402 research outputs found

    Jätevedenpuhdistamojen prosessinohjauksen ja operoinnin kehittäminen data-analytiikan avulla: esimerkkejä teollisuudesta ja kansainvälisiltä puhdistamoilta

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    Instrumentation, control and automation are central for operation of municipal wastewater treatment plants. Treatment performance can be further improved and secured by processing and analyzing the collected process and equipment data. New challenges from resource efficiency, climate change and aging infrastructure increase the demand for understanding and controlling plant-wide interactions. This study aims to review what needs, barriers, incentives and opportunities Finnish wastewater treatment plants have for developing current process control and operation systems with data analytics. The study is conducted through interviews, thematic analysis and case studies of real-life applications in process industries and international utilities. Results indicate that for many utilities, additional measures for quality assurance of instruments, equipment and controllers are necessary before advanced control strategies can be applied. Readily available data could be used to improve the operational reliability of the process. 14 case studies of advanced data processing, analysis and visualization methods used in Finnish and international wastewater treatment plants as well as Finnish process industries are reviewed. Examples include process optimization and quality assurance solutions that have proven benefits in operational use. Applicability of these solutions for identified development needs is initially evaluated. Some of the examples are estimated to have direct potential for application in Finnish WWTPs. For other case studies, further piloting or research efforts to assess the feasibility and cost-benefits for WWTPs are suggested. As plant operation becomes more centralized and outsourced in the future, need for applying data analytics is expected to increase.Prosessinohjaus- ja automaatiojärjestelmillä on keskeinen rooli modernien jätevedenpuhdistamojen operoinnissa. Prosessi- ja laitetietoa paremmin hyödyntämällä prosessia voidaan ohjata entistä tehokkaammin ja luotettavammin. Kiertotalous, ilmastonmuutos ja infrastruktuurin ikääntyminen korostavat entisestään tarvetta ymmärtää ja ohjata myös eri osaprosessien välisiä vuorovaikutuksia. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan tarpeita, esteitä, kannustimia ja mahdollisuuksia kehittää jätevedenpuhdistamojen ohjausta ja operointia data-analytiikan avulla. Eri sidosryhmien näkemyksiä kartoitetaan haastatteluilla, joiden tuloksia käsitellään temaattisen analyysin kautta. Löydösten perusteella potentiaalisia ratkaisuja kartoitetaan suomalaisten ja kansainvälisten puhdistamojen sekä prosessiteollisuuden jo käyttämistä sovelluksista. Löydökset osoittavat, että monilla puhdistamoilla tarvitaan nykyistä merkittävästi kattavampia menetelmiä instrumentoinnin, laitteiston ja ohjauksen laadunvarmistukseen, ennen kuin edistyneempien prosessinohjausmenetelmien käyttöönotto on mahdollista. Operoinnin toimintavarmuutta ja luotettavuutta voitaisiin kehittää monin tavoin hyödyntämällä jo kerättyä prosessi- ja laitetietoa. Työssä esitellään yhteensä 14 esimerkkiä puhdistamoilla ja prosessiteollisuudessa käytössä olevista prosessinohjaus- ja laadunvarmistusmenetelmistä. Osalla ratkaisuista arvioidaan sellaisenaan olevan laajaa sovelluspotentiaalia suomalaisilla jätevedenpuhdistamoilla. Useiden ratkaisujen käyttöönottoa voitaisiin edistää pilotoinnilla tai jatkotutkimuksella potentiaalisten hyötyjen ja kustannusten arvioimiseksi. Jo kerättyä prosessi- ja laitetietoa hyödyntävien ratkaisujen kysynnän odotetaan tulevaisuudessa lisääntyvän, kun puhdistamojen operointi keskittyy ja paineet kustannus- ja energiatehokkuudelle kasvavat

    Automated Injection of Curated Knowledge Into Real-Time Clinical Systems: CDS Architecture for the 21st Century

