51 research outputs found

    Blending the Material and Digital World for Hybrid Interfaces

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    The development of digital technologies in the 21st century is progressing continuously and new device classes such as tablets, smartphones or smartwatches are finding their way into our everyday lives. However, this development also poses problems, as these prevailing touch and gestural interfaces often lack tangibility, take little account of haptic qualities and therefore require full attention from their users. Compared to traditional tools and analog interfaces, the human skills to experience and manipulate material in its natural environment and context remain unexploited. To combine the best of both, a key question is how it is possible to blend the material world and digital world to design and realize novel hybrid interfaces in a meaningful way. Research on Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) investigates the coupling between physical objects and virtual data. In contrast, hybrid interfaces, which specifically aim to digitally enrich analog artifacts of everyday work, have not yet been sufficiently researched and systematically discussed. Therefore, this doctoral thesis rethinks how user interfaces can provide useful digital functionality while maintaining their physical properties and familiar patterns of use in the real world. However, the development of such hybrid interfaces raises overarching research questions about the design: Which kind of physical interfaces are worth exploring? What type of digital enhancement will improve existing interfaces? How can hybrid interfaces retain their physical properties while enabling new digital functions? What are suitable methods to explore different design? And how to support technology-enthusiast users in prototyping? For a systematic investigation, the thesis builds on a design-oriented, exploratory and iterative development process using digital fabrication methods and novel materials. As a main contribution, four specific research projects are presented that apply and discuss different visual and interactive augmentation principles along real-world applications. The applications range from digitally-enhanced paper, interactive cords over visual watch strap extensions to novel prototyping tools for smart garments. While almost all of them integrate visual feedback and haptic input, none of them are built on rigid, rectangular pixel screens or use standard input modalities, as they all aim to reveal new design approaches. The dissertation shows how valuable it can be to rethink familiar, analog applications while thoughtfully extending them digitally. Finally, this thesis’ extensive work of engineering versatile research platforms is accompanied by overarching conceptual work, user evaluations and technical experiments, as well as literature reviews.Die Durchdringung digitaler Technologien im 21. Jahrhundert schreitet stetig voran und neue GerĂ€teklassen wie Tablets, Smartphones oder Smartwatches erobern unseren Alltag. Diese Entwicklung birgt aber auch Probleme, denn die vorherrschenden berĂŒhrungsempfindlichen OberflĂ€chen berĂŒcksichtigen kaum haptische QualitĂ€ten und erfordern daher die volle Aufmerksamkeit ihrer Nutzer:innen. Im Vergleich zu traditionellen Werkzeugen und analogen Schnittstellen bleiben die menschlichen FĂ€higkeiten ungenutzt, die Umwelt mit allen Sinnen zu begreifen und wahrzunehmen. Um das Beste aus beiden Welten zu vereinen, stellt sich daher die Frage, wie neuartige hybride Schnittstellen sinnvoll gestaltet und realisiert werden können, um die materielle und die digitale Welt zu verschmelzen. In der Forschung zu Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) wird die Verbindung zwischen physischen Objekten und virtuellen Daten untersucht. Noch nicht ausreichend erforscht wurden hingegen hybride Schnittstellen, die speziell darauf abzielen, physische GegenstĂ€nde des Alltags digital zu erweitern und anhand geeigneter Designparameter und EntwurfsrĂ€ume systematisch zu untersuchen. In dieser Dissertation wird daher untersucht, wie MaterialitĂ€t und DigitalitĂ€t nahtlos ineinander ĂŒbergehen können. Es soll erforscht werden, wie kĂŒnftige Benutzungsschnittstellen nĂŒtzliche digitale Funktionen bereitstellen können, ohne ihre physischen Eigenschaften und vertrauten Nutzungsmuster in der realen Welt zu verlieren. Die Entwicklung solcher hybriden AnsĂ€tze wirft jedoch ĂŒbergreifende Forschungsfragen zum Design auf: Welche Arten von physischen Schnittstellen sind es wert, betrachtet zu werden? Welche Art von digitaler Erweiterung verbessert das Bestehende? Wie können hybride Konzepte ihre physischen Eigenschaften beibehalten und gleichzeitig neue digitale Funktionen ermöglichen? Was sind geeignete Methoden, um verschiedene Designs zu erforschen? Wie kann man Technologiebegeisterte bei der Erstellung von Prototypen unterstĂŒtzen? FĂŒr eine systematische Untersuchung stĂŒtzt sich die Arbeit auf einen designorientierten, explorativen und iterativen Entwicklungsprozess unter Verwendung digitaler Fabrikationsmethoden und neuartiger Materialien. Im Hauptteil werden vier Forschungsprojekte vorgestellt, die verschiedene visuelle und interaktive Prinzipien entlang realer Anwendungen diskutieren. Die Szenarien reichen von digital angereichertem Papier, interaktiven Kordeln ĂŒber visuelle Erweiterungen von UhrarmbĂ€ndern bis hin zu neuartigen Prototyping-Tools fĂŒr intelligente KleidungsstĂŒcke. Um neue DesignansĂ€tze aufzuzeigen, integrieren nahezu alle visuelles Feedback und haptische Eingaben, um Alternativen zu Standard-EingabemodalitĂ€ten auf starren Pixelbildschirmen zu schaffen. Die Dissertation hat gezeigt, wie wertvoll es sein kann, bekannte, analoge Anwendungen zu ĂŒberdenken und sie dabei gleichzeitig mit Bedacht digital zu erweitern. Dabei umfasst die vorliegende Arbeit sowohl realisierte technische Forschungsplattformen als auch ĂŒbergreifende konzeptionelle Arbeiten, Nutzerstudien und technische Experimente sowie die Analyse existierender Forschungsarbeiten

