, such as permeability and stress distribution. Due to this kind of “self organized” behaviour, a spatially resolved model for these interactions is required to capture the dynamics of these systems. In this work, we present a resolved model based on the approach taken by the CFDEM open source project which uses LIGGGHTS – a discrete elements method (DEM)– to model the granular behaviour and OpenFoam finite volume library for computational fluid dynamics (CFD), to simulate the fluid behaviour. The capabilities provided by the DEM engine allows the properties of the solid phase, such as inter-grain cohesion and solid confinement stress to be controlled. In this work the original solver provided by the CFDEM project was modified so as to deal with dense granular packs more effectively. Advantages of the approach presented are that it does not require external “scaling parameters” to reproduce well known properties of porous materials and that it inherits the performance provided by the CFDEM project. The model is validated by reproducing the well-known properties of static porous materials, such as its permeability as a function of the system porosity, and by calculating the drag coefficient for a sphere resting inside a uniform flow. Finally, we present fracture patterns obtained when modelling water injection into a Hele-Shaw cell, filled with a dense granular pack

    Newton vs Stokes : competing forces in granular matter

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    Granular materials can be encountered everywhere and are very important in industry. The first step in understanding these materials is normally to focus upon gravity and mechanical contact forces only. While this is a valid approximation when the particles are large, for smaller particles also the ambient air has a pronounced influence and must be taken into account. In this thesis we focus on particles where the “Stokesian” forces (drag, air pressure) and the “Newtonian” forces (from collisions and gravity) compete for dominance. Two examples that illustrate this in a particularly clear manner are the formation and coarsening of Faraday heaps and the appearance of regular and inverse Chladni patterns on a resonating plate. We study these systems by a hybrid Granular Dynamics – Computational Fluid Dynamics numerical code and compare the results with experiments. The simulations enable us to provide detailed explanations for these phenomena

    Patterns and Collective Behavior in Granular Media: Theoretical Concepts

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    Granular materials are ubiquitous in our daily lives. While they have been a subject of intensive engineering research for centuries, in the last decade granular matter attracted significant attention of physicists. Yet despite a major efforts by many groups, the theoretical description of granular systems remains largely a plethora of different, often contradicting concepts and approaches. Authors give an overview of various theoretical models emerged in the physics of granular matter, with the focus on the onset of collective behavior and pattern formation. Their aim is two-fold: to identify general principles common for granular systems and other complex non-equilibrium systems, and to elucidate important distinctions between collective behavior in granular and continuum pattern-forming systems.Comment: Submitted to Reviews of Modern Physics. Full text with figures (2Mb pdf) avaliable at http://mti.msd.anl.gov/AransonTsimringReview/aranson_tsimring.pdf Community responce is appreciated. Comments/suggestions send to [email protected]

    River-bed armoring as a granular segregation phenomenon

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    Gravel-river beds typically have an "armored" layer of coarse grains on the surface, which acts to protect finer particles underneath from erosion. River bed-load transport is a kind of dense granular flow, and such flows are known to vertically segregate grains. The contribution of granular physics to river-bed armoring, however, has not been investigated. Here we examine these connections in a laboratory river with bimodal sediment size, by tracking the motion of particles from the surface to deep inside the bed, and find that armor develops by two distinct mechanisms. Bed-load transport in the near-surface layer drives rapid segregation, with a vertical advection rate proportional to the granular shear rate. Creeping grains beneath the bed-load layer give rise to slow but persistent segregation, which is diffusion dominated and insensitive to shear rate. We verify these findings with a continuum phenomenological model and discrete element method simulations. Our results suggest that river beds armor by granular segregation from below --- rather than fluid-driven sorting from above --- while also providing new insights on the mechanics of segregation that are relevant to a wide range of granular flows