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    abstract: Clinical Decision Support (CDS) is primarily associated with alerts, reminders, order entry, rule-based invocation, diagnostic aids, and on-demand information retrieval. While valuable, these foci have been in production use for decades, and do not provide a broader, interoperable means of plugging structured clinical knowledge into live electronic health record (EHR) ecosystems for purposes of orchestrating the user experiences of patients and clinicians. To date, the gap between knowledge representation and user-facing EHR integration has been considered an “implementation concern” requiring unscalable manual human efforts and governance coordination. Drafting a questionnaire engineered to meet the specifications of the HL7 CDS Knowledge Artifact specification, for example, carries no reasonable expectation that it may be imported and deployed into a live system without significant burdens. Dramatic reduction of the time and effort gap in the research and application cycle could be revolutionary. Doing so, however, requires both a floor-to-ceiling precoordination of functional boundaries in the knowledge management lifecycle, as well as formalization of the human processes by which this occurs. This research introduces ARTAKA: Architecture for Real-Time Application of Knowledge Artifacts, as a concrete floor-to-ceiling technological blueprint for both provider heath IT (HIT) and vendor organizations to incrementally introduce value into existing systems dynamically. This is made possible by service-ization of curated knowledge artifacts, then injected into a highly scalable backend infrastructure by automated orchestration through public marketplaces. Supplementary examples of client app integration are also provided. Compilation of knowledge into platform-specific form has been left flexible, in so far as implementations comply with ARTAKA’s Context Event Service (CES) communication and Health Services Platform (HSP) Marketplace service packaging standards. Towards the goal of interoperable human processes, ARTAKA’s treatment of knowledge artifacts as a specialized form of software allows knowledge engineers to operate as a type of software engineering practice. Thus, nearly a century of software development processes, tools, policies, and lessons offer immediate benefit: in some cases, with remarkable parity. Analyses of experimentation is provided with guidelines in how choice aspects of software development life cycles (SDLCs) apply to knowledge artifact development in an ARTAKA environment. Portions of this culminating document have been further initiated with Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) intended to ultimately produce normative standards, as have active relationships with other bodies.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Biomedical Informatics 201

    The organisational precursors to human automation interaction issues in safety-critical domains: the case of an automated alarm system from the air traffic management domain

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    Much has been written about the side effects of automation in complex safety-critical domains, such as air traffic management, aviation, nuclear power generation, and healthcare. Here, human factors and safety researchers have long acknowledged that the potential of automation to increase cost-effectiveness, quality of service and safety, is accompanied by undesired side effects or issues in human automation interaction (HAI). Such HAI issues may introduce the potential for increased confusion, uncertainty, and frustration amongst sharp end operators, i.e. the users of automation. These conditions may result in operators to refuse to use the automation, in impaired ability of operators to control the hazardous processes for which they are responsible, and in new, unintended paths to safety failure. The present thesis develops a qualitative framework of the organisational precursors to HAI issues (OPHAII) that can be found in safety-critical domains. Organisational precursors denote those organisational and managerial conditions that, although distant in time and space from the operational environment, may actually influence the quality of HAI found there. Such precursors have been extensively investigated by organisational safety (OS) scholars in relation to the occurrence of accidents and disasters—although not HAI issues. Thus, the framework’s development is motivated by the intent to explore the theoretical gap lying at the intersection between the OS area and the current perspectives on the problem—the human computer interaction (HCI) and the system lifecycle ones. While considering HAI issues as a design problem or a failure in human factors integration and/or safety assurance respectively, both perspectives, in fact, ignore, the organisational roots of the problem. The OPHAII framework was incrementally developed based on three qualitative studies: two successive, historical, case studies coupled with a third corroboratory expert study. The first two studies explored the organisational precursors to a known HAI issue: the nuisance alert problem relative to an automated alarm system from the air traffic management domain. In particular, the first case study investigated retrospectively the organisational response to the nuisance alert problem in the context of the alarm’s implementation and improvement in the US between 1977 and 2006. The second case study has a more contemporary focus, and examined at the organisational response to the same problem within two European Air Navigation Service Providers between 1990 and 2010. The first two studies produced a preliminary version of the framework. The third study corroborated and refined this version by subjecting it to the criticism from a panel of 11 subject matter experts. The resulting framework identifies three classes of organisational precursors: (i) the organisational assumptions driving automation adoption and improvement; (2) the availability of specific organisational capabilities for handling HAI issues; and (3) the control of implementation quality at the boundary between the service provider and the software manufacturer. These precursors advance current understanding of the organisational factors involved in the (successful and problematic) handling of HAI issues within safety-critical service provider organisations. Its dimensions support the view that HAI issues can be seen as and organisational phenomenon—an organisational problem that can be the target of analysis and improvements complementary to those identified by the HCI and the system lifecycle perspectives

