6,276 research outputs found

    Simple identification tools in FishBase

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    Simple identification tools for fish species were included in the FishBase information system from its inception. Early tools made use of the relational model and characters like fin ray meristics. Soon pictures and drawings were added as a further help, similar to a field guide. Later came the computerization of existing dichotomous keys, again in combination with pictures and other information, and the ability to restrict possible species by country, area, or taxonomic group. Today, www.FishBase.org offers four different ways to identify species. This paper describes these tools with their advantages and disadvantages, and suggests various options for further development. It explores the possibility of a holistic and integrated computeraided strategy

    Virtual Anthropology: forensic applications to cranial skeletal remains from the Spanish Civil War

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    Biological and forensic anthropologists face limitations while studying skeletal remains altered by taphonomic alterations and perimortem trauma, such as in remains from the Spanish Civil War. However, virtual anthropology techniques can optimize the information inferred from fragmented and deformed remains by generating and restoring three-dimensional bone models. We applied a low-cost 3D modelling methodology based on photogrammetry to develop novel forensic applications of virtual 3D skull reconstruction, assembly, restoration and ancestry estimation. Crania and mandible fragments from five Spanish Civil War victims were reconstructed with high accuracy, and only one cranium could not be assembled due to extensive bone loss. Virtual mirroring successfully restored reconstructed crania, producing 3D models with reduced deformation and perimortem trauma. High correlation between traditional and virtual craniofacial measurements confirmed that 3D models are suitable for forensic applications. Craniometric databases of world-wide and Spanish populations were used to assess the potential of discriminant analysis to estimate population ancestry. Our protocol correctly estimated the continental origin of 86.7 % of 15 crania of known origin, and despite low morphological differentiation within European populations, correctly identified 54.5 % as Spanish and 27.3 % of them with high posterior probabilities. Two restored crania from the Civil War were estimated as Spanish, and one as a non-Spanish European. Results were not conclusive for one cranium and did not confirm previous archeological hypotheses. Overall, our research shows the potential to assess the presence of foreign volunteers in the Spanish Civil War and highlights the added value of 3D-virtual techniques in forensic anthropology

    Generating Rembrandt: Artificial Intelligence, Copyright, and Accountability in the 3A Era--The Human-like Authors are Already Here- A New Model

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are creative, unpredictable, independent, autonomous, rational, evolving, capable of data collection, communicative, efficient, accurate, and have free choice among alternatives. Similar to humans, AI systems can autonomously create and generate creative works. The use of AI systems in the production of works, either for personal or manufacturing purposes, has become common in the 3A era of automated, autonomous, and advanced technology. Despite this progress, there is a deep and common concern in modern society that AI technology will become uncontrollable. There is therefore a call for social and legal tools for controlling AI systems’ functions and outcomes. This Article addresses the questions of the copyrightability of artworks generated by AI systems: ownership and accountability. The Article debates who should enjoy the benefits of copyright protection and who should be responsible for the infringement of rights and damages caused by AI systems that independently produce creative works. Subsequently, this Article presents the AI Multi- Player paradigm, arguing against the imposition of these rights and responsibilities on the AI systems themselves or on the different stakeholders, mainly the programmers who develop such systems. Most importantly, this Article proposes the adoption of a new model of accountability for works generated by AI systems: the AI Work Made for Hire (WMFH) model, which views the AI system as a creative employee or independent contractor of the user. Under this proposed model, ownership, control, and responsibility would be imposed on the humans or legal entities that use AI systems and enjoy its benefits. This model accurately reflects the human-like features of AI systems; it is justified by the theories behind copyright protection; and it serves as a practical solution to assuage the fears behind AI systems. In addition, this model unveils the powers behind the operation of AI systems; hence, it efficiently imposes accountability on clearly identifiable persons or legal entities. Since AI systems are copyrightable algorithms, this Article reflects on the accountability for AI systems in other legal regimes, such as tort or criminal law and in various industries using these systems

    Novel supports to the assessment of cognitive functions through the combined use of technologies and subjective and objective measurements

