163 research outputs found

    Microfluidics for Advanced Drug Delivery Systems.

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    Considerable efforts have been devoted towards developing effective drug delivery methods. Microfluidic systems, with their capability for precise handling and transport of small liquid quantities, have emerged as a promising platform for designing advanced drug delivery systems. Thus, microfluidic systems have been increasingly used for fabrication of drug carriers or direct drug delivery to a targeted tissue. In this review, the recent advances in these areas are critically reviewed and the shortcomings and opportunities are discussed. In addition, we highlight the efforts towards developing smart drug delivery platforms with integrated sensing and drug delivery components

    The design of polymeric microneedles for the delivery of sensors for real-time physiological monitoring

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    Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte sur le développement d’un système d’administration de microaiguilles pour livrer des sondes et des capteurs fluorescents dans le contexte du diagnostic et de la surveillance des soins de santé. Bien que parfois négligés en faveur des soins de santé axés sur le traitement, le diagnostic précoce de la maladie et la surveillance préventive des paramètres biologiques peuvent considérablement améliorer les résultats des soins de santé et joueront probablement un rôle plus important dans les années à venir. Cependant, il reste des obstacles importants à cette approche, à savoir le caractère relativement invasif et perturbateur des analyses biologiques. La nécessité de se rendre dans une clinique et de subir un prélèvement de sang (ou de liquide biologique) invasif présente des inconvénients importants par rapport aux traitements classiques, qui consistent souvent de médicaments pouvant être pris à domicile sans douleur. Une solution à ces problèmes réside dans la mise au point de systèmes minimalement invasifs de diagnostic et de suivi médical, idéalement ceux qui peuvent être utilisés à domicile sans nécessiter de personnel qualifié. À cet égard, les microaiguilles sont une technologie au potentiel énorme, car leur petite taille les rend peu invasives et pratiquement indolores, et leur nature simple à usage unique permet potentiellement une administration à domicile par le patient. Particulièrement prometteuses pour les applications de diagnostic et de surveillance sont les microaiguilles en polymère soluble; fabriquées à partir de polymères synthétiques ou biologiques injectables, ces microaiguilles sont solubilisées après la perforation de la peau, libérant ainsi les composés qu’elles contiennent. Bien que prévu initialement pour la livraison d'agents thérapeutiques, en utilisant ces microaiguilles pour livrer des molécules fluorescentes spécifiquement conçues, il est possible de créer un tatouage médical de diagnostic affichant un signal fluorescent précis. En associant cette technologie à un détecteur de fluorescence portable, la surveillance en temps réel d’un large éventail de paramètres biologiques pourrait devenir accessible en dehors du contexte clinique. Afin de fournir un contexte pour le développement de cette technologie, cette mémoire commence par une revue des principes et des avancées majeures récentes dans le domaine des applications diagnostiques des microaiguilles (Chapitre 1). Par la suite, un tatouage par microaiguille est présenté sous la forme d'un capteur de ROS délivré sur la peau, avec des implications diagnostiques pour le vieillissement et la carcinogenèse de la peau liés aux UV, ainsi que pour des affections inflammatoires telles que le psoriasis, comme validation de concept (Chapitre 2). En outre, un autre tatouage par microaiguille est introduit, consistant d’un capteur spécialement adapté ciblant le système lymphatique, permettant la quantification en temps réel du drainage lymphatique, avec des implications pour la détection précoce de plusieurs affections, notamment le lymphœdème (Chapitre 3).This Master’s thesis concerns the development of a microneedle (MN) delivery system for fluorescent dyes and sensors in the context of diagnostics and healthcare monitoring. While sometimes overlooked in favor of treatment-focused healthcare, early disease diagnosis and preventative monitoring of biological parameters can meaningfully improve healthcare outcomes and will likely play a greater role in coming years. However, significant obstacles to this approach remain, namely the relatively invasive and disruptive nature of biological analyses. The need to travel to a clinic and undergo invasive blood (or biological fluid) sampling presents significant inconveniences relative to common treatments, often consisting of medications that can be taken painlessly at home. A solution to these problems lies in the development of minimally invasive systems for diagnostics and healthcare monitoring, ideally ones which can be used at home without the need for trained personnel. In this regard, MNs are a technology with tremendous potential, as their small size renders them minimally invasive and virtually painless, and their simple, single-use nature potentially allows for at-home administration by the patient. Showing particular promise for diagnostic and monitoring applications are dissolving polymeric MNs; made from injectable synthetic or biological polymers, these MNs are solubilized after breaching the skin, releasing any compound contained within. Though initially envisioned for the delivery of therapeutic agents, by using these MNs to deliver specifically designed fluorescent molecules, it is possible to create a diagnostic medical tattoo displaying a precise fluorescent signal. By pairing this technology with a portable fluorescence detector, real-time monitoring of a wide range of biological parameters could become accessible outside of a clinical setting. To provide context for the development of this technology, this thesis begins with a review of the principles and major recent advances in the field of diagnostic applications of MNs (Chapter 1). Subsequently, a proof-of-concept MN tattoo is introduced in the form of a ROS-sensor delivered to the skin, with diagnostic implications for UV-related skin aging and carcinogenesis, as well as inflammatory conditions such as psoriasis (Chapter 2). Further, another MN tattoo is introduced, consisting of a specifically tailored sensor targeting the lymphatic system, allowing the real-time quantification of lymphatic drainage, with implications in the early detection of several conditions, including lymphedema (Chapter 3)