    Art and Design Practices as a Driver for Deformable Controls, Textures and Screen Interactions

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    In this thesis, we demonstrate the innovative uses of deformable interfaces to help de-velop future digital art and design interactions. The great beneïŹts of advancing digital art can often come at a cost of tactile feeling and physical expression, while traditional methods celebrate the diverse sets of physical tools and materials. We identiïŹed these sets of tools and materials to inform the development of new art and design interfaces that offer rich physical mediums for digital artist and designers. In order to bring forth these unique inter-actions, we draw on the latest advances in deformable interface technology. Therefore, our research contributes a set of understandings about how deformable interfaces can be har-nessed for art and design interfaces. We identify and discuss the following contributions: insights into tangible and digital practices of artists and designers; prototypes to probe the beneïŹts and possibilities of deformable displays and materials in support of digital-physical art and design, user-centred evaluations of these prototypes to inform future developments, and broader insights into the deformable interface research.Each chapter of this thesis investigates a speciïŹc element of art and design, alongside an aspect of deformable interfaces resulting in a new prototype. We begin the thesis by studying the use of physical actuation to simulate artist tools in deformable surfaces. In this chapter, our evaluations highlight the merits of improved user experiences and insights into eyes-free interactions. We then turn to explore deformable textures. Driven by the tactile feeling of mixing paints, we present a gel-based interface that is capable of simulating the feeling of paints on the back of mobile devices. Our evaluations showed how artists endorsed the interactions and held potential for digital oil painting.Our ïŹnal chapter presents research conducted with digital designers. We explore their colour picking processes and developed a digital version of physical swatches using a mod-ular screen system. This use of tangible proxies in digital-based processes brought a level of playfulness and held potential to support collaborative workïŹ‚ows across disciplines. To conclude, we share how our outcomes from these studies could help shape the broader space of art and design interactions and deformable interface research. We suggest future work and directions based on our ïŹndings

    A Framework For Abstracting, Designing And Building Tangible Gesture Interactive Systems

