81 research outputs found

    Gesprächsdolmetschen : Unterschiede zwischen professionellen und untrainierten Dolmetschern

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    Erschienen im Rahmen einer Sonderausgabe: "Baumgarten, Nicole/ Böttger, Claudia/Motz, Markus/Probst, Julia (eds.), Übersetzen, Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Spracherwerb und Sprachvermittlung - das Leben mit mehreren Sprachen. Festschrift für Juliane House zum 60. Geburtstag

    Was ist neu an der neuen Dolmetschart Community Interpreting? State of the Art in deutschsprachigen Ländern

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    In my paper I would like to discuss the specifics of community interpreting (CI) as a relatively new art of interpreting. The following aspects should be taken into consideration: the definition of the term on specific scopes of CI and compared to other types of interpretation as well as a brief overview of the development of this type of interpreting in Sweden, USA and Canada as pioneer countries and German-speaking countries.For the definition of CI compared especially to conference interpreting, the following factors are important: the particular communication situation, the additional skills of the interpreter, guidelines for CI as well as questions of quality management and the role of the interpreter: Is the tendency to over-emphasize the position of power of the community interpreter fair? In the context of a country-specific overview, the following are also discussed: the professional status of the community interpreter and the situation on the labor market – in areas of court interpreting (including asylum procedures, eg Legal Law Clinic in Innsbruck, Austria as a positive example) and hospital interpreting – and training for community interpreters at university (eg in Graz and Vienna in Austria).In conclusion, I would like to speak about necessary steps to professionalize CI in German-speaking countries

    Abil francés-español / español-francés. Autoaprendizaje de interpretación bilateral. Auto-apprentissage d'Interprétation de Liaison

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    G.I. HUM 767 (ayudas a Grupos de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía) / Editorial Comares (colección interlingua

    Zur Bewertung des Gesprächsdolmetschens im Hochschulunterricht: Game of Thrones ¿ Wie professionell handelt Missandei?

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    This article aims to present a didactic teaching proposal, which broaches the issue of evaluation of liaison interpreting. An interpreting scene in the popular series Game of Thrones, in whose third season the slave Missandei serves as a negotiating interpreter, will serve as a live demonstration. On the basis of the evaluation criteria elaborated by Kautz (2002), this scene will be examined and analysed in a plenary session, to enable students to form a clear idea about how negotiation interpreting can look in practice, what difficulties can arise, what solutions can be found and what strategies can be adopted. The subsequent discussion serves as a starting point for further reflections about professional ethics, codes of ethics, the neutrality of the interpreter, etc. This teaching proposal has attracted wide interest and its didactic could all be more than achieved.Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Departamento de Filología y TraducciónVersión del edito

    Gesprächsdolmetschen: Unterschiede zwischen professionellen und untrainierten Dolmetschern

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    Устнопорождаемая речь в ситуации устного перевода: дидактический аспект

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    Статья посвящена описанию специфики устнопорождаемой речи с позиции устного последовательного перевода. Представлены трактовки понятий "дискурс", "устнопорождаемая речь", "спонтанность", "неподготовленность", описана специфика устного дискурса и такого вида устного перевода, как перевод беседы

    Gesprächsdolmetschen: Unterschiede zwischen professionellen und untrainierten Dolmetschern

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    In der Dolmetschausbildung und im Berufsbild des Dolmetschers spielt das Gesprächsdolmetschen (hier verstanden als nachzeitige Übertragung spontan gesprochener Äußerungen innerhalb eines Alltagsgesprächs in eine andere Sprache) gegenüber dem Simultandolmetschen (der quasi gleichzeitigen Übertragung von gesprochener Rede in eine andere Sprache) und dem Konsekutivdolmetschen (der nachzeitigen Übertragung einer längeren Rede in eine andere Sprache, oft mit Hilfe von Notizen) nur eine kleine oder gar keine Rolle. Die Funktion des Gesprächsdolmetschers wird in der natürlichen mehrsprachigen Kommunikation häufig auch von Sprechern übernommen, die nicht als Dolmetscher ausgebildet sind. In meinem Beitrag wird anhand von englisch-deutschen und französisch-deutschen Gesprächen untersucht, ob professionelle und untrainierte Gesprächsdolmetscher dieselben Übertragungsmuster (die in der Literatur auch Strategien genannt werden, vgl. z.B. Hauenschild et al. 1998) verwenden oder nicht. Bisher gibt es hierzu kaum gesicherte Ergebnisse (vgl. auch Dillinger 1994)

    Was ist neu an der neuen Dolmetschart Community Interpreting? State of the Art in deutschsprachigen Ländern

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    In my paper I would like to discuss the specifics of community interpreting (CI) as a relatively new art of interpreting. The following aspects should be taken into consideration: the definition of the term on specific scopes of CI and compared to other types of interpretation as well as a brief overview of the development of this type of interpreting in Sweden, USA and Canada as pioneer countries and German-speaking countries.For the definition of CI compared especially to conference interpreting, the following factors are important: the particular communication situation, the additional skills of the interpreter, guidelines for CI as well as questions of quality management and the role of the interpreter: Is the tendency to over-emphasize the position of power of the community interpreter fair? In the context of a country-specific overview, the following are also discussed: the professional status of the community interpreter and the situation on the labor market – in areas of court interpreting (including asylum procedures, eg Legal Law Clinic in Innsbruck, Austria as a positive example) and hospital interpreting – and training for community interpreters at university (eg in Graz and Vienna in Austria).In conclusion, I would like to speak about necessary steps to professionalize CI in German-speaking countries

    Zur ausbildung eines Sprachendienstleister in Griechenland.

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    L’interpretazione dialogica nella trattativa d’affari: lo studio di un caso

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    The case study presented in our paper explores interpreter-mediated interaction in business settings, with a focus on the competences and the role of a non-professional dialogue interpreter. After defining the main features of dialogue interpreting, we investigate which competences a dialogue interpreter needs in order to deal with intercultural business negotiations. Considering the importance of specialist terminology and turn-taking management in business interpreting, the analysis of four business negotiations mediated by a non-professional interpreter focuses on how a non-professional interpreter manages some specialist terms as well as sequence organization. The analysis shows two main results: on the one hand it shows that, despite the difficulties, a non-professional interpreter may sometimes act as a professional one; on the other hand it underlines that specialist terminology and turn-taking management should be considered as basic competences in dialogue interpreting