10 research outputs found

    Intégration du contexte en traduction statistique à l’aide d’un perceptron à plusieurs couches

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    Les systèmes de traduction statistique à base de segments traduisent les phrases un segment à la fois, en plusieurs étapes. À chaque étape, ces systèmes ne considèrent que très peu d’informations pour choisir la traduction d’un segment. Les scores du dictionnaire de segments bilingues sont calculés sans égard aux contextes dans lesquels ils sont utilisés et les modèles de langue ne considèrent que les quelques mots entourant le segment traduit.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un nouveau modèle considérant la phrase en entier lors de la sélection de chaque mot cible. Notre modèle d’intégration du contexte se différentie des précédents par l’utilisation d’un ppc (perceptron à plusieurs couches). Une propriété intéressante des ppc est leur couche cachée, qui propose une représentation alternative à celle offerte par les mots pour encoder les phrases à traduire. Une évaluation superficielle de cette représentation alter- native nous a montré qu’elle est capable de regrouper certaines phrases sources similaires même si elles étaient formulées différemment. Nous avons d’abord comparé avantageusement les prédictions de nos ppc à celles d’ibm1, un modèle couramment utilisé en traduction. Nous avons ensuite intégré nos ppc à notre système de traduction statistique de l’anglais vers le français. Nos ppc ont amélioré les traductions de notre système de base et d’un deuxième système de référence auquel était intégré IBM1.Phrase-based statistical machine translation systems translate source sentences one phrase at a time, conditioning the choice of each phrase on very little information. Bilingual phrase table scores are computed regardless of the context in which the phrases are used and language models only look at few words surrounding the target phrases. In this thesis, we propose a novel model to predict words that should appear in a translation given the source sentence as a whole. Our model differs from previous works by its use of mlp (multilayer perceptrons). Our interest in mlp lies in their hidden layer that encodes source sentences in a representation that is only loosely tied to words. We observed that this hidden layer was able to cluster some sentences having similar translations even if they were formulated differently. In a first set of experiments, we compared favorably our mlp to ibm1, a well known model in statistical machine translation. In a second set of experiments, we embedded our ppc in our English to French statistical machine translation system. Our MLP improved translations quality over our baseline system and a second system embedding an IBM1 model

    Word Embeddings for Natural Language Processing

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    Word embedding is a feature learning technique which aims at mapping words from a vocabulary into vectors of real numbers in a low-dimensional space. By leveraging large corpora of unlabeled text, such continuous space representations can be computed for capturing both syntactic and semantic information about words. Word embeddings, when used as the underlying input representation, have been shown to be a great asset for a large variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Recent techniques to obtain such word embeddings are mostly based on neural network language models (NNLM). In such systems, the word vectors are randomly initialized and then trained to predict optimally the contexts in which the corresponding words tend to appear. Because words occurring in similar contexts have, in general, similar meanings, their resulting word embeddings are semantically close after training. However, such architectures might be challenging and time-consuming to train. In this thesis, we are focusing on building simple models which are fast and efficient on large-scale datasets. As a result, we propose a model based on counts for computing word embeddings. A word co-occurrence probability matrix can easily be obtained by directly counting the context words surrounding the vocabulary words in a large corpus of texts. The computation can then be drastically simplified by performing a Hellinger PCA of this matrix. Besides being simple, fast and intuitive, this method has two other advantages over NNLM. It first provides a framework to infer unseen words or phrases. Secondly, all embedding dimensions can be obtained after a single Hellinger PCA, while a new training is required for each new size with NNLM. We evaluate our word embeddings on classical word tagging tasks and show that we reach similar performance than with neural network based word embeddings. While many techniques exist for computing word embeddings, vector space models for phrases remain a challenge. Still based on the idea of proposing simple and practical tools for NLP, we introduce a novel model that jointly learns word embeddings and their summation. Sequences of words (i.e. phrases) with different sizes are thus embedded in the same semantic space by just averaging word embeddings. In contrast to previous methods which reported a posteriori some compositionality aspects by simple summation, we simultaneously train words to sum, while keeping the maximum information from the original vectors. These word and phrase embeddings are then used in two different NLP tasks: document classification and sentence generation. Using such word embeddings as inputs, we show that good performance is achieved in sentiment classification of short and long text documents with a convolutional neural network. Finding good compact representations of text documents is crucial in classification systems. Based on the summation of word embeddings, we introduce a method to represent documents in a low-dimensional semantic space. This simple operation, along with a clustering method, provides an efficient framework for adding semantic information to documents, which yields better results than classical approaches for classification. Simple models for sentence generation can also be designed by leveraging such phrase embeddings. We propose a phrase-based model for image captioning which achieves similar results than those obtained with more complex models. Not only word and phrase embeddings but also embeddings for non-textual elements can be helpful for sentence generation. We, therefore, explore to embed table elements for generating better sentences from structured data. We experiment this approach with a large-scale dataset of biographies, where biographical infoboxes were available. By parameterizing both words and fields as vectors (embeddings), we significantly outperform a classical model

