506 research outputs found

    Корпусная лингвистика: теоретические и практические аспекты

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    Целью данной статьи является рассмотрение центральных понятий корпусной лингвистики и возможностей практического использования ее достижений. Поиск новых подходов к изучению языка во всех формах его существования, применение современных компьютерных технологий в работе с языковым материалом, необходимость совершенствования методов обучения языку и приемам перевода выводят исследования в области компьютерной, прикладной и корпусной лингвистик на уровень актуальных и востребованных

    Values, Ethics, Morals? On the Use of Moral Concepts in NLP Research

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    With language technology increasingly affecting individuals' lives, many recent works have investigated the ethical aspects of NLP. Among other topics, researchers focused on the notion of morality, investigating, for example, which moral judgements language models make. However, there has been little to no discussion of the terminology and the theories underpinning those efforts and their implications. This lack is highly problematic, as it hides the works' underlying assumptions and hinders a thorough and targeted scientific debate of morality in NLP. In this work, we address this research gap by (a) providing an overview of some important ethical concepts stemming from philosophy and (b) systematically surveying the existing literature on moral NLP w.r.t. their philosophical foundation, terminology, and data basis. For instance, we analyse what ethical theory an approach is based on, how this decision is justified, and what implications it entails. Our findings surveying 92 papers show that, for instance, most papers neither provide a clear definition of the terms they use nor adhere to definitions from philosophy. Finally, (c) we give three recommendations for future research in the field. We hope our work will lead to a more informed, careful, and sound discussion of morality in language technology.Comment: to be published in EMNLP 2023 Finding

    The Big ESI: Going from Big to Better in E-discovery

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    De la délexicalisation / grammaticalisation à l'intensification

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    National audienceIntensification is often illustrated by the combination of an intensified element - adjective or lexical verb - and an adverbial intensifier. The purpose of this article is to address occurrences where the intensifier is not an adverb and to and highlight how the intensification of an adjective can be done by other modifiers that may then be nouns, adjectives, interjections or prefixes. It appears in this case that the sequence delexicalization-grammaticalization of the intensifier contributes to these new forms over time. Added to this is the phenomenon of collocation which can associate - according to usage restrictions - an adjective modified by another adjective whose conceptual meaning of completeness amplifies the notion of the former in the intensification process.L'intensification est souvent illustrée par la combinaison d'un intensifié - adjectif ou verbe lexical - et d'un intensificateur/intensifieur adverbial. Le propos de cet article est d'aborder les occurrences où l'intensifieur n'est pas un adverbe et de souligner ainsi comment l'intensification d'un adjectif peut s'opérer par d'autres modifieurs qui peuvent être alors substantifs, adjectifs, interjections ou préfixes. Il apparaît, dans ce cas, que l'enchaînement délexicalisation-grammaticalisation de l'intensifieur contribue à ces nouvelles formes au cours du temps. A cela s'ajoute le phénomène de collocation qui peut associer - selon des restrictions d'usage - un adjectif modifié par un autre adjectif dont l'acception conceptuelle d'intégralité amplifie la notion du premier dans le processus d'intensification