58 research outputs found

    Linear Gaussian Bounding Box Representation and Ring-Shaped Rotated Convolution for Oriented Object Detection

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    In oriented object detection, current representations of oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) often suffer from boundary discontinuity problem. Methods of designing continuous regression losses do not essentially solve this problem. Although Gaussian bounding box (GBB) representation avoids this problem, directly regressing GBB is susceptible to numerical instability. We propose linear GBB (LGBB), a novel OBB representation. By linearly transforming the elements of GBB, LGBB avoids the boundary discontinuity problem and has high numerical stability. In addition, existing convolution-based rotation-sensitive feature extraction methods only have local receptive fields, resulting in slow feature aggregation. We propose ring-shaped rotated convolution (RRC), which adaptively rotates feature maps to arbitrary orientations to extract rotation-sensitive features under a ring-shaped receptive field, rapidly aggregating features and contextual information. Experimental results demonstrate that LGBB and RRC achieve state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, integrating LGBB and RRC into various models effectively improves detection accuracy

    Adaptive Rotated Convolution for Rotated Object Detection

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    Rotated object detection aims to identify and locate objects in images with arbitrary orientation. In this scenario, the oriented directions of objects vary considerably across different images, while multiple orientations of objects exist within an image. This intrinsic characteristic makes it challenging for standard backbone networks to extract high-quality features of these arbitrarily orientated objects. In this paper, we present Adaptive Rotated Convolution (ARC) module to handle the aforementioned challenges. In our ARC module, the convolution kernels rotate adaptively to extract object features with varying orientations in different images, and an efficient conditional computation mechanism is introduced to accommodate the large orientation variations of objects within an image. The two designs work seamlessly in rotated object detection problem. Moreover, ARC can conveniently serve as a plug-and-play module in various vision backbones to boost their representation ability to detect oriented objects accurately. Experiments on commonly used benchmarks (DOTA and HRSC2016) demonstrate that equipped with our proposed ARC module in the backbone network, the performance of multiple popular oriented object detectors is significantly improved (e.g. +3.03% mAP on Rotated RetinaNet and +4.16% on CFA). Combined with the highly competitive method Oriented R-CNN, the proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the DOTA dataset with 81.77% mAP

    Spatial Transform Decoupling for Oriented Object Detection

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    Vision Transformers (ViTs) have achieved remarkable success in computer vision tasks. However, their potential in rotation-sensitive scenarios has not been fully explored, and this limitation may be inherently attributed to the lack of spatial invariance in the data-forwarding process. In this study, we present a novel approach, termed Spatial Transform Decoupling (STD), providing a simple-yet-effective solution for oriented object detection with ViTs. Built upon stacked ViT blocks, STD utilizes separate network branches to predict the position, size, and angle of bounding boxes, effectively harnessing the spatial transform potential of ViTs in a divide-and-conquer fashion. Moreover, by aggregating cascaded activation masks (CAMs) computed upon the regressed parameters, STD gradually enhances features within regions of interest (RoIs), which complements the self-attention mechanism. Without bells and whistles, STD achieves state-of-the-art performance on the benchmark datasets including DOTA-v1.0 (82.24% mAP) and HRSC2016 (98.55% mAP), which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method. Source code is available at https://github.com/yuhongtian17/Spatial-Transform-Decoupling
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