119 research outputs found

    Transform coding of pictorial data

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    By using transform coding, image transmission rates as low as 0.5 bit/pel can be achieved. Generally, the bit rate reduction is achieved by allocating fewer bits to low energy high order coefficients, However, to ensure reasonably good picture quality, a large number of bits has to be allocated to high energy dc coefficients for both fine quantization and good channel error immunity, A technique has been developed that, in some cases, allows the de coefficients to be estimated at the receiver, thus eliminating a major source of difficulty with respect to channel errors. [Continues.

    Low bit rate digital apeech signal processing systems

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    Imperial Users onl

    Transform coding of image.

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    by Pui-chiu Yip.Thesis (M.Ph.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1988.Bibliography: leaves 92-94

    Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Exponentials in Unknown Colored Noise for Target Identification in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

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    This dissertation develops techniques for estimating exponential signals in unknown colored noise. The Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimators of the exponential parameters are developed. Techniques are developed for one and two dimensional exponentials, for both the deterministic and stochastic ML model. The techniques are applied to Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data whose point scatterers are modeled as damped exponentials. These estimated scatterer locations (exponentials frequencies) are potential features for model-based target recognition. The estimators developed in this dissertation may be applied with any parametrically modeled noise having a zero mean and a consistent estimator of the noise covariance matrix. ML techniques are developed for a single instance of data in colored noise which is modeled in one dimension as (1) stationary noise, (2) autoregressive (AR) noise and (3) autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) noise and in two dimensions as (1) stationary noise, and (2) white noise driving an exponential filter. The classical ML approach is used to solve for parameters which can be decoupled from the estimation problem. The remaining nonlinear optimization to find the exponential frequencies is then solved by extending white noise ML techniques to colored noise. In the case of deterministic ML, the computationally efficient, one and two-dimensional Iterative Quadratic Maximum Likelihood (IQML) methods are extended to colored noise. In the case of stochastic ML, the one and two-dimensional Method of Direction Estimation (MODE) techniques are extended to colored noise. Simulations show that the techniques perform close to the Cramer-Rao bound when the model matches the observed noise

    Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Exponentials in Unknown Colored Noise for Target in Identification Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

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    This dissertation develops techniques for estimating exponential signals in unknown colored noise. The Maximum Likelihood ML estimators of the exponential parameters are developed. Techniques are developed for one and two dimensional exponentials, for both the deterministic and stochastic ML model. The techniques are applied to Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR data whose point scatterers are modeled as damped exponentials. These estimated scatterer locations exponentials frequencies are potential features for model-based target recognition. The estimators developed in this dissertation may be applied with any parametrically modeled noise having a zero mean and a consistent estimator of the noise covariance matrix. ML techniques are developed for a single instance of data in colored noise which is modeled in one dimension as 1 stationary noise, 2 autoregressive AR noise and 3 autoregressive moving-average ARMA noise and in two dimensions as 1 stationary noise, and 2 white noise driving an exponential filter. The classical ML approach is used to solve for parameters which can be decoupled from the estimation problem. The remaining nonlinear optimization to find the exponential frequencies is then solved by extending white noise ML techniques to colored noise. In the case of deterministic ML, the computationally efficient, one and two-dimensional Iterative Quadratic Maximum Likelihood IQML methods are extended to colored noise. In the case of stochastic ML, the one and two-dimensional Method of Direction Estimation MODE techniques are extended to colored noise. Simulations show that the techniques perform close to the Cramer-Rao bound when the model matches the observed noise

    From ray to spray: augmenting amplitudes and taming fast oscillations in fully numerical neutrino codes

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    In this note we describe how to complement the neutrino evolution matrix calculated at a given energy and trajectory with additional information which allows to reliably extrapolate it to nearby energies or trajectories without repeating the full computation. Our method works for arbitrary matter density profiles, can be applied to any propagation model described by an Hamiltonian, and exactly guarantees the unitarity of the evolution matrix. As a straightforward application, we show how to enhance the calculation of the theoretical predictions for experimentally measured quantities, so that they remain accurate even in the presence of fast neutrino oscillations. Furthermore, the ability to "move around" a given energy and trajectory opens the door to precise interpolation of the oscillation amplitudes within a grid of tabulated values, with potential benefits for the computation speed of Monte-Carlo codes. We also provide a set of examples to illustrate the most prominent features of our approach.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure

    The Effect of Malaysia General Election on Financial Network: An Evidence from Shariah-Compliant Stocks on Bursa Malaysia

