18 research outputs found

    Novel approaches for generating video textures

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    Video texture, a new type of medium, can produce a new video with a continuously varying stream of images from a recorded video. It is synthesized by reordering the input video frames in a way which can be played without any visual discontinuity. However, video texture still experiences few unappealing drawbacks. For instance, video texture techniques can only generate new videos by simply rearranging the order of frames in original videos. Therefore, all the individual frames are the same as before and the result would suffer from "dead-ends" if the current frame could not discover similar frames to make a transition. In this thesis, we propose several new approaches for synthesizing video textures. These approaches adopt dimensionality reduction and regression techniques to generate video textures. Not only the frames in the resulted video textures are new, but also the "Dead end" problem is avoided. First, we have extended die work of applying principal components analysis (PCA) and autoregressive (AR) process to generate video textures by replacing PCA with five other dimension reduction techniques. Based on our experiments, using these dimensionality reduction techniques has improved the quality of video textures compared with extraction of frame signatures using PCA. The synthesized video textures may contain similar motions as the input video and will never be repeated exactly. All frames synthesized have never appeared before. We also propose a new approach for generating video textures using probabilistic principal components analysis (PPCA) and Gaussian process dynamical model (GPDM). GPDM is a nonparametric model for learning high-dimensional nonlinear dynamical data sets. We adopt PPCA and GPDM on several movie clips to synthesize video textures which contain frames that never appeared before and with similar motions as original videos. Furthermore, we have proposed two ways of generating real-time video textures by applying the incremental Isomap and incremental Spati04emporal Isomap (IST-Isomap). Both approaches can produce good real-time video texture results. In particular, IST-Isomap, that we propose, is more suitable for sparse video data (e.g. cartoon

    Globally-Coordinated Locally-Linear Modeling of Multi-Dimensional Data

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    This thesis considers the problem of modeling and analysis of continuous, locally-linear, multi-dimensional spatio-temporal data. Our work extends the previously reported theoretical work on the global coordination model to temporal analysis of continuous, multi-dimensional data. We have developed algorithms for time-varying data analysis and used them in full-scale, real-world applications. The applications demonstrated in this thesis include tracking, synthesis, recognitions and retrieval of dynamic objects based on their shape, appearance and motion. The proposed approach in this thesis has advantages over existing approaches to analyzing complex spatio-temporal data. Experiments show that the new modeling features of our approach improve the performance of existing approaches in many applications. In object tracking, our approach is the first one to track nonlinear appearance variations by using low-dimensional representation of the appearance change in globally-coordinated linear subspaces. In dynamic texture synthesis, we are able to model non-stationary dynamic textures, which cannot be handled by any of the existing approaches. In human motion synthesis, we show that realistic synthesis can be performed without using specific transition points, or key frames

    Modelling talking human faces

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    This thesis investigates a number of new approaches for visual speech synthesis using data-driven methods to implement a talking face. The main contributions in this thesis are the following. The accuracy of shared Gaussian process latent variable model (SGPLVM) built using the active appearance model (AAM) and relative spectral transform-perceptual linear prediction (RASTAPLP) features is improved by employing a more accurate AAM. This is the first study to report that using a more accurate AAM improves the accuracy of SGPLVM. Objective evaluation via reconstruction error is performed to compare the proposed approach against previously existing methods. In addition, it is shown experimentally that the accuracy of AAM can be improved by using a larger number of landmarks and/or larger number of samples in the training data. The second research contribution is a new method for visual speech synthesis utilising a fully Bayesian method namely the manifold relevance determination (MRD) for modelling dynamical systems through probabilistic non-linear dimensionality reduction. This is the first time MRD was used in the context of generating talking faces from the input speech signal. The expressive power of this model is in the ability to consider non-linear mappings between audio and visual features within a Bayesian approach. An efficient latent space has been learnt iii Abstract iv using a fully Bayesian latent representation relying on conditional nonlinear independence framework. In the SGPLVM the structure of the latent space cannot be automatically estimated because of using a maximum likelihood formulation. In contrast to SGPLVM the Bayesian approaches allow the automatic determination of the dimensionality of the latent spaces. The proposed method compares favourably against several other state-of-the-art methods for visual speech generation, which is shown in quantitative and qualitative evaluation on two different datasets. Finally, the possibility of incremental learning of AAM for inclusion in the proposed MRD approach for visual speech generation is investigated. The quantitative results demonstrate that using MRD in conjunction with incremental AAMs produces only slightly less accurate results than using batch methods. These results support a way of training this kind of models on computers with limited resources, for example in mobile computing. Overall, this thesis proposes several improvements to the current state-of-the-art in generating talking faces from speech signal leading to perceptually more convincing results

