233,539 research outputs found

    The Emergence of Electronic Trading in Global Financial Markets: Envisioning the Role of Futures Exchanges in the Next Millennium

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    This paper presents a preliminary analysis of case study based research exploring the shift from traditional ‘open-outcry’ to electronic trading in the major futures Markets in London and Chicago. We outline the emergence of electronic trading in these Markets, with the aim of examining the influences that will shape the operation and interaction between major global futures exchanges in the electronic markets of the new millennium. Our empirical work has sensitised us to the usefulness of conceptual ideas on the local/global dialectic in the process of globalization, and the shifting nature of risk in analysing the emergence of electronic trading in major global futures markets. In our discussion of the current status of the project we seek to connect the local issues concerning electronic trading to their broader social, economic and political context. We conclude by suggesting how our findings can be expected to contribute to IS theory and practice

    The Role of Electronic Payment Methods in Facilitating Money Transactions in Erbil City

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    The emergence of e-commerce has created new financial needs that in many cases cannot be effectively fulfilled by the traditional payment systems. All interested parties are exploring various types of the electronic payment system and issues electronic payment system and digital currency. Therefore, I conducted research on the availability and variety of electronic payment methods in Erbil city, to see the extent of using them in financial transactions. The sample of the research included three banks (Cihan, RT, Byblos). The distributed questionnaires were 40 and collected just 31 were valid to statistically analysis. The questionnaire was designed according to the five-dimensional Likert scale. The SPSS program was used for statistical analysis to extract results Based on the results, the following the most important conclusions were achieved. The results showed that banks have a great interest in electronic payment methods to attract customers and improve customer services. Electronic payment methods are limited only to customers who have a good ability to handle the Internet. According to the results, we made a number of recommendations: Banks should pay attention to issuing new and modern electronic payment methods to attract new customers and follow developments in global markets. Banks and other specialized organizations should conduct awareness programs for clients on the importance and ease of using electronic payment methods in financial transactions in local and international markets

    Requirement Model for Small-Scale Farmer Supply Chain System (SSFSCS)

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    The merging of supply chain management and the internet has taken an important role as a mean for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to cut their delivery cost,exposing their business into a global market. Malaysian small-scale farmers are linked to a traditional markets limited to its neighborhood. Though the existing number of Rural Internet Centers (RICs) all over Malaysia has improved Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy among rural community, observations have shown that these centers have not yet been utilized as a mean to make business. The purpose of this project is to propose a requirement model for small-scale farmers in Kedah State to merge the traditional supply chain with the use the RICs as an electronic business centre in view of linking them to the global market as a cheap mean of market and distribution. The requirement model will have two main actors: customer and supplier as small-scale farmer. The supplier will be represented by the system administrator. The model intends to integrate customers, suppliers, products and process order records in a central database


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    This paper sets out a conceptual model that describes how the configuration of relevant geographic markets might change as electronic “gateways” or portals challenge conventional markets. It then considers the main conceptual inferences against the experience of securities markets. Consideration of empirical evidence suggests that e-business will lead to expanded geographic markets, although the pace and extent of the expansion might be slower and less dramatic, even in the long- run, than early enthusiasts of e-business may have anticipated.geographic markets, securities markets, e-business

