175,075 research outputs found

    Global Citizenship Education: Secondary Teachers’ Perceptions Of Global Education

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    As technology has improved communication and access to information around the world, it has become necessary for the purpose and goals of the American educational system to evolve. A focus on developing global citizens who can demonstrate 21st century skills will help educators who want to prepare their students to enter the world. This transcendental phenomenological study examined the lived experiences of current secondary educators who make global connections in their classrooms so that it can provide practical support to educators looking to begin making or improve existing global connections in the classroom. This study was guided by two research questions: (1) In a public school district committed to global citizenship, how do secondary educators perceive global citizenship education? and (2) How do public secondary school educators understand how their perception of global citizenship influences the way they include global education in their classrooms? Data were collected through one-on-one interviews with nine self-identified globally aware secondary educators, which were transcribed and analyzed. Four themes emerged from the data: (1) recognition of self as global citizen, (2) global citizenship in the classroom, (3) the participants’ vision for students as global citizens, and (4) the challenges and opportunities of GCE pedagogy. The researcher’s interpretation of the themes resulted in a collective description of the experiences of globally aware secondary educators. The study provides recommendations for practitioners, including developing a clear definition and implementation plan for global citizenship education. Additional recommendations are made for those who prepare educators for the classroom, including expanding teacher certification requirements and preparation programs to include global citizenship education. The researcher also makes suggestions for further study of global citizenship education in practice, including studies that examine the experiences of students exposed to a global curriculum

    Globalization and citizenship education in Hong Kong and Taiwan

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    The article focuses on goals adopted in Hong Kong and Taiwan in order to prepare citizens for the challenges of globalization. Notwithstanding the demands to create global citizens, in Hong Kong and in Taiwan, school curricula have responded to contemporary sociopolitical changes primarily in relation to the People's Republic of China. Recent reforms in both Hong Kong and Taiwan have emphasized generic and transnational skills, such as English proficiency and information technology, and developed tripartite frameworks for citizenship education at local, national, and global levels. The reconfiguration of citizenship and citizenship education in Hong Kong and Taiwan are useful counterexamples to the predictions of transnational convergence offered by some globalization theorists.published_or_final_versio

    Re/coding Global Citizenship: How Information and Communication Technologies have Altered Humanity
 and Created New Questions for Global Citizenship Education

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    In the broadest sense, the concept of global citizenship education (GCE) includes many facets of a rapidly changing world and concepts in education. The information and communication technology (ICT) advances of the last few decades have created opportunities for educational connection and interaction through digital spaces at all levels, local and global. In linking technology with global citizenship, neither GCE nor ICTs can be assumed to be mutually progressive and/or mutually beneficial. In recent years, governments have moved to centralize ICT technologies exacting more control over their use for surveillance, including the weaponization of ICTs for strategic gains. This complicates the work of GCE scholars and practitioners in unforeseen ways as centralized control limits decentralized interactions. ICT concepts and philosophical stances are explored and defined to address how GCE scholars and practitioners can reimagine and reframe the tenets of the field within this informational world. Key topics discussed include complications of GCE in the infosphere, digital citizenship & GCE, and teaching GCE in the age of “inforgs” & digital identities

    Wielding Social Media in the Cyber-Arena: Globalism, Nationalism, and Civic Education

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    Information technology is a tool, and its effects on global citizenship education (GCED) depend on who uses the technology, how it is employed, and for what purpose. In theory, technology use could provide significant benefits toward achievement of GCED goals. Globalization has demanded an educational response — to prepare the young for productive engagement with the emerging global community. Technology could play a positive role in effective GCED. But globalization has come at a cost; it has produced winners and losers. Among the losers are those economically displaced as manufacturing jobs move elsewhere; they are resentful of foreigner and fearful of an uncertain future. For them, global citizenship is anathema. They are susceptible to manipulation by malign forces eager to exploit any perceived rifts in the post-war world order. For them, technology is a weapon, as easily aimed at the aspirations of GCED as another apparent enemy.             Identifying how technology can be employed positively in GCED is important, but not enough. Young people must also understand the conflict between globalization and alt-right nationalist populism, much of it carried out in the cyber-arena of the Internet and social media. New technologies have armed adversaries with tools to manipulate opinion and foment disorder. how technology is employed to undermine global citizenship education, as well as the democracies of the West. This they can witness in the gladiatorial combat between globalization and nationalist populism —between democracy and authoritarianism — in the cyber-arena. This article explores how technology is a double-edged sword – a tool for good and a tool for mischief. It draws from current research and news reporting on methods and effects of online manipulation. The article concludes by describing international efforts to defend against social media assaults on democracy and by identifying the new knowledge and skills citizens must acquire for positive civic engagement in the global cyber-arena. &nbsp

    Digital competences for smart learning during COVID-19 in higher education students from Spain and Latin America