    More is Better: 3D Human Pose Estimation from Complementary Data Sources

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    Computer Vision (CV) research has been playing a strategic role in many different complex scenarios that are becoming fundamental components in our everyday life. From Augmented/Virtual reality (AR/VR) to Human-Robot interactions, having a visual interpretation of the surrounding world is the first and most important step to develop new advanced systems. As in other research areas, the boost in performance in Computer Vision algorithms has to be mainly attributed to the widespread usage of deep neural networks. Rather than selecting handcrafted features, such approaches identify which are the best features needed to solve a specific task, by learning them from a corpus of carefully annotated data. Such important property of these neural networks comes with a price: they need very large data collections to learn from. Collecting data is a time consuming and expensive operation that varies, being much harder for some tasks than others. In order to limit additional data collection, we therefore need to carefully design models that can extract as much information as possible from already available dataset, even those collected for neighboring domains. In this work I focus on exploring different solutions for and important research problem in Computer Vision, 3D human pose estimation, that is the task of estimating the 3D skeletal representation of a person characterized in an image/s. This has been done for several configurations: monocular camera, multi-view systems and from egocentric perspectives. First, from a single external front facing camera a semi-supervised approach is used to regress the set of 3D joint positions of the represented person. This is done by fully exploiting all of the available information at all the levels of the network, in a novel manner, as well as allowing the model to be trained with partially labelled data. A multi-camera 3D human pose estimation system is introduced by designing a network trainable in a semi-supervised or even unsupervised manner in a multiview system. Unlike standard motion-captures algorithm, demanding a long and time consuming configuration setup at the beginning of each capturing session, this novel approach requires little to none initial system configuration. Finally, a novel architecture is developed to work in a very specific and significantly harder configuration: 3D human pose estimation when using cameras embedded in a head mounted display (HMD). Due to the limited data availability, the model needs to carefully extract information from the data to properly generalize on unseen images. This is particularly useful in AR/VR use case scenarios, demonstrating the versatility of our network to various working conditions