    Microneedle Devices And Methods Of Manufacture And Use Thereof

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    Microneedle devices are provided for transport of molecules across tissue barriers and for use as microflameholders. In a preferred embodiment for transport across tissue, the microneedles are formed of a biodegradable polymer. Methods of making these devices, which can include hollow and/or porous microneedles, are also provided. A preferred method for making a microneedle includes forming a micromold having sidewalls which define the outer surface of the microneedle, electroplating the sidewalls to form the hollow microneedle, and then removing the micromold from the microneedle. In a preferred method of use, the microneedle device is used to deliver material into or across a biological barrier from chambers in connection with at least one of the microneedles. The device preferably further includes a means for controlling the flow of material through the microneedles. Representative examples of these means include the use of permeable membranes, fracturable impermeable membranes, valves, and pumps.Georgia Tech Research Corporatio

    Materials for Diabetes Therapeutics

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    This review is focused on the materials and methods used to fabricate closed-loop systems for type 1 diabetes therapy. Herein, we give a brief overview of current methods used for patient care and discuss two types of possible treatments and the materials used for these therapies–(i) artificial pancreases, comprised of insulin producing cells embedded in a polymeric biomaterial, and (ii) totally synthetic pancreases formulated by integrating continuous glucose monitors with controlled insulin release through degradable polymers and glucose-responsive polymer systems. Both the artificial and the completely synthetic pancreas have two major design requirements: the device must be both biocompatible and be permeable to small molecules and proteins, such as insulin. Several polymers and fabrication methods of artificial pancreases are discussed: microencapsulation, conformal coatings, and planar sheets. We also review the two components of a completely synthetic pancreas. Several types of glucose sensing systems (including materials used for electrochemical, optical, and chemical sensing platforms) are discussed, in addition to various polymer-based release systems (including ethylene-vinyl acetate, polyanhydrides, and phenylboronic acid containing hydrogels).Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (17-2007-1063)Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust (09PG-T1D027)United States. National Institutes of Health (F32 EB011580-01

    Fabrication of microdevices for biomedical applications based on lithographic approach

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    Well established integrated circuits technologies, traditionally used in production of microprocessors, are more and more exploited in different fields, very distant from classic electronics, such as medicine and biology. However, transferring these technologies from the integrated circuit industry to other scientific fields is not trivial, since it requires large efforts to adapt traditional materials and processes to these areas or in some cases to develop and use alternative materials and processes with respect to traditional ones. The research activity presented in this PhD thesis is placed in this contest with the aim to define new fabrication procedures, combining lithographic processes of both hard and soft materials, for the realization of three innovative microdevices for biomedical applications. In particular, microneedles based devices for drug delivery and biosensing, and device for microfluidic filtration have been explored
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