561 research outputs found

    Gramáticas evolutivas para la predicción de hipoglucemias en diabetes

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Ingeniería Informática, Facultad de Informática UCM, Departamento Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, Curso 2021/2022. https://github.com/ABSysGroup/jeco/tree/TFG_GE4HYPODiabetic patients have to manage their blood sugar correctly to prevent complications. One such complication is hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, which occurs when the blood glucose concentration goes below a certain threshold. A hypoglycemic episode needs to be rectified before it becomes harmful and can be a very distressing situation for the patient. The main goal of this study is to program Structured Grammatical Evolution and Dynamic Structured Grammatical Evolution algorithms and use them to generate models for the prediction of hypoglycemic episodes in patients with diabetes. The algorithms will be used to obtain a white-box model made up of if-then-else statements that given some input data, comprised of the blood glucose and exercise readings of the patients from the previous 2 hours, optimizes a logical relation between these variables. The resulting formula will be able to determine if the patient is going to have a hypoglycemic episode in a 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes prediction horizon.Los pacientes con diabetes deben controlar correctamente su nivel de azúcar en sangre para evitar complicaciones. Una de estas complicaciones es la hipoglucemia o nivel bajo de azúcar en sangre, que ocurre cuando la concentración de glucosa en la sangre cae por debajo de cierto umbral. Un episodio de hipoglucemia debe corregirse antes de que se vuelva dañino y puede ser una situación muy angustiosa para el paciente. El objetivo principal de este estudio es programar los algoritmos de Gramáticas Evolutivas Estructuradas y Gramáticas Evolutivas Estructuradas Dinámicas, y utilizarlos para generar modelos de predicción de episodios hipoglucémicos en pacientes con diabetes. Los algoritmos se utilizarán para obtener un modelo de caja blanca formado por sentencias if-then-else que, dados unos datos de entrada, compuestos por el nivel de la glucosa en sangre y las lecturas de datos de ejercicio de los pacientes de las 2 horas anteriores, optimiza una relación lógica entre estas variables. La fórmula resultante se usa para determinar si el paciente va a tener un episodio de hipoglucemia en un plazo de 30, 60, 90 y 120 minutos.Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Lenneberg’s Contributions to the Biology of Language and Child Aphasiology: Resonation and Brain Rhythmicity as Key Mechanisms

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    This paper aims to re-evaluate the legacy of Eric Lenneberg’s monumental Biological Foundations of Language, with special reference to his biolinguistic framework and view on (child) aphasiology. The argument draws from the following concepts from Lenneberg’s work: (i) language (latent struc- ture vs. realized structure) as independent of externalization; (ii) resonance theory; (iii) brain rhythmicity; and (iv) aphasia as temporal dysfunction. Specifically, it will be demonstrated that Lenneberg’s original version of the critical period hypothesis and his child aphasiology lend themselves to elucidating a child aphasia of epileptic origin called Landau-Kleffner syndrome (LKS), thereby opening a possible hope for recovery from the disease. Moreover, it will be claimed that, to the extent that the language disorder in LKS can be couched in these terms, it can serve as strong “liv- ing” evidence in support of Lenneberg’s critical period hypothesis and his view on child aphasiology

    Pathway-Based Multi-Omics Data Integration for Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017


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    Objective: to create specialized Nursing terminology for the care of people with Visceral Leishmaniasis.Method: a methodological study carried out in two stages: identification of the relevant concepts in medical records of patients with chosen health priority admitted between 2017 and 2019 to a public and teaching hospital in the north of Minas Gerais, BR; cross-mapping of the concepts identified with the ICNP®.Results: a total of 57,797 simple and compound (with repetitions) concepts, were extracted, of which 624 were useful single concepts for the Nursing care to be provided to people with Visceral Leishmaniasis. 281 (45%) primitive concepts were identified as included in ICNP® 2019-2020, as well as 343 (55%) not included in the classification. The concepts related to Focus and Location stood out in the axes.Conclusions: a specialized ICNP® terminology was created for the care of people with Visceral Leishmaniasis, with potential impacts on the standardization of actions and on generation of indicators sensitive to the Nursing practice

