560 research outputs found

    Emulator-based global sensitivity analysis for flow-like landslide run-out models

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    Landslide run-out modeling involves various uncertainties originating from model input data. It is therefore desirable to assess the model's sensitivity. A global sensitivity analysis that is capable of exploring the entire input space and accounts for all interactions, often remains limited due to computational challenges resulting from a large number of necessary model runs. We address this research gap by integrating Gaussian process emulation into landslide run-out modeling and apply it to the open-source simulation tool r.avaflow. The feasibility and efficiency of our approach is illustrated based on the 2017 Bondo landslide event. The sensitivity of aggregated model outputs, such as the apparent friction angle, impact area, as well as spatially resolved maximum flow height and velocity, to the dry-Coulomb friction coefficient, turbulent friction coefficient and the release volume are studied. The results of first-order effects are consistent with previous results of common one-at-a-time sensitivity analyses. In addition to that, our approach allows to rigorously investigate interactions. Strong interactions are detected on the margins of the flow path where the expectation and variation of maximum flow height and velocity are small. The interactions generally become weak with increasing variation of maximum flow height and velocity. Besides, there are stronger interactions between the two friction coefficients than between the release volume and each friction coefficient. In the future, it is promising to extend the approach for other computationally expensive tasks like uncertainty quantification, model calibration, and smart early warning

    Analyse de sensibilité des incertitudes paramétriques dans les évaluations d’aléas géotechniques

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    Epistemic uncertainty can be reduced via additional lab or in site measurements or additional numerical simulations. We focused here on parameter uncertainty: this corresponds to the incomplete knowledge of the correct setting of the input parameters (like values of soil properties) of the model supporting the geo-hazard assessment. A possible option tomanage it is via sensitivity analysis, which aims at identifying the contribution (i.e. the importance) of the different input parameters in the uncertainty on the final hazard outcome. For this purpose, advanced techniques exist, namely variance-based global sensitivity analysis. Yet, their practical implementation faces three major limitations related to the specificities of the geo-hazard domain: 1. the large computation time cost (several hours if not days) of numerical models; 2. the parameters are complex functions of time and space; 3. data are often scarce, limited if not vague. In the present PhD thesis, statistical approaches were developed, tested and adapted to overcome those limits. A special attention was paid to test the feasibility of those statistical tools by confronting them to real cases (natural hazards related to earthquakes, cavities and landslides).Les incertitudes épistémiques peuvent être réduites via des études supplémentaires (mesures labo, in situ, ou modélisations numériques, etc.). Nous nous concentrons ici sur celle "paramétrique" liée aux difficultés à évaluer quantitativement les paramètres d’entrée du modèle utilisé pour l’analysedes aléas géotechniques. Une stratégie de gestion possible est l’analyse de sensibilité, qui consiste à identifier la contribution (i.e. l’importance) des paramètres dans l’incertitude de l’évaluation de l’aléa. Des approches avancées existent pour conduire une telle analyse. Toutefois, leur applicationau domaine des aléas géotechniques se confronte à plusieurs contraintes : 1. le coût calculatoire des modèles numériques (plusieurs heures voire jours) ; 2. les paramètres sont souvent des fonctions complexes du temps et de l’espace ; 3. les données sont souvent limitées, imprécises voire vagues. Danscette thèse, nous avons testé et adapté des outils statistiques pour surmonter ces limites. Une attention toute particulière a été portée sur le test de faisabilité de ces procédures et sur la confrontation à des cas réels (aléas naturels liés aux séismes, cavités et glissements de terrain)

    Spatial prediction of landslide susceptibility/intensity through advanced statistical approaches implementation: applications to the Cinque Terre (Eastern Liguria, Italy)

