45 research outputs found

    Generating Predicate Callback Summaries for the Android Framework

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    One of the challenges of analyzing, testing and debugging Android apps is that the potential execution orders of callbacks are missing from the apps' source code. However, bugs, vulnerabilities and refactoring transformations have been found to be related to callback sequences. Existing work on control flow analysis of Android apps have mainly focused on analyzing GUI events. GUI events, although being a key part of determining control flow of Android apps, do not offer a complete picture. Our observation is that orthogonal to GUI events, the Android API calls also play an important role in determining the order of callbacks. In the past, such control flow information has been modeled manually. This paper presents a complementary solution of constructing program paths for Android apps. We proposed a specification technique, called Predicate Callback Summary (PCS), that represents the callback control flow information (including callback sequences as well as the conditions under which the callbacks are invoked) in Android API methods and developed static analysis techniques to automatically compute and apply such summaries to construct apps' callback sequences. Our experiments show that by applying PCSs, we are able to construct Android apps' control flow graphs, including inter-callback relations, and also to detect infeasible paths involving multiple callbacks. Such control flow information can help program analysis and testing tools to report more precise results. Our detailed experimental data is available at: http://goo.gl/NBPrKsComment: 11 page

    Leveraging Program Analysis to Reduce User-Perceived Latency in Mobile Applications

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    Reducing network latency in mobile applications is an effective way of improving the mobile user experience and has tangible economic benefits. This paper presents PALOMA, a novel client-centric technique for reducing the network latency by prefetching HTTP requests in Android apps. Our work leverages string analysis and callback control-flow analysis to automatically instrument apps using PALOMA's rigorous formulation of scenarios that address "what" and "when" to prefetch. PALOMA has been shown to incur significant runtime savings (several hundred milliseconds per prefetchable HTTP request), both when applied on a reusable evaluation benchmark we have developed and on real applicationsComment: ICSE 201

    A Survey of Symbolic Execution Techniques

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    Many security and software testing applications require checking whether certain properties of a program hold for any possible usage scenario. For instance, a tool for identifying software vulnerabilities may need to rule out the existence of any backdoor to bypass a program's authentication. One approach would be to test the program using different, possibly random inputs. As the backdoor may only be hit for very specific program workloads, automated exploration of the space of possible inputs is of the essence. Symbolic execution provides an elegant solution to the problem, by systematically exploring many possible execution paths at the same time without necessarily requiring concrete inputs. Rather than taking on fully specified input values, the technique abstractly represents them as symbols, resorting to constraint solvers to construct actual instances that would cause property violations. Symbolic execution has been incubated in dozens of tools developed over the last four decades, leading to major practical breakthroughs in a number of prominent software reliability applications. The goal of this survey is to provide an overview of the main ideas, challenges, and solutions developed in the area, distilling them for a broad audience. The present survey has been accepted for publication at ACM Computing Surveys. If you are considering citing this survey, we would appreciate if you could use the following BibTeX entry: http://goo.gl/Hf5FvcComment: This is the authors pre-print copy. If you are considering citing this survey, we would appreciate if you could use the following BibTeX entry: http://goo.gl/Hf5Fv

    Actionable Program Analyses for Improving Software Performance

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    Nowadays, we have greater expectations of software than ever before. This is followed by constant pressure to run the same program on smaller and cheaper machines. To meet this demand, the application’s performance has become the essential concern in software development. Unfortunately, many applications still suffer from performance issues: coding or design errors that lead to performance degradation. However, finding performance issues is a challenging task: there is limited knowledge on how performance issues are discovered and fixed in practice, and current performance profilers report only where resources are spent, but not where resources are wasted. The goal of this dissertation is to investigate actionable performance analyses that help developers optimize their software by applying relatively simple code changes. To understand causes and fixes of performance issues in real-world software, we first present an empirical study of 98 issues in popular JavaScript projects. The study illustrates the prevalence of simple and recurring optimization patterns that lead to significant performance improvements. Then, to help developers optimize their code, we propose two actionable performance analyses that suggest optimizations based on reordering opportunities and method inlining. In this work, we focus on optimizations with four key properties. First, the optimizations are effective, that is, the changes suggested by the analysis lead to statistically significant performance improvements. Second, the optimizations are exploitable, that is, they are easy to understand and apply. Third, the optimizations are recurring, that is, they are applicable across multiple projects. Fourth, the optimizations are out-of-reach for compilers, that is, compilers can not guarantee that a code transformation preserves the original semantics. To reliably detect optimization opportunities and measure their performance benefits, the code must be executed with sufficient test inputs. The last contribution complements state-of-the-art test generation techniques by proposing a novel automated approach for generating effective tests for higher-order functions. We implement our techniques in practical tools and evaluate their effectiveness on a set of popular software systems. The empirical evaluation demonstrates the potential of actionable analyses in improving software performance through relatively simple optimization opportunities