    Rich and Robust Bio-Inspired Locomotion Control for Humanoid Robots

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    Bipedal locomotion is a challenging task in the sense that it requires to maintain dynamic balance while steering the gait in potentially complex environments. Yet, humans usually manage to move without any apparent difficulty, even on rough terrains. This requires a complex control scheme which is far from being understood. In this thesis, we take inspiration from the impressive human walking capabilities to design neuromuscular controllers for humanoid robots. More precisely, we control the robot motors to reproduce the action of virtual muscles commanded by stimulations (i.e. neural signals), similarly to what is done during human locomotion. Because the human neural circuitry commanding these muscles is not completely known, we make hypotheses about this control scheme to simplify it and progressively refine the corresponding rules. This thesis thus aims at developing new walking algorithms for humanoid robots in order to obtain fast, human-like and energetically efficient gaits. In particular, gait robustness and richness are two key aspects of this work. In other words, the gaits developed in the thesis can be steered by an external operator, while being resistant to external perturbations. This is mainly tested during blind walking experiments on COMAN, a 95 cm tall humanoid robot. Yet, the proposed controllers can be adapted to other humanoid robots. In the beginning of this thesis, we adapt and port an existing reflex-based neuromuscular model to the real COMAN platform. When tested in a 2D simulation environment, this model was capable of reproducing stable human-like locomotion. By porting it to real hardware, we show that these neuromuscular controllers are viable solutions to develop new controllers for robotics locomotion. Starting from this reflex-based model, we progressively iterate and transform the stimulation rules to add new features. In particular, gait modulation is obtained with the inclusion of a central pattern generator (CPG), a neural circuit capable of producing rhythmic patterns of neural activity without receiving rhythmic inputs. Using this CPG, the 2D walker controllers are incremented to generate gaits across a range of forward speeds close to the normal human one. By using a similar control method, we also obtain 2D running gaits whose speed can be controlled by a human operator. The walking controllers are later extended to 3D scenarios (i.e. no motion constraint) with the capability to adapt both the forward speed and the heading direction (including steering curvature). In parallel, we also develop a method to automatically learn stimulation networks for a given task and we study how flexible feet affect the gait in terms of robustness and energy efficiency. In sum, we develop neuromuscular controllers generating human-like gaits with steering capabilities. These controllers recruit three main components: (i) virtual muscles generating torque references at the joint level, (ii) neural signals commanding these muscles with reflexes and CPG signals, and (iii) higher level commands controlling speed and heading. Interestingly, these developments target humanoid robots locomotion but can also be used to better understand human locomotion. In particular, the recruitment of a CPG during human locomotion is still a matter open to debate. This question can thus benefit from the experiments performed in this thesis

    Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the SMC2010 - 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 21st - July 24th 2010