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    Landslides are frequently responsible for considerable huge economic losses and casualties in mountainous regions especially nowadays as development expands into unstable hillslope areas under the pressures of increasing population size and urbanization (Di Martire et al. 2012). People are not the only vulnerable targets of landslides. Indeed, mass movements can easily lay waste to everything in their path, threatening human properties, infrastructures and natural environments. Italy is severely affected by landslide phenomena and it is one of the most European countries affected by this kind of phenomena. In this framework, Italy is particularly concerned with forecasting landslide effects (Calcaterra et al. 2003b), in compliance with the National Law n. 267/98, enforced after the devastating landslide event of Sarno (Campania, Southern Italy). According to the latest Superior Institute for the Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA, 2018) report on "hydrogeological instability" of 2018, it emerges that the population exposed to landslides risk is more than 5 million and in particular almost half-million falls into very high hazard zones. The slope stability can be compromised by both natural and human-caused changes in the environment. The main reasons can be summarised into heavy rainfalls, earthquakes, rapid snow-melts, slope cut due to erosions, and variation in groundwater levels for the natural cases whilst slopes steepening through construction, quarrying, building of houses, and farming along the foot of mountainous zone correspond to the human component. This Ph.D. thesis was carried out in the Liguria region, inside the Cinque Terre National Park. This area was chosen due to its abundance of different types of landslides and its geological, geomorphological and urban characteristics. The Cinque Terre area can be considered as one of the most representative examples of human-modified landscape. Starting from the early centuries of the Middle Ages, local farmers have almost completely modified the original slope topography through the construction of dry-stone walls, creating an outstanding terraced coastal landscape (Terranova 1984, 1989; Terranova et al. 2006; Brandolini 2017). This territory is extremely dynamic since it is characterized by a complex geological and geomorphological setting, where many surficial geomorphic processes coexist, along with peculiar weather conditions (Cevasco et al. 2015). For this reason, part of this research focused on analyzing the disaster that hit the Cinque Terre on October, 25th, 2011. Multiple landslides took place in this occasion, triggering almost simultaneously hundreds of shallow landslides in the time-lapse of 5-6 hours, causing 13 victims, and severe structural and economic damage (Cevasco et al. 2012; D\u2019Amato Avanzi et al. 2013). Moreover, this artificial landscape experienced important land-use changes over the last century (Cevasco et al. 2014; Brandolini 2017), mostly related to the abandonment of agricultural activity. It is known that terraced landscapes, when no longer properly maintained, become more prone to erosion processes and mass movements (Lesschen et al. 2008; Brandolini et al. 2018a; Moreno-de-las-Heras et al. 2019; Seeger et al. 2019). Within the context of slope instability, the international community has been focusing for the last decade on recognising the landslide susceptibility/hazard of a given area of interest. Landslide susceptibility predicts "where" landslides are likely to occur, whereas, landslide hazard evaluates future spatial and temporal mass movement occurrence (Guzzetti et al., 1999). Although both definitions are incorrectly used as interchangeable. Such a recognition phase becomes crucial for land use planning activities aimed at the protection of people and infrastructures. In fact, only with proper risk assessment governments, regional institutions, and municipalities can prepare the appropriate countermeasures at different scales. Thus, landslide susceptibility is the keystone of a long chain of procedures that are actively implemented to manage landslide risk at all levels, especially in vulnerable areas such as Liguria. The methods implemented in this dissertation have the overall objective of evaluating advanced algorithms for modeling landslide susceptibility. The thesis has been structured in six chapters. The first chapter introduces and motivates the work conducted in the three years of the project by including information about the research objectives. The second chapter gives the basic concepts related to landslides, definition, classification and causes, landslide inventory, along with the derived products: susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning, with particular attention to the evaluation of landslide susceptibility. The objective of the third chapter is to define the different methodologies, algorithms and procedures applied during the research activity. The fourth chapter deals with the geographical, geological and geomorphological features of the study area. The fifth chapter provides information about the results of the applied methodologies to the study area: Machine Learning algorithms, runout method and Bayesian approach. Furthermore, critical discussions on the outcomes obtained are also described. The sixth chapter deals with the discussions and the conclusions of this research, critically analysing the role of such work in the general panorama of the scientific community and illustrating the possible future perspectives

    Detecting the Land-Cover Changes Induced by Large-Physical Disturbances Using Landscape Metrics, Spatial Sampling, Simulation and Spatial Analysis

