307 research outputs found

    Co-modelling of Agricultural Robotic Systems

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    Automated and robotic ground-vehicle solutions are gradually becoming part of the agricultural industry, where they are used for performing tasks such as feeding, herding, planting, harvesting, and weed spraying. Agricultural machinery operates in both indoor and outdoor farm environments, resulting in changing operational conditions. Variation in the load transported by ground-vehicles is a common occurrence in the agricultural domain, in tasks such as animal feeding and field spraying. The development of automated and robotic ground-vehicle solutions for conditions and scenarios in the agricultural domain is a complex task, which requires input from multiple engineering disciplines. This PhD thesis proposes modelling and simulation for the research and development of automated and robotic ground-vehicle solutions for purposes such as component development, virtual prototype testing, and scenario evaluation. The collaboration of multiple engineering disciplines is achieved by combining multiple modelling and simulation tools from different engineering disciplines. These combined models are known as co-models and their execution is referred to as co-simulation. The results of this thesis are a model-based development methodology for automated and robotic ground-vehicles utilised for a number of research and development cases. The co-models of the automated and robotic ground vehicles were created using the model-based development methodology, and they contribute to the future development support in this research domain. The thesis presents four contributions toward the exploration of a chosen design space for an automated or robotic ground vehicle. Solutions obtained using co-modelling and co-simulation are deployed to their ground-vehicle realisations, which ensures that all stages of development are covered.Comment: PhD thesis,June 17th 2015, 203 pages, Aarhus Universit

    Feasible, Robust and Reliable Automation and Control for Autonomous Systems

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    The Special Issue book focuses on highlighting current research and developments in the automation and control field for autonomous systems as well as showcasing state-of-the-art control strategy approaches for autonomous platforms. The book is co-edited by distinguished international control system experts currently based in Sweden, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom, with contributions from reputable researchers from China, Austria, France, the United States of America, Poland, and Hungary, among many others. The editors believe the ten articles published within this Special Issue will be highly appealing to control-systems-related researchers in applications typified in the fields of ground, aerial, maritime vehicles, and robotics as well as industrial audiences

    A Survey of Motion Planning and Control Techniques for Self-driving Urban Vehicles

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    Self-driving vehicles are a maturing technology with the potential to reshape mobility by enhancing the safety, accessibility, efficiency, and convenience of automotive transportation. Safety-critical tasks that must be executed by a self-driving vehicle include planning of motions through a dynamic environment shared with other vehicles and pedestrians, and their robust executions via feedback control. The objective of this paper is to survey the current state of the art on planning and control algorithms with particular regard to the urban setting. A selection of proposed techniques is reviewed along with a discussion of their effectiveness. The surveyed approaches differ in the vehicle mobility model used, in assumptions on the structure of the environment, and in computational requirements. The side-by-side comparison presented in this survey helps to gain insight into the strengths and limitations of the reviewed approaches and assists with system level design choices

    Design and analysis of Intelligent Navigational controller for Mobile Robot

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    Since last several years requirement graph for autonomous mobile robots according to its virtual application has always been an upward one. Smother and faster mobile robots navigation with multiple function are the necessity of the day. This research is based on navigation system as well as kinematics model analysis for autonomous mobile robot in known environments. To execute and attain introductory robotic behaviour inside environments(e.g. obstacle avoidance, wall or edge following and target seeking) robot uses method of perception, sensor integration and fusion. With the help of these sensors robot creates its collision free path and analyse an environmental map time to time. Mobile robot navigation in an unfamiliar environment can be successfully studied here using online sensor fusion and integration. Various AI algorithm are used to describe overall procedure of mobilerobot navigation and its path planning problem. To design suitable controller that create collision free path are achieved by the combined study of kinematics analysis of motion as well as an artificial intelligent technique. In fuzzy logic approach, a set of linguistic fuzzy rules are generated for navigation of mobile robot. An expert controller has been developed for the navigation in various condition of environment using these fuzzy rules. Further, type-2 fuzzy is employed to simplify and clarify the developed control algorithm more accurately due to fuzzy logic limitations. In addition, recurrent neural network (RNN) methodology has been analysed for robot navigation. Which helps the model at the time of learning stage. The robustness of controller has been checked on Webots simulation platform. Simulation results and performance of the controller using Webots platform show that, the mobile robot is capable for avoiding obstacles and reaching the termination point in efficient manner

