264 research outputs found

    Optical communications and networking solutions for the support of C-RAN in a 5G environment

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    The widespread availability of mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones has led to fast-increasing mobile data traffic in the last few years [...

    Resilient Resource Allocation Schemes in Optical Networks

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    Recent studies show that deliberate malicious attacks performed by high-power sig- nals can put large amount of data under risk. We investigate the problem of sur- vivable optical networks resource provisioning scheme against malicious attacks, more specically crosstalk jamming attacks. These types of attacks may cause ser- vice disruption (or possibly service denial). We consider optical networks based on wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) technology and two types of jamming at- tacks: in-band and out-of-band attacks. We propose an attack-aware routing and wavelength assignments (RWA) scheme to avoid or reduce the damaging effects of potential attacking signals on individual or multiple legitimate lightpaths travers- ing the same optical switches and links. An integer linear programs (ILPs) as well as heuristic approaches were proposed to solve the problem. We consider dynamic traffic where each demand is dened by its start time and a duration. Our results show that the proposed approaches were able to limit the vulnerability of lightpaths to jamming attacks. Recently, large-scale failures caused by natural disasters and/or deliberate at- tacks have left major parts of the networks damaged or disconnected. We also investigate the problem of disaster-aware WDM network resource provisioning in case of disasters. We propose an ILP and efficient heuristic to route the lightpaths in such a way that provides protection against disasters and minimize the network vi resources such as the number of wavelength links used in the network. Our models show that signicant resource savings can be achieved while accommodating users demands. In the last few years, optical networks using Space Division Multiplexing (SDM) has been proposed as a solution to the speed bottleneck anticipated in data center (DC) networks. To our knowledge the new challenges of designing such communica- tion systems have not been addressed yet. We propose an optimal approach to the problem of developing a path-protection scheme to handle communication requests in DC networks using elastic optical networking and space division multiplexing. We have formulated our problem as an ILP. We have also proposed a heuristic that can handle problems of practical size. Our simulations explore important features of our approach

    Fault Tolerant Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Optical Transport Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2009, nr 1

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    Design of fault tolerant dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) backbones is a major issue for service provision in the presence of failures. The problem is an NP-hard problem. This paper presents a genetic algorithm based approach for designing fault tolerant DWDM optical networks in the presence of a single link failure. The working and spare lightpaths are encoded into variable length chromosomes. Then the best lightpaths are found by use of a fitness function and these are assigned the minimum number of wavelengths according to the problem constraints using first-fit (FF) algorithm. The proposed approach has been evaluated for dedicated path protection architecture. The results, obtained from the ARPA2 test bench network, show that the method is well suited to tackling this complex and multi-constraint problem