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Las funciones cognitivas incluyen todos los procesos a través de los cuales un individuo percibe, registra, mantiene, manipula, usa y expresa información que está involucrada en cualquier actividad cotidiana. Las principales herramientas estandarizadas se pueden dividir en tres grupos principales: escalas cortas de pruebas de seguimiento cognitivo: cuestionarios, baterías neuropsicológicas generales y pruebas específicas. Estas herramientas están bien validadas y son confiables, pero, en la última década, varias investigaciones han demostrado que algunos pacientes pueden realizar bien estas pruebas neuropsicológicas, incluso cuando tienen dificultades significativas para adaptar sus comportamientos a las actividades de la vida diaria. De acuerdo con esto, más recientemente, un nuevo enfoque ha aumentado sustancialmente, lo que podría proporcionar una mayor validez ecológica en la evaluación de las capacidades cognitivas funcionales que el enfoque estandarizado: el uso de sistemas tecnológicos avanzados para la evaluación neuropsicológica (STAEN). STAEN se refiere a un conjunto de dispositivos y aplicaciones de software tales como pruebas computarizadas, juegos divertidos e interactivos de fantasía (JS) y / o sistemas de realidad virtual simulada (RV) y / o aumentada (RA) que van más allá de las pruebas de evaluación tradicionales y que Brindar la posibilidad de entregar estímulos controlados y dinámicos, en entornos ecológicamente válidos y seguros. Partiendo de estas premisas, el objetivo principal de la tesis era diseñar, desarrollar y validar un SG 2D no inmersivo versus un JS 3D inmersivo y una actividad de la vida diaria en un entorno 3D RV inmersivo versus un RA para la evaluación de funciones cognitivas, comparando la eficacia y efectividad de ellos. El primer estudio 2D incluyó 354 sujetos sanos y se encontraron correlaciones entre el juego y los métodos tradicionales, lo que sugiere que el juego podría ser una herramienta válida para evaluar las funciones cognitivas en adultos. El segundo estudio, comparó la versión 2D versus una versión 3D STAEN, involucró a 94 sujetos sanos y mostró que la versión 3D fue capaz de generar tiempos más bajos y respuestas correctas más altas que la 2D, lo que sugiere evidencia inicial de la eficacia de un sistema más inmersivo en comparación con un sistema no-inmersivo. Aunque este resultado destaca una posible limitación en el uso de diferentes sistemas tecnológicos debido a las diferencias en los dos métodos de interacción (el sistema 2D aplicó el mouse y el teclado; los controladores de dos manos virtuales 3D) y el registro de datos de latencia de hardware y software. Con respecto a la variabilidad individual en edad, género y educación, los hallazgos mostraron consistencia con la literatura de referencia. Específicamente, los más jóvenes mostraron un mayor rendimiento que los mayores; niveles educativos más altos reflejados en una mejor puntuación y sobre género, los resultados mostraron un panorama más compuesto. Además, para mejorar la validez ecológica de la evaluación, el último estudio de esta tesis comparó el rendimiento conductual y las respuestas fisiológicas, durante una tarea de cocina ecológica, entre un sistema virtual y un sistema aumentado en 50 sujetos sanos. La tarea de cocinar consistió en 4 niveles que aumentaron en dificultad. A medida que el nivel aumentó, aparecieron actividades adicionales. Los resultados de comportamiento mostraron que los tiempos son siempre más bajos en realidad virtual que en RA, aumentando constantemente de acuerdo con la dificultad de las tareas. Con respecto a las respuestas fisiológicas, los hallazgos mostraron que la condición RA produjo más excitación y activación individual que la realidad virtual. Para concluir, STAEN está demostrando ser herramientas confiables y efectivas para la evaluación de las funciones cognitivas en adultos, proporcionando más validez ec[CA] Les funcions cognitives inclouen tots els processos a través dels quals un individu percep, registra, manté, manipula, usa i expressa informació que està involucrada en qualsevol activitat quotidiana. Les principals ferramentes estandarditzades es poden dividir en tres grups principals: escales curtes de proves de seguiment cognitiu: qüestionaris, bateries neuropsicológiques generals i proves específiques. Estes ferramentes estan ben validades i són confiables, però, en l'última dècada, diverses investigacions han demostrat que alguns pacients poden realitzar bé estes proves neuropsicológiques, inclús quan tenen dificultats significatives per a adaptar els seus comportaments a les activitats de la vida diària. D'acord amb açò, més recentment, un nou enfocament ha augmentat substancialment, la qual cosa podria proporcionar una major validesa ecològica en l'avaluació de les capacitats cognitives funcionals que l'enfocament estandarditzat: l'ús de sistemes tecnològics avançats per a l'avaluació neuropsicológica (STAEN). STAEN es referix a un conjunt de dispositius i aplicacions de software com ara proves computaritzades, jocs divertits i interactius de fantasia (JS) i / o sistemes de realitat virtual simulada (RV) i / o augmentada (RA) que van més enllà de les proves d'avaluació tradicionals i que brinden la possibilitat de presentar estímuls controlats i dinàmics, en entorns ecològicament vàlids i segurs. Partint d'estes premisses, l'objectiu principal de la tesi era dissenyar, desenrotllar i validar un SG 2D no inmersiu versus un JS 3D inmersiu i una activitat de la vida diària en un entorn 3D RV inmersiu versus un RA per a l'avaluació de funcions cognitives, comparant l'eficàcia i efectivitat d'ells. El primer estudi 2D va incloure 354 subjectes sans i es van trobar correlacions entre el joc i els mètodes tradicionals, la qual cosa suggerix que