    Vision-based control of near-obstacle flight

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    Lightweight micro unmanned aerial vehicles (micro-UAVs) capable of autonomous flight in natural and urban environments have a large potential for civil and commercial applications, including environmental monitoring, forest fire monitoring, homeland security, traffic monitoring, aerial imagery, mapping and search and rescue. Smaller micro-UAVs capable of flying inside houses or small indoor environments have further applications in the domain of surveillance, search and rescue and entertainment. These applications require the capability to fly near to the ground and amongst obstacles. Existing UAVs rely on GPS and AHRS (attitude heading reference system) to control their flight and are unable to detect and avoid obstacles. Active distance sensors such as radars or laser range finders could be used to measure distances to obstacles, but are typically too heavy and power-consuming to be embedded on lightweight systems. In this thesis, we draw inspiration from biology and explore alternative approaches to flight control that allow aircraft to fly near obstacles. We show that optic flow can be used on flying platforms to estimate the proximity of obstacles and propose a novel control strategy, called optiPilot, for vision-based near-obstacle flight. Thanks to optiPilot, we demonstrate for the first time autonomous near-obstacle flight of micro-UAVs, both indoor and outdoor, without relying on an AHRS nor external beacons such as GPS. The control strategy only requires a small series of optic flow sensors, two rate gyroscopes and an airspeed sensor. It can run on a tiny embedded microcontroller in realtime. Despite its simplicity, optiPilot is able to fully control the aircraft, including altitude regulation, attitude stabilisation, obstacle avoidance, landing and take-off. This parsimony, inherited from the biology of flying insects, contrasts with the complexity of the systems used so far for flight control while offering more capabilities. The results presented in this thesis contribute to a better understanding of the minimal requirements, in terms of sensing and control architecture, that enable animals and artificial systems to fly and bring closer to reality the perspective of using lightweight and inexpensive micro-UAV for civilian purposes

    Path Following and Motion Control for Articulated Frame Steering Mobile Working Machine Using ROS2

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    Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have been studied and researched at least since the middle of 19s century, and the interest in these vehicles has grown in the last decade. There are many vehicle types with different steering techniques. Each is designed and manufactured depending on the need to perform specific tasks (for example, transporting passengers, transporting goods, and doing heavy duties like cutting trees, digging earth, and harvesting crops). This thesis highlights the autonomous articulated frame steering (AFS) heavy-duty mobile working machines and aims to address the problems of autonomizing the AFS machine with basic autonomy requirements, which makes the machine move without the need for human direct and indirect control. The working environment (like mines, forests, and construction sites), where heavy-duty machines are used to perform some tasks, requires an expert machine operator to drive it and control its manipulator, which increases the operator’s workload. However, due to the working environment’s limited area, the machine mostly has repetitive tasks that include following the same paths; therefore, we proposed implementing a path-following control system that could be used to help the operator by reducing the work amount. The proposed path following is based on controlling the vehicle’s position and orientation to match the desired positions and orientation on a specified path where the position’s lateral error and orientation error are minimized to zero while the vehicle follows the given path. The implemented control system is divided into many subsystems; each is responsible for a specific task, and to communicate between them we used the Robot Operating System ROS2. In this thesis, we are focusing on two of these subsystems. The first subsystem, called path following that, generates linear and angular velocities needed to make the machine follow the path. The other subsystem, called motion control, is responsible for converting the linear and angular velocities to machine commands (gear, steering, gas) and controls the machine’s acceleration and steering angle. The implemented path-following control system required understanding the machine’s kinematics and modeling the steering system. The implemented system is tested first using an AFS robot in a simulation environment, then tested on a real AFS heavy-duty machine owned by Tampere university. Moreover, the tests repeated for another path following based on the modified pure pursuit technique provided by ROS2 navigation for compression and evaluation purposes

    A State Estimation Approach for a Skid-Steered Off-Road Mobile Robot

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    This thesis presents a novel state estimation structure, a hybrid extended Kalman filter/Kalman filter developed for a skid-steered, six-wheeled, ARGO® all-terrain vehicle (ATV). The ARGO ATV is a teleoperated unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) custom fitted with an inertial measurement unit, wheel encoders and a GPS. In order to enable the ARGO for autonomous applications, the proposed hybrid EKF/KF state estimator strategy is combined with the vehicle’s sensor measurements to estimate key parameters for the vehicle. Field experiments in this thesis reveal that the proposed estimation structure is able to estimate the position, velocity, orientation, and longitudinal slip of the ARGO with a reasonable amount of accuracy. In addition, the proposed estimation structure is well-suited for online applications and can incorporate offline virtual GPS data to further improve the accuracy of the position estimates. The proposed estimation structure is also capable of estimating the longitudinal slip for every wheel of the ARGO, and the slip results align well with the motion estimate findings