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    Networked society before pandemic situation had become the context of a technology supported environment for learning and teaching. Since COVID-19 pandemic occurred learning happened essentially mediated through connected smart devices that demand digital skills and reinforced Smart learning. This study aims to present a descriptive and comparative analysis focusing on digital competences in three different areas: Use, Learning and Critical thinking, justified in a global situation of intensive use of technology. Each area was analyzed considering the five subareas of digital competence: information management, communication, content creation, safety and problem solving. The study was designed under a non-experimental quantitative methodology in which higher education students from Spain, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico participated (N=926). Results show significant differences among countries that could help to improve not only formal education in Higher Education, but the digital skills needed for lifelong learning among citizenship in next future conditioned by recent global situation of pandemic.This work is conducted with the support of the "Youtubers and Instagrammers: Media competence in emerging prosumers" Project (RTI2018-093303-B-I00)

    General Education Program Assessment

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    General Education Student Learning Outcomes 1. Transdisciplinarity: The ability to integrate knowledge and methods from different fields to address historical or contemporary questions. 2. Critical Thinking: The ability to utilize reflective analysis to draw informed conclusions. 3. Quantitative Literacy: The ability to utilize numerical data accurately and effectively to address real world problems. 4. Communication Literacies: The ability to speak and write effectively to convey and make an evidence-based argument. 5. Information and Technology Literacy: The ability to utilize information and communications technology critically and effectively in a rapidly changing world. 6. Active Citizenship: A commitment to lifelong civic engagement at a local, national and/or global level. 7. Ethical Judgment and Integrity: The ability to draw reasonable conclusions from ethical questions to guide personal conduct. 8. Diversity: A commitment to promote inclusivity in a diverse world. Assessment Materials: Assessment Rubrics are now stored in a shared Google Drive. Please click HERE to view the files

    WARGA NEGARA DIGITAL SEBAGAI INSTRUMEN MENUJU WARGA NEGARA GLOBAL: penelitian grounded theory tentang dampak kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi terhadap praktik

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    Kemajuan TIK menjadikan manusia terhubung satu sama lain melalui alat-alat komunikasi yang ada digenggaman mereka. Oleh karena itu kemajuan TIK telah membawa perubahan dalam pola kehidupan manusia. Kemajuan bidang komputer dan jaringan internet telah membentuk masyarakat dalam jaringan (On Line Community). Dari kemajuan bidang TIK khususnya internet telah memindahkan aktivitas kewarganegaraan. Partisipasi warga negara untuk menyampaikan aspirasi kepada pemerintah yang dulunya dilakukan secara analog saat ini dapat dilakukan melalui teknologi digital seperti mengirim surat elektronik (E-mail), media sosial, website dan sebagainya. Hal ini pastinya akan memudahkan warga negara dalam menyampaikan aspirasi kepada pemerintah. Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mencari sebuah grand theory dari fenomena kemajuan bidang TIK terhadap praktik-praktik kewarganegaraan. Sehingga penelitian ini diarahkan untuk: Pertama, menemukan sebuah konsep dampak kemajuan TIK terhadap kehidupan warga negara. Kedua, mengoptimalkan keuntungan dan peluang dari kemajuan TIK bagi kehidupan warga negaraa. Ketiga, melakukan kajian secara mendalam tentang warga negara digital menjadi instrumen warga negara global. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian grounded theory. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi literatur, observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari: Pakar PKn, Deputi III Pemanfaatan Teknologi dan Analisis Informasi Unit Kerja Presiden Bidang Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Pembangunan (UKP4), pakar TIK, penggiat TIK, desa digital, dan guru PKn. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) kemajuan TIK telah memindah praktik kewarganegaraan kedalam jaringan (on line). Kemajuan TIK telah mengantarkan warga negara kedalam era keterbukaan informasi.. Kemajuan TIK telah mengubah pola hubungan warga negara dengan pengelola negara. Kemajuan TIK telah menciptakan ruang komunikasi baru antara warga negara dengan pemerintah. 2) Untuk mengoptimalisasikan kemajuan TIK Warga negara dan pemerintah harus sama-sama mempersiapkan diri untuk memasuki era digital agar mampu mengoptimalkan peluang dan kesempatan dari kemajuan TIK. Seorang warga negara yang, melek TIK, memahami etika TIK, memiliki kecerdasan berteknologi, berpikir kritis dan solutif, komunikatif, mampu berkolaborasi, pebelajar serta dilingkupi oleh nilai dasar yang kuat. Selanjutnya, pemerintah diharapkan mampu memanfaatkan TIK, dekat dengan warga negara, responsif, efektif dan efisien, tanggap terhadap, terbuka, dan cepat mengambil keputusan. 3) Warga negara digital dapat menjalin hubungan secara man to man dengan warga negara dari negara lain. Seorang warga negara digital sangat memungkinkan untuk dapat berkontribusi dalam lingkungan global. Informasi perkembangan global akan mudah diakses oleh warga negara digital, sehingga warga negara digital memiliki kesempatan yang besar untuk terlibat dan berpartisipasi mengatasi berbagai isu global. Advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) make intoa connection of people each otherby communications tools that held in their hands. Because of that, the advancement of Information and Communication Technology has bring a change of people’s life. Advancement in computer and network sector already shaping the online community and then moved citizenship activity. Citizen participation to extend aspirations for the government, that in the past has did by analog tradition, now citizen participation going to do by digital technology, for example sent an email to government and discuss some case with the government by social media. This research focus to find out a grand theory from the advancement of Information and Communication Technology’s sector toward citizenship practices. Thus, this research directed to: First, find out a concept about advancement of Information and Communication Technology’s impact toward citizenship activity. Second, optimize the benefit and opportunity from advancement of citizens’s life. Third, execute considerable study about digital citizen become the instrument of global citizen.This research use qualitative approach with grounded theory as the method of research. Data collecting technique that use in this research are literature study, observation, interview, and documentation. Subject of the research consist of Civic Education’s specialist, Deputy III of Technology Utilization and Information Analysis-President’s Working Unit-Controlling, Monitoring, and Development’s Sector (UKP4), ICT’s specialist, ICT’s actuator, digital village, and the last is teacher of Civic Education. Based on the result of this research refer to: 1) Advancement of ICT has moved citizen’s practices into online network. Advancement of ICT has bring citizen into information opennes. Advancement of ICT has change the pattern of relationship between citizen and governement. 2) For optimize the advancement of ICT, citizen and government must prepare themselves for entering digital era in orther that can optimize the opportunity from it. A citizen that aware of ICT, conceiving ICT’s ethics, have technologies perspicacity, critical thinking and solutive, communicative, collaborative, learner and surrounding by value based. Furthermore, government can make ICT near citizens, responsive, effecitive and efficient, perceptive, open minded, and be faster of making decision. 3) Digital citizen can make relation by man to man with the other people or citizen in the other country. A digital citizen very possible to contribute in the global area. Development of global information would be easy to access by digital citizen. Thus, digital citizen have a big opportunity to involve coping various of global issue