el joc podria ser una ferramenta vàlida per a avaluar les funcions cognitives en adults. El segon estudi, va comparar la versió 2D versus una versió 3D STAEN, va involucrar a 94 subjectes sans i va mostrar que la versió 3D va ser capaç de generar temps més baixos i respostes correctes més altes que la 2D, la qual cosa suggerix evidència inicial de l'eficàcia d'un sistema més inmersiu en comparació amb un sistema no-inmersiu. Encara que este resultat destaca una possible limitació en l'ús de diferents sistemes tecnològics a causa de les diferències en els dos mètodes d'interacció (el sistema 2D va aplicar el ratolí i el teclat; els controladors de dos mans virtuals 3D) i el registre de dades de latència de hardware i software. Respecte a la variabilitat individual en edat, gènere i educació, les troballes van mostrar consistència amb la literatura de referència. Específicament, els més jóvens van mostrar un major rendiment que els majors; nivells educatius més alts reflectits en una millor puntuació i sobre gènere, els resultats van mostrar un panorama més compost. A més, per a millorar la validesa ecològica de l'avaluació, l'últim estudi d'esta tesi va comparar el rendiment conductual i les respostes fisiològiques, durant una tasca de cuina ecològica, entre un sistema virtual i un sistema augmentat en 50 subjectes sans. La tasca de cuinar va consistir en 4 nivells que van augmentar en dificultat. A mesura que el nivell va augmentar, van aparéixer activitats addicionals. Els resultats de comportament van mostrar que els temps són sempre més baixos en realitat virtual que en RA, augmentant constantment d'acord amb la dificultat de les tasques. Respecte a les respostes fisiològiques, les troballes van mostrar que la condició RA va produir més excitació i activació individual que la realitat virtual. Per a concloure, STAEN està demostrant ser ferramentes confiables i efectives per a l'avaluació de les funcions cognitives en adults, proporcionant més validesa ecològica i objectivitat que els mètodes tradicio[EN] Cognitive functions include all the processes through which an individual perceives, records, maintains, manipulates, uses and expresses information that are involved in any everyday activity. The main standardized tools can be divided in three main groups: short scales of cognitive tracking tests - questionnaires, general neuropsychological batteries, and specific tests. These tools are well-validated and reliable but, in the last decade, several research have shown that some patients can perform these neuropsychological tests well, even when they have significant difficulties in adapting their behaviours to daily life activities. According to this, more recently, a new approach has substantially increased, potentially providing a higher ecological validity in functional cognitive abilities assessment than standardized approach: the use of advanced technological systems for neuropsychological assessment (ATSNA). ATSNA refer to a set of devices and software applications such as computerized tests, fun and interactive fantasy serious games (SG), and/or simulated virtual (VR) and/or augmented (AR) reality systems that go beyond traditional assessment tests and that supply the possibility to deliver controlled and dynamic stimuli, in ecologically valid, and secure environments. Starting from these premises, the main objective of the thesis was to design, develop, and validate a non-immersive 2D SG versus an immersive 3D SG and a daily life activity in an immersive 3D VR environment versus an AR for the assessment of cognitive functions, comparing the efficacy and effectiveness of them. The first 2D study involved 354 healthy subjects and correlations were found between the game and traditional methods, suggesting that the game could be a valid tool for assessing cognitive functions in adults. The second study, compared 2D versus a 3D ATSNA version, it involved 94 healthy subjects and showed that 3D version was able to generate lower times and higher correct answers that the 2D, suggesting initial evidence of efficacy of a more immersive system compared to a non-immersive system. Although this result highlights a potential limitation on using different technological systems due to the differences on the two interaction methods (the 2D system applied mouse and keyboard; the 3D two virtual hands' controllers) and hardware and software latency data recording. Regarding individual variability on age, gender, and education, the findings showed consistency with the reference literature. Specifically, younger showed higher performance that older; higher educational levels reflected on a better score and about gender, results showed a more composite panorama. Furthermore, to enhance the ecological validity of assessment, the last study of this thesis compared the behavioural performance and physiological responses, during an ecological cooking task, between a virtual and an augmented system on 50 healthy subjects. The cooking task consisted of 4 levels that increased in difficulty. As the level increased, additional activities appeared. The behavioural results showed that times are always lower in VR than in AR, increasing constantly in accordance with the difficulty of the tasks. Regarding physiological responses, the findings showed that AR condition produced more individual excitement and activation than VR. To conclude, ATSNA are proving to be reliable and effective tools for the assessment of cognitive functions in adults, providing more ecological validity and objectivity than traditional methods of assessment.Chicchi Giglioli, IAM. (2020). Novel supports to the assessment of cognitive functions through the combined use of technologies and subjective and objective measurements [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/139075TESISCompendi

