789 research outputs found

    Composition and Correctness

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    AbstractThis paper presents an approach to ensure correctness of composed systems. It takes into consideration that correctness can usually be achieved only to a certain degree (except for some small and very mission-critical applications) and complete specifications are usually not practicable. By modelling the parts, the composition activities and the requirements specification we automise the checking procedures using model checking. An important issue hereby is that our approach allows partial modelling and specification

    Semantic Component Composition

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    Building complex software systems necessitates the use of component-based architectures. In theory, of the set of components needed for a design, only some small portion of them are "custom"; the rest are reused or refactored existing pieces of software. Unfortunately, this is an idealized situation. Just because two components should work together does not mean that they will work together. The "glue" that holds components together is not just technology. The contracts that bind complex systems together implicitly define more than their explicit type. These "conceptual contracts" describe essential aspects of extra-system semantics: e.g., object models, type systems, data representation, interface action semantics, legal and contractual obligations, and more. Designers and developers spend inordinate amounts of time technologically duct-taping systems to fulfill these conceptual contracts because system-wide semantics have not been rigorously characterized or codified. This paper describes a formal characterization of the problem and discusses an initial implementation of the resulting theoretical system.Comment: 9 pages, submitted to GCSE/SAIG '0

    Weaving Aspects in a Persistent Environment

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    This paper discusses two mechanisms for weaving aspects in persistent environments founded on object-oriented databases. The first mechanism is based on exploiting existing aspect languages and their associated weavers while the second mechanism is based on building weaving functionality into the database management system (DBMS). The first mechanism has been used to integrate AspectJ and its associated weaver with the Jasmine ODBMS. The second approach has been used to implement a weaver within the SADES object database evolution system

    Feature interaction in composed systems. Proceedings. ECOOP 2001 Workshop #08 in association with the 15th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Budapest, Hungary, June 18-22, 2001

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    Feature interaction is nothing new and not limited to computer science. The problem of undesirable feature interaction (feature interaction problem) has already been investigated in the telecommunication domain. Our goal is the investigation of feature interaction in componet-based systems beyond telecommunication. This Technical Report embraces all position papers accepted at the ECOOP 2001 workshop no. 08 on "Feature Interaction in Composed Systems". The workshop was held on June 18, 2001 at Budapest, Hungary

    Zipper-based embedding of modern attribute grammar extensions

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    This research abstract describes the research plan for a Ph.D project. We plan to define a powerful and elegant embedding of modern extensions to attribute grammars. Attribute grammars are a suitable formalism to express complex, multiple traversal algorithms. In recent years there has been a lot of work in attribute grammars, namely by defining new extensions to the formalism (forwarding and reference attribute grammars, etc), by proposing new attribute evaluation models (lazy and circular evaluators, etc) and by embedding attribute grammars (like first class attribute grammars). We will study how to design such extensions through a zipper-based embedding and we will study eficient evaluation models for this embedding. Finally, we will express several attribute grammars in our setting and we will analyse the performance of our implementation.(undefined

    Contrôler la visibilité des aspects avec Aspectboxes, X-Editorial-Board = yes, X-International-Audience = no, X-Language = FR, X-Proceedings = yes

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    National audienceLa composition et l'intéraction des aspects est un domaine de recherche très actif. Bien que plusieurs solutions existent, telles que l'agencement des aspects et des advices, les approches proposées par des langages à aspects supposent qu'une connaissance générale des aspects soit nécessaire pour pouvoir les composer, et même ceci ne permet pas d'éviter les interactions implicites résultant d'une composition. Cet article présente les aspectboxes, un mécanisme de visibilité pour aspects. L'unité élémentaire de visibilité est un aspectbox. Un aspectbox encapsule des définitions d'aspects. Un aspectbox peut être utilisé par d'autres aspectboxes pour aider la construction incrémentale de logiciel à base d'aspects. Une classe peut utiliser un aspectbox dans le but de bénéficier des aspects définis

    Requirements in feature algebra

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    Feature Algebra is intended to capture the commonalities of feature oriented software development (FOSD), such as introductions, refinements and quantification. It allows denoting systems composed of features by algebraic terms and transforming the systems by manipulating the terms using the laws of the algebra. The algebraic view abstracts from differences of minor importance and leads to more compact and effective reasoning. While the existing Feature Algebra covers most of the main aspects of FOSD, so far requirements have not been integrated into it. They naturally arise in connection with different aspects of feature orientation, such as feature elicitation, feature dependence, mutual feature exclusion and feature interaction. This paper presents a possibility for integrating requirements into Feature Algebra