123 research outputs found

    Some New Graceful Generalized Classes of Diameter Six Trees

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    Here we denote a {\it diameter six tree} by (c;a1,a2,,am;b1,b2,,bn;c1,c2,,cr)(c; a_{1}, a_{2}, \ldots, a_{m}; b_{1}, b_{2}, \ldots, b_{n}; c_{1}, c_{2}, \ldots, c_{r}), where cc is the center of the tree; ai,i=1,2,,ma_{i}, i = 1, 2, \ldots, m, bj,j=1,2,,nb_{j}, j = 1, 2, \ldots, n, and ck,k=1,2,,rc_{k}, k = 1, 2, \ldots, r are the vertices of the tree adjacent to cc; each aia_{i} is the center of a diameter four tree, each bjb_{j} is the center of a star, and each ckc_{k} is a pendant vertex. Here we give graceful labelings to some new classes of diameter six trees (c;a1,a2,,am;b1,b2,,bn;c1,c2,,cr)(c; a_{1}, a_{2}, \ldots, a_{m}; b_{1}, b_{2}, \ldots, b_{n}; c_{1}, c_{2}, \ldots, c_{r}) in which a diameter four tree may contain any combination of branches with the total number of branches odd though with some conditions on the number of odd, even, and pendant branches. Here by a branch we mean a star, i.e. we call a star an odd branch if its center has an odd degree, an even branch if its center has an even degree, and a pendant branch if it is a pendant vertex

    Some new classes of graceful diameter six trees

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    Here we denote a diameter six tree by (a0; a1, a2, . . . , am; b1, b2, . . . , bn; c1, c2, . . . , cr), where a0 is the center of the tree; ai, i = 1, 2, . . . , m, bj , j = 1, 2, . . . , n, and ck, k = 1, 2, . . . , r are the vertices of the tree adjacent to a0; each ai is the center of a diameter four tree, each bj is the center of a star, and each ck is a pendant vertex. Here we give graceful labelings to some new classes of diameter six trees (a0; a1, a2, . . . , am; b1, b2, . . . , bn; c1, c2, . . . , cr) in which the branches of a diameter four tree incident on a0 are of same type, i.e. either they are all odd branches or even branches. Here by a branch we mean a star, i.e. we call a star an odd branch if its center has an odd degree and an even branch if its center has an even degree.Publisher's Versio