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    Instead of focusing the volatility of the market, the market participants should consider on how the general election affects the correlation between the stocks during 14th general election Malaysia. The 14th general election of Malaysia was held on 9th May 2018. This event has a great impact towards the stocks listed on Bursa Malaysia. Thus, this study investigates the effect of 14th general election Malaysia towards the correlation between stock in Bursa Malaysia specifically the shariah-compliant stock. In addition, this paper examines the changes in terms of network topology for the duration, sixth months before and after the general election. The minimum spanning tree was used to visualize the correlation between the stocks. Also, the centrality measure, namely degree, closeness and betweenness were computed to identify if any changes of stocks that plays a crucial role in the network for the duration of before and after 14th general election Malaysia

    Bayesian approach to ionospheric imaging with Gaussian Markov random field priors

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    Ionosphere is the partly ionised layer of Earth's atmosphere caused by solar radiation and particle precipitation. The ionisation can start from 60 km and extend up to 1000 km altitude. Often the interest in ionosphere is in the quantity and distribution of the free electrons. The electron density is related to the ionospheric refractive index and thus sufficiently high densities affect the electromagnetic waves propagating in the ionised medium. This is the reason for HF radio signals being able to reflect from the ionosphere allowing broadcast over the horizon, but also an error source in satellite positioning systems. The ionospheric electron density can be studied e.g. with specific radars and satellite in situ measurements. These instruments can provide very precise observations, however, typically only in the vicinity of the instrument. To make observations in regional and global scales, due to the volume of the domain and price of the aforementioned instruments, indirect satellite measurements and imaging methods are required. Mathematically ionospheric imaging suffers from two main complications. First, due to very sparse and limited measurement geometry between satellites and receivers, it is an ill-posed inverse problem. The measurements do not have enough information to reconstruct the electron density and thus additional information is required in some form. Second, to obtain sufficient resolution, the resulting numerical model can become computationally infeasible. In this thesis, the Bayesian statistical background for the ionospheric imaging is presented. The Bayesian approach provides a natural way to account for different sources of information with corresponding uncertainties and to update the estimated ionospheric state as new information becomes available. Most importantly, the Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF) priors are introduced for the application of ionospheric imaging. The GMRF approach makes the Bayesian approach computationally feasible by sparse prior precision matrices. The Bayesian method is indeed practicable and many of the widely used methods in ionospheric imaging revert back to the Bayesian approach. Unfortunately, the approach cannot escape the inherent lack of information provided by the measurement set-up, and similarly to other approaches, it is highly dependent on the additional subjective information required to solve the problem. It is here shown that the use of GMRF provides a genuine improvement for the task as this subjective information can be understood and described probabilistically in a meaningful and physically interpretative way while keeping the computational costs low.Ionosfääri on noin 60–1000 kilometrin korkeudella sijaitseva ilmakehän kerros, jossa kaasuatomien ja -molekyylien elektroneja on päässyt irtoamaan auringon säteilyn ja auringosta peräisin olevien nopeiden hiukkasten vaikutuksesta. Näin syntyneillä ioneilla ja vapailla elektroneilla on sähkö- ja magneettikenttien kanssa vuorovaikuttava sähkövaraus. Ionosfäärillä on siksi merkittävä rooli radioliikenteessä. Se voi mahdollistaa horisontin yli tapahtuvat pitkät radiolähetykset heijastamalla lähetetyn sähkömagneettisen signaalin takaisin maata kohti. Toisaalta ionosfääri vaikuttaa myös sen läpäiseviin korkeampitaajuuksisiin signaaleihin. Esimerkiksi satelliittipaikannuksessa ionosfäärin vaikutus on parhaassakin tapauksessa otettava huomioon, mutta huonoimmassa se voi estää paikannuksen täysin. Näkyvin ja tunnetuin ionosfääriin liittyvä ilmiö lienee revontulet. Yksi keskeisistä suureista ionosfäärin tutkimuksessa on vapaiden elektronien määrä kuutiometrin tilavuudessa. Käytännössä elektronitiheyden mittaaminen on mahdollista mm. tutkilla, kuten Norjan, Suomen ja Ruotsin alueilla sijaitsevalla EISCAT-tutkajärjestelmällä, sekä raketti- tai satelliittimittauksilla. Mittaukset voivat olla hyvinkin tarkkoja, mutta tietoa saadaan ainoastaan tutkakeilan suunnassa tai mittalaitteen läheisyydestä. Näillä menetelmillä ionosfäärin tutkiminen laajemmalla alueella on siten vaikeaa ja kallista. Olemassa olevat paikannussatelliitit ja vastaanotinverkot mahdollistavat ionosfäärin elektronitiheyden mittaamisen alueellisessa, ja jopa globaalissa mittakaavassa, ensisijaisen käyttötarkoituksensa sivutuotteena. Satelliittimittausten ajallinen ja paikallinen kattavuus on hyvä, ja kaiken aikaa kasvava, mutta esimerkiksi tarkkoihin tutkamittauksiin verrattuna yksittäisten mittausten tuottama informaatio on huomattavasti vähäisempää. Tässä väitöstyössä kehitettiin tietokoneohjelmisto ionosfäärin elektronitiheyden kolmiulotteiseen kuvantamiseen. Menetelmä perustuu matemaattisten käänteisongelmien teoriaan ja muistuttaa lääketieteessä käytettyjä viipalekuvausmenetelmiä. Satelliittimittausten puutteellisesta informaatiosta johtuen työssä on keskitytty etenkin siihen, miten ratkaisun löytymistä voidaan auttaa tilastollisesti esitetyllä fysikaalisella ennakkotiedolla. Erityisesti työssä sovellettiin gaussisiin Markovin satunnaiskenttiin perustuvaa uutta korrelaatiopriori-menetelmää. Menetelmä vähentää merkittävästi tietokonelaskennassa käytettävän muistin tarvetta, mikä lyhentää laskenta-aikaa ja mahdollistaa korkeamman kuvantamisresoluution

