77 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Tensor Field Visualization for Surfaces

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    Visualization of Tensor Fields in Mechanics

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    Tensors are used to describe complex physical processes in many applications. Examples include the distribution of stresses in technical materials, acting forces during seismic events, or remodeling of biological tissues. While tensors encode such complex information mathematically precisely, the semantic interpretation of a tensor is challenging. Visualization can be beneficial here and is frequently used by domain experts. Typical strategies include the use of glyphs, color plots, lines, and isosurfaces. However, data complexity is nowadays accompanied by the sheer amount of data produced by large-scale simulations and adds another level of obstruction between user and data. Given the limitations of traditional methods, and the extra cognitive effort of simple methods, more advanced tensor field visualization approaches have been the focus of this work. This survey aims to provide an overview of recent research results with a strong application-oriented focus, targeting applications based on continuum mechanics, namely the fields of structural, bio-, and geomechanics. As such, the survey is complementing and extending previously published surveys. Its utility is twofold: (i) It serves as basis for the visualization community to get an overview of recent visualization techniques. (ii) It emphasizes and explains the necessity for further research for visualizations in this context

    Glyphs for space-time Jacobians of time-dependent vector fields

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    Glyphs have proven to be a powerful visualization technique for general tensor fields modeling physical phenomena such as diffusion or the derivative of flow fields. Most glyph constructions, however, do not provide a way of considering the temporal derivative, which is generally nonzero in non-stationary vector fields. This derivative offers a deeper understanding of features in time-dependent vector fields. We introduce an extension to 2D and 3D tensor glyph design that additionally encodes the temporal information of velocities, and thus makes it possible to represent time-dependent Jacobians. At the same time, a certain set of requirements for general tensor glyphs is fulfilled, such that the new method provides a visualization of the steadiness or unsteadiness of a vector field at a given instance of time

    Analysis and Visualization of Higher-Order Tensors: Using the Multipole Representation

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    Materialien wie Kristalle, biologisches Gewebe oder elektroaktive Polymere kommen häufig in verschiedenen Anwendung, wie dem Prothesenbau oder der Simulation von künstlicher Muskulatur vor. Diese und viele weitere Materialien haben gemeinsam, dass sie unter gewissen Umständen ihre Form und andere Materialeigenschaften ändern. Um diese Veränderung beschreiben zu können, werden, abhängig von der Anwendung, verschiedene Tensoren unterschiedlicher Ordnung benutzt. Durch die Komplexität und die starke Abhängigkeit der Tensorbedeutung von der Anwendung, gibt es bisher kein Verfahren Tensoren höherer Ordnung darzustellen, welches standardmäßig benutzt wird. Auch bezogen auf einzelne Anwendungen gibt es nur sehr wenig Arbeiten, die sich mit der visuellen Darstellung dieser Tensoren auseinandersetzt. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit diesem Problem. Es werden drei verschiedene Methoden präsentiert, Tensoren höherer Ordnung zu analysieren und zu visualisieren. Alle drei Methoden basieren auf der sogenannte deviatorischen Zerlegung und der Multipoldarstellung. Mit Hilfe der Multipole können die Symmetrien des Tensors und damit des beschriebenen Materials bestimmt werden. Diese Eigenschaft wird in für die Visualisierung des Steifigkeitstensors benutzt. Die zweite Methode basiert direkt auf den Multipolen und kann damit beliebige Tensoren in drei Dimensionen darstellen. Dieses Verfahren wird anhand des Kopplungs Tensors, ein Tensor dritter Ordnung, vorgestellt. Die ersten zwei Verfahren sind lokale Glyph-basierte Verfahren. Das dritte Verfahren ist ein erstes globales Tensorvisualisierungsverfahren, welches Tensoren beliebiger Ordnung und Symmetry in drei Dimensionen mit Hilfe eines linienbasierten Verfahrens darstellt.Materials like crystals, biological tissue or electroactive polymers are frequently used in applications like prosthesis construction or the simulation of artificial musculature. These and many other materials have in common that they change their shape and other material properties under certain circumstances. To describe these changes, different tensors of different order, dependent of the application, are used. Due to the complexity and the strong dependency of the tensor meaning of the application, there is, by now, no visualization method that is used by default. Also for specific applications there are only a few methods that address the visual analysis of higher-order tensors. This work adresses this problem. Three different methods to analyse and visualize tensors of higher order will be provided. All three methods are based on the so called deviatoric decomposition and the multipole representation. Using the multipoles the symmetries of a tensor and, therefore, of the described material, can be calculated. This property is used to visualize the stiffness tensor. The second method uses the multipoles directly and can be used for each tensor of any order in three dimensions. This method is presented by analysing the third-order coupling tensor. These two techniques are glyph-based visualization methods. The third one, a line-based method, is, according to our knowledge, a first global visualization method that can be used for an arbitrary tensor in three dimensions

