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    Peran Orang Tua dan Guru dalam Perkembangan Anak Usia Dini di PAUD Kecamatan Kepanjen

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    Early childhood education is an attempt to stimulate, guide, nurture and provide learning activities capable of generating abilities and skills of the child. The process of education and learning in early childhood should be done with the aim of providing a meaningful concept for children through a real experience. In early childhood children experienced a golden age (the golden years), which is a period where the child starts sensitive / insensitive to receive various stimuli. An understanding of the child's development is an important factor that must be owned by a parent in order to optimize the potential of children. Child Development and Vigotsky According to Jean Piaget, The National for the Educational of Young Children (NAEYC) defines early childhood education is the education that serves children ages birth to 8 years for half-day or full activity either at home or outside institutions. The division is based on the uniqueness of the age range in the rate of growth and development in Indonesia, listed in the curriculum and learning outcomes of early childhood, which is divided into the following phase ranges: (1) Period-old baby is born - 12 months; (2) The term "toddler" or children aged 1-3 years; (3) The term preschool aged 3-6 years; (4) The class B kindergarten age 4-5 / 6 years. Piaget's theory of the development of the concept of intelligence as well as biological systems build structures to function, intelligence growth is influenced by the physical and social environment, maturity and equilibration. All organisms are born with a tendency to adapt (adjust) with its environment. Vigotsky that the social system is very important in a child's cognitive development. Parents, teachers and children interact with friends and collaborate to develop an understanding. So learning occurs in a social context, and emerged a term zones of Proximal Development (ZPD). On the developmental aspects of early childhood elderly physic children experienced a golden age (the golden years), which is a period where the child starts sensitive / insensitive to receive various stimuli. Sensitive period for each child is different, along with the rate of growth and development of individual children. Aspects of the elderly and their impact on child development there are several factors deciding how parental attitudes directly, among others, freedom, respect, emotional attachment, achievement, self respect children's creativity. With demimkian children will be motivated to engage in the learning process is dimbimbingan parents. Moreover, parents also need to provide a wide range of facilities needed for their children without engaging or intervening too much in their activitie


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    Background child development in golden period (under 3 years of age) is multifactorial. Family stimulation is one of extrinsic factors that affects child development. Family stimulation consists of Responsive Nurturance, Involvement from mother, acceptance child behaviour, organization child environment, variety of nurturance, and miscellaneous learning materials. Aim To analyze the association between family stimulation with development in children under 3 years of age. Methods A cross sectional study was conducted in April-May 2015 with children aged 3-36 months enrolled in center for pre and postnatal health of primary health center from 5 districts in Semarang. Subject was chosen by cluster sampling. Sampling was done by questionnaire interview to parents. Family stimulation was measured with Home Observation of the Environment (HOME) and child development was measured with “Kuesioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan”(KPSP). Data was analyzed by Chi-Square with significance level of p<0,05. Result There was 84 respondents that consisted of 36 male and 48 female. This study found 15 respondents (17,86 %) suspected developmental delay. Twelve respondents (86,67 %) who were suspected developmental delay experienced less family stimulation. There was significant association between family stimulation with the developmental sectors of gross motor (p<0,001), fine motor (p<0,001), language and speech, (p<0,001) and socialization and independence (p=0,002) in children under 3 years of age. There was a significant association between family stimulation with developmental process in children under 3 years of age (p<0,001). Conclusion Family stimulation have a significant association with the development in children under 3 years of age. Keyword: Family stimulation, child development, children under 3 years of ag