    Vector Semantics

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    This open access book introduces Vector semantics, which links the formal theory of word vectors to the cognitive theory of linguistics. The computational linguists and deep learning researchers who developed word vectors have relied primarily on the ever-increasing availability of large corpora and of computers with highly parallel GPU and TPU compute engines, and their focus is with endowing computers with natural language capabilities for practical applications such as machine translation or question answering. Cognitive linguists investigate natural language from the perspective of human cognition, the relation between language and thought, and questions about conceptual universals, relying primarily on in-depth investigation of language in use. In spite of the fact that these two schools both have ‘linguistics’ in their name, so far there has been very limited communication between them, as their historical origins, data collection methods, and conceptual apparatuses are quite different. Vector semantics bridges the gap by presenting a formal theory, cast in terms of linear polytopes, that generalizes both word vectors and conceptual structures, by treating each dictionary definition as an equation, and the entire lexicon as a set of equations mutually constraining all meanings

    Understanding complex constructions: a quantitative corpus-linguistic approach to the processing of english relative clauses

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert einen korpusbasierten Ansatz an die kognitive Verarbeitung komplexer linguistische Konstruktionen am Beispiel englischer Relativsatzkonstruktionen (RCC). Im theoretischen Teil wird für eine konstruktionsgrammatische Perspektive auf sprachliches Wissen argumentiert, welche erlaubt, RCCs als schematische Konstruktionen zu charakterisieren. Diese Perspektive wird mit Konzeptionen exemplarbasierter Modelle menschlicher Sprachverarbeitung zusammengeführt, welche die Verarbeitung einer linguistischen Struktur als Funktion von der Häufigkeit vergangener Verarbeitungen typidentischer Vorkommnisse begreift. Häufige Strukturen gelangen demnach zu einem priviligierten Status im kognitiven System eines Sprechers, welcher in konstruktionsgrammatischen Theorien als entrenchment bezeichnet wird. Während der jeweilge entrenchment-Wert einer gegebenen Konstruktion für konkrete Zeichen vergleichsweise einfach zu bestimmen ist, wird die Einschätzung mit ansteigender Komplexität und Schematizität der Zielkonstruktion zunehmend schwieriger. Für höherstufige N-gramme, welche durch eine grosse Anzahl an variablen Positionen ausgezeichnet sind, ist das Feld noch vergleichweise unerforscht. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist bemüht, diese Lücke zu schließen entwickelt eine korpusbasierte mehrstufige Messprozedur, um den entrenchment-Wert komplexer schematischer Konstruktionen zu erfassen. Da linguistisches Wissen hochstrukturiert ist und menschliche Sprachverarbeitungsprozesse struktursensitiv sind, wird ein clusteranalytisches Verfahren angewendet, welches die salienten RCC hinsichtlich ihrer strukturellen Ähnlichlichkeit organisiert. Aus der Position einer RCC im konstruktionalen Netzwerk sowie dessen entrenchment-Wert kann nun der Grad der erwarteteten Verarbeitungsschwierigkeit abgeleitet werden. Der abschliessende Teil der Arbeit interpretiert die Ergebnisse vor dem Hintergrung psycholinguistischer Befunde zur Relativsatzverarbeitung

    Mrežni sintaksno-semantički okvir za izvlačenje leksičkih relacija deterministričkim modelom prirodnog jezika