    Modelling and control of an articulated underground mining vehicle

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    The automation of the tramming or load, haul and dump (LHD) procedure, performed by a LHD vehicle, holds the potential to improve productivity, efficiency and safety in the mining environment. Productivity is mainly increased by longer working hours; efficiency is improved by repetitive, faultless and predictable work; and safety is improved by removing the human operator from the harsh environment. However, before the automation of the process can be addressed, a thorough understanding of the process and its duty in the overall mining method is required. Therefore, the current applicable mining methods and their areas of potential automation are given. Since the automation of the LHD vehicle is at the core of this project, its implementation in the tramming process is also justified. Also, the current underground navigation methods are given and their shortcomings are named. It is concluded that infrastructure-free navigation is the only viable solution in the ever-changing mining environment. With that in mind, the feasibility of various navigation sensors is discussed and conclusions are drawn. Both kinematic and dynamic modelling of LHD vehicles are introduced. Various forms of kinematic models are given and their underlying modelling assumptions are named. The most prominent assumptions concern the vehicle’s half-length and the inclusion of a wheel-slip factor. Dynamic modelling techniques, with a strong emphasis on tyre modelling, are also stated. In order to evaluate the modelling techniques, field tests are performed on the articulated vehicles, namely the Wright 365 LHD and the Bell 1706C loader. The test on the Wright 365 LHD gives a good impression of the harsh ergonomics under which the operator has to work. A more thorough test is performed on the Bell 1706C articulated loader. The test results are then compared to simulation results obtained from the kinematic models. Also, the above-named assumptions are tested, evaluated and discussed. A dynamic model is also simulated and discussed. Lastly, two localization and control methods are given and evaluated. The first method is an open-loop nonlinear optimal control strategy with periodic position resetting and the second method is a pathtracking controller. AFRIKAANS : Automatisering van die laai-, vervoer- en dompel- (LVD) prosedure het die potensiaal om die produktiwiteit, effektiwiteit en veiligheid van die mynbedryf te verbeter. Produktiwiteit word hoofsaaklik deur langer werksure verhoog, effektiwiteit word deur herhalende, foutlose en voorspelbare werk verbeter en veiligheid word verbeter omdat menslike operateurs uit die gevaarlike ondergrondse omgewing verwyder word. Voordat aandag aan die automatisering van die prosedure geskenk kan word, moet die prosedure en die algemene mynbedrywighede rakende die prosedure deeglik bestudeer en verstaan word. As gevolg hiervan word die huidige, toepaslike mynboumetodes hier gedokumenteer. Die implementering van ʼn gekoppelde LVD-voertuig in die LVD-prosesword ook geregverdig. Verder word die huidige metodes van ondergrondse navigasie genoem en hulle tekortkominge aangedui. Die gevolgtrekking dat infrastruktuur-vrye navigasie die enigste lewensvatbare navigasiemetode in die immer veranderende ondergrondsemynbouomgewing is, word ook gemaak. In die lig daarvan word ʼn verskeidenheid sensors genoem en bespreek. Kinematiese en dinamiese modellering van ʼn LVD-voertuig word bekendgestel. Verskeie kinematiese modelle en hulle onderliggende aannames word genoem. Die mees prominente aannames is die lengte van die gekoppelde voertuig se hoofdele en die insluiting van ʼn wielglipfaktor. Die tegnieke van dinamiese modellering, met die klem op bandmodellering, word ook gegee. Praktyktoetse op gekoppelde voertuie is ook gedoen om die verskillende modelle te evalueer. Die toets op die Wright 365-LVD bied goeie insig in die strawwe ergonomiese toestande waaronder die operateurs moet werk. ʼn Deeglike toets is op ʼn BELL 1706C- gekoppelde laaier, wat kinematies identies aan ʼn LVD-voertuig is, uitgevoer. Die bevindinge van die toets word met bogenoemde modelsimulasies vergelyk en gevolgtrekkings word gemaak. Laastens word lokalisiering en beheer van ʼn LVDvoertuig behandel. Twee beheermetodes, opelus- nie-lineêre optimale beheer met periodieke herstel en padvolgingbeheer word geëvalueer en bespreek. CopyrightDissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2012.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Validation of robotic navigation strategies in unstructured environments: from autonomous to reactive

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    The main topic of this master thesis is the validation of a navigation algorithm designed to perform autonomously in unstructured environments. Computer simulations and experimental tests with a mobile robot have allowed reaching the established objective. The presented approach is effective, consistent, and able to attain safe navigation with static and dynamic configurations. This work contains a survey of the principal navigation strategies and components. Afterwards, a recap of the history of robotics is briefly illustrated, emphasizing the description of mobile robotics and locomotion. Subsequently, it presents the development of an algorithm for autonomous navigation through an unknown environment for mobile robots. The algorithm seeks to compute trajectories that lead to a target unknown position without falling into a recurrent loop. The code has been entirely written and tested in MATLAB, using randomly generated obstacles of different sizes. The developed algorithm is used as a benchmark to analyze different predictive strategies for the navigation of mobile robots in the presence of environments not known a priori and overpopulated with obstacles. Then, an innovative algorithm for navigation, called NAPVIG, is described and analyzed. The algorithm has been built using ROS and tested in Gazebo real-time simulator. In order to achieve high performances, optimal parameters have been found tuning and simulating the algorithm in different environmental configurations. Finally, an experimental campaign in the SPARCS laboratory of the University of Padua enabled the validation of the chosen parameters

    Trends in vehicle motion control for automated driving on public roads

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    In this paper, we describe how vehicle systems and the vehicle motion control are affected by automated driving on public roads. We describe the redundancy needed for a road vehicle to meet certain safety goals. The concept of system safety as well as system solutions to fault tolerant actuation of steering and braking and the associated fault tolerant power supply is described. Notably restriction of the operational domain in case of reduced capability of the driving automation system is discussed. Further we consider path tracking, state estimation of vehicle motion control required for automated driving as well as an example of a minimum risk manoeuver and redundant steering by means of differential braking. The steering by differential braking could offer heterogeneous or dissimilar redundancy that complements the redundancy of described fault tolerant steering systems for driving automation equipped vehicles. Finally, the important topic of verification of driving automation systems is addressed