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    This study discusses the Information Seeking Behavior of Goldenness in DKI Jakarta. The purpose of this study was to determine the information behavior of DKI Jakarta's Goldenness information as well as obstacles in finding information about the Golden Child. The theory of search behavior used is Wilson's theory, according to Wilson, information-seeking behavior is influenced by five factors, namely, psychological conditions, demographics, a person's role in society, the environment, and the characteristics of information sources. Using qualitative research methods, this type of research is a case study of five informants with different backgrounds and ages. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews and document review. Data analysis techniques using Milez and Huberman, and test the validity of the data through triangulation. The results showed that (1) Psychological condition factors were able to influence the feeling of Goldenness to be Happy when searching for information. Information that also affects their emotions so that they can feel sad and happy. (2) Demographic factors indicate if there are differences in work background that affect the intensity and time of Golden in seeking information; (3) The role of a person in the community also influences the information-seeking behavior of Goldenness. Goldenness who is an admin will often look for information about Golden Child so that it is always updated so that it can redistribute the information obtained to other Goldennesses; (4) The environmental factors surrounding the Gold determine the sources and types of information used in seeking the information they want; (5) The characteristic factor of information sources also influences the form and type of information media used in Goldenness' information-seeking behavior. Goldenness prefers to use digital information sources such as Twitter. The individual barriers that Goldenness experience is their mastery of the Korean language and their skills in keywords to acquire the ones that suit their needs. Barriers to environmental factors are due to the activities they have to do and the lack of available information sources that provide information on Golden Child.Keywords: information-seeking behavior, K-Popers community, Wilson theory, Goldenness ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas mengenai Perilaku Pencarian Informasi Goldenness yang berada di DKI Jakarta. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perilaku pencarian informasi Goldenness DKI Jakarta serta hambatan dalam pencarian informasi mengenai Golden Child. Teori perilaku pencarian informasi yang digunakan adalah teori Wilson, menurut Wilson perilaku pencarian informasi di pengaruhi oleh lima faktor yaitu, kondisi psikologi, demografi, peran seseorang di masyarakat, lingkungan, serta karakteristik sumber informasi. Menggunakan metode penelitian Kualitatif, jenis penelitian studi kasus terhadap lima informan dengan latar belakang dan usia yang berbeda. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan kajian dokumen. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Milez dan Huberman, dan uji keabsahan data melalui triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, (1) Faktor kondisi psikologi ternyata dapat mempengaruhi perasaan Goldenness menjadi Bahagia ketika melakukan pencarian informasi. Informasi yang ditemukan juga mampu mempengaruhi emosional mereka sehingga mereka bisa merasa sedih dan bahagia.  (2) Faktor demografis menunjukkan jika adanya perbedaan latar belakang pekerjaan mempengaruhi intensitas dan lamanya waktu Goldenness dalam mencari informasi; (3) Faktor peran seseorang dimasyarakat juga memepengaruhi perilaku pencarian informasi Goldenness. Goldenness yang menjadi seorang admin akan lebih sering mencari informasi mengenai Golden Childagar selalu update, sehingga bisa menyebarkan kembali informasi yang di dapat ke Goldenness lainnya; (4) Faktor lingkungan di sekitar Goldenness menentukan sumber dan jenis informasi yang digunakan dalam mencari informasi yang mereka butuhkan; (5) Faktor karakteristik sumber informasi juga memepengaruhi bentuk dan jenis media informasi yang digunakan dalam perilaku pencarian informasi Goldenness. Goldenness lebih suka menggunakan sumber informasi digital berupa twitter. Hambatan individu yang dialami Goldenness adalah kurangnya penguasaan Bahasa Korea dan keterampilan mereka dalam menggunakan kata kunci untuk memperoleh informasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Hambatan pada faktor lingkungan dikarenakan adanya kegiatan yang harus mereka lakukan dan masih sedikitnya ketersediaan sumber informasi yang menyediakan informasi Golden Child. 

