75 research outputs found

    Looking at men and masculinities through Information and Communication Technologies, and Vice Versa

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    The lecture series that led to this paper, “Gender-Effects: How Women create Technology of Tomorrow”, has an explicit focus on women. However, in this article in keeping with a relational approach to gender, we focus on men and masculinities, seen within the context of and gender power relations, and the diverse interrelations of men and masculinities with information and communication technologies (ICTs). This includes addressing to some of the shortcomings of contemporary studies of men and masculinities that neglect ICTs; the different kinds of social relations of men and masculinities to ICTS, in work, organizations, and social change more generally; and the implications of ICTs for sexualities and sexual violences, ending with the current case of online revenge pornography. As such, we seek to bring two areas of scholarship, critical studies on men and masculinities (CSMM) and studies of ICTs, into closer dialogue. We begin with a brief overview of academic debates in studies on men and masculinities without ICTs, followed by an examination of some aspects of the relations of men, masculinities and ICTs, with a final short discussion of the case of ICTs, sexualities, sexual violences and revenge pornography

    Das Fortleben der Querelle des Femmes/Querelle des sexes in Jugendzeitschriften des zeitgenössischen Spanien

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die literarische Debatte der Querelle des Femmes, die vom 15. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert diskutiert wurde, wieder aufleben gelassen. Die damals wie heute aktuellen Fragen nach der Hierarchie der Geschlechter und nach der Vorrangstellung der Geschlechter in unserer westlichen Kultur werden anhand aktueller spanischer Jugendzeitschriften analysiert

    Gender-Effekte. Wie Frauen die Technik von morgen gestalten

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    Kempf U, Wrede B, eds. Gender-Effekte. Wie Frauen die Technik von morgen gestalten. IZG-Forschungsreihe. Vol 19. Bielefeld: InterdisziplinĂ€res Zentrum fĂŒr Geschlechterforschung (IZG); 2017

    Application of the Persona Concept to Convey Socially Sustainable and Responsible Transport System Planning to Children and Juveniles Considering Autonomous Vehicles: Work Report on the Project AM4Kids – Future Workshop

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    The automation in the transportation and mobility sector, particularly the use of autonomous systems in public transportation, presents novel challenges for various user groups despite offering numerous positive aspects. Autonomous vehicles, particularly in the domains of micro-public transportation and car sharing, have the potential to serve as a flexible mobility solution for individuals without a driver's license or those who are physically or mentally incapable of operating a vehicle. To ensure equitable access to this potential of independent and flexible mobility for all individuals, the design of autonomous transportation modes must be inclusive. The Austrian“AM4Kids” project (August 2020 to October 2023) imparts knowledge on mobility and transport system planning to children and juveniles in the context of the progressive automation of transportation and mobility modes, focusing on the principles of inclusive mobility offerings. Children and juveniles have attended several workshops on mobility and inclusion for over three years. In the final stage of the workshop series, the children and juveniles develop their visions and ideas for automated mobility, discussing the opportunities, risks, and consequences for themselves and other groups. One way to better understand and visualise the wide range of everyday lives of people with disabilities, their mobility patterns, and mobility options is to use the persona concept. This method aims at packaging real users’ motivations, needs, wishes and ambitions in a model to better integrate future research and technology development of automated mobility with the wants and needs of users. Personas do not represent the whole range of user diversity. However, they enable planners and developers to deal realistically with the situations and mobility needs of the relevant groups of people and allow specific analyses to implement user-oriented transport solutions. This paper outlines the methodology applied and the results achieved to make them accessible to a broad professional audience. The project demonstrates that knowledgeably selected personas provide added value in developing technologies. They can also be employed in the further education and sensitisation of children and juveniles

    How does varying the number of personas affect user perceptions and behavior? Challenging the ‘small personas’ hypothesis!

