7,121 research outputs found

    Calibrating Generative Models: The Probabilistic Chomsky-Schützenberger Hierarchy

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    A probabilistic Chomsky–Schützenberger hierarchy of grammars is introduced and studied, with the aim of understanding the expressive power of generative models. We offer characterizations of the distributions definable at each level of the hierarchy, including probabilistic regular, context-free, (linear) indexed, context-sensitive, and unrestricted grammars, each corresponding to familiar probabilistic machine classes. Special attention is given to distributions on (unary notations for) positive integers. Unlike in the classical case where the "semi-linear" languages all collapse into the regular languages, using analytic tools adapted from the classical setting we show there is no collapse in the probabilistic hierarchy: more distributions become definable at each level. We also address related issues such as closure under probabilistic conditioning

    Application of shape grammar theory to underground rail station design and passenger evacuation

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    This paper outlines the development of a computer design environment that generates station ‘reference’ plans for analysis by designers at the project feasibility stage. The developed program uses the theoretical concept of shape grammar, based upon principles of recognition and replacement of a particular shape to enable the generation of station layouts. The developed novel shape grammar rules produce multiple plans of accurately sized infrastructure faster than by traditional means. A finite set of station infrastructure elements and a finite set of connection possibilities for them, directed by regulations and the logical processes of station usage, allows for increasingly complex composite shapes to be automatically produced, some of which are credible station layouts at ‘reference’ block plan level. The proposed method of generating shape grammar plans is aligned to London Underground standards, in particular to the Station Planning Standards and Guidelines 5th edition (SPSG5 2007) and the BS-7974 fire safety engineering process. Quantitative testing is via existing evacuation modelling software. The prototype system, named SGEvac, has both the scope and potential for redevelopment to any other country’s design legislation

    The Theory Behind TheoryMine

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    Abstract. We describe the technology behind the TheoryMine novelty gift company, which sells the rights to name novel mathematical theorems. A tower of four computer systems is used to generate recursive theories, then to speculate conjectures in those theories and then to prove these conjectures. All stages of the process are entirely automatic. The process guarantees large numbers of sound, novel theorems of some intrinsic merit.

    Learning to solve planning problems efficiently by means of genetic programming

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    Declarative problem solving, such as planning, poses interesting challenges for Genetic Programming (GP). There have been recent attempts to apply GP to planning that fit two approaches: (a) using GP to search in plan space or (b) to evolve a planner. In this article, we propose to evolve only the heuristics to make a particular planner more efficient. This approach is more feasible than (b) because it does not have to build a planner from scratch but can take advantage of already existing planning systems. It is also more efficient than (a) because once the heuristics have been evolved, they can be used to solve a whole class of different planning problems in a planning domain, instead of running GP for every new planning problem. Empirical results show that our approach (EVOCK) is able to evolve heuristics in two planning domains (the blocks world and the logistics domain) that improve PRODIGY4.0 performance. Additionally, we experiment with a new genetic operator - Instance-Based Crossover - that is able to use traces of the base planner as raw genetic material to be injected into the evolving population.Publicad

    A Planning-based Approach for Music Composition

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    . Automatic music composition is a fascinating field within computational creativity. While different Artificial Intelligence techniques have been used for tackling this task, Planning – an approach for solving complex combinatorial problems which can count on a large number of high-performance systems and an expressive language for describing problems – has never been exploited. In this paper, we propose two different techniques that rely on automated planning for generating musical structures. The structures are then filled from the bottom with “raw” musical materials, and turned into melodies. Music experts evaluated the creative output of the system, acknowledging an overall human-enjoyable trait of the melodies produced, which showed a solid hierarchical structure and a strong musical directionality. The techniques proposed not only have high relevance for the musical domain, but also suggest unexplored ways of using planning for dealing with non-deterministic creative domains

    Animation as a computational framework for architectural design composition.

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    The paper develops computation, through dynamic grammars, as a third equivalent to syntactical and typological understanding of architectural design. Within theory of architectural design, syntactical and typological understanding of architecture are the two main scientific paradigms that explain how architecture is formed and conducted. As such the premise of the paper is to connect computational design as an equivalent understanding of architecture, one which has parity with the classical theoretical canon of the architectural design theories of the 20th century. To accomplish this, Dynamic grammars, i.e. shape grammars developed through animation are presented and analysed along with their mechanisms. Shape Grammars have been selected as a vehicle for this as they provide an excellent model of architectural composition with computational design, using simple mechanisms. A case study of constructivist design is analysed using dynamic grammars, showcasing the elegance and efficiency of the system in describing variants of design, maintaining parity in a syntactical and a typological understanding of design. The paper concludes with the characteristics that a computational understanding of architectural design has

    Transformer Neural Networks for Automated Story Generation

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    Towards the last two-decade Artificial Intelligence (AI) proved its use on tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, automated driving. As discussed in the Moore’s law the computational power increased rapidly over the few decades (Moore, 1965) and made it possible to use the techniques which were computationally expensive. These techniques include Deep Learning (DL) changed the field of AI and outperformed other models in a lot of fields some of which mentioned above. However, in natural language generation especially for creative tasks that needs the artificial intelligent models to have not only a precise understanding of the given input, but an ability to be creative, fluent and, coherent within a content. One of these tasks is automated story generation which has been an open research area from the early days of artificial intelligence. This study investigates whether the transformer network can outperform state-of-the-art model for automated story generation. A large dataset gathered from Reddit’s WRITING PROMPTS sub forum and processed by the transformer network in order to compare the perplexity and two human evaluation metrics on transformer network and the state-of-the-art model. It was found that the transformer network cannot outperform the state-of-art model and even though it generated viable and novel stories it didn’t pay much attention to the prompts of the generated stories. Also, the results implied that there should be a better automated evaluation metric in order to assess the performance of story generation models