162 research outputs found

    Visualizing 3D geology in web browsers using X3DOM

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    This work presents an application for visualizing subsurface geological data in 3D in web browsers, using the X3DOM framework. The data supported is 3D terrain, vertical subsurface cross sections and subsurface measurements from wells. Data is visualized for the area of Svalbard. To avoid low-level development, we use X3DOM, which hides the details of graphics rendering in high-level, declarative XML syntax. The resulting application is cross-platform and runs on computers, tablets and mobile phones with adequate graphics capabilities. The work is a summarization of the first author’s master’s thesis

    A Web3D Enabled Information Integration Framework for Facility Management

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    Managing capital oil and gas and civil engineering facilities requires a large amount of heterogeneous information that is generated by different project stakeholders across the facility lifecycle phases and is stored in various databases and technical documents. The amount of information reaches its peak during the commissioning and handover phases when the project is handed over to the operator. The operational phase of facilities spans multiple decades and the way facilities are used and maintained have a huge impact on costs, environment, productivity, and health and safety. Thus, the client and the operator bear most of the additional costs associated with incomplete, incorrect or not immediately usable information. Web applications can provide quick and convenient access to information regardless of user location. However, the integration and delivery of engineering information, including 3D content, over the Web is still at its infancy and is affected by numerous technical (i.e. data and tools) and procedural (i.e. process and people) challenges. This paper addresses the technical issues and proposes a Web3D enabled information integration framework that delivers engineering information together with 3D content without any plug-ins. In the proposed framework, a class library defines the engineering data requirements and a semi-structured database provides means to integrate heterogeneous technical asset information. This framework also enables separating the 3D model content into fragments, storing them together with the digital assets and delivering to the client browser on demand. Such framework partially alleviates the current limitations of the JavaScript based 3D content delivery such as application speed and latency. Hence, the proposed framework is particularly valuable to petroleum and civil engineering companies working with large amounts of data

    Granularity in visualisation of 3D BIM models design-science approach

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    Building Information Modeling (BIM) has gradually grown into one of the key information management platforms in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction industry. With the growing amount of information in and outside the digital construction industry, concepts of information retrieval like relevance and granularity have become relevant in this domain. An increased need for interoperability and easy access to information has caused the industry to look towards concepts like the semantic web and linked data. But within all this, the geometrical visualisation, which is an integral part of the BIM process, has lagged behind on the front of granularity and still seems to be done mainly using the conventional ways. We try to explore ways to introduce granularity in the visualisation of 3D BIM models, and connecting it to the semantic information which is already granular, thus creating a mapping between the two at a granular level. A web-based prototype is implemented and analysed as a proof of the presented concept, with the semantics being represented inside a graph-based data structure. We further present a discussion on the potential applications and use cases of the conceptualised framework in the field of construction and building lifecycle management. The work aims to take the first step towards modularising the visualisation process, and has tried to pave the way for detailed analyses and further improvements that may follow in this direction

    Website Technology Trends for Augmented Reality Development

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    Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that is gaining increasing attention from academics and industry. AR is relied upon to be an innovative technology to enrich ways of interacting with the physical and cyberspace around users that can enhance user experience in various fields. Platforms for AR applications are usually hardware based and mobile based, for mobile applications AR is usually based. AR-based hardware requires quite expensive support, this is seen from the rendering space requirements and this makes it inflexible while AR-based applications on mobile smartphones require large storage space and do not make it convenient for cross-platform use. Currently many researchers are trying to create and develop website-based AR, as a solution to the spread of AR to be flexible and save storage space, website technology development trends are used as a method for improving the performance of website-based AR. Other support comes from open-source software and more developer platforms and program courses for Web AR that are made public. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art, various methods, technologies and challenges of existing AR, this can be a trigger for more research interest and efforts to provide AR experienc

    Gallery of interactive applications with 3D components

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    This thesis has the intention of exploring the potential of cutting-edge web technologies for creating immersive 3D experiences in the browser. This exploration will review diff erent available technologies, and end up taking the form of a gallery of interactive applications, evaluated for user experience and optimized for performance. The results demonstrate the potential of these technologies for web-based 3D graphics and interactive applications

    Dowry Towns of Bohemian Queens - web-based 3D model viewer

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    Táto práca sa pozerá na možnosti zobrazovania obsahu rozšírenej reality na mobilných zariadeniach v prostredí webového prehliadača. To znamená dostupnosť len obmedzených hardwarových i softwarových prostriedkov. Je implementovaný algoritmus ORB na detekciu obrazových príznakov a optimalizovaný pomocou paralelizovaného spracovania obrazu pomocou knižnice GPU.js. Bolo preskúmaných niekoľko algoritmov pre odhad polohy kamery a výpočet projekčnej matice. 3D modely sú zobrazené na obraze z kamery a sú preskúmavané možnosti ich zobrazovania tak aby sa zhodovali s orientáciou scény. Na konci sú popísané scenáre testujúce jednoduchosť používania ovládania výsledného widgetu.This thesis looks into the possibilities of displaying augmented reality content on mobile devices in the web browser environment. This means there are limited hardware and software resources available. The ORB algorithm for image features detection is implemented from scratch and optimized with the use of parallelized image processing using the GPU.js library. Several algorithms for pose estimation and projection matrix generation were collected and examined. 3D models are displayed over the camera feed and measures are examined to project it to match the scene's orientation. There are test scenarios described checking whether the controls of the resulting widget is easy to use

