4 research outputs found

    Effective distant supervision for end-to-end knowledge base population systems

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    The growing amounts of textual data require automatic methods for structuring relevant information so that it can be further processed by computers and systematically accessed by humans. The scenario dealt with in this dissertation is known as Knowledge Base Population (KBP), where relational information about entities is retrieved from a large text collection and stored in a database, structured according to a pre-specified schema. Most of the research in this dissertation is placed in the context of the KBP benchmark of the Text Analysis Conference (TAC KBP), which provides a test-bed to examine all steps in a complex end-to-end relation extraction setting. In this dissertation a new state of the art for the TAC KBP benchmark was achieved by focussing on the following research problems: (1) The KBP task was broken down into a modular pipeline of sub-problems, and the most pressing issues were identified and quantified at all steps. (2) The quality of semi-automatically generated training data was increased by developing noise-reduction methods, decreasing the influence of false-positive training examples. (3) A focus was laid on fine-grained entity type modelling, entity expansion, entity matching and tagging, to maintain as much recall as possible on the relational argument level. (4) A new set of effective methods for generating training data, encoding features and training relational classifiers was developed and compared with previous state-of-the-art methods.Die wachsende Menge an Textdaten erfordert Methoden, relevante Informationen so zu strukturieren, dass sie von Computern weiterverarbeitet werden können, und dass Menschen systematisch auf sie zugreifen können. Das in dieser Dissertation behandelte Szenario ist unter dem Begriff Knowledge Base Population (KBP) bekannt. Hier werden relationale Informationen ĂŒber EntitĂ€ten aus großen TextbestĂ€nden automatisch zusammengetragen und gemĂ€ĂŸ einem vorgegebenen Schema strukturiert. Ein Großteil der Forschung der vorliegenden Dissertation ist im Kontext des TAC KBP Vergleichstests angesiedelt. Dieser stellt ein Testumfeld dar, um alle Schritte eines anfragebasierten Relationsextraktions-Systems zu untersuchen. Die in der vorliegenden Dissertation entwickelten Verfahren setzen einen neuen Standard fĂŒr TAC KBP. Dies wurde durch eine Schwerpunktsetzung auf die folgenden Forschungsfragen erreicht: Erstens wurden die wichtigsten Unterprobleme von KBP identifiziert und die jeweiligen Effekte genau quantifiziert. Zweitens wurde die QualitĂ€t von halbautomatischen Trainingsdaten durch Methoden erhöht, die den Einfluss von falsch positiven Trainingsbeispielen verringern. Drittens wurde ein Schwerpunkt auf feingliedrige Typmodellierung, die Expansion von EntitĂ€tennamen und das Auffinden von EntitĂ€ten gelegt, um eine grĂ¶ĂŸtmögliche Abdeckung von relationalen Argumenten zu erreichen. Viertens wurde eine Reihe von neuen leistungsstarken Methoden entwickelt und untersucht, um Trainingsdaten zu erzeugen, Klassifizierungsmerkmale zu kodieren und relationale Klassifikatoren zu trainieren

