37 research outputs found

    Generic Attacks on Alternating Unbalanced Feistel Schemes

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    \begin{abstract} Generic attacks against classical (balanced) Feistel schemes, unbalanced Feistel schemes with contracting functions and unbalanced Feistel schemes with expanding functions have been studied in \cite {P01}, \cite{Jut}, \cite{PNB06}, \cite{PNB07}. In this paper we study schemes where we use alternatively contracting random functions and expanding random functions. We name these schemes ``Alternating Unbalanced Feistel Schemes\u27\u27. They allow constructing pseudo-random permutations from knkn bits to knkn bits where k≥3k \geq 3. At each round, we use either a random function from nn bits to (k−1)n(k-1)n bits or a random function from (k−1)n(k-1)n bits to nn bits. We describe the best generic attacks we have found. We present``known plaintext attacks\u27\u27 (KPA) and ``non-adaptive chosen plaintext attacks\u27\u27 (CPA-1). Let dd be the number of rounds. We show that if d≤kd \leq k, there are CPA-1 with 2 messages and KPA with mm the number of messages about 2(d−1)n42^{\frac {(d-1)n}{4}}. For d≥k+1d \geq k+1 we have to distinguish kk even and kk odd. For kk even, we have m=2m=2 in CPA-1 and m≃2kn4m \simeq 2^{\frac {kn}{4}} in KPA. When kk is odd, we show that there exist CPA-1 for d≤2k−1d \leq 2k-1 and KPA for d≤2k+3d \leq 2k+3 with less than 2kn2^{kn} messages and computations. Beyond these values, we give KPA against generators of permutations. \end{abstract

    Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks on Classes of Contracting and Expanding Feistel Constructions

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    We show generic attacks on unbalanced Feistel ciphers based on the meet-in-the-middle technique. We analyze two general classes of unbalanced Feistel structures, namely contracting Feistels and expanding Feistels. In both of the cases, we consider the practical scenario where the round functions are keyless and known to the adversary. In the case of contracting Feistels with 4 branches, we show attacks on 16 rounds when the key length k (in bits) is as large as the block length n (in bits), and up to 24 rounds when k = 2n. In the case of expanding Feistels, we consider two scenarios: one, where different nonlinear functions without particular structures are used in the round function, and a more practical one, where a single nonlinear is used but different linear functions are introduced in the state update. In the former case, we propose generic attacks on 13 rounds when k = n, and up to 21 rounds when k = 2n. In the latter case, 16 rounds can be attacked for k = n, and 24 rounds for k = 2n

    Automatic Expectation and Variance Computing for Attacks on Feistel Schemes

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    There are many kinds of attacks that can be mounted on block ciphers: differential attacks, impossible differential attacks, truncated differential attacks, boomerang attacks. We consider generic differential attacks used as distinguishers for various types of Feistel ciphers: they allow to distinguish a random permutation from a permutation generated by the cipher. These attacks are based on differences between the expectations of random variables defined by relations on the inputs and outputs of the ciphers. Sometimes, one has to use the value of the variance as well. In this paper, we will provide a tool that computes the exact values of these expectations and variances. We first explain thoroughly how these computations can be carried out by counting the number of solutions of a linear systems with equalities and non-equalities. Then we provide the first applications of this tool. For example, it enabled to discover a new geometry in 4-point attacks. It gave an explanation to some phenomena that can appear in simulations when the inputs and outputs have a small number of bits

    Differential Attacks on Generalized Feistel Schemes

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    While generic attacks on classical Feistel schemes and unbalanced Feistel schemes have been studied a lot, generic attacks on several generalized Feistel schemes like type-1, type-2 and type-3 and Alternating Feistel schemes, as defined in~\cite{HR}, have not been systematically investigated. This is the aim of this paper. We give our best Known Plaintext Attacks and non-adaptive Chosen Plaintext Attacks on these schemes and we determine the maximum number of rounds that we can attack. It is interesting to have generic attacks since there are well known block cipher networks that use generalized Feistel schemes: CAST-256 (type-1), RC-6 (type-2), MARS (type-3) and BEAR/LION (alternating). Also, Type-1 and Type-2 Feistel schemes are respectively used in the construction of the hash functions LesamntaLesamnta and SHAvite−3512SHAvite-3_{512}