    Taming Crowded Visual Scenes

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    Computer vision algorithms have played a pivotal role in commercial video surveillance systems for a number of years. However, a common weakness among these systems is their inability to handle crowded scenes. In this thesis, we have developed algorithms that overcome some of the challenges encountered in videos of crowded environments such as sporting events, religious festivals, parades, concerts, train stations, airports, and malls. We adopt a top-down approach by first performing a global-level analysis that locates dynamically distinct crowd regions within the video. This knowledge is then employed in the detection of abnormal behaviors and tracking of individual targets within crowds. In addition, the thesis explores the utility of contextual information necessary for persistent tracking and re-acquisition of objects in crowded scenes. For the global-level analysis, a framework based on Lagrangian Particle Dynamics is proposed to segment the scene into dynamically distinct crowd regions or groupings. For this purpose, the spatial extent of the video is treated as a phase space of a time-dependent dynamical system in which transport from one region of the phase space to another is controlled by the optical flow. Next, a grid of particles is advected forward in time through the phase space using a numerical integration to generate a flow map . The flow map relates the initial positions of particles to their final positions. The spatial gradients of the flow map are used to compute a Cauchy Green Deformation tensor that quantifies the amount by which the neighboring particles diverge over the length of the integration. The maximum eigenvalue of the tensor is used to construct a forward Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent (FTLE) field that reveals the Attracting Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS). The same process is repeated by advecting the particles backward in time to obtain a backward FTLE field that reveals the repelling LCS. The attracting and repelling LCS are the time dependent invariant manifolds of the phase space and correspond to the boundaries between dynamically distinct crowd flows. The forward and backward FTLE fields are combined to obtain one scalar field that is segmented using a watershed segmentation algorithm to obtain the labeling of distinct crowd-flow segments. Next, abnormal behaviors within the crowd are localized by detecting changes in the number of crowd-flow segments over time. Next, the global-level knowledge of the scene generated by the crowd-flow segmentation is used as an auxiliary source of information for tracking an individual target within a crowd. This is achieved by developing a scene structure-based force model. This force model captures the notion that an individual, when moving in a particular scene, is subjected to global and local forces that are functions of the layout of that scene and the locomotive behavior of other individuals in his or her vicinity. The key ingredients of the force model are three floor fields that are inspired by research in the field of evacuation dynamics; namely, Static Floor Field (SFF), Dynamic Floor Field (DFF), and Boundary Floor Field (BFF). These fields determine the probability of moving from one location to the next by converting the long-range forces into local forces. The SFF specifies regions of the scene that are attractive in nature, such as an exit location. The DFF, which is based on the idea of active walker models, corresponds to the virtual traces created by the movements of nearby individuals in the scene. The BFF specifies influences exhibited by the barriers within the scene, such as walls and no-entry areas. By combining influence from all three fields with the available appearance information, we are able to track individuals in high-density crowds. The results are reported on real-world sequences of marathons and railway stations that contain thousands of people. A comparative analysis with respect to an appearance-based mean shift tracker is also conducted by generating the ground truth. The result of this analysis demonstrates the benefit of using floor fields in crowded scenes. The occurrence of occlusion is very frequent in crowded scenes due to a high number of interacting objects. To overcome this challenge, we propose an algorithm that has been developed to augment a generic tracking algorithm to perform persistent tracking in crowded environments. The algorithm exploits the contextual knowledge, which is divided into two categories consisting of motion context (MC) and appearance context (AC). The MC is a collection of trajectories that are representative of the motion of the occluded or unobserved object. These trajectories belong to other moving individuals in a given environment. The MC is constructed using a clustering scheme based on the Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent (LCE), which measures the mean exponential rate of convergence or divergence of the nearby trajectories in a given state space. Next, the MC is used to predict the location of the occluded or unobserved object in a regression framework. It is important to note that the LCE is used for measuring divergence between a pair of particles while the FTLE field is obtained by computing the LCE for a grid of particles. The appearance context (AC) of a target object consists of its own appearance history and appearance information of the other objects that are occluded. The intent is to make the appearance descriptor of the target object more discriminative with respect to other unobserved objects, thereby reducing the possible confusion between the unobserved objects upon re-acquisition. This is achieved by learning the distribution of the intra-class variation of each occluded object using all of its previous observations. In addition, a distribution of inter-class variation for each target-unobservable object pair is constructed. Finally, the re-acquisition decision is made using both the MC and the AC

    Realtime Face Tracking and Animation

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    Capturing and processing human geometry, appearance, and motion is at the core of computer graphics, computer vision, and human-computer interaction. The high complexity of human geometry and motion dynamics, and the high sensitivity of the human visual system to variations and subtleties in faces and bodies make the 3D acquisition and reconstruction of humans in motion a challenging task. Digital humans are often created through a combination of 3D scanning, appearance acquisition, and motion capture, leading to stunning results in recent feature films. However, these methods typically require complex acquisition systems and substantial manual post-processing. As a result, creating and animating high-quality digital avatars entails long turn-around times and substantial production costs. Recent technological advances in RGB-D devices, such as Microsoft Kinect, brought new hopes for realtime, portable, and affordable systems allowing to capture facial expressions as well as hand and body motions. RGB-D devices typically capture an image and a depth map. This permits to formulate the motion tracking problem as a 2D/3D non-rigid registration of a deformable model to the input data. We introduce a novel face tracking algorithm that combines geometry and texture registration with pre-recorded animation priors in a single optimization. This led to unprecedented face tracking quality on a low cost consumer level device. The main drawback of this approach in the context of consumer applications is the need for an offline user-specific training. Robust and efficient tracking is achieved by building an accurate 3D expression model of the user's face who is scanned in a predefined set of facial expressions. We extended this approach removing the need of a user-specific training or calibration, or any other form of manual assistance, by modeling online a 3D user-specific dynamic face model. In complement of a realtime face tracking and modeling algorithm, we developed a novel system for animation retargeting that allows learning a high-quality mapping between motion capture data and arbitrary target characters. We addressed one of the main challenges of existing example-based retargeting methods, the need for a large number of accurate training examples to define the correspondence between source and target expression spaces. We showed that this number can be significantly reduced by leveraging the information contained in unlabeled data, i.e. facial expressions in the source or target space without corresponding poses. Finally, we present a novel realtime physics-based animation technique allowing to simulate a large range of deformable materials such as fat, flesh, hair, or muscles. This approach could be used to produce more lifelike animations by enhancing the animated avatars with secondary effects. We believe that the realtime face tracking and animation pipeline presented in this thesis has the potential to inspire numerous future research in the area of computer-generated animation. Already, several ideas presented in thesis have been successfully used in industry and this work gave birth to the startup company faceshift AG

