301 research outputs found

    Generating Synthetic Event Logs based on Multi- perspective Business Rules

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    Traditsiooniline äriprotsesside modelleerimine kasutab imperatiivset lähenemist, kus äri-protsesse kirjeldatakse üksteise järel sooritatavate tegevuste abil. On näidatud, et imper-atiivne lähenemine on sobivam lahendus stabiilsete ja ennustatavate protsesside puhul. Deklaratiivsed mudelid seevastu sobivad muutuvate protsesside kirjeldamiseks. Deklaratiivne mudel sisaldab endas reeglite hulka mida ei tohi eirata protsessi käitamisel. Viimastel aastatel on arendatud mitmeid uusi meetodeid deklaratiivsete protsessimudelite leidmiseks sündmuste logidest. Meetodite testimiseks on vajalik tööriistade olemasolu, mis genereerivad sünteetilisi sündmuste logisid, mille peal neid meetodeid katsetada. Enamus olemasolevaid tööriistu kasutavad imperatiivseid protsessimudelid logide genereerimiseks. Selline lähenemine ei ole sobiv deklaratiivsete protsessimudelite avastamise meetodite tes-timiseks. Sarnaselt on olemas vajadus tööriistade järgi, mis genereeriks sündmuste logisid kasutades mitmeperspektiivseid Declare mudeleid. Käesolevas töös esitleme tööriista mitmeperspektiivsete Declare mudelite genereerimiseks. See töörist tõlgib Declare piirangud lõpliku olekumasina esitusse,et neid kasutada deklaratiivsete mudelite simu-leerimiseks. Tööriist võimaldab kasutajatel genereerida logisid eeldefineeritud omadustega ( näiteks protsessi instantside arv ja protsessi pikkus), mis on kooskõlas Declare mudeli-tega.\n\rMärksõnad: Declare, deklaratiivne protsessimudel, protsessi simuleerimine, logide gene-reerimine, mitmeperspektiive, lineaarne taisarvuline planeerimineTraditional business modelling is imperative in the sense that activities are provided step by step, from start to end, leading towards full business process. It has been proved that the imperative paradigm is most suitable in the context of stable and predictable processes. Declarative models are more suitable for variable processes. A declarative model is made of a set of constrains that cannot be violated during the process execution. In recent years, many techniques have been developed to discover declarative process model from event logs. To test these techniques it is sometime necessary to have tools that generate synthetic logs on which the techniques can be applied. However, majority of the existing tools avail-able in this field use simulation of an imperative process model to generate synthetic event logs. These approaches are not suitable for the evaluation of process discovery techniques using declarative process models. Additionally, there is a need for tools to generate event logs based on the simulation of multi-perspective declarative models. To close this gap, we developed a tool for log generation based on multi- perspective Declare models. This mod-el simulator will base on the translation of Declare constraints into Finite State Automata for the simulation of declarative processes. The tool will allows users to generate logs with predefined characteristics (e.g., number and length of the process instances), which is compliant with a given Declare model.\n\rKeywords: Declare, Declarative Process Models, Process Simulation, Log Generation, Multi-perspective, Integer Linear Programmin

    Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems

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    This open access two-volume set constitutes the proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2021, which was held during March 27 – April 1, 2021, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2021. The conference was planned to take place in Luxembourg and changed to an online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The total of 41 full papers presented in the proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 141 submissions. The volume also contains 7 tool papers; 6 Tool Demo papers, 9 SV-Comp Competition Papers. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Game Theory; SMT Verification; Probabilities; Timed Systems; Neural Networks; Analysis of Network Communication. Part II: Verification Techniques (not SMT); Case Studies; Proof Generation/Validation; Tool Papers; Tool Demo Papers; SV-Comp Tool Competition Papers

    Generating Artificial Data for Empirical Analysis of Control-flowDiscovery Algorithms, A Process Tree and Log Generator

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    Within the process mining domain, research oncomparing control-flow (CF) discovery techniques hasgained importance. A crucial building block of empiricalanalysis of CF discovery techniques is obtaining theappropriate evaluation data. Currently, there is no answerto the question of how to collect such evaluation data. Thepaper introduces a methodology for generating artificialevent data (GED) and an implementation called the ProcessTree and Log Generator. The GED methodology and itsimplementation provide users with full control over thecharacteristics of the generated event data and an integra-tion within the ProM framework. Unlike existing approa-ches, there is no tradeoff between including long-termdependencies and soundness of the process. The contribu-tions of the paper provide a solution for a necessary step inthe empirical analysis of CF discovery algorithms

    Proceedings of the First NASA Formal Methods Symposium

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    Topics covered include: Model Checking - My 27-Year Quest to Overcome the State Explosion Problem; Applying Formal Methods to NASA Projects: Transition from Research to Practice; TLA+: Whence, Wherefore, and Whither; Formal Methods Applications in Air Transportation; Theorem Proving in Intel Hardware Design; Building a Formal Model of a Human-Interactive System: Insights into the Integration of Formal Methods and Human Factors Engineering; Model Checking for Autonomic Systems Specified with ASSL; A Game-Theoretic Approach to Branching Time Abstract-Check-Refine Process; Software Model Checking Without Source Code; Generalized Abstract Symbolic Summaries; A Comparative Study of Randomized Constraint Solvers for Random-Symbolic Testing; Component-Oriented Behavior Extraction for Autonomic System Design; Automated Verification of Design Patterns with LePUS3; A Module Language for Typing by Contracts; From Goal-Oriented Requirements to Event-B Specifications; Introduction of Virtualization Technology to Multi-Process Model Checking; Comparing Techniques for Certified Static Analysis; Towards a Framework for Generating Tests to Satisfy Complex Code Coverage in Java Pathfinder; jFuzz: A Concolic Whitebox Fuzzer for Java; Machine-Checkable Timed CSP; Stochastic Formal Correctness of Numerical Algorithms; Deductive Verification of Cryptographic Software; Coloured Petri Net Refinement Specification and Correctness Proof with Coq; Modeling Guidelines for Code Generation in the Railway Signaling Context; Tactical Synthesis Of Efficient Global Search Algorithms; Towards Co-Engineering Communicating Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems; and Formal Methods for Automated Diagnosis of Autosub 6000

    Discovering Business Processes models expressed as DNF or CNF formulae of Declare constraints

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    In the field of Business Process Management, the Process Discovery task is one of the most important and researched topics. It aims to automatically learn process models starting from a given set of logged execution traces. The majority of the approaches employ procedural languages for describing the discovered models, but declarative languages have been proposed as well. In the latter category there is the Declare language, based on the notion of constraint, and equipped with a formal semantics on LTLf. Also, quite common in the field is to consider the log as a set of positive examples only, but some recent approaches pointed out that a binary classification task (with positive and negative examples) might provide better outcomes. In this paper, we discuss our preliminary work on the adaptation of some existing algorithms for Inductive Logic Programming, to the specific setting of Process Discovery: in particular, we adopt the Declare language with its formal semantics, and the perspective of a binary classification task (i.e., with positive and negative examples

    Computer Aided Verification

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    This open access two-volume set LNCS 13371 and 13372 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 34rd International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2022, which was held in Haifa, Israel, in August 2022. The 40 full papers presented together with 9 tool papers and 2 case studies were carefully reviewed and selected from 209 submissions. The papers were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: Invited papers; formal methods for probabilistic programs; formal methods for neural networks; software Verification and model checking; hyperproperties and security; formal methods for hardware, cyber-physical, and hybrid systems. Part II: Probabilistic techniques; automata and logic; deductive verification and decision procedures; machine learning; synthesis and concurrency. This is an open access book