    Real-Time Hybrid Visual Servoing of a Redundant Manipulator via Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Fixtureless assembly may be necessary in some manufacturing tasks and environ-ments due to various constraints but poses challenges for automation due to non-deterministic characteristics not favoured by traditional approaches to industrial au-tomation. Visual servoing methods of robotic control could be effective for sensitive manipulation tasks where the desired end-effector pose can be ascertained via visual cues. Visual data is complex and computationally expensive to process but deep reinforcement learning has shown promise for robotic control in vision-based manipu-lation tasks. However, these methods are rarely used in industry due to the resources and expertise required to develop application-specific systems and prohibitive train-ing costs. Training reinforcement learning models in simulated environments offers a number of benefits for the development of robust robotic control algorithms by reducing training time and costs, and providing repeatable benchmarks for which algorithms can be tested, developed and eventually deployed on real robotic control environments. In this work, we present a new simulated reinforcement learning envi-ronment for developing accurate robotic manipulation control systems in fixtureless environments. Our environment incorporates a contemporary collaborative industrial robot, the KUKA LBR iiwa, with the goal of positioning its end effector in a generic fixtureless environment based on a visual cue. Observational inputs are comprised of the robotic joint positions and velocities, as well as two cameras, whose positioning reflect hybrid visual servoing with one camera attached to the robotic end-effector, and another observing the workspace respectively. We propose a state-of-the-art deep reinforcement learning approach to solving the task environment and make prelimi-nary assessments of the efficacy of this approach to hybrid visual servoing methods for the defined problem environment. We also conduct a series of experiments ex-ploring the hyperparameter space in the proposed reinforcement learning method. Although we could not prove the efficacy of a deep reinforcement approach to solving the task environment with our initial results, we remain confident that such an ap-proach could be feasible to solving this industrial manufacturing challenge and that our contributions in this work in terms of the novel software provide a good basis for the exploration of reinforcement learning approaches to hybrid visual servoing in accurate manufacturing contexts

    The Component Packaging Problem: A Vehicle for the Development of Multidisciplinary Design and Analysis Methodologies

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    This report summarizes academic research which has resulted in an increased appreciation for multidisciplinary efforts among our students, colleagues and administrators. It has also generated a number of research ideas that emerged from the interaction between disciplines. Overall, 17 undergraduate students and 16 graduate students benefited directly from the NASA grant: an additional 11 graduate students were impacted and participated without financial support from NASA. The work resulted in 16 theses (with 7 to be completed in the near future), 67 papers or reports mostly published in 8 journals and/or presented at various conferences (a total of 83 papers, presentations and reports published based on NASA inspired or supported work). In addition, the faculty and students presented related work at many meetings, and continuing work has been proposed to NSF, the Army, Industry and other state and federal institutions to continue efforts in the direction of multidisciplinary and recently multi-objective design and analysis. The specific problem addressed is component packing which was solved as a multi-objective problem using iterative genetic algorithms and decomposition. Further testing and refinement of the methodology developed is presently under investigation. Teaming issues research and classes resulted in the publication of a web site, (http://design.eng.clemson.edu/psych4991) which provides pointers and techniques to interested parties. Specific advantages of using iterative genetic algorithms, hurdles faced and resolved, and institutional difficulties associated with multi-discipline teaming are described in some detail

    Smart Water Utilities

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    Today there is increasing pressure on the water infrastructure and although unsustainable water extraction and wastewater handling can continue for a while, at some point water needs to be managed in a way that is sustainable in the long-term. We need to handle water utilities “smarter”. New and effective tools and technologies are becoming available at an affordable cost and these technologies are steadily changing water infrastructure options. The quality and robustness of sensors are increasing rapidly and their reliability makes the automatic handling of critical processes viable. Online and real-time control means safer and more effective operation. The combination of better sensors and new water treatment technologies is a strong enabler for decentralised and diversified water treatment. Plants can be run with a minimum of personnel attendance. In the future, thousands of sensors in the water utility cycle will handle all the complexity in an effective way. Smart Water Utilities: Complexity Made Simple provides a framework for Smart Water Utilities based on an M-A-D (Measurement-Analysis-Decision). This enables the organisation and implementation of “Smart” in a water utility by providing an overview of supporting technologies and methods. The book presents an introduction to methods and tools, providing a perspective of what can and could be achieved. It provides a toolbox for all water challenges and is essential reading for the Water Utility Manager, Engineer and Director and for Consultants, Designers and Researchers