    Perception and manipulation for robot-assisted dressing

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    Assistive robots have the potential to provide tremendous support for disabled and elderly people in their daily dressing activities. This thesis presents a series of perception and manipulation algorithms for robot-assisted dressing, including: garment perception and grasping prior to robot-assisted dressing, real-time user posture tracking during robot-assisted dressing for (simulated) impaired users with limited upper-body movement capability, and finally a pipeline for robot-assisted dressing for (simulated) paralyzed users who have lost the ability to move their limbs. First, the thesis explores learning suitable grasping points on a garment prior to robot-assisted dressing. Robots should be endowed with the ability to autonomously recognize the garment state, grasp and hand the garment to the user and subsequently complete the dressing process. This is addressed by introducing a supervised deep neural network to locate grasping points. To reduce the amount of real data required, which is costly to collect, the power of simulation is leveraged to produce large amounts of labeled data. Unexpected user movements should be taken into account during dressing when planning robot dressing trajectories. Tracking such user movements with vision sensors is challenging due to severe visual occlusions created by the robot and clothes. A probabilistic real-time tracking method is proposed using Bayesian networks in latent spaces, which fuses multi-modal sensor information. The latent spaces are created before dressing by modeling the user movements, taking the user's movement limitations and preferences into account. The tracking method is then combined with hierarchical multi-task control to minimize the force between the user and the robot. The proposed method enables the Baxter robot to provide personalized dressing assistance for users with (simulated) upper-body impairments. Finally, a pipeline for dressing (simulated) paralyzed patients using a mobile dual-armed robot is presented. The robot grasps a hospital gown naturally hung on a rail, and moves around the bed to finish the upper-body dressing of a hospital training manikin. To further improve simulations for garment grasping, this thesis proposes to update more realistic physical properties values for the simulated garment. This is achieved by measuring physical similarity in the latent space using contrastive loss, which maps physically similar examples to nearby points.Open Acces

    Models and methods for Bayesian object matching

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    This thesis is concerned with a central aspect of computer vision, the object matching problem. In object matching the aim is to detect and precisely localize instances of a known object class in a novel image. Factors complicating the problem include the internal variability of object classes and external factors such as rotation, occlusion, and scale changes. In this thesis, the problem is approached from the feature-based point of view, in which objects are considered to consist of certain pertinent features, which are then located in the perceived image. The methodological framework applied in this thesis is probabilistic Bayesian inference. Bayesian inference is a branch of statistics which assigns a great role to the mathematical modeling of uncertainty. After describing the basics of Bayesian statistics the object matching problem problem is formulated as a Bayesian probability model and it is shown how certain necessary sampling algorithms can be applied to analyze the resulting probability distributions. The Bayesian approach to the problem partitions it naturally into two submodels; a feature appearance model and an object shape model. In this thesis, feature appearance is modeled statistically via a type of bandpass filters known as Gabor filters, whereas two different shape models are presented: a simpler hierarchical model with uncorrelated feature location variations, and a full covariance model containing the interdependeces of the features. Furthermore, a novel model for the dynamics of object shape changes is introduced. The most important contributions of this thesis are the proposed extensions to the basic matching model. It is demonstrated how it is very straightforward to adjust the Bayesian probability model when difficulties such as scale changes, occlusions and multiple object instances arise. The changes required to the sampling algorithms and their applicability to the changed conditions are also discussed. The matching performance of the proposed system is tested with different datasets, and capabilities of the extended model in adverse conditions are demonstrated. The results indicate that the proposed model is a viable alternative to object matching, with performance equal or superior to existing approaches.reviewe