    Early Recovery of Aphasia through Thrombolysis: The Significance of Spontaneous Speech

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    Aphasia in one of the most devastating stroke-related consequences for social interaction and daily activities. Aphasia recovery in acute stroke depends on the degree of reperfusion after thrombolysis or thrombectomy. As aphasia assessment tests are often time-consuming for patients with acute troke, physicians have been developing rapid and simple tests. The aim of our study is to evaluate the improvement of language functions in the earliest stage in patients treated with thrombolysis and in nontreated patients using our rapid screening tes

    Molecular Alterations in Pancreatic Cancer: Transfer to the Clinic.

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is the most common cancer of the exocrine pancreas and probably the tumor that has benefited the least from clinical progress in the last three decades. A consensus has been reached regarding the histologic classification of the ductal preneoplastic lesions (pancreatic intra-epithelial neoplasia—PanIN) and the molecular alterations associated with them. Mutations in KRAS and inactivation of CDKN2A, SMAD4 and TP53 are among the most prevalent alterations. Next generation sequencing studies are providing a broad picture of the enormous heterogeneity in this tumor type, describing new mutations less prevalent. These studies have also allowed the characterization of different subtypes with prognostic value. However, all this knowledge has not been translated into a clinical progress. Effective preventive and early diagnostic strategies are essential to improve the survival rates. The main challenge is, indeed, to identify new effective drugs. Despite many years of research and its limited success, gemcitabine is still the first line treatment of PDA. New drug combinations and new concepts to improve drug delivery into the tumor, as well as the development of preclinical predictive assays, are being explored and provide optimism and prospects for better therapies.post-print335 K

    Therapies for Mitochondrial Disorders

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    Mitochondria are cytoplasmic, double-membrane organelles that synthesise adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Mitochondria contain their own genome, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which is maternally inherited from the oocyte. Mitochondrial proteins are encoded by either nuclear DNA (nDNA) or mtDNA, and both code for proteins forming the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) complexes of the respiratory chain. These complexes form a chain that allows the passage of electrons down the electron transport chain (ETC) through a proton motive force, creating ATP from adenosine diphosphate (ADP). This study aims to explore current and prospective therapies for mitochondrial disorders (MTDS). MTDS are clinical syndromes coupled with abnormalities of the ETC and OXPHOS, caused by pathogenic variants in mtDNA or nDNA. Many MTDS emerge from either homoplasmic or heteroplasmic mutations of the DNA, and include mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes. Current therapies include increasing mitochondrial biogenesis, the use of antioxidants, dietary approaches, and exercise. However, these are mostly symptomatic and supportive therapies. Future therapies comprise of personalised and precision medicine approaches which include gene, mitochondrial, cell, and in utero-based therapies. Obstacles towards discovering effective therapies include the rarity of MTDS, its pathogenic complexity and lack of clinical trials. Despite the lack of current curative therapies for MTDS, emerging therapies promise exciting and clinically meaningful therapies in the future

    Lenneberg’s Contributions to the Biology of Language and Child Aphasiology: Resonation and Brain Rhythmicity as Key Mechanisms

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    This paper aims to re-evaluate the legacy of Eric Lenneberg’s monumental Biological Foundations of Language, with special reference to his biolinguistic framework and view on (child) aphasiology. The argument draws from the following concepts from Lenneberg’s work: (i) language (latent struc- ture vs. realized structure) as independent of externalization; (ii) resonance theory; (iii) brain rhythmicity; and (iv) aphasia as temporal dysfunction. Specifically, it will be demonstrated that Lenneberg’s original version of the critical period hypothesis and his child aphasiology lend themselves to elucidating a child aphasia of epileptic origin called Landau-Kleffner syndrome (LKS), thereby opening a possible hope for recovery from the disease. Moreover, it will be claimed that, to the extent that the language disorder in LKS can be couched in these terms, it can serve as strong “liv- ing” evidence in support of Lenneberg’s critical period hypothesis and his view on child aphasiology