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    This thesis discusses tangible gesture interaction, a novel paradigm for interacting with computer that blends concepts from the more popular fields of tangible interaction and gesture interaction. Taking advantage of the human innate abilities to manipulate physical objects and to communicate through gestures, tangible gesture interaction is particularly interesting for interacting in smart environments, bringing the interaction with computer beyond the screen, back to the real world. Since tangible gesture interaction is a relatively new field of research, this thesis presents a conceptual framework that aims at supporting future work in this field. The Tangible Gesture Interaction Framework provides support on three levels. First, it helps reflecting from a theoretical point of view on the different types of tangible gestures that can be designed, physically, through a taxonomy based on three components (move, hold and touch) and additional attributes, and semantically, through a taxonomy of the semantic constructs that can be used to associate meaning to tangible gestures. Second, it helps conceiving new tangible gesture interactive systems and designing new interactions based on gestures with objects, through dedicated guidelines for tangible gesture definition and common practices for different application domains. Third, it helps building new tangible gesture interactive systems supporting the choice between four different technological approaches (embedded and embodied, wearable, environmental or hybrid) and providing general guidance for the different approaches. As an application of this framework, this thesis presents also seven tangible gesture interactive systems for three different application domains, i.e., interacting with the In-Vehicle Infotainment System (IVIS) of the car, the emotional and interpersonal communication, and the interaction in a smart home. For the first application domain, four different systems that use gestures on the steering wheel as interaction means with the IVIS have been designed, developed and evaluated. For the second application domain, an anthropomorphic lamp able to recognize gestures that humans typically perform for interpersonal communication has been conceived and developed. A second system, based on smart t-shirts, recognizes when two people hug and reward the gesture with an exchange of digital information. Finally, a smart watch for recognizing gestures performed with objects held in the hand in the context of the smart home has been investigated. The analysis of existing systems found in literature and of the system developed during this thesis shows that the framework has a good descriptive and evaluative power. The applications developed during this thesis show that the proposed framework has also a good generative power.Questa tesi discute l’interazione gestuale tangibile, un nuovo paradigma per interagire con il computer che unisce i principi dei piĂč comuni campi di studio dell’interazione tangibile e dell’interazione gestuale. Sfruttando le abilitĂ  innate dell’uomo di manipolare oggetti fisici e di comunicare con i gesti, l’interazione gestuale tangibile si rivela particolarmente interessante per interagire negli ambienti intelligenti, riportando l’attenzione sul nostro mondo reale, al di lĂ  dello schermo dei computer o degli smartphone. PoichĂ© l’interazione gestuale tangibile Ăš un campo di studio relativamente recente, questa tesi presenta un framework (quadro teorico) che ha lo scopo di assistere lavori futuri in questo campo. Il Framework per l’Interazione Gestuale Tangibile fornisce supporto su tre livelli. Per prima cosa, aiuta a riflettere da un punto di vista teorico sui diversi tipi di gesti tangibili che possono essere eseguiti fisicamente, grazie a una tassonomia basata su tre componenti (muovere, tenere, toccare) e attributi addizionali, e che possono essere concepiti semanticamente, grazie a una tassonomia di tutti i costrutti semantici che permettono di associare dei significati ai gesti tangibili. In secondo luogo, il framework proposto aiuta a concepire nuovi sistemi interattivi basati su gesti tangibili e a ideare nuove interazioni basate su gesti con gli oggetti, attraverso linee guida per la definizione di gesti tangibili e una selezione delle migliore pratiche per i differenti campi di applicazione. Infine, il framework aiuta a implementare nuovi sistemi interattivi basati su gesti tangibili, permettendo di scegliere tra quattro differenti approcci tecnologici (incarnato e integrato negli oggetti, indossabile, distribuito nell’ambiente, o ibrido) e fornendo una guida generale per la scelta tra questi differenti approcci. Come applicazione di questo framework, questa tesi presenta anche sette sistemi interattivi basati su gesti tangibili, realizzati per tre differenti campi di applicazione: l’interazione con i sistemi di infotainment degli autoveicoli, la comunicazione interpersonale delle emozioni, e l’interazione nella casa intelligente. Per il primo campo di applicazione, sono stati progettati, sviluppati e testati quattro differenti sistemi che usano gesti tangibili effettuati sul volante come modalitĂ  di interazione con il sistema di infotainment. Per il secondo campo di applicazione, Ăš stata concepita e sviluppata una lampada antropomorfica in grado di riconoscere i gesti tipici dell’interazione interpersonale. Per lo stesso campo di applicazione, un secondo sistema, basato su una maglietta intelligente, riconosce quando due persone si abbracciano e ricompensa questo gesto con uno scambio di informazioni digitali. Infine, per l’interazione nella casa intelligente, Ăš stata investigata la realizzazione di uno smart watch per il riconoscimento di gesti eseguiti con oggetti tenuti nella mano. L’analisi dei sistemi interattivi esistenti basati su gesti tangibili permette di dimostrare che il framework ha un buon potere descrittivo e valutativo. Le applicazioni sviluppate durante la tesi mostrano che il framework proposto ha anche un valido potere generativo

    ICS Materials

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    This present book covers a series of outstanding reputation researchers’ contributions on the topic of ICS Materials: a new class of emerging materials with properties and qualities concerning interactivity, connectivity and intelligence. In the general framework of ICS Materials’ domain, each chapter deals with a specific aspect following the characteristic perspective of each researcher. As result, methods, tools, guidelines emerged that are relevant and applicable to several contexts such as product, interaction design, materials science and many more