    Liquidity of bitcoin – insights from Polish and global markets

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    Bitcoin can be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies as well as for fiat currencies on many different platforms. Nevertheless, its real convertibility may be limited by market liquidity. The main aim of this article is to characterize and compare big and small bitcoin markets in terms of liquidity. I examine four platforms with high trade volume: Kraken, Bitstamp, BitFlyer and BTCBOX, as well as small entities which enable bitcoin to be traded in Polish zloty: BitBay and BitMarket. I compare the number of trades and the time between trades on selected bitcoin markets, determine the volume distribution throughout the day and analyse the dynamics of Amihud’s illiquidity measure – ILLIQ. I find that an exchange which is among the global leaders in terms of trading bitcoin in a particular traditional currency can be considered a smaller market in terms of trade volume in another traditional currency. Moreover, the results imply that BitBay and BitMarket can be perceived as local markets. They are mainly used for trading in Polish zloty, and are illiquid in terms of trading in the remaining traditional currencies. Home bias, the fact that they offer a possibility of trading in a less popular currency (in comparison to the world reserve currencies), and that have their interface in Polish, may give these platforms a competitive advantage.Bitcoinem moĆŒna obracać na wielu rĂłĆŒnych platformach, wykorzystując do tego inne kryptowaluty, jak rĂłwnieĆŒ waluty tradycyjne. Niemniej jego rzeczywista wymienialnoƛć moĆŒe być ograniczona przez pƂynnoƛć rynku. GƂównym celem artykuƂu jest scharakteryzowanie i porĂłwnanie wybranych gieƂd kryptowalut pod względem pƂynnoƛci. W tym celu przeanalizowano cztery platformy, ktĂłre odznaczają się wysokim wolumenem obrotu: Kraken, Bitstamp, BitFlyer i BTCBOX, a takĆŒe dwa maƂe podmioty umoĆŒliwiające handel w polskim zƂotym: BitBay i BitMarket. W artykule przedstawiono porĂłwnanie rynkĂłw pod względem liczby zawartych transakcji, ƛredniego czasu pomiędzy kolejnymi transakcjami czy rozkƂadu wolumenu obrotu w ciągu dnia. Ponadto przeanalizowano zmiany w czasie miary pƂynnoƛci – ILLIQ. Wyniki pozwoliƂy stwierdzić, ĆŒe platforma, ktĂłra znajduje się wƛrĂłd globalnych liderĂłw w obrocie bitcoinem w danej walucie tradycyjnej, moĆŒe być postrzegana jako podmiot maƂy, jeƛli zostanie wzięty pod uwagę obrĂłt w innej walucie tradycyjnej. Ponadto najbardziej popularne platformy umoĆŒliwiające wymianę bitcoina na polskiego zƂotego, czyli BitBay i BitMarket, mogą być uznane za rynki lokalne. Są one gƂównie wykorzystywane do handlu w zƂotym. W przypadku obrotu bitcoinem w innych walutach tradycyjnych cechuje je bardzo niska pƂynnoƛć. Czynniki takie jak home bias, moĆŒliwoƛć handlu bitcoinem w mniej popularnej walucie tradycyjnej (w porĂłwnaniu ze ƛwiatowymi walutami rezerwowymi) oraz interfejs uĆŒytkownika w języku polskim mogą dawać pewną przewagę konkurencyjną tym platformom

    Electronic Chattel Paper: Invitation Accepted

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    In 1999, Revised U.C.C. Article 9 governing secured lending was updated to permit the creation of electronic chattel paper ( ECP ). Traditional chattel paper is used widely in some sectors of the US economy to finance equipment purchases in part because a chattel paper financers who perfects by taking possession can achieve priority over a pre-existing secured lender who perfected by filing. Revised U.C.C. § 9-105 defined a new form of control over ECP that would be treated as equivalent to possession of traditional chattel paper, permitting chattel paper financers to retain their superpriority status with electronic documents. Because chattel paper transactions often take place outside regulated financial institutions, and the risks of recognizing ECP were unknown, the drafters of Revised Article 9 decided to set a high technological threshold for showing control of ECP in order to manage novel risks indirectly. Since 1999, lenders have worked slowly and steadily to create the necessary infrastructure for ECP markets. Widespread use of ECP benefits lenders by reducing the cost and increasing the speed of their administrative processes, and also benefits investors by lowering the cost of securitizing loans and leases in the form of ECP. Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp. completed the first securitization of ECP in 2005, but the global financial crisis in 2008-2009 stalled adoption of ECP, especially in the US automobile industry which was hit particularly hard in the resulting recession. By 2010, adoption rates for ECP in chattel paper finance markets were again growing. Amendments to Revised Article 9 finalized in 2010 lower the technological threshold required to establish control, which should further encourage increased use of ECP

    Music in electronic markets: an empirical study

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    Music plays an important, and sometimes overlooked part in the transformation of communication and distribution channels. With a global market volume exceeding US$40 billion, music is not only one of the primary entertainment goods in its own right. Since music is easily personalized and transmitted, it also permeates many other services across cultural borders, anticipating social and economic trends. This article presents one of the first detailed empirical studies on the impact of internet technologies on a specific industry. Drawing on more than 100 interviews conducted between 1996 and 2000 with multinational and independent music companies in 10 markets, strategies of the major players, current business models, future scenarios and regulatory responses to the online distribution of music files are identified and evaluated. The data suggest that changes in the music industry will indeed be far-reaching, but disintermediation is not the likely outcome