    Comparison of two approaches for web-based 3D visualization of smart building sensor data

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    Abstract. This thesis presents a comparative study on two different approaches for visualizing sensor data collected from smart buildings on the web using 3D virtual environments. The sensor data is provided by sensors that are deployed in real buildings to measure several environmental parameters including temperature, humidity, air quality and air pressure. The first approach uses the three.js WebGL framework to create the 3D model of a smart apartment where sensor data is illustrated with point and wall visualizations. Point visualizations show sensor values at the real locations of the sensors using text, icons or a mixture of the two. Wall visualizations display sensor values inside panels placed on the interior walls of the apartment. The second approach uses the Unity game engine to create the 3D model of a 4-floored hospice where sensor data is illustrated with aforementioned point visualizations and floor visualizations, where the sensor values are shown on the floor around the location of the sensors in form of color or other effects. The two approaches are compared with respect to their technical performance in terms of rendering speed, model size and request size, and with respect to the relative advantages and disadvantages of the two development environments as experienced in this thesis

    Videojuego de construcción mediante piezas ensamblables en navegador

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    [EN] Make an interactive 3D construction videogame on web navigator, using WebGL technology with the Three.js library. The main objective is to create a final and sañeable application which allows the users to use and improve their space capabilities.[ES] Realizar un videojuego interactivo de construcción 3D en navegador web, utilizando la tecnología de WebGL y aplicada con la librería Three.js. El principal objetivo es crear una aplicación completa y comercializable, que permita al usuario utilizar y mejorar su capacidad espacialGascó Ortiz, V. (2015). Videojuego de construcción mediante piezas ensamblables en navegador. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/64459Archivo delegad

    Application of Augmented reality with WebGL

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    Tämän työn tavoitteena oli toteuttaa prototyyppijärjestelmä automaatiojärjestelmän informaation visualisointiin hyödyntäen lisättyä todellisuutta. Prototyyppijärjestelmältä vaadittiin, että sen käyttöliittymä olisi selainpohjainen, jonka perusteella päädyttiin valitsemaan WebGL-kirjasto lisätyn todellisuuden toteutusta varten. Prototyypin toteuttamista varten oli käytettävissä testauskäyttöön tarkoitettu koekenttä, jonne oli ennalta asennettu automaatiojärjestelmä ja IP-kamerat. Selainympäristöstä johtuen ei haluttu päätellä videokuvasta kameran orientaatiota. Tämän pohjalta päädyttiin kyselemään kameroilta näiden orientaatiotietoa, sekä hyödyntämään ennalta tunnettua tietoa näiden sijainneista. Toteutettu järjestelmä rakentui asiakas-palvelin mallisesta selainsovelluksesta, jakautuen kahdeksi palvelinsovellukseksi ja asiakkaanpään selainsovellukseksi. Palvelinsovelluksilla muunnettiin automaatiojärjestelmän tietoa ja kameroiden videokuvaa muotoon, joka voitaisiin välittää käyttäjälle. Nämä sovellukset toteutettiin ensisijaisesti hyödyntämällä C#- ja Python-kieliä. Selaimessa vastaanotetuista tiedoista muodostettiin videokuvan päälle lisätyn todellisuuden näkymä, hyödyntämällä Javascript-kieltä sekä WebGL-kirjastoa. Palvelin välitti tietoa käyttäjille reaaliajassa, päivittäen lisätyn todellisuuden näkymää. Lopullinen prototyyppijärjestelmä tarjosi käyttäjälle selainnäkymän, jossa lisätyn todellisuuden näkymä oli nähtävissä kamerakuvassa. Videokuvasta käyttäjä pystyi valitsemaan kuvassa näkyviä objekteja, jolloin visualisoitiin näiden päälle geometriaa ja tuotiin esiin reaaliaikaista tilatietoa. Toteutettu prototyyppi sisälsi joitain epätäydellisyyksiä lisätyn todellisuuden kohdistamisessa videokuvaan. Tämä johtui epätarkkuuksista kameroilta saaduissa orientaatiotiedoissa, sekä näiden suhteesta asennuksesta johtuviin poikkeamiin. Epätäydellisyyksistä huolimatta se täytti siltä vaaditut toiminnallisuudet, ja kykeni visualisoimaan kuvassa näkyviä laitteita ja kohteita. Toteutus jäi prototyyppihenkiseksi, ja jatkokehityksessä sitä ei tulla hyödynnetä sellaisenaan. Se kuitenkin tarjoaa pohjan jatkokehitystä varten