    From wearable towards epidermal computing : soft wearable devices for rich interaction on the skin

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    Human skin provides a large, always available, and easy to access real-estate for interaction. Recent advances in new materials, electronics, and human-computer interaction have led to the emergence of electronic devices that reside directly on the user's skin. These conformal devices, referred to as Epidermal Devices, have mechanical properties compatible with human skin: they are very thin, often thinner than human hair; they elastically deform when the body is moving, and stretch with the user's skin. Firstly, this thesis provides a conceptual understanding of Epidermal Devices in the HCI literature. We compare and contrast them with other technical approaches that enable novel on-skin interactions. Then, through a multi-disciplinary analysis of Epidermal Devices, we identify the design goals and challenges that need to be addressed for advancing this emerging research area in HCI. Following this, our fundamental empirical research investigated how epidermal devices of different rigidity levels affect passive and active tactile perception. Generally, a correlation was found between the device rigidity and tactile sensitivity thresholds as well as roughness discrimination ability. Based on these findings, we derive design recommendations for realizing epidermal devices. Secondly, this thesis contributes novel Epidermal Devices that enable rich on-body interaction. SkinMarks contributes to the fabrication and design of novel Epidermal Devices that are highly skin-conformal and enable touch, squeeze, and bend sensing with co-located visual output. These devices can be deployed on highly challenging body locations, enabling novel interaction techniques and expanding the design space of on-body interaction. Multi-Touch Skin enables high-resolution multi-touch input on the body. We present the first non-rectangular and high-resolution multi-touch sensor overlays for use on skin and introduce a design tool that generates such sensors in custom shapes and sizes. Empirical results from two technical evaluations confirm that the sensor achieves a high signal-to-noise ratio on the body under various grounding conditions and has a high spatial accuracy even when subjected to strong deformations. Thirdly, Epidermal Devices are in contact with the skin, they offer opportunities for sensing rich physiological signals from the body. To leverage this unique property, this thesis presents rapid fabrication and computational design techniques for realizing Multi-Modal Epidermal Devices that can measure multiple physiological signals from the human body. Devices fabricated through these techniques can measure ECG (Electrocardiogram), EMG (Electromyogram), and EDA (Electro-Dermal Activity). We also contribute a computational design and optimization method based on underlying human anatomical models to create optimized device designs that provide an optimal trade-off between physiological signal acquisition capability and device size. The graphical tool allows for easily specifying design preferences and to visually analyze the generated designs in real-time, enabling designer-in-the-loop optimization. Experimental results show high quantitative agreement between the prediction of the optimizer and experimentally collected physiological data. Finally, taking a multi-disciplinary perspective, we outline the roadmap for future research in this area by highlighting the next important steps, opportunities, and challenges. Taken together, this thesis contributes towards a holistic understanding of Epidermal Devices}: it provides an empirical and conceptual understanding as well as technical insights through contributions in DIY (Do-It-Yourself), rapid fabrication, and computational design techniques.Die menschliche Haut bietet eine große, stets verfĂŒgbare und leicht zugĂ€ngliche FlĂ€che fĂŒr Interaktion. JĂŒngste Fortschritte in den Bereichen Materialwissenschaft, Elektronik und Mensch-Computer-Interaktion (Human-Computer-Interaction, HCI) [so that you can later use the Englisch abbreviation] haben zur Entwicklung elektronischer