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    The objectives of the study are to integrate the conditional Latin Hypercube Sampling (cLHS), sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS) and spatial analysis in remotely sensed images, to monitor the effects of large chronological disturbances on spatial characteristics of landscape changes including spatial heterogeneity and variability. The multiple NDVI images demonstrate that spatial patterns of disturbed landscapes were successfully delineated by spatial analysis such as variogram, Moran’I and landscape metrics in the study area. The hybrid method delineates the spatial patterns and spatial variability of landscapes caused by these large disturbances. The cLHS approach is applied to select samples from Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) images from SPOT HRV images in the Chenyulan watershed of Taiwan, and then SGS with sufficient samples is used to generate maps of NDVI images. In final, the NDVI simulated maps are verified using indexes such as the correlation coefficient and mean absolute error (MAE). Therefore, the statistics and spatial structures of multiple NDVI images present a very robust behavior, which advocates the use of the index for the quantification of the landscape spatial patterns and land cover change. In addition, the results transferred by Open Geospatial techniques can be accessed from web-based and end-user applications of the watershed management

    Predicting sustainable arsenic mitigation using machine learning techniques.

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    This study evaluates state-of-the-art machine learning models in predicting the most sustainable arsenic mitigation preference. A Gaussian distribution-based Naïve Bayes (NB) classifier scored the highest Area Under the Curve (AUC) of the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (0.82), followed by Nu Support Vector Classification (0.80), and K-Neighbors (0.79). Ensemble classifiers scored higher than 70% AUC, with Random Forest being the top performer (0.77), and Decision Tree model ranked fourth with an AUC of 0.77. The multilayer perceptron model also achieved high performance (AUC=0.75). Most linear classifiers underperformed, with the Ridge classifier at the top (AUC=0.73) and perceptron at the bottom (AUC=0.57). A Bernoulli distribution-based Naïve Bayes classifier was the poorest model (AUC=0.50). The Gaussian NB was also the most robust ML model with the slightest variation of Kappa score on training (0.58) and test data (0.64). The results suggest that nonlinear or ensemble classifiers could more accurately understand the complex relationships of socio-environmental data and help develop accurate and robust prediction models of sustainable arsenic mitigation. Furthermore, Gaussian NB is the best option when data is scarce

    A meta-learning approach of optimisation for spatial prediction of landslides

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    Optimisation plays a key role in the application of machine learning in the spatial prediction of landslides. The common practice in optimising landslide prediction models is to search for optimal/suboptimal hyperparameter values in a number of predetermined hyperparameter configurations based on an objective function, i.e., k-fold cross-validation accuracy. However, the overhead of hyperparameter optimisation can be prohibitive, especially for computationally expensive algorithms. This paper introduces an optimisation approach based on meta-learning for the spatial prediction of landslides. The proposed approach is tested in a dense tropical forested area of Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. Instead of optimising prediction models with a large number of hyperparameter configurations, the proposed approach begins with promising configurations based on several basic and statistical meta-features. The proposed meta-learning approach was tested based on Bayesian optimisation as a hyperparameter tuning algorithm and random forest (RF) as a prediction model. The spatial database was established with a total of 63 historical landslides and 15 conditioning factors. Three RF models were constructed based on (1) default parameters as suggested by the sklearn library, (2) parameters suggested by the Bayesian optimisation (BO), and (3) parameters suggested by the proposed meta-learning approach (BO-ML). Based on five-fold cross-validation accuracy, the Bayesian method achieved the best performance for both the training (0.810) and test (0.802) datasets. The meta-learning approach achieved slightly lower accuracies than the Bayesian method for the training (0.769) and test (0.800) datasets. Similarly, based on F1-score and area under the receiving operating characteristic curves (AUROC), the models with optimised parameters either by the Bayesian or meta-learning methods produced more accurate landslide susceptibility assessment than the model with the default parameters. In the present approach, instead of learning from scratch, the meta-learning would begin with hyperparameter configurations optimal for the most similar previous datasets, which can be considerably helpful and time-saving for landslide modelings

    Rainfall Thresholds and Other Approaches for Landslide Prediction and Early Warning