    Approches tomographiques structurelles pour l'analyse du milieu urbain par tomographie SAR THR : TomoSAR

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    SAR tomography consists in exploiting multiple images from the same area acquired from a slightly different angle to retrieve the 3-D distribution of the complex reflectivity on the ground. As the transmitted waves are coherent, the desired spatial information (along with the vertical axis) is coded in the phase of the pixels. Many methods have been proposed to retrieve this information in the past years. However, the natural redundancies of the scene are generally not exploited to improve the tomographic estimation step. This Ph.D. presents new approaches to regularize the estimated reflectivity density obtained through SAR tomography by exploiting the urban geometrical structures.La tomographie SAR exploite plusieurs acquisitions d'une même zone acquises d'un point de vue légerement différent pour reconstruire la densité complexe de réflectivité au sol. Cette technique d'imagerie s'appuyant sur l'émission et la réception d'ondes électromagnétiques cohérentes, les données analysées sont complexes et l'information spatiale manquante (selon la verticale) est codée dans la phase. De nombreuse méthodes ont pu être proposées pour retrouver cette information. L'utilisation des redondances naturelles à certains milieux n'est toutefois généralement pas exploitée pour améliorer l'estimation tomographique. Cette thèse propose d'utiliser l'information structurelle propre aux structures urbaines pour régulariser les densités de réflecteurs obtenues par cette technique

    Video modeling via implicit motion representations

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    Video modeling refers to the development of analytical representations for explaining the intensity distribution in video signals. Based on the analytical representation, we can develop algorithms for accomplishing particular video-related tasks. Therefore video modeling provides us a foundation to bridge video data and related-tasks. Although there are many video models proposed in the past decades, the rise of new applications calls for more efficient and accurate video modeling approaches.;Most existing video modeling approaches are based on explicit motion representations, where motion information is explicitly expressed by correspondence-based representations (i.e., motion velocity or displacement). Although it is conceptually simple, the limitations of those representations and the suboptimum of motion estimation techniques can degrade such video modeling approaches, especially for handling complex motion or non-ideal observation video data. In this thesis, we propose to investigate video modeling without explicit motion representation. Motion information is implicitly embedded into the spatio-temporal dependency among pixels or patches instead of being explicitly described by motion vectors.;Firstly, we propose a parametric model based on a spatio-temporal adaptive localized learning (STALL). We formulate video modeling as a linear regression problem, in which motion information is embedded within the regression coefficients. The coefficients are adaptively learned within a local space-time window based on LMMSE criterion. Incorporating a spatio-temporal resampling and a Bayesian fusion scheme, we can enhance the modeling capability of STALL on more general videos. Under the framework of STALL, we can develop video processing algorithms for a variety of applications by adjusting model parameters (i.e., the size and topology of model support and training window). We apply STALL on three video processing problems. The simulation results show that motion information can be efficiently exploited by our implicit motion representation and the resampling and fusion do help to enhance the modeling capability of STALL.;Secondly, we propose a nonparametric video modeling approach, which is not dependent on explicit motion estimation. Assuming the video sequence is composed of many overlapping space-time patches, we propose to embed motion-related information into the relationships among video patches and develop a generic sparsity-based prior for typical video sequences. First, we extend block matching to more general kNN-based patch clustering, which provides an implicit and distributed representation for motion information. We propose to enforce the sparsity constraint on a higher-dimensional data array signal, which is generated by packing the patches in the similar patch set. Then we solve the inference problem by updating the kNN array and the wanted signal iteratively. Finally, we present a Bayesian fusion approach to fuse multiple-hypothesis inferences. Simulation results in video error concealment, denoising, and deartifacting are reported to demonstrate its modeling capability.;Finally, we summarize the proposed two video modeling approaches. We also point out the perspectives of implicit motion representations in applications ranging from low to high level problems