GerĂ€te gefĂŒhrt, die sich direkt auf der Haut des Benutzers befinden. Diese sogenannten EpidermisgerĂ€te haben mechanische Eigenschaften, die mit der menschlichen Haut kompatibel sind: Sie sind sehr dĂŒnn, oft dĂŒnner als ein menschliches Haar; sie verformen sich elastisch, wenn sich der Körper bewegt, und dehnen sich mit der Haut des Benutzers. Diese Thesis bietet, erstens, ein konzeptionelles VerstĂ€ndnis von EpidermisgerĂ€ten in der HCI-Literatur. Wir vergleichen sie mit anderen technischen AnsĂ€tzen, die neuartige Interaktionen auf der Haut ermöglichen. Dann identifizieren wir durch eine multidisziplinĂ€re Analyse von EpidermisgerĂ€ten die Designziele und Herausforderungen, die angegangen werden mĂŒssen, um diesen aufstrebenden Forschungsbereich voranzubringen. Im Anschluss daran untersuchten wir in unserer empirischen Grundlagenforschung, wie epidermale GerĂ€te unterschiedlicher Steifigkeit die passive und aktive taktile Wahrnehmung beeinflussen. Im Allgemeinen wurde eine Korrelation zwischen der Steifigkeit des GerĂ€ts und den taktilen Empfindlichkeitsschwellen sowie der FĂ€higkeit zur Rauheitsunterscheidung festgestellt. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen leiten wir Designempfehlungen fĂŒr die Realisierung epidermaler GerĂ€te ab. Zweitens trĂ€gt diese Thesis zu neuartigen EpidermisgerĂ€ten bei, die eine reichhaltige Interaktion am Körper ermöglichen. SkinMarks trĂ€gt zur Herstellung und zum Design neuartiger EpidermisgerĂ€te bei, die hochgradig an die Haut angepasst sind und BerĂŒhrungs-, Quetsch- und Biegesensoren mit gleichzeitiger visueller Ausgabe ermöglichen. Diese GerĂ€te können an sehr schwierigen Körperstellen eingesetzt werden, ermöglichen neuartige Interaktionstechniken und erweitern den Designraum fĂŒr die Interaktion am Körper. Multi-Touch Skin ermöglicht hochauflösende Multi-Touch-Eingaben am Körper. Wir prĂ€sentieren die ersten nicht-rechteckigen und hochauflösenden Multi-Touch-Sensor-Overlays zur Verwendung auf der Haut und stellen ein Design-Tool vor, das solche Sensoren in benutzerdefinierten Formen und GrĂ¶ĂŸen erzeugt. Empirische Ergebnisse aus zwei technischen Evaluierungen bestĂ€tigen, dass der Sensor auf dem Körper unter verschiedenen Bedingungen ein hohes Signal-Rausch-VerhĂ€ltnis erreicht und eine hohe rĂ€umliche Auflösung aufweist, selbst wenn er starken Verformungen ausgesetzt ist. Drittens, da EpidermisgerĂ€te in Kontakt mit der Haut stehen, bieten sie die Möglichkeit, reichhaltige physiologische Signale des Körpers zu erfassen. Um diese einzigartige Eigenschaft zu nutzen, werden in dieser Arbeit Techniken zur schnellen Herstellung und zum computergestĂŒtzten Design von multimodalen EpidermisgerĂ€ten vorgestellt, die mehrere physiologische Signale des menschlichen Körpers messen können. Die mit diesen Techniken hergestellten GerĂ€te können EKG (Elektrokardiogramm), EMG (Elektromyogramm) und EDA (elektrodermale AktivitĂ€t) messen. DarĂŒber hinaus stellen wir eine computergestĂŒtzte Design- und Optimierungsmethode vor, die auf den zugrunde liegenden anatomischen Modellen des Menschen basiert, um optimierte GerĂ€tedesigns zu erstellen. Diese Designs bieten einen optimalen Kompromiss zwischen der FĂ€higkeit zur Erfassung physiologischer Signale und der GrĂ¶ĂŸe des GerĂ€ts. Das grafische Tool ermöglicht die einfache Festlegung von DesignprĂ€ferenzen und die visuelle Analyse der generierten Designs in Echtzeit, was eine Optimierung durch den Designer im laufenden Betrieb ermöglicht. Experimentelle Ergebnisse zeigen eine hohe quantitative Übereinstimmung zwischen den Vorhersagen des Optimierers und den experimentell erfassten physiologischen Daten. Schließlich skizzieren wir aus einer multidisziplinĂ€ren Perspektive einen Fahrplan fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige Forschung in diesem Bereich, indem wir die nĂ€chsten wichtigen Schritte, Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen hervorheben. Insgesamt trĂ€gt diese Arbeit zu einem ganzheitlichen VerstĂ€ndnis von EpidermisgerĂ€ten bei: Sie liefert ein empirisches und konzeptionelles VerstĂ€ndnis sowie technische Einblicke durch BeitrĂ€ge zu DIY (Do-It-Yourself), schneller Fertigung und computergestĂŒtzten Entwurfstechniken