    Rotulações graciosas e rotulações semifortes em grafos

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    Orientador: Christiane Neme CamposTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Três problemas de rotulação em grafos são investigados nesta tese: a Conjetura das Árvores Graciosas, a Conjetura 1,2,3 e a Conjetura 1,2. Uma rotulação graciosa de um grafo simples G=(V(G),E(G)) é uma função injetora f de V(G) em {0,...,|E(G)|} tal que {|f(u)-f(v)|: uv em E(G)} = {1,...,|E(G)|}. A Conjetura das Árvores Graciosas, proposta por Rosa e Kotzig em 1967, afirma que toda árvore possui uma rotulação graciosa. Um problema relacionado à Conjetura das Árvores Graciosas consiste em determinar se, para todo vértice v de uma árvore T, existe uma rotulação graciosa de T que atribui o rótulo 0 a v. Árvores com tal propriedade são denominadas 0-rotativas. Nesta tese, apresentamos famílias infinitas de caterpillars 0-rotativos. Nossos resultados reforçam a conjetura de que todo caterpillar com diâmetro pelo menos cinco é 0-rotativo. Também investigamos uma rotulação graciosa mais restrita, chamada rotulação-alpha. Uma rotulação graciosa f de G é uma rotulação-alpha se existir um inteiro k, 0 <= k <= |E(G)|, tal que, para toda aresta uv em E(G), f(u) <= k < f(v) ou f(v) <= k < f(u). Nesta tese, apresentamos duas famílias de lobsters com grau máximo três que possuem rotulações-alpha. Nossos resultados contribuem para uma caracterização de todos os lobsters com grau máximo três que possuem rotulações-alpha. Na segunda parte desta tese, investigamos generalizações da Conjetura 1,2,3 e da Conjetura 1,2. Dado um grafo simples G = (V(G),E(G)) e um subconjunto L dos números reais, dizemos que uma função f de E(G) em L é uma L-rotulação de arestas de G e dizemos que uma função f da união de V(G) com E(G) em L é uma L-rotulação total de G. Para todo vértice v de G, a cor de v, C(v), é definida como a soma dos rótulos das arestas incidentes em v, se f for uma L-rotulação de arestas de G. Se f for uma L-rotulação total, C(v) é a soma dos rótulos das arestas incidentes no vértice v mais o valor f(v). O par (f,C) é uma L-rotulação de arestas semiforte (L-rotulação total semiforte) se f for uma rotulação de arestas (rotulação total) e C(u) for diferente de C(v) para quaisquer dois vértices adjacentes u,v de G. A Conjetura 1,2,3, proposta por Karónski et al. em 2004, afirma que todo grafo simples e conexo com pelo menos três vértices possui uma {1,2,3}-rotulação de arestas semiforte. A Conjetura 1,2, proposta por Przybylo e Wozniak em 2010, afirma que todo grafo simples possui uma {1,2}-rotulação total semiforte. Sejam a,b,c três reais distintos. Nesta tese, nós investigamos {a,b,c}-rotulações de arestas semifortes e {a,b}-rotulações totais semifortes para cinco famílias de grafos: as potências de caminho, as potências de ciclo, os grafos split, os grafos cobipartidos regulares e os grafos multipartidos completos. Provamos que essas famílias possuem tais rotulações para alguns valores reais a,b,c. Como corolário de nossos resultados, obtemos que a Conjetura 1,2,3 e a Conjetura 1,2 são verdadeiras para essas famílias. Além disso, também mostramos que nossos resultados em rotulações de arestas semifortes implicam resultados similares para outro problema de rotulação de arestas relacionadoAbstract: This thesis addresses three labelling problems on graphs: the Graceful Tree Conjecture, the 1,2,3-Conjecture, and the 1,2-Conjecture. A graceful labelling of a simple graph G=(V(G),E(G)) is an injective function f from V(G) to {0,...,|E(G)|} such that {|f(u)-f(v)| : uv in E(G)} = {1,...,|E(G)|}. The Graceful Tree Conjecture, posed by Rosa and Kotzig in 1967, states that every tree has a graceful labelling. A problem connected with the Graceful Tree Conjecture consists of determining whether, for every vertex v of a tree T, there exists a graceful labelling of T that assigns label 0 to v. Trees with such a property are called 0-rotatable. In this thesis, we present infinite families of 0-rotatable caterpillars. Our results reinforce a conjecture that states that every caterpillar with diameter at least five is 0-rotatable. We also investigate a stronger type of graceful labelling, called alpha-labelling. A graceful labelling f of G is an alpha-labelling if there exists an integer k with 0<= k <= |E(G)| such that, for each edge uv in E(G), either f(u) <= k < f(v) or f(v) <= k < f(u). In this thesis, we prove that the following families of lobsters have alpha-labellings: lobsters with maximum degree three, without Y-legs and with at most one forbidden ending; and lobsters T with a perfect matching M such that the contracted tree T/M has a balanced bipartition. These results point towards a characterization of all lobsters with maximum degree three that have alpha-labellings. In the second part of the thesis, we focus on generalizations of the 1,2,3-Conjecture and the 1,2-Conjecture. Given a simple graph G=(V(G),E(G)) and a subset L of real numbers, we call a function f from E(G) to L an L-edge-labelling of G, and we call a function f from V(G) union E(G) to L an L-total-labelling of G. For each vertex v of G, the colour of v, C(v), is defined as the sum of the labels of its incident edges, if f is an L-edge-labelling. If f is an L-total-labelling, C(v) is the sum of the labels of the edges incident with vertex v plus the label f(v). The pair (f,C) is a neighbour-distinguishing L-edge-labelling (neighbour-distinguishing L-total-labelling) if f is an edge-labelling (total-labelling) and C(u) is different from C(v), for every edge uv in E(G). The 1,2,3-Conjecture, posed by Kar\'onski et al. in 2004, states that every connected simple graph with at least three vertices has a neighbour-distinguishing {1,2,3}-edge-labelling. The 1,2-Conjecture, posed by Przybylo and Wozniak in 2010, states that every simple graph has a neighbour-distinguishing {1,2}-total-labelling. Let a,b,c be distinct real numbers. In this thesis, we investigate neighbour-distinguishing {a,b,c}-edge-labellings and neighbour-distinguishing {a,b}-total labellings for five families of graphs: powers of paths, powers of cycles, split graphs, regular cobipartite graphs and complete multipartite graphs. We prove that these families have such labellings for some real values a, b, and c. As a corollary of our results, we obtain that the 1,2,3-Conjecture and the 1,2-Conjecture are true for these families. Furthermore, we also show that our results on neighbour-distinguishing edge-labellings imply similar results on a closely related problem called detectable edge-labelling of graphsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação2014/16861-8FAPESPCAPE

    A Class Of Diameter Six Graceful Trees

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    In this paper we give graceful labelings to diameter six trees( a1, a2, . . . , am; b1, b2, . . . , bn; c1, c2, . . . , csatisfying the following property: m + n is odd, degree of each neighbour of a0 is even, and the centers of the branches incident on the center ai of diameter four trees are either all odd branches or all even branches

    A Class of ‘n’ Distant Graceful Trees

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    In this paper we show that a tree T with the following properties have graceful labeling. 1) T has a path H such that every pendant vertex of T has distance n (a fixed positive integer) from H. 2) Every vertex of T excluding one end vertex of H has even degree. Key words: Graceful labeling; n distant tree; Component moving transformation; Transfer of the first typ

    Environmental issues in Western Australia

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    The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States, Part 1

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    Fishery Industry of the U.S. 18 July. SMD 124 (pts. 1-7), 47-1, v6-11, 3569p. [1998-2003] Indian porpoise, sea-otter, and whale hunting; Indian shell middens; use of mussels, shell-fish, clams, and oysters; sealing by Makah Indians