    Characterization, design and re-optimization on multi-layer optical networks

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    L'augment de volum de tràfic IP provocat per l'increment de serveis multimèdia com HDTV o vídeo conferència planteja nous reptes als operadors de xarxa per tal de proveir transmissió de dades eficient. Tot i que les xarxes mallades amb multiplexació per divisió de longitud d'ona (DWDM) suporten connexions òptiques de gran velocitat, aquestes xarxes manquen de flexibilitat per suportar tràfic d’inferior granularitat, fet que provoca un pobre ús d'ample de banda. Per fer front al transport d'aquest tràfic heterogeni, les xarxes multicapa representen la millor solució. Les xarxes òptiques multicapa permeten optimitzar la capacitat mitjançant l'empaquetament de connexions de baixa velocitat dins de connexions òptiques de gran velocitat. Durant aquesta operació, es crea i modifica constantment una topologia virtual dinàmica gràcies al pla de control responsable d’aquestes operacions. Donada aquesta dinamicitat, un ús sub-òptim de recursos pot existir a la xarxa en un moment donat. En aquest context, una re-optimizació periòdica dels recursos utilitzats pot ser aplicada, millorant així l'ús de recursos. Aquesta tesi està dedicada a la caracterització, planificació, i re-optimització de xarxes òptiques multicapa de nova generació des d’un punt de vista unificat incloent optimització als nivells de capa física, capa òptica, capa virtual i pla de control. Concretament s'han desenvolupat models estadístics i de programació matemàtica i meta-heurístiques. Aquest objectiu principal s'ha assolit mitjançant cinc objectius concrets cobrint diversos temes oberts de recerca. En primer lloc, proposem una metodologia estadística per millorar el càlcul del factor Q en problemes d'assignació de ruta i longitud d'ona considerant interaccions físiques (IA-RWA). Amb aquest objectiu, proposem dos models estadístics per computar l'efecte XPM (el coll d'ampolla en termes de computació i complexitat) per problemes IA-RWA, demostrant la precisió d’ambdós models en el càlcul del factor Q en escenaris reals de tràfic. En segon lloc i fixant-nos a la capa òptica, presentem un nou particionament del conjunt de longituds d'ona que permet maximitzar, respecte el cas habitual, la quantitat de tràfic extra proveït en entorns de protecció compartida. Concretament, definim diversos models estadístics per estimar la quantitat de tràfic donat un grau de servei objectiu, i diferents models de planificació de xarxa amb l'objectiu de maximitzar els ingressos previstos i el valor actual net de la xarxa. Després de resoldre aquests problemes per xarxes reals, concloem que la nostra proposta maximitza ambdós objectius. En tercer lloc, afrontem el disseny de xarxes multicapa robustes davant de fallida simple a la capa IP/MPLS i als enllaços de fibra. Per resoldre aquest problema eficientment, proposem un enfocament basat en sobre-dimensionar l'equipament de la capa IP/MPLS i recuperar la connectivitat i el comparem amb la solució convencional basada en duplicar la capa IP/MPLS. Després de comparar solucions mitjançant models ILP i heurístiques, concloem que la nostra solució permet obtenir un estalvi significatiu en termes de costos de desplegament. Com a quart objectiu, introduïm un mecanisme adaptatiu per reduir l'ús de ports opto-electrònics (O/E) en xarxes multicapa sota escenaris de tràfic dinàmic. Una formulació ILP i diverses heurístiques són desenvolupades per resoldre aquest problema, que permet reduir significativament l’ús de ports O/E en temps molt curts. Finalment, adrecem el problema de disseny resilient del pla de control GMPLS. Després de proposar un nou model analític per quantificar la resiliència en topologies mallades de pla de control, usem aquest model per proposar un problema de disseny de pla de control. Proposem un procediment iteratiu lineal i una heurística i els usem per resoldre instàncies reals, arribant a la conclusió que es pot reduir significativament la quantitat d'enllaços del pla de control sense afectar la qualitat de servei a la xarxa.The explosion of IP traffic due to the increase of IP-based multimedia services such as HDTV or video conferencing poses new challenges to network operators to provide a cost-effective data transmission. Although Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) meshed transport networks support high-speed optical connections, these networks lack the flexibility to support sub-wavelength traffic leading to poor bandwidth usage. To cope with the transport of that huge and heterogeneous amount of traffic, multilayer networks represent the most accepted architectural solution. Multilayer optical networks allow optimizing network capacity by means of packing several low-speed traffic streams into higher-speed optical connections (lightpaths). During this operation, a dynamic virtual topology is created and modified the whole time thanks to a control plane responsible for the establishment, maintenance, and release of connections. Because of this dynamicity, a suboptimal allocation of resources may exist at any time. In this context, a periodically resource reallocation could be deployed in the network, thus improving network resource utilization. This thesis is devoted to the characterization, planning, and re-optimization of next-generation multilayer networks from an integral perspective including physical layer, optical layer, virtual layer, and control plane optimization. To this aim, statistical models, mathematical programming models and meta-heuristics are developed. More specifically, this main objective has been attained by developing five goals covering different open issues. First, we provide a statistical methodology to improve the computation of the Q-factor for impairment-aware routing and wavelength assignment problems (IA-RWA). To this aim we propose two statistical models to compute the Cross-Phase Modulation variance (which represents the bottleneck in terms of computation time and complexity) in off-line and on-line IA-RWA problems, proving the accuracy of both models when computing Q-factor values in real traffic scenarios. Second and moving to the optical layer, we present a new wavelength partitioning scheme that allows maximizing the amount of extra traffic provided in shared path protected environments compared with current solutions. Specifically, we define several statistical models to estimate the traffic intensity given a target grade of service, and different network planning problems for maximizing the expected revenues and net present value. After solving these problems for real networks, we conclude that our proposed scheme maximizes both revenues and NPV. Third, we tackle the design of survivable multilayer networks against single failures at the IP/MPLS layer and WSON links. To efficiently solve this problem, we propose a new approach based on over-dimensioning IP/MPLS devices and lightpath connectivity and recovery and we compare it against the conventional solution based on duplicating backbone IP/MPLS nodes. After evaluating both approaches by means of ILP models and heuristic algorithms, we conclude that our proposed approach leads to significant CAPEX savings. Fourth, we introduce an adaptive mechanism to reduce the usage of opto-electronic (O/E) ports of IP/MPLS-over-WSON multilayer networks in dynamic scenarios. A ILP formulation and several heuristics are developed to solve this problem, which allows significantly reducing the usage of O/E ports in very short running times. Finally, we address the design of resilient control plane topologies in GMPLS-enabled transport networks. After proposing a novel analytical model to quantify the resilience in mesh control plane topologies, we use this model to propose a problem to design the control plane topology. An iterative model and a heuristic are proposed and used to solve real instances, concluding that a significant reduction in the number of control plane links can be performed without affecting the quality of service of the network