    ICS Materials

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    This present book covers a series of outstanding reputation researchers’ contributions on the topic of ICS Materials: a new class of emerging materials with properties and qualities concerning interactivity, connectivity and intelligence. In the general framework of ICS Materials’ domain, each chapter deals with a specific aspect following the characteristic perspective of each researcher. As result, methods, tools, guidelines emerged that are relevant and applicable to several contexts such as product, interaction design, materials science and many more

    The State of the Art of Spatial Interfaces for 3D Visualization

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    International audienceWe survey the state of the art of spatial interfaces for 3D visualization. Interaction techniques are crucial to data visualization processes and the visualization research community has been calling for more research on interaction for years. Yet, research papers focusing on interaction techniques, in particular for 3D visualization purposes, are not always published in visualization venues, sometimes making it challenging to synthesize the latest interaction and visualization results. We therefore introduce a taxonomy of interaction technique for 3D visualization. The taxonomy is organized along two axes: the primary source of input on the one hand and the visualization task they support on the other hand. Surveying the state of the art allows us to highlight specific challenges and missed opportunities for research in 3D visualization. In particular, we call for additional research in: (1) controlling 3D visualization widgets to help scientists better understand their data, (2) 3D interaction techniques for dissemination, which are under-explored yet show great promise for helping museum and science centers in their mission to share recent knowledge, and (3) developing new measures that move beyond traditional time and errors metrics for evaluating visualizations that include spatial interaction

    Design and recognition of microgestures for always-available input

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    Gestural user interfaces for computing devices most commonly require the user to have at least one hand free to interact with the device, for example, moving a mouse, touching a screen, or performing mid-air gestures. Consequently, users find it difficult to operate computing devices while holding or manipulating everyday objects. This limits the users from interacting with the digital world during a significant portion of their everyday activities, such as, using tools in the kitchen or workshop, carrying items, or workout with sports equipment. This thesis pushes the boundaries towards the bigger goal of enabling always-available input. Microgestures have been recognized for their potential to facilitate direct and subtle interactions. However, it remains an open question how to interact using gestures with computing devices when both of the user’s hands are occupied holding everyday objects. We take a holistic approach and focus on three core contributions: i) To understand end-users preferences, we present an empirical analysis of users’ choice of microgestures when holding objects of diverse geometries. Instead of designing a gesture set for a specific object or geometry and to identify gestures that generalize, this thesis leverages the taxonomy of grasp types established from prior research. ii) We tackle the critical problem of avoiding false activation by introducing a novel gestural input concept that leverages a single-finger movement, which stands out from everyday finger motions during holding and manipulating objects. Through a data-driven approach, we also systematically validate the concept’s robustness with different everyday actions. iii) While full sensor coverage on the user’s hand would allow detailed hand-object interaction, minimal instrumentation is desirable for real-world use. This thesis addresses the problem of identifying sparse sensor layouts. We present the first rapid computational method, along with a GUI-based design tool that enables iterative design based on the designer’s high-level requirements. Furthermore, we demonstrate that minimal form-factor devices, like smart rings, can be used to effectively detect microgestures in hands-free and busy scenarios. Overall, the presented findings will serve as both conceptual and technical foundations for enabling interaction with computing devices wherever and whenever users need them.Benutzerschnittstellen fĂŒr ComputergerĂ€te auf Basis von Gesten erfordern fĂŒr eine Interaktion meist mindestens eine freie Hand, z.B. um eine Maus zu bewegen, einen Bildschirm zu berĂŒhren oder Gesten in der Luft auszufĂŒhren. Daher ist es fĂŒr Nutzer schwierig, GerĂ€te zu bedienen, wĂ€hrend sie GegenstĂ€nde halten oder manipulieren. Dies schrĂ€nkt die Interaktion mit der digitalen Welt wĂ€hrend eines Großteils ihrer alltĂ€glichen AktivitĂ€ten ein, etwa wenn sie KĂŒchengerĂ€te oder Werkzeug verwenden, GegenstĂ€nde tragen oder mit SportgerĂ€ten trainieren. Diese Arbeit erforscht neue Wege in Richtung des grĂ¶ĂŸeren Ziels, immer verfĂŒgbare Eingaben zu ermöglichen. Das Potential von Mikrogesten fĂŒr die Erleichterung von direkten und feinen Interaktionen wurde bereits erkannt. Die Frage, wie der Nutzer mit GerĂ€ten interagiert, wenn beide HĂ€nde mit dem Halten von GegenstĂ€nden belegt sind, bleibt jedoch offen. Wir verfolgen einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz und konzentrieren uns auf drei KernbeitrĂ€ge: i) Um die PrĂ€ferenzen der Endnutzer zu verstehen, prĂ€sentieren wir eine empirische Analyse der Wahl von Mikrogesten beim Halten von Objekte mit diversen Geometrien. Anstatt einen Satz an Gesten fĂŒr ein bestimmtes Objekt oder eine bestimmte Geometrie zu entwerfen, nutzt diese Arbeit die aus frĂŒheren Forschungen stammenden Taxonomien an Griff-Typen. ii) Wir adressieren das Problem falscher Aktivierungen durch ein neuartiges Eingabekonzept, das die sich von alltĂ€glichen Fingerbewegungen abhebende Bewegung eines einzelnen Fingers nutzt. Durch einen datengesteuerten Ansatz validieren wir zudem systematisch die Robustheit des Konzepts bei diversen alltĂ€glichen Aktionen. iii) Auch wenn eine vollstĂ€ndige Sensorabdeckung an der Hand des Nutzers eine detaillierte Hand-Objekt-Interaktion ermöglichen wĂŒrde, ist eine minimale Ausstattung fĂŒr den Einsatz in der realen Welt wĂŒnschenswert. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Identifizierung reduzierter Sensoranordnungen. Wir prĂ€sentieren die erste, schnelle Berechnungsmethode in einem GUI-basierten Designtool, das iteratives Design basierend auf den Anforderungen des Designers ermöglicht. Wir zeigen zudem, dass GerĂ€te mit minimalem Formfaktor wie smarte Ringe fĂŒr die Erkennung von Mikrogesten verwendet werden können. Insgesamt dienen die vorgestellten Ergebnisse sowohl als konzeptionelle als auch als technische Grundlage fĂŒr die Realisierung von Interaktion mit ComputergerĂ€ten wo und wann immer Nutzer sie benötigen.Bosch Researc


