7,780 research outputs found


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    A numerical procedure based on the Bubnov-Galerkin method is presented for the approximate solution of a nonlinear stationary magnetic field problem with inhomogeneous boundary conditions. Neumann-type boundary conditions are included in the operator equation describing the boundary value problem. Their incorporation is presented both with the aid of a special functional Hilbert space and by the use of generalized functions. The Dirichlet- type boundary conditions are reduced to ones of Neumann type

    Diagonalization of Non-selfadjoint Analytic Semigroups and Application to the Shape Memory Alloys Operator

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    AbstractTo a densely defined, but not necessarily selfadjoint, operator A on a Hilbert space H we consider on R+×H the following abstract “elliptic” problem of Dirichlet type:[formula] Then, in this paper, we establish that for every t>0, the solution [formula] can be expanded into a series of generalized eigenvectors of the operator A provided that its resolvent belongs to Carleman class Cp for some p∈]0,12[. A similar result holds for t large enough if the inverse A−1 belongs to Carleman class Cp for every p>12. (See Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.2.) Furthermore, we apply these obtained results to the shape memory alloys non-selfadjoint operator [formula] and Dn=∂n/∂xn when acting on an appropriate Hilbert space E of functions on the interval [0,1], by establishing that the inverse C−1 belongs to the Carleman class Cp for every p>12, so that we get in this case more regularity in the sense that the operatorial series ∑∞k=1etCPk converges strongly in E to the analytic semigroup etC for every t>0 (the Pk are the projectors into the root subspaces of C). A similar result holds for [formula] provided that t is large enough. (See Theorem 4.1 and Theorem 4.2 in Section 4 for the precise result.

    A remark on Schatten-von Neumann properties of resolvent differences of generalized Robin Laplacians on bounded domains

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    In this note we investigate the asymptotic behaviour of the ss-numbers of the resolvent difference of two generalized self-adjoint, maximal dissipative or maximal accumulative Robin Laplacians on a bounded domain Ω\Omega with smooth boundary Ω\partial\Omega. For this we apply the recently introduced abstract notion of quasi boundary triples and Weyl functions from extension theory of symmetric operators together with Krein type resolvent formulae and well-known eigenvalue asymptotics of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on Ω\partial\Omega. It will be shown that the resolvent difference of two generalized Robin Laplacians belongs to the Schatten-von Neumann class of any order pp for which p>(dimΩ1)/3p>(dim\Omega-1)/3. Moreover, we also give a simple sufficient condition for the resolvent difference of two generalized Robin Laplacians to belong to a Schatten-von Neumann class of arbitrary small order. Our results extend and complement classical theorems due to M.Sh.Birman on Schatten-von Neumann properties of the resolvent differences of Dirichlet, Neumann and self-adjoint Robin Laplacians