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    Given the extraordinary growth in online documents, methods for automated extraction of semantic relations became popular, and shortly after, became necessary. This thesis proposes a new deterministic language model, with the associated artifact, which acts as an online Syntactic and Semantic Framework (SSF) for the extraction of morphosyntactic and semantic relations. The model covers all fundamental linguistic fields: Morphology (formation, composition, and word paradigms), Lexicography (storing words and their features in network lexicons), Syntax (the composition of words in meaningful parts: phrases, sentences, and pragmatics), and Semantics (determining the meaning of phrases). To achieve this, a new tagging system with more complex structures was developed. Instead of the commonly used vectored systems, this new tagging system uses tree-likeT-structures with hierarchical, grammatical Word of Speech (WOS), and Semantic of Word (SOW) tags. For relations extraction, it was necessary to develop a syntactic (sub)model of language, which ultimately is the foundation for performing semantic analysis. This was achieved by introducing a new ‘O-structure’, which represents the union of WOS/SOW features from T-structures of words and enables the creation of syntagmatic patterns. Such patterns are a powerful mechanism for the extraction of conceptual structures (e.g., metonymies, similes, or metaphors), breaking sentences into main and subordinate clauses, or detection of a sentence’s main construction parts (subject, predicate, and object). Since all program modules are developed as general and generative entities, SSF can be used for any of the Indo-European languages, although validation and network lexicons have been developed for the Croatian language only. The SSF has three types of lexicons (morphs/syllables, words, and multi-word expressions), and the main words lexicon is included in the Global Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD) Cloud, allowing interoperability with all other world languages. The SSF model and its artifact represent a complete natural language model which can be used to extract the lexical relations from single sentences, paragraphs, and also from large collections of documents.Pojavom velikoga broja digitalnih dokumenata u okružju virtualnih mreža (interneta i dr.), postali su zanimljivi, a nedugo zatim i nužni, načini identifikacije i strojnoga izvlačenja semantičkih relacija iz (digitalnih) dokumenata (tekstova). U ovome radu predlaže se novi, deterministički jezični model s pripadnim artefaktom (Syntactic and Semantic Framework - SSF), koji će služiti kao mrežni okvir za izvlačenje morfosintaktičkih i semantičkih relacija iz digitalnog teksta, ali i pružati mnoge druge jezikoslovne funkcije. Model pokriva sva temeljna područja jezikoslovlja: morfologiju (tvorbu, sastav i paradigme riječi) s leksikografijom (spremanjem riječi i njihovih značenja u mrežne leksikone), sintaksu (tj. skladnju riječi u cjeline: sintagme, rečenice i pragmatiku) i semantiku (određivanje značenja sintagmi). Da bi se to ostvarilo, bilo je nužno označiti riječ složenijom strukturom, umjesto do sada korištenih vektoriziranih gramatičkih obilježja predložene su nove T-strukture s hijerarhijskim, gramatičkim (Word of Speech - WOS) i semantičkim (Semantic of Word - SOW) tagovima. Da bi se relacije mogle pronalaziti bilo je potrebno osmisliti sintaktički (pod)model jezika, na kojem će se u konačnici graditi i semantička analiza. To je postignuto uvođenjem nove, tzv. O-strukture, koja predstavlja uniju WOS/SOW obilježja iz T-struktura pojedinih riječi i omogućuje stvaranje sintagmatskih uzoraka. Takvi uzorci predstavljaju snažan mehanizam za izvlačenje konceptualnih struktura (npr. metonimija, simila ili metafora), razbijanje zavisnih rečenica ili prepoznavanje rečeničnih dijelova (subjekta, predikata i objekta). S obzirom da su svi programski moduli mrežnog okvira razvijeni kao opći i generativni entiteti, ne postoji nikakav problem korištenje SSF-a za bilo koji od indoeuropskih jezika, premda su provjera njegovog rada i mrežni leksikoni izvedeni za sada samo za hrvatski jezik. Mrežni okvir ima tri vrste leksikona (morphovi/slogovi, riječi i višeriječnice), a glavni leksikon riječi već je uključen u globalni lingvistički oblak povezanih podataka, što znači da je interoperabilnost s drugim jezicima već postignuta. S ovako osmišljenim i realiziranim načinom, SSF model i njegov realizirani artefakt, predstavljaju potpuni model prirodnoga jezika s kojim se mogu izvlačiti leksičke relacije iz pojedinačne rečenice, odlomka, ali i velikog korpusa (eng. big data) podataka

    Vector Semantics

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    This open access book introduces Vector semantics, which links the formal theory of word vectors to the cognitive theory of linguistics. The computational linguists and deep learning researchers who developed word vectors have relied primarily on the ever-increasing availability of large corpora and of computers with highly parallel GPU and TPU compute engines, and their focus is with endowing computers with natural language capabilities for practical applications such as machine translation or question answering. Cognitive linguists investigate natural language from the perspective of human cognition, the relation between language and thought, and questions about conceptual universals, relying primarily on in-depth investigation of language in use. In spite of the fact that these two schools both have ‘linguistics’ in their name, so far there has been very limited communication between them, as their historical origins, data collection methods, and conceptual apparatuses are quite different. Vector semantics bridges the gap by presenting a formal theory, cast in terms of linear polytopes, that generalizes both word vectors and conceptual structures, by treating each dictionary definition as an equation, and the entire lexicon as a set of equations mutually constraining all meanings

    IberSPEECH 2020: XI Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla and VII Iberian SLTech

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    IberSPEECH2020 is a two-day event, bringing together the best researchers and practitioners in speech and language technologies in Iberian languages to promote interaction and discussion. The organizing committee has planned a wide variety of scientific and social activities, including technical paper presentations, keynote lectures, presentation of projects, laboratories activities, recent PhD thesis, discussion panels, a round table, and awards to the best thesis and papers. The program of IberSPEECH2020 includes a total of 32 contributions that will be presented distributed among 5 oral sessions, a PhD session, and a projects session. To ensure the quality of all the contributions, each submitted paper was reviewed by three members of the scientific review committee. All the papers in the conference will be accessible through the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) Online Archive. Paper selection was based on the scores and comments provided by the scientific review committee, which includes 73 researchers from different institutions (mainly from Spain and Portugal, but also from France, Germany, Brazil, Iran, Greece, Hungary, Czech Republic, Ucrania, Slovenia). Furthermore, it is confirmed to publish an extension of selected papers as a special issue of the Journal of Applied Sciences, “IberSPEECH 2020: Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages”, published by MDPI with fully open access. In addition to regular paper sessions, the IberSPEECH2020 scientific program features the following activities: the ALBAYZIN evaluation challenge session.Red Española de Tecnologías del Habla. Universidad de Valladoli