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    Landslides are destructive processes causing casualties and damage worldwide. The majority of the landslides are triggered by intense and/or prolonged rainfall. Therefore, the prediction of the occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides is an important scientific and social issue. To mitigate the risk posed by rainfall-induced landslides, landslide early warning systems (LEWS) can be built and applied at different scales as effective non-structural mitigation measures. Usually, the core of a LEWS is constituted of a mathematical model that predicts landslide occurrence in the monitored areas. In recent decades, rainfall thresholds have become a widespread and well established technique for the prediction of rainfall-induced landslides, and for the setting up of prototype or operational LEWS. A rainfall threshold expresses, with a mathematic law, the rainfall amount that, when reached or exceeded, is likely to trigger one or more landslides. Rainfall thresholds can be defined with relatively few parameters and are very straightforward to operate, because their application within LEWS is usually based only on the comparison of monitored and/or forecasted rainfall. This Special Issue collects contributions on the recent research advances or well-documented applications of rainfall thresholds, as well as other innovative methods for landslide prediction and early warning. Contributions regarding the description of a LEWS or single components of LEWS (e.g., monitoring approaches, forecasting models, communication strategies, and emergency management) are also welcome

    Identification of critical mechanical parameters for advanced analysis of masonry arch bridges

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    The response up to collapse of masonry arch bridges is very complex and affected by many uncertainties. In general, accurate response predictions can be achieved using sophisticated numerical descriptions, requiring a significant number of parameters that need to be properly characterised. This study focuses on the sensitivity of the behaviour of masonry arch bridges with respect to a wide range of mechanical parameters considered within a detailed modelling approach. The aim is to investigate the effect of constitutive parameters variations on the stiffness and ultimate load capacity under vertical loading. First, advanced numerical models of masonry arches and of a masonry arch bridge are developed, where a mesoscale approach describes the actual texture of masonry. Subsequently, a surrogate kriging metamodel is constructed to replace the accurate but computationally expensive numerical descriptions, and global sensitivity analysis is performed to identify the mechanical parameters affecting the most the stiffness and load capacity. Uncertainty propagation is then performed on the surrogate models to estimate the probabilistic distribution of the response parameters of interest. The results provide useful information for risk assessment and management purposes, and shed light on the parameters that control the bridge behaviour and require an accurate characterisation in terms of uncertainty

    The importance of rainfall infiltration on landslide occurrence at regional scale. Analysis of typhoons in the Philippines

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    Most landslides occur during or after rainy periods around the world, and many of these have been linked to catastrophic events that resulted in significant property damage and fatalities. In this research project, a physically based model called “Fast Shallow Landslide Assessment Model” (FSLAM) was used, with a high-resolution topography (5 meters), to map landslide susceptibility for a case study area located in Luzon Island, province of Benguet, Philippines. The research was focused on Typhoon Mangkhut which caused a multiple-occurrence regional landslide events (MORLE) in the area in September 2018. A landslide inventory was collected for this event which was used to assess the performance of the model. Additionally, two no MORLE were tested in July and August 2018. No MORLE were events with higher rainfall intensity than typhoon Mangkhut that did not lead to landslides in the study area. For calibration purpose, an automatic calibration tool (R-FSLAM) was developed in R, which allowed to speed up the calibration process using a multiobjective criteria based on the landslide susceptibility map accuracy of FSLAM. Finally, FSLAM results were coupled with a hydrological model. In terms of statistical performance, FSLAM showed an accuracy of 0.63 during MORLE in September 2018, where stable cells (no-landslide) were better represented (TNR = 0.73) than the unstable cells (no-landslide) (TPR = 0.54). No-MORLE in July and August 2018 performed well reaching an accuracy above 0.9. Two main parameters were found to control cells instability (landslide prone cells) in FSLAM: antecedent effective recharge (q_a) and porosity (n). During MORLE, q_a had to be very low (~ 0.12 mm/day) to cause landslides, while n had to be close to zero. In no-MORLE, q_a was zero and n was greater than n MORLE values. Furthermore, physical meaning of n had to be re-interpretated and renamed (fillable porosity - n_f) as it behaved as a ‘dynamic’ parameter which varies according to soil wate