    Active Learning of Points-To Specifications

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    When analyzing programs, large libraries pose significant challenges to static points-to analysis. A popular solution is to have a human analyst provide points-to specifications that summarize relevant behaviors of library code, which can substantially improve precision and handle missing code such as native code. We propose ATLAS, a tool that automatically infers points-to specifications. ATLAS synthesizes unit tests that exercise the library code, and then infers points-to specifications based on observations from these executions. ATLAS automatically infers specifications for the Java standard library, and produces better results for a client static information flow analysis on a benchmark of 46 Android apps compared to using existing handwritten specifications

    Automatic detection and repair of directive defects of Java APIs documentation

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    Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) represent key tools for software developers to build complex software systems. However, several studies have revealed that even major API providers tend to have incomplete or inconsistent API documentation. This can severely hamper the API comprehension and as a consequence the quality of the software built on them. In this paper, we propose DRONE (Detect and Repair of dOcumentatioN dEfects), a framework to automatically detect and repair defects from API documents by leveraging techniques from program analysis, natural language processing, and constraint solving. Specifically, we target at the directives of API documents, which are related to parameter constraints and exception handling declarations. Furthermore, in presence of defects, we also provide a prototypical repair recommendation system. We evaluate our approach on parts of the well-documented APIs of JDK 1.8 APIs (including javaFX) and Android 7.0 (level 24). Across the two empirical studies, our approach can detect API defects with an average F-measure of 79.9%, 71.7%, and 81.4%, respectively. The API repairing capability has also been evaluated on the generated recommendations in a further experiment. User judgements indicate that the constraint information is addressed correctly and concisely in the rendered directives

    Practical and Effcient Runtime Taint Tracking

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    Runtime taint tracking is a technique for controlling data propagation in applications. It is typically used to prevent disclosure of confidential information or to avoid application vulnerabilities. Taint tracking systems intercept application operations at runtime, associate meta-data with the data being processed and inspect the meta-data to detect unauthorised data propagation. To keep metadata up-to-date, every attempt of the application to access and process data is intercepted. To ensure that all data propagation is monitored, different categories of data (e.g. confidential and public data) are kept isolated. In practice, the interception of application operations and the isolation of different categories of data are hard to achieve. Existing applications, language interpreters and operating systems need to be re-engineered while keeping metadata up-to-date incurs significant overhead at runtime. In this thesis we show that runtime taint tracking can be implemented with minimal changes to existing infrastructure and with reduced overhead compared to previous approaches. In other words, we suggest methods to achieve both practical and efficient runtime taint tracking. Our key observation is that applications in specific domains are typically implemented in high-level languages and use a subset of the available language features. This facilitates the implementation of a taint tracking system because it needs to support only parts of a programming language and it may leverage features of the execution platform. This thesis explores three different applications domains. We start with event processing applications in Java, for which we introduce a novel solution to achieve isolation and a practical method to declare restrictions about data propagation. We then focus on securing PHP web applications. We show that if taint tracking is restricted to a small part of an application, the runtime overhead is significantly reduced without sacrificing effectiveness. Finally, we target accidental data disclosure in Ruby web applications. Ruby emerges as an ideal choice for a practical taint tracking system because it supports meta-programming facilities that simplify interception and isolation

    Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering

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    computer software maintenance; computer software selection and evaluation; formal logic; formal methods; formal specification; programming languages; semantics; software engineering; specifications; verificatio