    Multi-ring SDH network design over optical mesh networks

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    Ankara : The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent University, 2002.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2002.Includes bibliographical references leaves 84-87.The evolution of networks in telecommunications has brought on the importance of design techniques to obtain survivable and cost-effective transportation networks. In this thesis, we study Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) ring design problem with an interconnected multi-ring architecture overlaid over an optical mesh network. We decouple the problem into two sub-problems: the first problem is the SDH ring selection, and the second problem is the mapping of these rings onto the physical mesh topology. In this structure, the logical topology consists of SDH Add/Drop Multiplexers (ADMs) and Digital Cross-Connects (DXCs), and the physical topology consists of Optical Cross-Connects (OXCs). The ring selection problem is to choose the rings that give minimum inter-ring traffic in the network. Since inter-ring traffic increases the network cost and complexity, we aim to minimize the inter-ring traffic. We propose a greedy heuristic algorithm for this problem that finds a solution subject to the constraint that the number of nodes on each ring is limited. Numerical results on the ring design problem are presented for different topologies. Once the logical topology is obtained, resilient mapping of SDH rings onto the mesh physical topology is formulated as a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) problem. In order to guarantee proper operation of SDH ring protection against all single failures, each link on an SDH ring must be mapped onto a lightpath which is link and node disjoint from all other lightpaths comprising the same ring. The objective of this mapping is to minimize the total fiber cost in the network. We also apply a post-processing algorithm to eliminate redundant rings. The postprocessing algorithm is very useful to reduce the cost. We evaluate the performance of our design algorithm for different networks.Tan, Tuba AkıncılarM.S

    Network Topology Effecton QoS Delivering in Survivable DWDM Optical Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2009, nr 1

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    The quality of service (QoS) is an important and considerable issue in designing survivable dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) backbones for IP networks. This paper investigates the effect of network topology on QoS delivering in survivable DWDM optical transport networks using bandwidth/load ratio and design flexibility metrics. The dedicated path protection architecture is employed to establish diverse working and spare lightpaths between each node pair in demand matrix for covering a single link failure model. The simulation results, obtained for the Pan-European and ARPA2 test bench networks, demonstrate that the network topology has a great influence on QoS delivering by network at optical layer for different applications. The Pan-European network, a more connected network, displays better performance than ARPA2 network for both bandwidth/load ratio and design flexibility metrics