    ICT and education in a less privileged school of NMBA

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    Today’s society requires citizens to have a greater knowledge of information technology (IT) than in previous decades. Strategy programs at a national level define the skill needed in an information society and encourage people to learn these skills (Ministry of Education, 2004). In order for everybody to have the opportunity to learn the basics of the new technology, computer science should be included in general education. The development of technology, like Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has turned the world into a global village (Hashem, 2006). The key instrument in this globalisation is the personal computer. Computer–mediated communication is increasingly becoming the dominant means of communication, particularly in the developed and in some developing countries (Adebisi, 2008). In a developing country, ICT is one of the prime ingredients for development. This generally means improvement of people’s lifestyle through improved education, income, skills development and employment. Development should now also be viewed as a multidimensional process involving major changes in social structures, popular attitudes and a national progression of life from unsatisfactory to satisfactory (Servaes, 1999). Since one of the goals of education is to prepare students for work and citizenship, schools are attempting to change their policies, practices and a curriculum to meet the challenge of making pupils ready for a future quite different than the immediate past (Turker & Codding, 1998). The integration of ICT into the teaching and learning environment in secondary education in Port Elizabeth could change learning and teaching attitudes of learners and teachers and help to prepare them for future challenges. However, the success of this integration will depend on how the learners and teachers adapt to the changes and whether they can make ICT technologies part of their daily life. As it is, there is little or no information available regarding the extent of current ICT usage and access in these secondary schools. The research focuses on the availability, usage and the impact of ICT in education, particularly at a secondary school in the poverty-stricken area of Zwide in Port Elizabeth

    Preparing millennials as digital citizens and socially and environmentally responsible business professionals in a socially irresponsible climate

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    As of 2015, a millennial born in the 1990's became the largest population in the workplace and are still growing. Studies indicate that a millennial is tech savvy but lag in the exercise of digital responsibility. In addition, they are passive towards environmental sustainability and fail to grasp the importance of social responsibility. This paper provides a review of such findings relating to business communications educators in their classrooms. The literature should enable the development of a millennial as an excellent global citizen through business communications curricula that emphasizes digital citizenship, environmental sustainability and social responsibility. The impetus for this work is to provide guidance in the development of courses and teaching strategies customized to the development of each millennial as a digital, environmental and socially responsible global citizen

    Technology Intensive and Sustainable Schools: A Discourse Analysis of Statements regarding the Use of ICT in Education in Lund

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    This thesis investigates the perceptions of people within the education sector in Lund Municipality regarding sustainability implications of the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in schools. It demonstrates how local perceptions are largely affected by powerful global neoliberal forces. The study is based on a critical discourse analysis of policy documents and interviews with municipal employees. Technology is regarded as a social, cultural and political phenomenon. The theoretical framework of the study is based on the idea of technology fetishism and the five capitals model of sustainability. In the analysis of the empirical material, the CDA approach of N. Fairclough was adopted. The analysis shows that there is a discursive struggle between hegemonic neoliberal economic and digital society discourses, and a critical discourse. In addition, a number of sub-discourses appear in the texts. According to the findings, headmasters are mostly positive about the possibility of creating technology intensive and sustainable schools. The study reveals that local actions are affected by technology fetishistic ideals and the destructive relationship to natural capital that exist in today's industrialised society. Although individual schools cannot change the world order, they can serve as role models in the creation of technology intensive and sustainable schools through the promotion of learning, citizenship and equality. In so doing, they can minimise the reduction of natural capital as a result of the use of ICT, and contribute to the maintenance and enhancement of natural, human and social capital