    Feature Surfaces in Symmetric Tensor Fields Based on Eigenvalue Manifold

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    Three-dimensional symmetric tensor fields have a wide range of applications in solid and fluid mechanics. Recent advances in the (topological) analysis of 3D symmetric tensor fields focus on degenerate tensors which form curves. In this paper, we introduce a number of feature surfaces, such as neutral surfaces and traceless surfaces, into tensor field analysis, based on the notion of eigenvalue manifold. Neutral surfaces are the boundary between linear tensors and planar tensors, and the traceless surfaces are the boundary between tensors of positive traces and those of negative traces. Degenerate curves, neutral surfaces, and traceless surfaces together form a partition of the eigenvalue manifold, which provides a more complete tensor field analysis than degenerate curves alone. We also extract and visualize the isosurfaces of tensor modes, tensor isotropy, and tensor magnitude, which we have found useful for domain applications in fluid and solid mechanics. Extracting neutral and traceless surfaces using the Marching Tetrahedra method can lead to the loss of geometric and topological details, which can lead to false physical interpretation. To robustly extract neutral surfaces and traceless surfaces, we develop a polynomial description of them which enables us to borrow techniques from algebraic surface extraction, a topic well-researched by the computer-aided design (CAD) community as well as the algebraic geometry community. In addition, we adapt the surface extraction technique, called A-patches, to improve the speed of finding degenerate curves. Finally, we apply our analysis to data from solid and fluid mechanics as well as scalar field analysis

    A stable tensor-based deflection model for controlled fluid simulations

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    The association between fluids and tensors can be observed in some practical situations, such as diffusion tensor imaging and permeable flow. For simulation purposes, tensors may be used to constrain the fluid flow along specific directions. This work seeks to explore this tensor-fluid relationship and to propose a method to control fluid flow with an orientation tensor field. To achieve our purposes, we expand the mathematical formulation governing fluid dynamics to locally change momentum, deflecting the fluid along intended paths. Building upon classical computer graphics approaches for fluid simulation, the numerical method is altered to accomodate the new formulation. Gaining control over fluid diffusion can also aid on visualization of tensor fields, where the detection and highlighting of paths of interest is often desired. Experiments show that the fluid adequately follows meaningful paths induced by the underlying tensor field, resulting in a method that is numerically stable and suitable for visualization and animation purposes.A associação entre fluidos e tensores pode ser observada em algumas situações práticas, como em ressonância magnética por tensores de difusão ou em escoamento permeável. Para fins de simulação, tensores podem ser usados para restringir o escoamento do fluido ao longo de direções específicas. Este trabalho visa explorar esta relação tensor-fluido e propor um método para controlar o escoamento usando um campo de tensores de orientação. Para atingir nossos objetivos, nós expandimos a formulação matemática que governa a dinâmica de fluidos para alterar localmente o momento, defletindo o fluido para trajetórias desejadas. Tomando como base abordagens clássicas para simulação de fluidos em computação gráfica, o método numérico é alterado para acomodar a nova formulação. Controlar o processo de difusão pode também ajudar na visualização de campos tensoriais, onde frequentemente busca-se detectar e realçar caminhos de interesse. Os experimentos realizados mostram que o fluido, induzido pelo campo tensorial subjacente, percorre trajetórias significativas, resultando em um método que é numericamente estável e adequado para fins de visualização e animação

    A Visual Approach to Analysis of Stress Tensor Fields

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    We present a visual approach for the exploration of stress tensor fields. In contrast to common tensor visualization methods that only provide a single view to the tensor field, we pursue the idea of providing various perspectives onto the data in attribute and object space. Especially in the context of stress tensors, advanced tensor visualization methods have a young tradition. Thus, we propose a combination of visualization techniques domain experts are used to with statistical views of tensor attributes. The application of this concept to tensor fields was achieved by extending the notion of shape space. It provides an intuitive way of finding tensor invariants that represent relevant physical properties. Using brushing techniques, the user can select features in attribute space, which are mapped to displayable entities in a three-dimensional hybrid visualization in object space. Volume rendering serves as context, while glyphs encode the whole tensor information in focus regions. Tensorlines can be included to emphasize directionally coherent features in the tensor field. We show that the benefit of such a multi-perspective approach is manifold. Foremost, it provides easy access to the complexity of tensor data. Moreover, including well-known analysis tools, such as Mohr diagrams, users can familiarize themselves gradually with novel visualization methods. Finally, by employing a focus-driven hybrid rendering, we significantly reduce clutter, which was a major problem of other three-dimensional tensor visualization methods