285 research outputs found

    Virtual Reality Headset Implementation on Parsec Cloud Gaming Platform

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    Virtual reality (VR) based games are a type of game that provides immersive gaming experience, allowing players to dive into the virtual world of the game being played. VR-based games require a high minimum computer specification, so thin clients cannot play VR-based games properly. This research aims to see how to enable thin computers to play VR-based games by utilizing cloud gaming technology. Using a high specification computer as a server, an android device as a VR headset, this Final Project implements a VR headset device so that it can be used in conjunction with cloud gaming services to be able to play VR-based games on thin computers and see how well the implementation by seeing the result from computer resources used and the Quality of Services. With Parsec cloud gaming services, the application carried out in this Final Project can run well on computers with low specifications. CPU usage on the client computer when the service is running is high at 91% usage, with 2818 MB RAM usage. Quality of Service is obtained when setting the highest quality preset, with a throughput of 16MB with a delay of about 2 ms. VR games that are played can run well with a minimum bandwidth of 15 Mbps selected from the Frame per Second (FPS) results obtained to reach 56 FPS with medium quality settings

    Virtual reality application for rehabilitation

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    Aquest projecte té com a objectiu desenvolupar una aplicació de Realitat Virtual funcional per a la rehabilitació i el benestar de la gent gran en residències d’avis. El que es pretén és complementar el tractament de rehabilitació dels pacients mitjançant jocs de Realitat Virtual que els permetin realitzar moviments repetitius mentre es mouen per un entorn natural immersiu.Este proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar una aplicación de Realidad Virtual funcional para la rehabilitación y el bienestar de las personas mayores en residencias de ancianos. Lo que se pretende es complementar el tratamiento de rehabilitación de los pacientes mediante juegos de Realidad Virtual que les permitan realizar movimientos repetitivos mientras se mueven por un entorno natural inmersivo.This project aims to develop a functional Virtual Reality application for the rehabilitation and well-being of older adults in nursing homes. It intends to engage the patient in the rehabilitation treatment by means of Virtual Reality games. To play these games, the patient must execute repetitive movements while moving around in an immersive natural environment.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::3 - Salut i Benesta

    Using Immersive Virtual Reality for Student Learning: A Qualitative Case Study

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    ABSTRACT The prominence of virtual reality (VR) in the educational field has grown in recent years due to increased availability and lower costs. I conducted a global study regarding how pioneering K-12 teachers use VR to engage students in learning activities. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to identify how and why teachers used VR for student learning. Fifteen educators from five continents participated in the study. They described their initial VR experiences and how these experiences motivated them to pursue ways to implement VR in their disciplinary fields. I used the video conference tool “Zoom” to conduct interviews. Participants described the “spark” of discovery and recognition of VR for learning. They explained measures to obtain permission, approaches to funding, and the implementation process. Participants developed structures for student learning, transformed physical spaces, and invented pedagogies to ensure positive learning experiences. Participants provided optimal immersive experiences by repurposing content and adopting other applications to achieve learning goals. Three levels of incorporating VR for student learning were identified, including: (1) exploration; (2) acquiring and applying disciplinary knowledge; and (3) content creation and interactive problem solving. The quality of headsets dictated the level(s) of implementation. Dewey’s (1923) experiential learning theories as well as the Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge framework (TPACK; Mishra & Koehler, 2006) helped to interpret data. Successful implementation requires collaboration and pedagogical modifications and administrative support. This study highlights the successful methods and practices for others considering the implementation of VR for K-12 student learning. Keywords: TPACK, Dewey, Virtual Reality (VR), Innovation, Experiential Learnin