    Effective distant supervision for end-to-end knowledge base population systems

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    The growing amounts of textual data require automatic methods for structuring relevant information so that it can be further processed by computers and systematically accessed by humans. The scenario dealt with in this dissertation is known as Knowledge Base Population (KBP), where relational information about entities is retrieved from a large text collection and stored in a database, structured according to a pre-specified schema. Most of the research in this dissertation is placed in the context of the KBP benchmark of the Text Analysis Conference (TAC KBP), which provides a test-bed to examine all steps in a complex end-to-end relation extraction setting. In this dissertation a new state of the art for the TAC KBP benchmark was achieved by focussing on the following research problems: (1) The KBP task was broken down into a modular pipeline of sub-problems, and the most pressing issues were identified and quantified at all steps. (2) The quality of semi-automatically generated training data was increased by developing noise-reduction methods, decreasing the influence of false-positive training examples. (3) A focus was laid on fine-grained entity type modelling, entity expansion, entity matching and tagging, to maintain as much recall as possible on the relational argument level. (4) A new set of effective methods for generating training data, encoding features and training relational classifiers was developed and compared with previous state-of-the-art methods.Die wachsende Menge an Textdaten erfordert Methoden, relevante Informationen so zu strukturieren, dass sie von Computern weiterverarbeitet werden können, und dass Menschen systematisch auf sie zugreifen können. Das in dieser Dissertation behandelte Szenario ist unter dem Begriff Knowledge Base Population (KBP) bekannt. Hier werden relationale Informationen ĂŒber EntitĂ€ten aus großen TextbestĂ€nden automatisch zusammengetragen und gemĂ€ĂŸ einem vorgegebenen Schema strukturiert. Ein Großteil der Forschung der vorliegenden Dissertation ist im Kontext des TAC KBP Vergleichstests angesiedelt. Dieser stellt ein Testumfeld dar, um alle Schritte eines anfragebasierten Relationsextraktions-Systems zu untersuchen. Die in der vorliegenden Dissertation entwickelten Verfahren setzen einen neuen Standard fĂŒr TAC KBP. Dies wurde durch eine Schwerpunktsetzung auf die folgenden Forschungsfragen erreicht: Erstens wurden die wichtigsten Unterprobleme von KBP identifiziert und die jeweiligen Effekte genau quantifiziert. Zweitens wurde die QualitĂ€t von halbautomatischen Trainingsdaten durch Methoden erhöht, die den Einfluss von falsch positiven Trainingsbeispielen verringern. Drittens wurde ein Schwerpunkt auf feingliedrige Typmodellierung, die Expansion von EntitĂ€tennamen und das Auffinden von EntitĂ€ten gelegt, um eine grĂ¶ĂŸtmögliche Abdeckung von relationalen Argumenten zu erreichen. Viertens wurde eine Reihe von neuen leistungsstarken Methoden entwickelt und untersucht, um Trainingsdaten zu erzeugen, Klassifizierungsmerkmale zu kodieren und relationale Klassifikatoren zu trainieren

    Web Relation Extraction with Distant Supervision

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    Being able to find relevant information about prominent entities quickly is the main reason to use a search engine. However, with large quantities of information on the World Wide Web, real time search over billions of Web pages can waste resources and the end user’s time. One of the solutions to this is to store the answer to frequently asked general knowledge queries, such as the albums released by a musical artist, in a more accessible format, a knowledge base. Knowledge bases can be created and maintained automatically by using information extraction methods, particularly methods to extract relations between proper names (named entities). A group of approaches for this that has become popular in recent years are distantly supervised approaches as they allow to train relation extractors without text-bound annotation, using instead known relations from a knowledge base to heuristically align them with a large textual corpus from an appropriate domain. This thesis focuses on researching distant supervision for the Web domain. A new setting for creating training and testing data for distant supervision from the Web with entity-specific search queries is introduced and the resulting corpus is published. Methods to recognise noisy training examples as well as methods to combine extractions based on statistics derived from the background knowledge base are researched. Using co-reference resolution methods to extract relations from sentences which do not contain a direct mention of the subject of the relation is also investigated. One bottleneck for distant supervision for Web data is identified to be named entity recognition and classification (NERC), since relation extraction methods rely on it for identifying relation arguments. Typically, existing pre-trained tools are used, which fail in diverse genres with non-standard language, such as the Web genre. The thesis explores what can cause NERC methods to fail in diverse genres and quantifies different reasons for NERC failure. Finally, a novel method for NERC for relation extraction is proposed based on the idea of jointly training the named entity classifier and the relation extractor with imitation learning to reduce the reliance on external NERC tools. This thesis improves the state of the art in distant supervision for knowledge base population, and sheds light on and proposes solutions for issues arising for information extraction for not traditionally studied domains

    Report Linking: Information Extraction for Building Topical Knowledge Bases

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    Human language artifacts represent a plentiful source of rich, unstructured information created by reporters, scientists, and analysts. In this thesis we provide approaches for adding structure: extracting and linking entities, events, and relationships from a collection of documents about a common topic. We pursue this linking at two levels of abstraction. At the document level we propose models for aligning the entities and events described in coherent and related discourses: these models are useful for deduplicating repeated claims, finding implicit arguments to events, and measuring semantic overlap between documents. Then at a higher level of abstraction, we construct knowledge graphs containing salient entities and relations linked to supporting documents: these graphs can be augmented with facts and summaries to give users a structured understanding of the information in a large collection