    SARDANA: an all-optical access-metro WDM/TDM-PON

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    A new optical access network, named “Scalable Advanced Ring-based passive Dense Access Network Architecture” (SARDANA), is presented. It transparently integrates WDM metro and TDM PON access technologies, implementing ring protection, 100 km reach and up to 1024 users served at 10 Gb/s, with passive highly-shared infrastructure. The introduced innovations are hybrid ring/tree WDM/TDM Passive Optical Network (PON) architecture; a resilient remote node (RN), which is distantly pumped from the Optical Line Terminal (OLT); and a reflective ONU (Optical Network Unit); as well as an enhanced Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol.Postprint (published version

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2009, nr 1

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    Técnicas alternativas para amplificação de Raman em telecomunicações

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    Doutoramento em FísicaO presente trabalho centra-se no estudo dos amplificadores de Raman em fibra ótica e suas aplicações em sistemas modernos de comunicações óticas. Abordaram-se tópicos específicos como a simulação espacial do amplificador de Raman, a equalização e alargamento do ganho, o uso de abordagens híbridas de amplificação através da associação de amplificadores de Raman em fibra ótica com amplificadores de fibra dopada com Érbio (EDFA) e os efeitos transitórios no ganho dos amplificadores. As actividades realizadas basearam-se em modelos teóricos, sendo os resultados validados experimentalmente. De entre as contribuições mais importantes desta tese, destaca-se (i) o desenvolvimento de um simulador eficiente para amplificadores de Raman que suporta arquitecturas de bombeamento contraprogantes e bidirecionais num contexto com multiplexagem no comprimento de onda (WDM); (ii) a implementação de um algoritmo de alocação de sinais de bombeamento usando a combinação do algoritmo genético com o método de Nelder- Mead; (iii) a apreciação de soluções de amplificação híbridas por associação dos amplificadores de Raman com EDFA em cenários de redes óticas passivas, nomeadamente WDM/TDM-PON com extensão a região espectral C+L; e (iv) a avaliação e caracterização de fenómenos transitórios em amplificadores para tráfego em rajadas/pacotes óticos e consequente desenvolvimento de soluções de mitigação baseadas em técnicas de clamping ótico.The present work is based on Raman Fiber Amplifiers and their applications in modern fiber communication systems. Specific topics were approached, namely the spatial simulation of Raman fiber amplifiers, the gain enlargement and equalization the use of hybrid amplification approaches by association of Raman amplifiers with Erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA) and the transient effect on optical amplifiers gain. The work is based on theoretical models, being the obtained results validated experimentally. Among the main contributions, we remark: (i) the development of an efficient simulator for Raman fiber amplifiers that supports backward and bidirectional pumping architectures in a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) context; (ii) the implementation of an algorithm to obtain enlargement and equalization of gain by allocation of pumps based on the association of the genetic algorithm with the Nelder-Mead method; (iii) the assessment of hybrid amplification solutions using Raman amplifiers and EDFA in the context of passive optical networks, namely WDM/TDM-PON with extension the C+L spectral bands; (iv) the assessment and characterization of transient effects on optical amplifiers with bursty/packeted traffic and the development of mitigation solutions based on optical clamping

    Software Defined Applications in Cellular and Optical Networks

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    abstract: Small wireless cells have the potential to overcome bottlenecks in wireless access through the sharing of spectrum resources. A novel access backhaul network architecture based on a Smart Gateway (Sm-GW) between the small cell base stations, e.g., LTE eNBs, and the conventional backhaul gateways, e.g., LTE Servicing/Packet Gateways (S/P-GWs) has been introduced to address the bottleneck. The Sm-GW flexibly schedules uplink transmissions for the eNBs. Based on software defined networking (SDN) a management mechanism that allows multiple operator to flexibly inter-operate via multiple Sm-GWs with a multitude of small cells has been proposed. This dissertation also comprehensively survey the studies that examine the SDN paradigm in optical networks. Along with the PHY functional split improvements, the performance of Distributed Converged Cable Access Platform (DCCAP) in the cable architectures especially for the Remote-PHY and Remote-MACPHY nodes has been evaluated. In the PHY functional split, in addition to the re-use of infrastructure with a common FFT module for multiple technologies, a novel cross functional split interaction to cache the repetitive QAM symbols across time at the remote node to reduce the transmission rate requirement of the fronthaul link has been proposed.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201