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    Studies in human-computer interaction recommend creating fewer than ten personas, based on stakeholders’ limitations to cognitively process and use personas. However, no existing studies offer empirical support for having fewer rather than more personas. Investigating this matter, thirty-seven participants interacted with five and fifteen personas using an interactive persona system, choosing one persona to design for. Our study results from eye-tracking and survey data suggest that when using interactive persona systems, the number of personas can be increased from the conventionally suggested ‘less than ten’, without significant negative effects on user perceptions or task performance, and with the positive effects of increasing engagement with the personas, having a more diverse representation of the end-user population, as well as users accessing personas from more varied demographic groups for a design task. Using the interactive persona system, users adjusted their information processing style by spending less time on each persona when presented with fifteen personas, while still absorbing a similar amount of information than with five personas, implying that more efficient information processing strategies are applied with more personas. The results highlight the importance of designing interactive persona systems to support users’ browsing of more personas.© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Genus – Sexus – Gender

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    This volume brings together the latest empirical research on the connections between grammatical gender, natural gender, and the social category of gender. This trio operates on various levels: lexically and semantically, morphologically, syntactically, pragmatically, and in texts and discourse. These categories prove to be deeply entrenched within the German lexis and grammar. They reflect old orders of gender but also how they have transformed


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    TRANS*NORM erörtert die VerschrĂ€nkung von Medizin, Fotografie und dominanten gesellschaftlichen Körper- und Geschlechtervorstellungen sowie die darin wirksame Macht, Normen zu konstruieren. Dabei sind zeitgenössische queere Darstellungsmodi in der Fotografie im Zentrum des Interesses. Die Arbeit stellt verschiedene kĂŒnstlerische Strategien vor Geschlechterdiskurse zu thematisieren oder zu dekonstruieren und untersucht zudem die Normen innerhalb der Queeren Fotografie selbst. Die Parameter medizinischer Darstellungspraxen gehen viele Jahrhunderte zurĂŒck und lassen sich bereits bei physiognomischen und medizinischen Kupferstichen anatomischer Atlanten der frĂŒhen Neuzeit analysieren. Verschiedene Disziplinen wie die Kriminalanthropologie, Eugenik, Neurologie, Psychiatrie und Sexualwissenschaft beeinflussten sich in ihren Diskursen gegenseitig oder bauten aufeinander auf. Johann Caspar Lavaters Studie zu den „Physiognomischen Fragmenten“ aus dem 18. Jahrhundert verstĂ€rkte die gesellschaftliche Auffassung, Seele, Charakter und Emotionen seien von der Physiognomie eines Menschen ablesbar. Dieser Ansatz beeinflusst(e) die Gesellschaft bis in die Gegenwart und war entscheidend fĂŒr die Kompositfotografie Sir Francis Galtons, Alphonse Bertillons Kriminalfotografie und Jean-Martin Charcots Psychiatriefotografie des spĂ€ten 19. Jahrhunderts bis hin zu den BildbĂ€nden der „Geschlechtskunde“ Magnus Hirschfelds im frĂŒhen 20. Jahrhundert. Es zeigt sich, dass diese medizinischen, anthropologischen und juristischen Bildpraxen fest in der Praxis des (An-)Sehens und Gesehen-Werdens dieser ĂŒberlieferten Auffassungen von Körper verankert sind. Die Art und Weise, wie Körper und Geschlechter wahrgenommen und dargestellt wurden und werden, wurzelt in diesen historischen Diskursen und ist demnach in der Queeren Fotografie ein zentrales Thema. Die Kompositionen weisen deutliche Parallelen zu den historischen Bildbeispielen und ihren Darstellungspraxen auf. Die Arbeit bespricht Werke, die im Kunstdiskurs bereits thematisiert wurden, wie beispielsweise Claude Cahun, Catherine Opie oder Del LaGrace Volcano, ebenso wie bisher wenig wissenschaftlich behandelte KĂŒnstler_innen wie Anthony Clair Wagner, TuckĂ© Royale, Maciej Osika oder J.J. Levine. Es zeigt sich, dass selbst innerhalb der queeren Diskurse die kĂŒnstlerischen Re-PrĂ€sentationen manche Gruppen nicht beziehungsweise kaum mit einschließen: dazu gehören vor allem Ă€ltere/alte Menschen,Menschen mit Behinderungen und unprivilegierter Schichten.TRANS*NORM discusses the interconnection between medical science, photography, and dominant body and gender presentations, and the power contained therein to construct societal norms. It investigates various artistic strategies to thematicize or de-construct gender discourse. Furthermore, the thesis examines the norms within queer photography itself. The origins of medical representation practices date back several centuries and allow physiognometric and medical engravings of the early modern period to be analyzed. Different disciplines such as criminal anthropology, eugenics, neurology, psychiatry, and sexuality influenced and built upon one another’s discourse. Johann Caspar Lavater’s study of the “physiognometric fragments” from the 18th century strengthened the societal perspective that mind, character, and emotion could be determined from a person’s physiognomy. This approach has influenced society up through the present and was pivotal for the composite photography of Sir Francis Galton, for Alphonse Bertillon’s criminal photography, and for Jean-Martin Charcot’s neuroanatomical photography of the late 19th century, up until the photo collections of Magnus Hirschfeld’s “sexology” in the early 20th century. It is shown that these medical, anthropologic, and judicial photographic practices are deeply seated in traditional notions of the body looking, watching, and being seen. The way in which bodies and genders were and are perceived and represented is rooted in this historical discourse and is therefore a central theme in queer photography. The compositions exhibit distinct parallels to the historical photographic examples and to their representation practices. The thesis discusses works currently treated in the art discourse,e.g. Claude Cahun, Catherine Opie, and Del LaGrace Volcano, and also artists who have been little discussed, e.g. Anthony Clair Wagner, TuckĂ© Royale, Maciej Osika, and J.J. Levine. Even within the queer discourse, the artistic re-presentations of some groups are still not included: particularly older / elderly people, people with disabilities, and underprivileged groups