    Penggunaan Media Permainan Dadu Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif Anak Usia Dini

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    AbstractDuring the golden age, early childhood needs to be given a stimulus according to the stage of early childhood development, where at this stage the child experiences strong abilities in all aspects of development, one aspect of cognitive abilities. This study aims to determine the use of dice game media to improve early childhood cognitive abilities. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study were children aged 4 to 5 years at TK Alif Surabaya. While the object of this research is the dice game media to improve children's cognitive abilities. The data collection techniques of this research are observation, interview, and documentation. By implementing the steps: 1) Preparing media and material to be conveyed to students. 2) The educator asks the child to sit in a circle, then the educator shows the dice game media, explains the material, explains the rules of play, how to play, where each child will roll the dice, then mentions the picture or number printed on the dice. 3) Evaluation, based on the results of observations made at TK Alif Surabaya, at the end of the learning activity, educators conduct an evaluation to review the learning that has been implemented.Keywords: Cognitive abilities, Dice game AbstrakPada masa golden age, anak usia dini perlu diberikan stimulus yang disesuaikan dengan berkembangnya potensi anak. Pada tahap perkembangan anak, kemampuan kognitifnya sangat baik. Dengan sebab itu, peneltian ini dilakukan melalui permainan dadu demi meningkatkan aspek kognitif anak usia dini. Penelitian ini besifat peneltian kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek dari penelitian yaitu anak TK Alif Surabaya yang berumur 4 sampai 5 tahun. Sedangkan ubtuk objek ialah media permainan dadu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif anak. Informasi datanya dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Langkah-langkah yang diterapkan: 1) Menyiapkan media serta materi yang akan diajarkan ke siswa. 2) Anak diminta duduk melingkar, lalu media permainan dadu di tunjukkan pendidik untuk digunakan pada pembelajaran, materi dijelaskan, menjelaskan aturan bermain, cara bermain yaitu setiap anak akan melempar dadu, kemudian menyebutkan gambar atau angka yang tertera pada dadu. 3) Evaluasi, terkait dengan hasil observasi di TK Alif Surabaya, pada akhir kegiatan pembelajaran bertujuan mengkaji kembali pelakasanaan proses pembelajaran.Kata kunci: Kemampuan kognitif, Permainan dadu

    Young children’s food brand knowledge. Early development and associations with television viewing and parent’s diet

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    Brand knowledge is a prerequisite of children’s requests and choices for branded foods. We explored the development of young children’s brand knowledge of foods highly advertised on television – both healthy and less healthy. Participants were 172 children aged 3–5 years in diverse socio-economic settings, from two jurisdictions on the island of Ireland with different regulatory environments. Results indicated that food brand knowledge (i) did not differ across jurisdictions; (ii) increased significantly between 3 and 4 years; and (iii) children had significantly greater knowledge of unhealthy food brands, compared with similarly advertised healthy brands. In addition, (iv) children’s healthy food brand knowledge was not related to their television viewing, their mother’s education, or parent or child eating. However, (v) unhealthy brand knowledge was significantly related to all these factors, although only parent eating and children’s age were independent predictors. Findings indicate that effects of food marketing for un- healthy foods take place through routes other than television advertising alone, and are present before pre-schoolers develop the concept of healthy eating. Implications are that marketing restrictions of un- healthy foods should extend beyond television advertising; and that family-focused obesity prevention programmes should begin before children are 3 years of age

    From Grade Schooler to Great Star: Childhood Development and the “Golden Age” in the World of Japanese Soccer

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    This chapter, by Elise Edwards, explores how, in its quest for success in the men’s FIFA World Cup, the Japan Football Association encourages parents to enroll preschoolers in its kids’ program to increase the number of children playing soccer and the quality of their training, emphasizes the importance of physical activity and play for children, and promotes the notion of a golden age between the ages of nine and twelve when the opportunity for physical development is said to peak. This popularizes a vision of a segmented childhood determined by age grades and developmental stages underpinned by a fear that Japanese children are in physical and psychological danger if they do not exercise correctly, with grave consequences for the Japanese state. Outdoor play and sport are essential for strengthening the national body, just as they were during World War II. The repetition and discipline required of soccer hopefuls mirrors the much-criticized educational system, which emphasizes excessive discipline and excessive competition and tethers childhood potential to adulthood success
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