    On generalized Feistel networks

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    We prove beyond-birthday-bound security for the well-known types of generalized Feistel networks, including: (1) unbalanced Feistel networks, where the nn-bit to mm-bit round functions may have n≠mn\ne m; (2) alternating Feistel networks, where the round functions alternate between contracting and expanding; (3) type-1, type-2, and type-3 Feistel networks, where nn-bit to nn-bit round functions are used to encipher knkn-bit strings for some k≥2k\ge2; and (4) numeric variants of any of the above, where one enciphers numbers in some given range rather than strings of some given size. Using a unified analytic framework we show that, in any of these settings, for any ε>0\varepsilon>0, with enough rounds, the subject scheme can tolerate CCA attacks of up to q∼N1−εq\sim N^{1-\varepsilon} adversarial queries, where NN is the size of the round functions\u27 domain (the size of the larger domain for alternating Feistel). This is asymptotically optimal. Prior analyses for generalized Feistel networks established security to only q∼N0.5q\sim N^{0.5} adversarial queries

    4-point Attacks with Standard Deviation Analysis on A-Feistel Schemes

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    A usual way to construct block ciphers is to apply several rounds of a given structure. Many kinds of attacks are mounted against block ciphers. Among them, differential and linear attacks are widely used. In~\cite{V98,V03}, it is shown that ciphers that achieve perfect pairwise decorrelation are secure against linear and differential attacks. It is possible to obtain such schemes by introducing at least one random affine permutation as a round function in the design of the scheme. In this paper, we study attacks on schemes based on classical Feistel schemes where we introduce one or two affine permutations. Since these schemes resist against linear and differential attacks, we will study stronger attacks based on specific equations on 4-tuples of cleartext/ciphertext messages. We give the number of messages needed to distinguish a permutation produced by such schemes from a random permutation, depending on the number of rounds used in the schemes, the number and the position of the random affine permutations introduced in the schemes

    Interpolation Cryptanalysis of Unbalanced Feistel Networks with Low Degree Round Functions

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    Arithmetisierungs-Orientierte Symmetrische Primitive (AOSPs) sprechen das bestehende Optimierungspotential bei der Auswertung von Blockchiffren und Hashfunktionen als Bestandteil von sicherer Mehrparteienberechnung, voll-homomorpher Verschlüsselung und Zero-Knowledge-Beweisen an. Die Konstruktionsweise von AOSPs unterscheidet sich von traditionellen Primitiven durch die Verwendung von algebraisch simplen Elementen. Zusätzlich sind viele Entwürfe über Primkörpern statt über Bits definiert. Aufgrund der Neuheit der Vorschläge sind eingehendes Verständnis und ausgiebige Analyse erforderlich um ihre Sicherheit zu etablieren. Algebraische Analysetechniken wie zum Beispiel Interpolationsangriffe sind die erfolgreichsten Angriffsvektoren gegen AOSPs. In dieser Arbeit generalisieren wir eine existierende Analyse, die einen Interpolationsangriff mit geringer Speicherkomplexität verwendet, um das Entwurfsmuster der neuen Chiffre GMiMC und ihrer zugehörigen Hashfunktion GMiMCHash zu untersuchen. Wir stellen eine neue Methode zur Berechnung des Schlüssels basierend auf Nullstellen eines Polynoms vor, demonstrieren Verbesserungen für die Komplexität des Angriffs durch Kombinierung mehrere Ausgaben, und wenden manche der entwickelten Techniken in einem algebraischen Korrigierender-Letzter-Block Angriff der Schwamm-Konstruktion an. Wir beantworten die offene Frage einer früheren Arbeit, ob die verwendete Art von Interpolationsangriffen generalisierbar ist, positiv. Wir nennen konkrete empfohlene untere Schranken für Parameter in den betrachteten Szenarien. Außerdem kommen wir zu dem Schluss dass GMiMC und GMiMCHash gegen die in dieser Arbeit betrachteten Interpolationsangriffe sicher sind. Weitere kryptanalytische Anstrengungen sind erforderlich um die Sicherheitsgarantien von AOSPs zu festigen

    Security of balanced and unbalanced Feistel Schemes with Linear Non Equalities

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    \begin{abstract} In this paper we will study 2 security results ``above the birthday bound\u27\u27 related to secret key cryptographic problems.\\ 1. The classical problem of the security of 4, 5, 6 rounds balanced Random Feistel Schemes.\\ 2. The problem of the security of unbalanced Feistel Schemes with contracting functions from 2n2n bits to nn bits. This problem was studied by Naor and Reingold~\cite{NR99} and by~\cite{YPL} with a proof of security up to the birthday bound.\\ These two problems are included here in the same paper since their analysis is closely related, as we will see. In problem 1 we will obtain security result very near the information bound (in O(2nn)O(\frac {2^n}{n})) with improved proofs and stronger explicit security bounds than previously known. In problem 2 we will cross the birthday bound of Naor and Reingold. For some of our proofs we will use~\cite{A2} submitted to Crypto 2010. \end{abstract