    Körper – IdentitĂ€t – Sprache. Überlegungen zur Lyrik Else Lasker-SchĂŒlers und Mascha KalĂ©kos

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    The texts by both authors discussed here are read as lyrical reflections of self-designs. Both writers subvert the prevailing (discourse) order with their very own styles. KalĂ©ko’s reflections on the present examine identity formation in the field of class as well as gender and race, whereby KalĂ©ko puts a strong focus on social differences. All three areas converge in the body and are expressed in poetry. As well as in Else Lasker-SchĂŒler’s texts the question of identity is one that is reflected upon as an interweaving and overlapping of various factors of exclusion as described in the intersectionality research. Above all, the connection between cultural gender narratives and female sexuality are mentioned many times. The body, as will be discussed in this essay, is the place where – if you want – conflict and constitution of identity will happen in the lyrical texts of both writers

    "Augenblicklich waren die Neger modern"

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    Claire Goll schreibt in den 20er Jahren des 20. Jhdts. die Romane Ein Mensch ertrinkt und Der Neger Jupiter raubt Europa. In beiden BĂŒchern wird ein schwarzafrikanischer Mann beschrieben, der eine Beziehung zu einer weißen Frau unterhĂ€lt, die jedoch tragisch endet. Die Diplomarbeit setzt sich mit der Entstehung des Bildes des schwarzafrikanischen Mannes im literarischen sowie außerliterarischen Bereich, der Umsetzung der „Negermode“ bei Claire Goll und der Analyse der Romane mit dem Hintergrundwissen ĂŒber kulturelle und gesellschaftspolitische Strömungen auseinander. Die zentrale Frage ist, ob Claire Goll bewusst Stereotype in der Darstellung des schwarzafrikanischen Mannes einsetzt, um die eigene Kultur zu kritisieren, oder ob sie selbst auch unreflektiert Vorurteile verwendet