    Investigating Human-Rare Historic Book Interaction among Young Adults

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    This paper reports on research conducted to improve understanding of human-rare historic book interaction as a necessary first step in order to design and develop physical-virtual renderings of rare books that provide integrated haptic, audio, olfactory, visual and cognitive human-rare book interaction for the public. Our synthesis of relevant literature proposes that current research and technology can be categorized according to five characteristics: expected users, content and content management, navigation, presentation, and interaction control. Our research investigates how young adults (novices) in northern Europe interact with a rare historic book and their reflections about their interaction. Results indicate that interaction engendered appreciation and curiosity regarding individual human behaviour and social practices, and regarding design and technology for novices. Interaction also had an affective impact, eliciting personal memories and emotions. Participants reported that interacting only visually with books or their representations would not have afforded the same results. The results suggest several design recommendations for future physical-virtual renderings of rare historic books

    Positioning articulated figures

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    Many animation systems rely on key-frames or poses to produce animated sequences of figures we interpret as articulated, e.g. the skeleton of a character. The production of poses is a difficult problem which can be solved by using techniques such as forward and inverse kinematics. However, animators often find these techniques difficult to work with. The work, presented in this thesis, proposes an innovative technique which approaches this problem from a totally different direction from conventional techniques, and is based on Interactive Genetic Algorithms (IGAs). IGAs are evolutionary tools based on the theory of evolution which was first described by Darwin in 1859. They are derived from Genetic Algorithms (GAs) themselves based on the theory of evolution. IGAs have been successfully used to produce abstract pictures, sculptures and abstract animation sequences. Conventional techniques assist the animator in producing poses. On the contrary, when working with IGAs, users assist the computer in its search for a good solution. Unfortunately, this concept is too weak to allow for an efficient exploration of the space of poses as the user requires more control over the evolutionary process. So, a new concept was introduced to let the user specify directly what is of interest, that is a limb or a set of limbs. This information is efficiently used by the computer to greatly enhance the search. Users build a pose by selecting limbs which are of interest. That pose is provided to the computer as a seed to produce a new generation of poses. The degree of similarity is specified directly by the user. Typically, it is small at the beginning and increases as the process reaches convergences. The power of this new technique is demonstrated by two evaluations, one which uses a set of non expert users and another one which uses myself as the sole but expert user. The first evaluation highlighted the high cognitive requirement of the new technique whereas the second evaluation showed that given sufficient training, the new technique becomes much faster than the other two conventional techniques

    Identification of Quality Visual-based Learning Material for Technology Education

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    [First Paragraph] In learning environments, the visual elements of courses, lessons, and presentations play an important role in learning. Well-conceived and rendered visuals help any audience understand and retain information (Wileman, 1993)