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    Luxury is predominantly discussed within marketing, economics and psychology literature, with little research made into the practicalities of designing for luxury products and experiences. This thesis addresses the lack of an evidence base from which to design and virtually prototype luxury automotive HMI (human-machine interaction) systems. The work involved five interconnected studies and two industrial partners: Bentley Motors – manufacturers of luxury automobiles; and the VEC (Virtual Engineering Centre) – a consultancy and R&D organization specialising in digital simulation. In Study 1, a literature review was conducted to build a foundation for the research, providing definitions of luxury and investigating attributes of luxury products, cars and experiences. Four distinct luxury values were identified: financial, symbolic, functional and experiential. Study 2 comprised a benchmarking field study using immersion methods. The HMI system for four luxury cars was analysed to reveal state-of-the-art uses of interaction technologies and control/interaction details. The study provided the researcher with luxury car orientation, whilst uncovering notable tensions in the integration of luxurious design details with advanced interaction and interface technologies. Study 3 comprised the main field research, seeking to deeply probe drivers’ understanding and expectations for HMI systems qualified as providing a luxury experience. Semi-structured in-car interviews were conducted with Bentley Motors employees (n=28). Transcript and video data were processed using grounded theory, verbatim coding and content analysis. The verbatim codes led to a quantitative hierarchy of design criteria for luxury automotive HMI systems. The content analysis provided an exhaustive collection of user constructs that were qualitatively clustered into maps of luxury automotive HMI system and experience dimensions. In combination, the hierarchical design criteria and construct maps provide a set of guidance to assist designers when conceptualizing luxury HMI system interactions and experiences. Study 4 implemented the guidance from Study 3 through a project to ideate a set of 3 luxury HMI system concepts, as inspirational materials for Bentley Motors. A review of new, emerging and unusual (NEU) interaction technologies was made to assist the generation of concepts satisfying the luxury principle of rarity. Finally, in Study 5 a workshop with VEC experts established the plausibility of virtual and augmented reality systems to digitally simulate HMI systems using NEU interactive technologies. Study 5 satisfied a need within Bentley Motors for better understanding of how HMI system design and virtual prototyping could align. The thesis concludes that: (i) user experience goals for luxury automotive HMI systems can be uncovered in a rigorous way through design research; (ii) the design of luxury automotive HMI systems benefits from a new set of a guidance developed from research data without reliance on corporate know-how; and (iii) careful selection of virtual and augmented reality technologies can provide plausible virtual prototyping routes for HMI design concepts
